Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4 Subpackages





Change Logs

* Wed Feb 09 2022
- Update to version 8.3.5 (jsc#SLE-23439, jsc#SLE-23422,
  + Security:
  * Fixes XSS vulnerability in handling data sources
    (bsc#1195726, CVE-2022-21702)
  * Fixes cross-origin request forgery vulnerability
    (bsc#1195727, CVE-2022-21703)
  * Fixes Insecure Direct Object Reference vulnerability in Teams
    API (bsc#1195728, CVE-2022-21713)
* Thu Jan 20 2022
- Update to Go 1.17.
- Add build-time dependency on `wire`.
- Update license to GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.
- Update to version 8.3.4
  + Security:
  * GetUserInfo: return an error if no user was found
    (bsc#1194873, CVE-2022-21673)
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Alerting: Allow configuration of non-ready alertmanagers.
  * Alerting: Allow customization of Google chat message.
  * AppPlugins: Support app plugins with only default nav.
  * InfluxDB: query editor: skip fields in metadata queries.
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Cancel in-flight SQL query if user
    cancels query in grafana.
  * Prometheus: Forward oauth tokens after prometheus datasource
  + Bug fixes:
  * Azure Monitor: Bug fix for variable interpolations in metrics
  * Azure Monitor: Improved error messages for variable queries.
  * CloudMonitoring: Fixes broken variable queries that use group
  * Configuration: You can now see your expired API keys if you
    have no active ones.
  * Elasticsearch: Fix handling multiple datalinks for a single
  * Export: Fix error being thrown when exporting dashboards
    using query variables that reference the default datasource.
  * ImportDashboard: Fixes issue with importing dashboard and
    name ending up in uid.
  * Login: Page no longer overflows on mobile.
  * Plugins: Set backend metadata property for core plugins.
  * Prometheus: Fill missing steps with null values.
  * Prometheus: Fix interpolation of $__rate_interval variable.
  * Prometheus: Interpolate variables with curly brackets syntax.
  * Prometheus: Respect the http-method data source setting.
  * Table: Fixes issue with field config applied to wrong fields
    when hiding columns.
  * Toolkit: Fix bug with rootUrls not being properly parsed when
    signing a private plugin.
  * Variables: Fix so data source variables are added to adhoc
  + Plugin development fixes & changes:
  * Toolkit: Revert build config so tslib is bundled with plugins
    to prevent plugins from crashing.
- Update to version 8.3.3:
  + Features and enhancements:
  * BarChart: Use new data error view component to show actions
    in panel edit.
  * CloudMonitor: Iterate over pageToken for resources.
  * Macaron: Prevent WriteHeader invalid HTTP status code panic.
  + Bug fixes:
  * AnnoListPanel: Fix interpolation of variables in tags.
  * CloudWatch: Allow queries to have no dimensions specified.
  * CloudWatch: Fix broken queries for users migrating from
    8.2.4/8.2.5 to 8.3.0.
  * CloudWatch: Make sure MatchExact flag gets the right value.
  * Dashboards: Fix so that empty folders can be deleted from the
    manage dashboards/folders page.
  * InfluxDB: Improve handling of metadata query errors in
  * Loki: Fix adding of ad hoc filters for queries with parser
    and line_format expressions.
  * Prometheus: Fix running of exemplar queries for non-histogram
  * Prometheus: Interpolate template variables in interval.
  * StateTimeline: Fix toolitp not showing when for frames with
    multiple fields.
  * TraceView: Fix virtualized scrolling when trace view is
    opened in right pane in Explore.
  * Variables: Fix repeating panels for on time range changed
  * Variables: Fix so queryparam option works for scoped
- Update to version 8.3.2
  + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43813 and CVE-2021-43815,
- Update to version 8.3.1
  + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798, bsc#1193492.
- Update to version 8.3.0
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Alerting: Prevent folders from being deleted when they
    contain alerts.
  * Alerting: Show full preview value in tooltip.
  * BarGauge: Limit title width when name is really long.
  * CloudMonitoring: Avoid to escape regexps in filters.
  * CloudWatch: Add support for AWS Metric Insights.
  * TooltipPlugin: Remove other panels' shared tooltip in edit
  * Visualizations: Limit y label width to 40% of visualization
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting: Clear alerting rule evaluation errors after
    intermittent failures.
  * Alerting: Fix refresh on legacy Alert List panel.
  * Dashboard: Fix queries for panels with non-integer widths.
  * Explore: Fix url update inconsistency.
  * Prometheus: Fix range variables interpolation for time ranges
    smaller than 1 second.
  * ValueMappings: Fixes issue with regex value mapping that only
    sets color.
- Update to version 8.3.0-beta2
  + Breaking changes:
  * Grafana 8 Alerting enabled by default for installations that
    do not use legacy alerting.
  * Keep Last State for "If execution error or timeout" when
    upgrading to Grafana 8 alerting.
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Alerting: Create DatasourceError alert if evaluation returns
  * Alerting: Make Unified Alerting enabled by default for those
    who do not use legacy alerting.
  * Alerting: Support mute timings configuration through the api
    for the embedded alert manager.
  * CloudWatch: Add missing AWS/Events metrics.
  * Docs: Add easier to find deprecation notices to certain data
    sources and to the changelog.
  * Plugins Catalog: Enable install controls based on the
    pluginAdminEnabled flag.
  * Table: Add space between values for the DefaultCell and
  * Tracing: Make query editors available in dashboard for Tempo
    and Zipkin.
  + Bug fixes:
  * AccessControl: Renamed orgs roles, removed fixed:orgs:reader
    introduced in beta1.
  * Azure Monitor: Add trap focus for modals in grafana/ui and
    other small a11y fixes for Azure Monitor.
  * CodeEditor: Prevent suggestions from being clipped.
  * Dashboard: Fix cache timeout persistence.
  * Datasource: Fix stable sort order of query responses.
  * Explore: Fix error in query history when removing last item.
  * Logs: Fix requesting of older logs when flipped order.
  * Prometheus: Fix running of health check query based on access
  * TextPanel: Fix suggestions for existing panels.
  * Tracing: Fix incorrect indentations due to reoccurring
  * Tracing: Show start time of trace with milliseconds
  * Variables: Make renamed or missing variable section
  + Plugin development fixes & changes:
  * Select: Select menus now properly scroll during keyboard
- Update to version 8.3.0-beta1
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Alerting: Add UI for contact point testing with custom
    annotations and labels.
  * Alerting: Make alert state indicator in panel header work
    with Grafana 8 alerts.
  * Alerting: Option for Discord notifier to use webhook name.
  * Annotations: Deprecate AnnotationsSrv.
  * Auth: Omit all base64 paddings in JWT tokens for the JWT
  * Azure Monitor: Clean up fields when editing Metrics.
  * AzureMonitor: Add new starter dashboards.
  * AzureMonitor: Add starter dashboard for app monitoring with
    Application Insights.
  * Barchart/Time series: Allow x axis label.
  * CLI: Improve error handling for installing plugins.
  * CloudMonitoring: Migrate to use backend plugin SDK contracts.
  * CloudWatch Logs: Add retry strategy for hitting max
    concurrent queries.
  * CloudWatch: Add AWS RoboMaker metrics and dimension.
  * CloudWatch: Add AWS Transfer metrics and dimension.
  * Dashboard: replace datasource name with a reference object.
  * Dashboards: Show logs on time series when hovering.
  * Elasticsearch: Add support for Elasticsearch 8.0 (Beta).
  * Elasticsearch: Add time zone setting to Date Histogram
  * Elasticsearch: Enable full range log volume histogram.
  * Elasticsearch: Full range logs volume.
  * Explore: Allow changing the graph type.
  * Explore: Show ANSI colors when highlighting matched words in
    the logs panel.
  * Graph(old) panel: Listen to events from Time series panel.
  * Import: Load gcom dashboards from URL.
  * LibraryPanels: Improves export and import of library panels
    between orgs.
