Package Categories


3D 3D Editors Action Amusements Applications Arcade Archiving Astronomy Background Backup Base Benchmark Bitmap Editors Board Boot Breakout Browsers Building C and C++ C and C++ C++ C++ CAD Camera Card CD Chemistry Chess Chinese Clients Clocks Clustering Compression Computing Console Convertors cowsql Cross Daemons Databases Debug Debuggers Development Develpoment Diagnostic Dictionary Displaymanagers DNS Doc Generators DocBook Documentation Editor Editors Editors and Converters Editors and Convertors Electronics Emacs Email Emulators Engineering Fax Fhs File Utilities File-Sharing Filesystems Finance Fonts Fortran Frontends Ftp Games GNOME Go Golang Grabbers Graph Graphics GUI GUI Builders H323 HA Hamradio Hardware Haskell HTML https: I18n Icons IDE Instant Messenger Internet IRC ISDN Japanese Java Joystick KDE Kernel Korean Language Languages LDAP Libaries Libraries Localization Logic LogicGame Lua LXDE LXQt Mailinglists Man Management Math Mathematics Metapackages Midi Misc Mixers Mobile Modem Monitoring Mono Multimedia Navigators Networking News NFS NodeJS OCaml Office Organizers Other Packages Packet Palm Parallel PC PDF Perl PHP Physics Players PPP Presentation Printing Productivity Proxy PS Publishing Puzzle Python Race Radius Raytracers Real Time Record Remote Desktop Routing RPG Ruby Rust Samba Scanner Scheme Scientific Screensavers Security Servers SGML Shells Shoot Simulation SIP SLES Sound Sound Daemons Sources Spell Spreadsheets SSH Strategy StrategyGame Suite SUSE system System Environment Systems Talk Tcl Teaching Telephony Terminals TeX Texinfo Text Tools Toys Troff Turn Based TV Unspecified Utilities Vector Editors Version Control Video Viewers Visualization Web Wifi Word Word Processor X11 XF86_4 XFCE XML YaST

Sound package list

193 total Sound packages in stock new updates since 2024-12-25

a52dec ahx2play alsa-tools audacity audio-recorder babe beets bpm-tools broadvoice16 broadvoice32 bs1770gain buzztrax Cadence cantata carla cava cd-discid cecilia clementine cmus cozy csound cutmp3 deadbeef deadbeef-plugin-mpris2 deepin-music-player drc easytag ezstream flac flac2all flacon fluid-soundfont fluidsynth fluidsynth-dssi fmit frescobaldi ft2-clone ft2play girl glava gmusicbrowser gnome-internet-radio-locator gnome-music gnome-sound-recorder goodvibes gradio gramofile gsequencer gst123 gtick gtkpod guitarix hexter hivelytracker hydrogen id3v2 it2play jack-rack jack_capture jackEQ jacktrip jamin jconvolver kid3 kradio kscd ladish ladspa ladspa-alienwah ladspa-AMB ladspa-blepvco ladspa-blop ladspa-cmt ladspa-FIL ladspa-matched ladspa-MCP ladspa-preamp ladspa-pvoc ladspa-REV ladspa-sooperlooper ladspa-super-60 ladspa-swh-plugins ladspa-vcf ladspa-VCO ladspa-vlevel ladspa-vocoder lame lash ldacBT libgig libgsm libjackasyn libshout lmms lollypop lollypop-portal lrcShow-X lsp-plugins lv2-airwindows lxmusic madplay meterbridge moc mp3_check mp3gain mpDris2 mumble museic musescore musique ncmpcpp ncspot netease-cloud-music-gtk noise non noson-app nulloy opus-tools osdlyrics paman pamix pamixer paprefs parlatype pavucontrol pavumeter pianobar picard pmidi portmidi postfish pragha projectM projectM-qt5 psgplay pt2-clone puddletag python-etude python-pulsemixer qjackctl qloud qmmp qpwgraph qsynth qtractor quimup r128gain radiotray rhythmbox rosegarden rtmidi schismtracker scream seq24 shairport-sync shntool sidplayfp silan snd snd_sf2 sndio solfege sonic-visualiser spek spotify-easyrpm spotify-qt strawberry supercollider supercollider-sc3-plugins tcd timidity tomahawk tuner tuxguitar vamp-plugin-sdk vbrfix vkeybd vorbisgain wildmidi wxmp3gain xfce4-mixer xfce4-panel-plugin-pulseaudio xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin xfce4-volumed xfce4-volumed-pulse xfmpc xjadeo xmms2 xmp xnoise xsynth-dssi zynaddsubfx