  * OAuth: Support PKCE.
  * Panel edit: Overrides now highlight correctly when searching.
  * PanelEdit: Display drag indicators on draggable sections.
  * Plugins: Refactor Plugin Management.
  * Prometheus: Add custom query parameters when creating
    PromLink url.
  * Prometheus: Remove limits on metrics, labels, and values in
    Metrics Browser.
  * StateTimeline: Share cursor with rest of the panels.
  * Tempo: Add error details when json upload fails.
  * Tempo: Add filtering for service graph query.
  * Tempo: Add links to nodes in Service Graph pointing to
    Prometheus metrics.
  * Time series/Bar chart panel: Add ability to sort series via
  * TimeSeries: Allow multiple axes for the same unit.
  * TraceView: Allow span links defined on dataFrame.
  * Transformations: Support a rows mode in labels to fields.
  * ValueMappings: Don't apply field config defaults to time
  * Variables: Only update panels that are impacted by variable
  + Bug fixes:
  * API: Fix dashboard quota limit for imports.
  * Alerting: Fix rule editor issues with Azure Monitor data
  * Azure monitor: Make sure alert rule editor is not enabled
    when template variables are being used.
  * CloudMonitoring: Fix annotation queries.
  * CodeEditor: Trigger the latest getSuggestions() passed to
  * Dashboard: Remove the current panel from the list of options
    in the Dashboard datasource.
  * Encryption: Fix decrypting secrets in alerting migration.
  * InfluxDB: Fix corner case where index is too large in ALIAS
  * NavBar: Order App plugins alphabetically.
  * NodeGraph: Fix zooming sensitivity on touchpads.
  * Plugins: Add OAuth pass-through logic to api/ds/query
  * Snapshots: Fix panel inspector for snapshot data.
  * Tempo: Fix basic auth password reset on adding tag.
  * ValueMapping: Fixes issue with regex mappings.
  + Plugin development fixes & changes:
  * grafana/ui: Enable slider marks display.
- Update to version 8.2.7
  + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798.
- Update to version 8.2.6
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Security: Upgrade Docker base image to Alpine 3.14.3.
  * Security: Upgrade Go to 1.17.2.
  + Bug fixes:
  * TimeSeries: Fix fillBelowTo wrongly affecting fills of
    unrelated series.
- Update to version 8.2.5
  + Breaking changes:
  * Fix No Data behaviour in Legacy Alerting.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting: Fix a bug where the metric in the evaluation string
    was not correctly populated.
  * Alerting: Fix no data behaviour in Legacy Alerting for alert
    rules using the AND operator.
  * CloudMonitoring: Ignore min and max aggregation in MQL
  * Dashboards: 'Copy' is no longer added to new dashboard
  * DataProxy: Fix overriding response body when response is a
    WebSocket upgrade.
  * Elasticsearch: Use field configured in query editor as field
    for date_histogram aggregations.
  * Explore: Fix running queries without a datasource property
  * InfluxDB: Fix numeric aliases in queries.
  * Plugins: Ensure consistent plugin settings list response.
  * Tempo: Fix validation of float durations.
  * Tracing: Correct tags for each span are shown.
- Update to version 8.2.4
  + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-41244, bsc#1192763.
- Update to version 8.2.3
  + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-41174, bsc#1192383.
- Update to version 8.2.2
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Annotations: We have improved tag search performance.
  * Application: You can now configure an error-template title.
  * AzureMonitor: We removed a restriction from the resource
    filter query.
  * Packaging: We removed the ProcSubset option in systemd. This
    option prevented Grafana from starting in LXC environments.
  * Prometheus: We removed the autocomplete limit for metrics.
  * Table: We improved the styling of the type icons to make them
    more distinct from column / field name.
  * ValueMappings: You can now use value mapping in stat, gauge,
    bar gauge, and pie chart visualizations.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting: Fix panic when Slack's API sends unexpected
  * Alerting: The Create Alert button now appears on the
    dashboard panel when you are working with a default
  * Explore: We fixed the problem where the Explore log panel
    disappears when an Elasticsearch logs query returns no
  * Graph: You can now see annotation descriptions on hover.
  * Logs: The system now uses the JSON parser only if the line is
    parsed to an object.
  * Prometheus: We fixed the issue where the system did not reuse
    TCP connections when querying from Grafana alerting.
  * Prometheus: We fixed the problem that resulted in an error
    when a user created a query with a $__interval min step.
  * RowsToFields: We fixed the issue where the system was not
    properly interpreting number values.
  * Scale: We fixed how the system handles NaN percent when data
    min = data max.
  * Table panel: You can now create a filter that includes
    special characters.
- Update to version 8.2.1
  + Bug fixes:
  * Dashboard: Fix rendering of repeating panels.
  * Datasources: Fix deletion of data source if plugin is not
  * Packaging: Remove systemcallfilters sections from systemd
    unit files.
  * Prometheus: Add Headers to HTTP client options.
- Update to version 8.2.0
  + Features and enhancements:
  * AWS: Updated AWS authentication documentation.
  * Alerting: Added support Alertmanager data source for upstream
    Prometheus AM implementation.
  * Alerting: Allows more characters in label names so
    notifications are sent.
  * Alerting: Get alert rules for a dashboard or a panel using
    /api/v1/rules endpoints.
  * Annotations: Improved rendering performance of event markers.
  * CloudWatch Logs: Skip caching for log queries.
  * Explore: Added an opt-in configuration for Node Graph in
    Jaeger, Zipkin, and Tempo.
  * Packaging: Add stricter systemd unit options.
  * Prometheus: Metrics browser can now handle label values with
    special characters.
  + Bug fixes:
  * CodeEditor: Ensure that we trigger the latest onSave callback
    provided to the component.
  * DashboardList/AlertList: Fix for missing All folder value.
  + Plugin development fixes & changes:
  * Plugins: Create a mock icon component to prevent console
- Update to version 8.2.0-beta2
  + Features and enhancements:
  * AccessControl: Document new permissions restricting data
    source access.
  * TimePicker: Add fiscal years and search to time picker.
  * Alerting: Added support for Unified Alerting with Grafana HA.
  * Alerting: Added support for tune rule evaluation using
    configuration options.
  * Alerting: Cleanups alertmanager namespace from key-value
    store when disabling Grafana 8 alerts.
  * Alerting: Remove ngalert feature toggle and introduce two new
    settings for enabling Grafana 8 alerts and disabling them for
    specific organisations.
  * CloudWatch: Introduced new math expression where it is
    necessary to specify the period field.
  * InfluxDB: Added support for $__interval and $__interval_ms in
    Flux queries for alerting.
  * InfluxDB: Flux queries can use more precise start and end
    timestamps with nanosecond-precision.
  * Plugins Catalog: Make the catalog the default way to interact
    with plugins.
  * Prometheus: Removed autocomplete limit for metrics.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting: Fixed an issue where the edit page crashes if you
    tried to preview an alert without a condition set.
  * Alerting: Fixed rules migration to keep existing Grafana 8
    alert rules.
  * Alerting: Fixed the silence file content generated during
  * Analytics: Fixed an issue related to interaction event
    propagation in Azure Application Insights.
  * BarGauge: Fixed an issue where the cell color was lit even
    though there was no data.
  * BarGauge: Improved handling of streaming data.
  * CloudMonitoring: Fixed INT64 label unmarshal error.
  * ConfirmModal: Fixes confirm button focus on modal open.
  * Dashboard: Add option to generate short URL for variables
    with values containing spaces.
  * Explore: No longer hides errors containing refId property.
  * Fixed an issue that produced State timeline panel tooltip
    error when data was not in sync.
  * InfluxDB: InfluxQL query editor is set to always use
  * Loki: Fixed creating context query for logs with parsed
  * PageToolbar: Fixed alignment of titles.
  * Plugins Catalog: Update to the list of available panels after
    an install, update or uninstall.
  * TimeSeries: Fixed an issue where the shared cursor was not
    showing when hovering over in old Graph panel.
  * Variables: Fixed issues related to change of focus or refresh
    pages when pressing enter in a text box variable input.
  * Variables: Panel no longer crash when using the adhoc
    variable in data links.
- Update to version 8.2.0-beta1
  + Features and enhancements:
  * AccessControl: Introduce new permissions to restrict access
    for reloading provisioning configuration.
  * Alerting: Add UI to edit Cortex/Loki namespace, group names,
    and group evaluation interval.
  * Alerting: Add a Test button to test contact point.
  * Alerting: Allow creating/editing recording rules for Loki and
  * Alerting: Metrics should have the label org instead of user.
  * Alerting: Sort notification channels by name to make them
    easier to locate.
  * Alerting: Support org level isolation of notification
  * AzureMonitor: Add data links to deep link to Azure Portal
    Azure Resource Graph.
  * AzureMonitor: Add support for annotations from Azure Monitor
    Metrics and Azure Resource Graph services.
  * AzureMonitor: Show error message when subscriptions request
    fails in ConfigEditor.
  * Chore: Update to Golang 1.16.7.
  * CloudWatch Logs: Add link to X-Ray data source for trace IDs
    in logs.
  * CloudWatch Logs: Disable query path using websockets (Live)
  * CloudWatch/Logs: Don't group dataframes for non time series
  * Cloudwatch: Migrate queries that use multiple stats to one
    query per stat.
  * Dashboard: Keep live timeseries moving left (v2).
  * Datasources: Introduce response_limit for datasource
  * Explore: Add filter by trace or span ID to trace to logs
  * Explore: Download traces as JSON in Explore Inspector.
  * Explore: Reuse Dashboard's QueryRows component.
  * Explore: Support custom display label for derived fields
    buttons for Loki datasource.
  * Grafana UI: Update monaco-related dependencies.
  * Graphite: Deprecate browser access mode.
  * InfluxDB: Improve handling of intervals in alerting.
  * InfluxDB: InfluxQL query editor: Handle unusual characters in
    tag values better.
  * Jaeger: Add ability to upload JSON file for trace data.
  * LibraryElements: Enable specifying UID for new and existing
    library elements.
  * LibraryPanels: Remove library panel icon from the panel
    header so you can no longer tell that a panel is a library
    panel from the dashboard view.
  * Logs panel: Scroll to the bottom on page refresh when sorting
    in ascending order.
  * Loki: Add fuzzy search to label browser.
  * Navigation: Implement active state for items in the Sidemenu.
  * Packaging: Add stricter systemd unit options.
  * Packaging: Update PID file location from /var/run to /run.
  * Plugins: Add Hide OAuth Forward config option.
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Add setting to limit the maximum number
    of rows processed.
  * Prometheus: Add browser access mode deprecation warning.
  * Prometheus: Add interpolation for built-in-time variables to
  * Tempo: Add ability to upload trace data in JSON format.
  * TimeSeries/XYChart: Allow grid lines visibility control in
    XYChart and TimeSeries panels.
  * Transformations: Convert field types to time string number or
  * Value mappings: Add regular-expression based value mapping.
  * Zipkin: Add ability to upload trace JSON.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Admin: Prevent user from deleting user's current/active
  * LibraryPanels: Fix library panel getting saved in the
    dashboard's folder.
  * OAuth: Make generic teams URL and JMES path configurable.
  * QueryEditor: Fix broken copy-paste for mouse middle-click
  * Thresholds: Fix undefined color in "Add threshold".
  * Timeseries: Add wide-to-long, and fix multi-frame output.
  * TooltipPlugin: Fix behavior of Shared Crosshair when Tooltip
    is set to All.
  + Plugin development fixes & changes:
  * Grafana UI: Fix TS error property css is missing in type.
- Update to version 8.1.8
  + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798.
- Update to version 8.1.7
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting: Fix alerts with evaluation interval more than 30
    seconds resolving before notification.
  * Elasticsearch/Prometheus: Fix usage of proper SigV4 service
- Update to version 8.1.6
  + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-39226.
- Update to version 8.1.5
  + Bug fixes:
  * BarChart: Fixes panel error that happens on second refresh.
- Update to version 8.1.4
  + Features and enhancements
  * Explore: Ensure logs volume bar colors match legend colors.
  * LDAP: Search all DNs for users.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting: Fix notification channel migration.
  * Annotations: Fix blank panels for queries with unknown data
  * BarChart: Fix stale values and x axis labels.
  * Graph: Make old graph panel thresholds work even if ngalert
    is enabled.
  * InfluxDB: Fix regex to identify / as separator.
  * LibraryPanels: Fix update issues related to library panels in
  * Variables: Fix variables not updating inside a Panel when the
    preceding Row uses "Repeat For".
- Update to version 8.1.3
  + Bug fixes
  * Alerting: Fix alert flapping in the internal alertmanager.
  * Alerting: Fix request handler failed to convert dataframe
    "results" to plugins.DataTimeSeriesSlice: input frame is not
    recognized as a time series.
  * Dashboard: Fix UIDs are not preserved when importing/creating
    dashboards thru importing .json file.
  * Dashboard: Forces panel re-render when exiting panel edit.
  * Dashboard: Prevent folder from changing when navigating to
    general settings.
  * Docker: Force use of libcrypto1.1 and libssl1.1 versions to
    fix CVE-2021-3711, bsc#1189520.
  * Elasticsearch: Fix metric names for alert queries.
  * Elasticsearch: Limit Histogram field parameter to numeric
  * Elasticsearch: Prevent pipeline aggregations to show up in
    terms order by options.
  * LibraryPanels: Prevent duplicate repeated panels from being
  * Loki: Fix ad-hoc filter in dashboard when used with parser.
  * Plugins: Track signed files + add warn log for plugin assets
    which are not signed.
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix region annotations not displayed
  * Prometheus: Fix validate selector in metrics browser.
  * Security: Fix stylesheet injection vulnerability.
  * Security: Fix short URL vulnerability.
- Update to version 8.1.2
  + Features and enhancements:
  * AzureMonitor: Add support for PostgreSQL and MySQL Flexible
  * Datasource: Change HTTP status code for failed datasource
    health check to 400.
  * Explore: Add span duration to left panel in trace viewer.
  * Plugins: Use file extension allowlist when serving plugin
    assets instead of checking for UNIX executable.
  * Profiling: Add support for binding pprof server to custom
    network interfaces.
  * Search: Make search icon keyboard navigable.
  * Template variables: Keyboard navigation improvements.
  * Tooltip: Display ms within minute time range.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting: Fix saving LINE contact point.
  * Annotations: Fix alerting annotation coloring.
  * Annotations: Alert annotations are now visible in the correct
  * Auth: Hide SigV4 config UI and disable middleware when its
    config flag is disabled.
  * Dashboard: Prevent incorrect panel layout by comparing window
    width against theme breakpoints.
  * Elasticsearch: Fix metric names for alert queries.
  * Explore: Fix showing of full log context.
  * PanelEdit: Fix 'Actual' size by passing the correct panel
    size to Dashboard.
  * Plugins: Fix TLS datasource settings.
  * Variables: Fix issue with empty drop downs on navigation.
  * Variables: Fix URL util converting false into true.
  + Plugin development fixes & changes:
  * Toolkit: Fix matchMedia not found error.
- Update to version 8.1.1
  + Bug fixes:
  * CloudWatch Logs: Fix crash when no region is selected.
- Update to version 8.1.0
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Alerting: Deduplicate receivers during migration.
  * ColorPicker: Display colors as RGBA.
  * Select: Make portalling the menu opt-in, but opt-in
  * TimeRangePicker: Improve accessibility.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Annotations: Correct annotations that are displayed upon page
  * Annotations: Fix Enabled button that disappeared from Grafana
  * Annotations: Fix data source template variable that was not
    available for annotations.
  * AzureMonitor: Fix annotations query editor that does not
  * Geomap: Fix scale calculations.
  * GraphNG: Fix y-axis autosizing.
  * Live: Display stream rate and fix duplicate channels in list
  * Loki: Update labels in log browser when time range changes in
  * NGAlert: Send resolve signal to alertmanager on alerting ->
  * PasswordField: Prevent a password from being displayed when
    you click the Enter button.
  * Renderer: Remove debug.log file when Grafana is stopped.
  * Security: Update dependencies to fix CVE-2021-36222,
- Update to version 8.1.0-beta3
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Alerting: Support label matcher syntax in alert rule list
  * IconButton: Put tooltip text as aria-label.
  * Live: Experimental HA with Redis.
  * UI: FileDropzone component.
  * CloudWatch: Add AWS LookoutMetrics.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Docker: Fix builds by delaying go mod verify until all
    required files are copied over.
  * Exemplars: Fix disable exemplars only on the query that
  * SQL: Fix SQL dataframe resampling (fill mode + time
- Update to version 8.1.0-beta2
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Alerting: Expand the value string in alert annotations and
  * Auth: Add Azure HTTP authentication middleware.
  * Auth: Auth: Pass user role when using the authentication
  * Gazetteer: Update countries.json file to allow for linking to
    3-letter country codes.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Config: Fix Docker builds by correcting formatting in
  * Explore: Fix encoding of internal URLs.
- Update to version 8.1.0-beta1
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Alerting: Add Alertmanager notifications tab.
  * Alerting: Add button to deactivate current Alertmanager
  * Alerting: Add toggle in Loki/Prometheus data source
    configuration to opt out of alerting UI.
  * Alerting: Allow any "evaluate for" value >=0 in the alert
    rule form.
  * Alerting: Load default configuration from status endpoint, if
    Cortex Alertmanager returns empty user configuration.
  * Alerting: view to display alert rule and its underlying data.
  * Annotation panel: Release the annotation panel.
  * Annotations: Add typeahead support for tags in built-in
  * AzureMonitor: Add curated dashboards for Azure services.
  * AzureMonitor: Add support for deep links to Microsoft Azure
    portal for Metrics.
  * AzureMonitor: Remove support for different credentials for
    Azure Monitor Logs.
  * AzureMonitor: Support querying any Resource for Logs queries.
  * Elasticsearch: Add frozen indices search support.
  * Elasticsearch: Name fields after template variables values
    instead of their name.
  * Elasticsearch: add rate aggregation.
  * Email: Allow configuration of content types for email
  * Explore: Add more meta information when line limit is hit.
  * Explore: UI improvements to trace view.
  * FieldOverrides: Added support to change display name in an
    override field and have it be matched by a later rule.
  * HTTP Client: Introduce dataproxy_max_idle_connections config
  * InfluxDB: InfluxQL: adds tags to timeseries data.
  * InfluxDB: InfluxQL: make measurement search case insensitive.
    Legacy Alerting: Replace simplejson with a struct in webhook
    notification channel.
  * Legend: Updates display name for Last (not null) to just
  * Logs panel: Add option to show common labels.
  * Loki: Add $__range variable.
  * Loki: Add support for "label_values(log stream selector,
    label)" in templating.
  * Loki: Add support for ad-hoc filtering in dashboard.
  * MySQL Datasource: Add timezone parameter.
  * NodeGraph: Show gradient fields in legend.
  * PanelOptions: Don't mutate panel options/field config object
    when updating.
  * PieChart: Make pie gradient more subtle to match other
  * Prometheus: Update PromQL typeahead and highlighting.
  * Prometheus: interpolate variable for step field.
  * Provisioning: Improve validation by validating across all
    dashboard providers.
  * SQL Datasources: Allow multiple string/labels columns with
    time series.
  * Select: Portal select menu to document.body.
  * Team Sync: Add group mapping to support team sync in the
    Generic OAuth provider.
  * Tooltip: Make active series more noticeable.
  * Tracing: Add support to configure trace to logs start and end
  * Transformations: Skip merge when there is only a single data
  * ValueMapping: Added support for mapping text to color,
    boolean values, NaN and Null. Improved UI for value mapping.
  * Visualizations: Dynamically set any config (min, max, unit,
    color, thresholds) from query results.
  * live: Add support to handle origin without a value for the
    port when matching with root_url.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting: Handle marshaling Inf values.
  * AzureMonitor: Fix macro resolution for template variables.
  * AzureMonitor: Fix queries with Microsoft.NetApp/../../volumes
  * AzureMonitor: Request and concat subsequent resource pages.
  * Bug: Fix parse duration for day.
  * Datasources: Improve error handling for error messages.
  * Explore: Correct the functionality of shift-enter shortcut
    across all uses.
  * Explore: Show all dataFrames in data tab in Inspector.
  * GraphNG: Fix Tooltip mode 'All' for XYChart.
  * Loki: Fix highlight of logs when using filter expressions
    with backticks.
  * Modal: Force modal content to overflow with scroll.
  * Plugins: Ignore symlinked folders when verifying plugin
  + Plugin development fixes & changes:
  * Toolkit: Improve error messages when tasks fail.
- Update to version 8.0.7
  + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798.
- Update to version 8.0.6
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Alerting: Add annotation upon alert state change.
  * Alerting: Allow space in label and annotation names.
  * InfluxDB: Improve legend labels for InfluxDB query results.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting: Fix improper alert by changing the handling of
    empty labels.
  * CloudWatch/Logs: Reestablish Cloud Watch alert behavior.
  * Dashboard: Avoid migration breaking on fieldConfig without
    defaults field in folded panel.
  * DashboardList: Fix issue not re-fetching dashboard list after
    variable change.
  * Database: Fix incorrect format of isolation level
    configuration parameter for MySQL.
  * InfluxDB: Correct tag filtering on InfluxDB data.
  * Links: Fix links that caused a full page reload.
  * Live: Fix HTTP error when InfluxDB metrics have an incomplete
    or asymmetrical field set.
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Change time field to "Time" for time
    series queries.
  * Postgres: Fix the handling of a null return value in query
  * Tempo: Show hex strings instead of uints for IDs.
  * TimeSeries: Improve tooltip positioning when tooltip
  * Transformations: Add 'prepare time series' transformer.
- Update to version 8.0.5
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Cloudwatch Logs: Send error down to client.
  * Folders: Return 409 Conflict status when folder already
  * TimeSeries: Do not show series in tooltip if it's hidden in
    the viz.
  + Bug fixes:
  * AzureMonitor: Fix issue where resource group name is missing
    on the resource picker button.
  * Chore: Fix AWS auth assuming role with workspace IAM.
  * DashboardQueryRunner: Fixes unrestrained subscriptions being
  * DateFormats: Fix reading correct setting key for
  * Links: Fix links to other apps outside Grafana when under sub
  * Snapshots: Fix snapshot absolute time range issue.
  * Table: Fix data link color.
  * Time Series: Fix X-axis time format when tick increment is
    larger than a year.
  * Tooltip Plugin: Prevent tooltip render if field is undefined.
- Update to version 8.0.4
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Live: Rely on app url for origin check.
  * PieChart: Sort legend descending, update placeholder.
  * TimeSeries panel: Do not reinitialize plot when thresholds
    mode change.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Elasticsearch: Allow case sensitive custom options in
    date_histogram interval.
  * Elasticsearch: Restore previous field naming strategy when
    using variables.
  * Explore: Fix import of queries between SQL data sources.
  * InfluxDB: InfluxQL query editor: fix retention policy
  * Loki: Send correct time range in template variable queries.
  * TimeSeries: Preserve RegExp series overrides when migrating
    from old graph panel.
- Update to version 8.0.3
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Alerting: Increase alertmanager_conf column if MySQL.
  * Time series/Bar chart panel: Handle infinite numbers as nulls
    when converting to plot array.
  * TimeSeries: Ensure series overrides that contain color are
    migrated, and migrate the previous fieldConfig when changing
    the panel type.
  * ValueMappings: Improve singlestat value mappings migration.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Annotations: Fix annotation line and marker colors.
  * AzureMonitor: Fix KQL template variable queries without
    default workspace.
  * CloudWatch/Logs: Fix missing response data for log queries.
  * Elasticsearch: Restore previous field naming strategy when
    using variables.
  * LibraryPanels: Fix crash in library panels list when panel
    plugin is not found.
  * LogsPanel: Fix performance drop when moving logs panel in
  * Loki: Parse log levels when ANSI coloring is enabled.
  * MSSQL: Fix issue with hidden queries still being executed.
  * PanelEdit: Display the VisualizationPicker that was not
    displayed if a panel has an unknown panel plugin.
  * Plugins: Fix loading symbolically linked plugins.
  * Prometheus: Fix issue where legend name was replaced with
    name Value in stat and gauge panels.
  * State Timeline: Fix crash when hovering over panel.
- Update to version 8.0.2
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Datasource: Add support for max_conns_per_host in dataproxy
  + Bug fixes:
  * Configuration: Fix changing org preferences in FireFox.
  * PieChart: Fix legend dimension limits.
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix panic in concurrent map writes.
  * Variables: Hide default data source if missing from regex.
- Update to version 8.0.1
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting/SSE: Fix "count_non_null" reducer validation.
  * Cloudwatch: Fix duplicated time series.
  * Cloudwatch: Fix missing defaultRegion.
  * Dashboard: Fix Dashboard init failed error on dashboards with
    old singlestat panels in collapsed rows.
  * Datasource: Fix storing timeout option as numeric.
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix annotation parsing for empty
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Numeric/non-string values are now
    returned from query variables.
  * Postgres: Fix an error that was thrown when the annotation
    query did not return any results.
  * StatPanel: Fix an issue with the appearance of the graph when
    switching color mode.
  * Visualizations: Fix an issue in the
    Stat/BarGauge/Gauge/PieChart panels where all values mode
    were showing the same name if they had the same value.
  + Plugin development fixes & changes:
  * Toolkit: Resolve external fonts when Grafana is served from a
    sub path.
- Update to version 8.0.0
  + Breaking changes:
  * The following endpoints were deprecated for Grafana v5.0 and
    support for them has now been removed:
    GET /dashboards/db/:slug
    GET /dashboard-solo/db/:slug
    GET /api/dashboard/db/:slug
    DELETE /api/dashboards/db/:slug
  + Features and enhancements:
  * AzureMonitor: Require default subscription for workspaces()
    template variable query.
  * AzureMonitor: Use resource type display names in the UI.
  * Dashboard: Remove support for loading and deleting dashboard
    by slug.
  * InfluxDB: Deprecate direct browser access in data source.
  * VizLegend: Add a read-only property.
  + Bug fixes:
  * AzureMonitor: Fix Azure Resource Graph queries in Azure
  * Checkbox: Fix vertical layout issue with checkboxes due to
    fixed height.
  * Dashboard: Fix Table view when editing causes the panel data
    to not update.
  * Dashboard: Fix issues where unsaved-changes warning is not
  * Login: Fixes Unauthorized message showing when on login page
    or snapshot page.
  * NodeGraph: Fix sorting markers in grid view.
  * Short URL: Include orgId in generated short URLs.
  * Variables: Support raw values of boolean type.
- Update to version 8.0.0-beta3
  + Breaking changes:
  * The default HTTP method for Prometheus data source is now
  + Features and enhancements:
  * API: Support folder UID in dashboards API.
  * Alerting: Add support for configuring avatar URL for the
    Discord notifier.
  * Alerting: Clarify that Threema Gateway Alerts support only
    Basic IDs.
  * Azure: Expose Azure settings to external plugins.
  * AzureMonitor: Deprecate using separate credentials for Azure
    Monitor Logs.
  * AzureMonitor: Display variables in resource picker for Azure
    Monitor Logs.
  * AzureMonitor: Hide application insights for data sources not
    using it.
  * AzureMonitor: Support querying subscriptions and resource
    groups in Azure Monitor Logs.
  * AzureMonitor: remove requirement for default subscription.
  * CloudWatch: Add Lambda@Edge Amazon CloudFront metrics.
  * CloudWatch: Add missing AWS AppSync metrics.
  * ConfirmModal: Auto focus delete button.
  * Explore: Add caching for queries that are run from logs
  * Loki: Add formatting for annotations.
  * Loki: Bring back processed bytes as meta information.
  * NodeGraph: Display node graph collapsed by default with trace
  * Overrides: Include a manual override option to hide something
    from visualization.
  * PieChart: Support row data in pie charts.
  * Prometheus: Update default HTTP method to POST for existing
    data sources.
  * Time series panel: Position tooltip correctly when window is
    scrolled or resized.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Admin: Fix infinite loading edit on the profile page.
  * Color: Fix issues with random colors in string and date
  * Dashboard: Fix issue with title or folder change has no
    effect after exiting settings view.
  * DataLinks: Fix an issue is not working in data
  * Datasource: Fix dataproxy timeout should always be applied
    for outgoing data source HTTP requests.
  * Elasticsearch: Fix NewClient not passing httpClientProvider
    to client impl.
  * Explore: Fix Browser title not updated on Navigation to
  * GraphNG: Remove fieldName and hideInLegend properties from
  * OAuth: Fix fallback to auto_assign_org_role setting for Azure
    AD OAuth when no role claims exists.
  * PanelChrome: Fix issue with empty panel after adding a non
    data panel and coming back from panel edit.
  * StatPanel: Fix data link tooltip not showing for single
  * Table: Fix sorting for number fields.
  * Table: Have text underline for datalink, and add support for
    image datalink.
  * Time series panel: Position tooltip correctly when window is
    scrolled or resized.
  * Transformations: Prevent FilterByValue transform from
    crashing panel edit.
- Update to version 8.0.0-beta2
  + Features and enhancements:
  * AppPlugins: Expose react-router to apps.
  * AzureMonitor: Add Azure Resource Graph.
  * AzureMonitor: Managed Identity configuration UI.
  * AzureMonitor: Token provider with support for Managed
  * AzureMonitor: Update Logs workspace() template variable query
    to return resource URIs.
  * BarChart: Value label sizing.
  * CloudMonitoring: Add support for preprocessing.
  * CloudWatch: Add AWS/EFS StorageBytes metric.
  * CloudWatch: Allow use of missing AWS namespaces using custom
  * Datasource: Shared HTTP client provider for core backend data
    sources and any data source using the data source proxy.
  * InfluxDB: InfluxQL: allow empty tag values in the query
  * Instrumentation: Instrument incoming HTTP request with
    histograms by default.
  * Library Panels: Add name endpoint & unique name validation to
  * Logs panel: Support details view.
  * PieChart: Always show the calculation options dropdown in the
  * PieChart: Remove beta flag.
  * Plugins: Enforce signing for all plugins.
  * Plugins: Remove support for deprecated backend plugin
    protocol version.
  * Tempo/Jaeger: Add better display name to legend.
  * Timeline: Add time range zoom.
  * Timeline: Adds opacity & line width option.
  * Timeline: Value text alignment option.
  * ValueMappings: Add duplicate action, and disable dismiss on
    backdrop click.
  * Zipkin: Add node graph view to trace response.
  + Bug fixes:
  * Annotations panel: Remove subpath from dashboard links.
  * Content Security Policy: Allow all image sources by default.
  * Content Security Policy: Relax default template wrt. loading
    of scripts, due to nonces not working.
  * Datasource: Fix tracing propagation for alert execution by
    introducing HTTP client outgoing tracing middleware.
  * InfluxDB: InfluxQL always apply time interval end.
  * Library Panels: Fixes "error while loading library panels".
  * NewsPanel: Fixes rendering issue in Safari.
  * PanelChrome: Fix queries being issued again when scrolling in
    and out of view.
  * Plugins: Fix Azure token provider cache panic and auth param
    nil value.
  * Snapshots: Fix key and deleteKey being ignored when creating
    an external snapshot.
  * Table: Fix issue with cell border not showing with colored
    background cells.
  * Table: Makes tooltip scrollable for long JSON values.
  * TimeSeries: Fix for Connected null values threshold toggle
    during panel editing.
  * Variables: Fixes inconsistent selected states on dashboard
  * Variables: Refreshes all panels even if panel is full screen.
  + Plugin development fixes & changes:
  * QueryField: Remove carriage return character from pasted text.
- Update to version 8.0.0-beta1
  + License update:
  * AGPL License: Update license from Apache 2.0 to the GNU
    Affero General Public License (AGPL).
  + Breaking changes:
  * Removes the never refresh option for Query variables.
  * Removes the experimental Tags feature for Variables.
  + Deprecations:
  * The InfoBox & FeatureInfoBox are now deprecated please use
    the Alert component instead with severity info.
  + Features and enhancements:
  * API: Add org users with pagination.
  * API: Return 404 when deleting nonexistent API key.
  * API: Return query results as JSON rather than base64 encoded
  * Alerting: Allow sending notification tags to Opsgenie as
    extra properties.
  * Alerts: Replaces all uses of InfoBox & FeatureInfoBox with
  * Auth: Add support for JWT Authentication.
  * AzureMonitor: Add support for
    Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR metrics.
  * AzureMonitor: Azure settings in Grafana server config.
  * AzureMonitor: Migrate Metrics query editor to React.
  * BarChart panel: enable series toggling via legend.
  * BarChart panel: Adds support for Tooltip in BarChartPanel.
  * PieChart panel: Change look of highlighted pie slices.
  * CloudMonitoring: Migrate config editor from angular to react.
  * CloudWatch: Add Amplify Console metrics and dimensions.
  * CloudWatch: Add missing Redshift metrics to CloudWatch data
  * CloudWatch: Add metrics for managed RabbitMQ service.
  * DashboardList: Enable templating on search tag input.
  * Datasource config: correctly remove single custom http
  * Elasticsearch: Add generic support for template variables.
  * Elasticsearch: Allow omitting field when metric supports
    inline script.
  * Elasticsearch: Allow setting a custom limit for log queries.
  * Elasticsearch: Guess field type from first non-empty value.
  * Elasticsearch: Use application/x-ndjson content type for
    multisearch requests.
  * Elasticsearch: Use semver strings to identify ES version.
  * Explore: Add logs navigation to request more logs.
  * Explore: Map Graphite queries to Loki.
  * Explore: Scroll split panes in Explore independently.
  * Explore: Wrap each panel in separate error boundary.
  * FieldDisplay: Smarter naming of stat values when visualising
    row values (all values) in stat panels.
  * Graphite: Expand metric names for variables.
  * Graphite: Handle unknown Graphite functions without breaking
    the visual editor.
  * Graphite: Show graphite functions descriptions.
  * Graphite: Support request cancellation properly (Uses new
    backendSrv.fetch Observable request API).
  * InfluxDB: Flux: Improve handling of complex
  * InfluxDB: Support region annotations.
  * Inspector: Download logs for manual processing.
  * Jaeger: Add node graph view for trace.
  * Jaeger: Search traces.
  * Loki: Use data source settings for alerting queries.
  * NodeGraph: Exploration mode.
  * OAuth: Add support for empty scopes.
  * PanelChrome: New logic-less emotion based component with no
    dependency on PanelModel or DashboardModel.
  * PanelEdit: Adds a table view toggle to quickly view data in
    table form.
  * PanelEdit: Highlight matched words when searching options.
  * PanelEdit: UX improvements.
  * Plugins: PanelRenderer and simplified QueryRunner to be used
    from plugins.
  * Plugins: AuthType in route configuration and params
  * Plugins: Enable plugin runtime install/uninstall
  * Plugins: Support set body content in plugin routes.
  * Plugins: Introduce marketplace app.
  * Plugins: Moving the DataSourcePicker to grafana/runtime so it
    can be reused in plugins.
  * Prometheus: Add custom query params for alert and exemplars
  * Prometheus: Use fuzzy string matching to autocomplete metric
    names and label.
  * Routing: Replace Angular routing with react-router.
  * Slack: Use chat.postMessage API by default.
  * Tempo: Search for Traces by querying Loki directly from
  * Tempo: Show graph view of the trace.
  * Themes: Switch theme without reload using global shortcut.
  * TimeSeries panel: Add support for shared cursor.
  * TimeSeries panel: Do not crash the panel if there is no time
    series data in the response.
  * Variables: Do not save repeated panels, rows and scopedVars.
  * Variables: Removes experimental Tags feature.
  * Variables: Removes the never refresh option.
  * Visualizations: Unify tooltip options across visualizations.
  * Visualizations: Refactor and unify option creation between
    new visualizations.
  * Visualizations: Remove singlestat panel.
  + Bug fixes:
  * APIKeys: Fixes issue with adding first api key.
  * Alerting: Add checks for non supported units - disable
    defaulting to seconds.
  * Alerting: Fix issue where Slack notifications won't link to
    user IDs.
  * Alerting: Omit empty message in PagerDuty notifier.
  * AzureMonitor: Fix migration error from older versions of App
    Insights queries.
  * CloudWatch: Fix AWS/Connect dimensions.
  * CloudWatch: Fix broken AWS/MediaTailor dimension name.
  * Dashboards: Allow string manipulation as advanced variable
    format option.
  * DataLinks: Includes harmless extended characters like
    Cyrillic characters.
  * Drawer: Fixes title overflowing its container.
  * Explore: Fix issue when some query errors were not shown.
  * Generic OAuth: Prevent adding duplicated users.
  * Graphite: Handle invalid annotations.
  * Graphite: Fix autocomplete when tags are not available.
  * InfluxDB: Fix Cannot read property 'length' of undefined in
    when parsing response.
  * Instrumentation: Enable tracing when Jaeger host and port are
  * Instrumentation: Prefix metrics with grafana.
  * MSSQL: By default let driver choose port.
  * OAuth: Add optional strict parsing of role_attribute_path.
  * Panel: Fixes description markdown with inline code being
    rendered on newlines and full width.
  * PanelChrome: Ignore data updates & errors for non data
  * Permissions: Fix inherited folder permissions can prevent new
    permissions being added to a dashboard.
  * Plugins: Remove pre-existing plugin installs when installing
    with grafana-cli.
  * Plugins: Support installing to folders with whitespace and
    fix pluginUrl trailing and leading whitespace failures.
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Don't return connection failure details
    to the client.
  * Postgres: Fix ms precision of interval in time group macro
    when TimescaleDB is enabled.
  * Provisioning: Use dashboard checksum field as change
  * SQL: Fix so that all captured errors are returned from sql
  * Shortcuts: Fixes panel shortcuts so they always work.
  * Table: Fixes so border is visible for cells with links.
  * Variables: Clear query when data source type changes.
  * Variables: Filters out builtin variables from unknown list.
  * Variables: Refreshes all panels even if panel is full screen.
  + Plugin development fixes & changes:
  * Button: Introduce buttonStyle prop.
  * DataQueryRequest: Remove deprecated props showingGraph and
    showingTabel and exploreMode.
  * grafana/ui: Update React Hook Form to v7.
  * IconButton: Introduce variant for red and blue icon buttons.
  * Plugins: Expose the getTimeZone function to be able to get
    the current selected timeZone.
  * TagsInput: Add className to TagsInput.
  * VizLegend: Move onSeriesColorChanged to PanelContext
    (breaking change).
- Update to version 7.5.13
  + Bug fixes:
  * Alerting: Fix NoDataFound for alert rules using AND operator.
* Mon Dec 13 2021
- Update to version 7.5.12:
  * Fix markdown path traversal (#42969, bsc#1193688, CVE-2021-43813)
* Thu Nov 18 2021
- recreate tarballs using the makefile to update the
  npm and go modules required
* Wed Nov 17 2021
- Update to version 7.5.11:
  * Fix Snapshot authentication bypass (bsc#1191454, CVE-2021-39226)
  * Fix certs issue (#40002)
  * Release v7.5.11 (#124)
  * Fix static path matching issue in macaron
  * OAuth: add docs for disableAutoLogin param (#38752) (#38894)
  * Fix #747; remove 'other variables'. (#37866) (#37878)
  * Update alert docs (#33658) (#33659)
  * [7.5.x] Docs: added documentation for the "prepare time series"-transformation. (#36836)
  * cherry picked dc5778c303ca555b70e8ca8c28e95997e26ecfc1 (#36813)
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.10" (#36792)
  * [v7.5.x] Transformations: add 'prepare time series' transformer (#36749)
  * Remove verify-drone from windows (#36775)
  * Update (#31941) (#36764)
  * Updated content to specify method to use to get keyboard shortcuts wh… (#36084) (#36087)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.5.9 (#36057) (#36077)
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.9" (#36056)
  * Login: Fixes Unauthorized message showing when on login page or snapshot page (#35311) (#35880)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.5.8 (#35703) (#35822)
  * CI: Upgrade pipeline tool to use main (#35804)
  * CI: try to force v7.5.x instead of master (#35799)
  * CI: supports move from master to main in 7.5.x release branch (#35747)
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.8" (#35701)
  * Chore: Bump acorn and lodash-es (#35650)
  * Snapshots: Remove dashboard links from snapshots (#35567) (#35585)
  * [v7.5.x] Datasource: Allow configuring `MaxConnsPerHost` (#35519)
  * Remove docs sync from v7.5.x (#35443)
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.7" (#35412)
  * Add max_idle_connections_per_host to config (#35365)
  * Update go.sum to fix failing enterprise pipeline (#35353)
  * [v7.5.x] HTTP Client: Introduce `go-conntrack`  (#35321)
  * Fix Markdown syntax in enterprise/license/ (#34683) (#35210)
  * Update (#33218) (#35138)
  * Docs: Add query caching to enterprise docs page (#34751) (#35025)
  * [7.5.x] Admin: hide per role counts for licensed users (#34994)
  * cleanup shortcodes, image paths (#34827)
  * Security: Upgrade Thrift dependency (#34698) (#34702)
  * Docs: Fix Quick Start link on Geting Started Influx page (#34549) (#34603)
  * Add link to release notes v7.5.7 (#34460) (#34474)
  * Update 7.5.x landing page (#34447)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.5.7 (#34383) (#34428)
- update to 7.5.10
  * [v7.5.x] Transformations: add "prepare time series" transformer. [#36749]
- update to 7.5.9
  * Login: Fix Unauthorized message that is displayed on sign-in or snapshot page. [#35880]
- drop drop-grafana-aws-sdk-0.3.0-module.patch (upstream)
* Tue Sep 21 2021
- Add patch 0001-Add-source-code-reference.patch
  * Add URL to package source code in the login page footer
* Thu May 20 2021
- Update to version 7.5.7:
  * Updated relref to "Configuring exemplars" section (#34240) (#34243)
  * Added exemplar topic (#34147) (#34226)
  * Quota: Do not count folders towards dashboard quota (#32519) (#34025)
  * Instructions to separate emails with semicolons (#32499) (#34138)
  * Docs: Remove documentation of v8 generic OAuth feature (#34018)
  * Annotations: Prevent orphaned annotation tags cleanup when no annotations were cleaned (#33957) (#33975)
  * [GH-33898] Add missing --no-cache to Dockerfile. (#33906) (#33935)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.5.6 (#33932) (#33936)
  * Stop hoisting @icons/material (#33922)
  * Chore: fix react-color version in yarn.lock (#33914)
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.6" (#33909)
  * Loki: fix label browser crashing when + typed (#33900) (#33901)
  * Document `hide_version` flag (#33670) (#33881)
  * Add isolation level db configuration parameter (#33830) (#33878)
  * Sanitize PromLink button (#33874) (#33876)
  * Removed content as per MarcusE's suggestion in (#33870) (#33872)
  * Docs feedback: /administration/ (#33804) (#33842)
  * Docs: delete from high availability docs references to removed configurations related to session storage (#33827) (#33851)
  * Docs: Update (#33797) (#33799)
  * Docs: Update (#33656) (#33703)
  * GraphNG: uPlot 1.6.9 (#33598) (#33612)
  * dont consider invalid email address a failed email (#33671) (#33681)
  * InfluxDB: Improve measurement-autocomplete behavior in query editor (#33494) (#33625)
  * add template for dashboard url parameters  (#33549) (#33588)
  * Add note to Snapshot API doc to specify that user has to provide the entire dashboard model  (#33572) (#33586)
  * Update (#33454) (#33536)
  * Removed duplicate file " (#33497)
  * Document customQueryParameters for prometheus datasource provisioning (#33440) (#33495)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.5.5 (#33473) (#33492)
  * Documentation: Update (#33478) (#33490)
  * add closed parenthesis to fix a hyperlink (#33471) (#33481)
* Thu May 06 2021
- Update to version 7.5.5:
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.5" (#33469)
  * GraphNG: Fix exemplars window position (#33427) (#33462)
  * Remove field limitation from slack notification (#33113) (#33455)
  * Prometheus: Support POST in template variables (#33321) (#33441)
  * Instrumentation: Add success rate metrics for email notifications (#33359) (#33409)
  * Use either moment objects (for absolute times in the datepicker) or string (for relative time) (#33315) (#33406)
  * Docs: Removed type from find annotations example. (#33399) (#33403)
  * [v7.5.x]: FrontendMetrics: Adds new backend api that frontend can use to push frontend measurements and counters to prometheus (#33255)
  * Updated label for add panel. (#33285) (#33286)
  * Bug: Add git to Dockerfile.ubuntu (#33247) (#33248)
  * Docs: Sync latest master docs with 7.5.x (#33156)
  * Docs: Update (#33234) (#33241)
  * Doc: Document the X-Grafana-Org-Id HTTP header (#32478) (#33239)
  * Minor Changes in (#31435) (#33238)
  * Docs: Add license check endpoint doc (#32987) (#33236)
  * Postgres: Fix time group macro when TimescaleDB is enabled and interval is less than a second (#33153) (#33219)
  * Docs: InfluxDB doc improvements (#32815) (#33185)
  * [v7.5.x] Loki: Pass Skip TLS Verify setting to alert queries (#33031)
  * update cla (#33181)
  * Fix inefficient regular expression (#33155) (#33159)
  * Auth: Don't clear auth token cookie when lookup token fails (#32999) (#33136)
  * Elasticsearch:  Add documentation for supported Elasticsearch query transformations (#33072) (#33128)
  * Update (#33060) (#33084)
  * GE issue 1268 (#33049) (#33081)
  * Fixed some formatting issues for PRs from yesterday. (#33078) (#33079)
  * Explore: Load default data source in Explore when the provided source does not exist (#32992) (#33061)
  * Docs: Replace next with latest in aliases (#33054) (#33059)
  * Added missing link item. (#33052) (#33055)
  * Backport 33034 (#33038)
  * Docs: Backport 32916 to v7.5x  (#33008)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.5.4 (#32973) (#32998)
  * Elasticsearch: Force re-rendering of each editor row type change (#32993) (#32996)
  * Docs: Sync release branch with latest docs (#32986)
* Thu Apr 15 2021
- Update to version 7.5.4:
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.4" (#32971)
  * fix(datasource_srv): prevent infinite loop where default datasource is named default (#32949) (#32967)
  * Added Azure Monitor support for Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores namespace (#32123) (#32968)
  * fix sqlite3 tx retry condition operator precedence (#32897) (#32952)
  * AzureMonitor: Add support for Virtual WAN namespaces (#32935) (#32947)
  * Plugins: Allow a non-dashboard page to be the default home page (#32926) (#32945)
  * GraphNG: uPlot 1.6.8 (#32859) (#32863)
  * Alerting: Add ability to include aliases with dashes (/) and at (@) signs in InfluxDB (#32844)
  * Prometheus: Allow exemplars endpoint in data source proxy (#32802) (#32804)
  * [v7.5.x] Table: Fixes table data links so they refer to correct row after sorting (#32758)
  * TablePanel: Makes sorting case-insensitive (#32435) (#32752)
* Mon Apr 12 2021
- Update to version 7.5.3:
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.3" (#32745)
  * FolderPicker: Prevent dropdown menu from disappearing off screen (#32603) (#32741)
  * Loki: Remove empty annotations tags (#32359) (#32490)
  * SingleStat: fix wrong call to getDataLinkUIModel (#32721) (#32739)
  * Prometheus: Fix instant query to run two times when exemplars enabled (#32508) (#32726)
  * Elasticsearch: Fix bucket script variable duplication in UI (#32705) (#32714)
  * Variables: Confirms selection before opening new picker (#32586) (#32710)
  * CloudWarch: Fix service quotas link (#32686) (#32689)
  * Configuration: Prevent browser hanging / crashing with large number of org users (#32546) (#32598)
  * chore: bump execa to v2.1.0 (#32543) (#32592)
  * Explore: Fix bug where navigating to explore would result in wrong query and datasource to be shown (#32558)
  * Fix broken gtime tests (#32582) (#32587)
  * resolve conflicts (#32567)
  * gtime: Make ParseInterval deterministic (#32539) (#32560)
  * Dashboard: No longer includes default datasource when externally exporting dashboard with row (#32494) (#32535)
  * TextboxVariable: Limits the length of the preview value (#32472) (#32530)
  * AdHocVariable: Adds default data source (#32470) (#32476)
  * Variables: Fixes Unsupported data format error for null values (#32480) (#32487)
  * Prometheus: align exemplars check to latest api change (#32513) (#32515)
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.2" (#32502)
  * SigV4: Add support EC2 IAM role auth and possibility to toggle auth providers  (#32444) (#32488)
  * Set spanNulls to default (#32471) (#32486)
  * Graph: Fix setting right y-axis when standard option unit is configured (#32426) (#32442)
  * API: Return 409 on datasource version conflict (#32425) (#32433)
  * API: Return 400 on invalid Annotation requests (#32429) (#32431)
  * Variables: Fixes problem with data source variable when default ds is selected (#32384) (#32424)
  * Table: Fixes so links work for image cells (#32370) (#32410)
  * Variables: Fixes error when manually non-matching entering custom value in variable input/picker (#32390) (#32394)
  * DashboardQueryEditor: Run query after selecting source panel (#32383) (#32395)
  * API: Datasource endpoint should return 400 bad request if id and orgId is invalid (#32392) (#32397)
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.1" (#32362)
  * MSSQL: Upgrade go-mssqldb (#32347) (#32361)
  * GraphNG: Fix tooltip displaying wrong or no data (#32312) (#32348)
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.0" (#32308)
  * Loki: Fix text search in Label browser (#32293) (#32306)
  * Explore: Show all dataFrames in data tab in Inspector (#32161) (#32299)
  * PieChartV2: Add migration from old piechart (#32259) (#32291)
  * LibraryPanels: Adds Type and Description to DB (#32258) (#32288)
  * LibraryPanels: Prevents deletion of connected library panels (#32277) (#32284)
  * Library Panels: Add "Discard" button to panel save modal (#31647) (#32281)
  * LibraryPanels: Changes to non readonly reducer (#32193) (#32200)
  * Notifications: InfluxDB - Fix regex to include metrics with hyphen in aliases (#32224) (#32262)
  * SSE/InfluxDB: Change InfluxQL to work with server side expressions (#31691) (#32102)
  * DashboardSettings: Fixes issue with tags list not updating when changes are made (#32241) (#32247)
  * Logs: If log message missing, use empty string (#32080) (#32243)
  * CloudWatch: Use latest version of aws sdk (#32217) (#32223)
  * Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.0-beta.2 (#32158)
  * HttpServer: Make read timeout configurable but disabled by default (#31575) (#32154)
  * GraphNG: Ignore string fields when building data for uPlot in GraphNG (#32150) (#32151)
  * Fix loading timezone info on windows (#32029) (#32149)
  * SQLStore: Close session in withDbSession (#31775) (#32108)
  * Remove datalink template suggestions for accessing specific fields when there are multiple dataframes. (#32057) (#32148)
  * GraphNG: make sure dataset and config are in sync when initializing and re-initializing uPlot (#32106) (#32125)
  * MixedDataSource: Name is updated when data source variable changes (#32090) (#32144)
  * Backport 32005 to v7.5.x #32128 (#32130)
  * Loki: Label browser UI updates (#31737) (#32119)
  * ValueMappings: Fixes value 0 not being mapped (#31924) (#31929)
  * GraphNG: Fix tooltip series color for multi data frame scenario (#32098) (#32103)
  * LibraryPanels: Improves the Get All experience (#32028) (#32093)
  * Grafana/ui: display all selected levels for selected value when searching (#32030) (#32032)
  * Exemplars: always query exemplars (#31673) (#32024)
  * [v7.5.x] TimePicker: Fixes hidden time picker shown in kiosk TV mode (#32055)
  * Chore: Collect elasticsearch version usage stats (#31787) (#32063)
  * Chore: Tidy up Go deps (#32053)
  * GraphNG: Fix PlotLegend field display name being outdated (#32064) (#32066)
  * Data proxy: Fix encoded characters in URL path should be proxied encoded (#30597) (#32060)
  * [v7.5.x] Auth: Allow soft token revocation (#32037)
  * Snapshots: Fix usage of sign in link from the snapshot page (#31986) (#32036)
  * Make master green (#32011) (#32015)
  * Query editor: avoid avoiding word wrap on query editor components (#31949) (#31982)
  * Variables: Fixes filtering in picker with null items (#31979) (#31995)
  * TooltipContainer - use resize observer instead of getClientBoundingRect (#31937) (#32003)
  * Loki: Fix autocomplete when re-editing Loki label values (#31828) (#31987)
  * Loki: Fix type errors in language_provider (#31902) (#31945)
  * PanelInspect: Interpolates variables in CSV file name (#31936) (#31977)
  * Cloudwatch: use shared library for aws auth (#29550) (#31946)
  * Tooltip: partial perf improvement (#31774) (#31837) (#31957)
  * Backport 31913 to v7.5.x (#31955)
  * Grafana/ui: fix searchable options for Cascader with options update (#31906) (#31938)
  * Variables: Do not reset description on variable type change (#31933) (#31939)
  * [v7.5.x] AnnotationList: Adds spacing to UI  (#31888) (#31894)
  * Elasticseach: Support histogram fields (#29079) (#31914)
  * Chore: upgrade eslint and fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin (#31854) (#31896)
  * Update scripts and Dockerfiles to use Go 1.16.1 (#31881) (#31891)
  * Templating: use dashboard timerange when variables are set to refresh 'On Dashboard Load' (#31721) (#31801)
  * [v7.5.x] Tempo: Add test for backend data source (#31835) (#31882)
  * Run go mod tidy to update go.mod and go.sum (#31859)
  * Grafana/ui: display all selected levels for Cascader (#31729) (#31862)
  * CloudWatch: Consume the grafana/aws-sdk (#31807) (#31861)
  * Cloudwatch: ListMetrics API page limit (#31788) (#31851)
  * Remove invalid attribute (#31848) (#31850)
  * CloudWatch: Restrict auth provider and assume role usage according to… (#31845)
  * CloudWatch: Add support for EC2 IAM role (#31804) (#31841)
  * Loki, Prometheus: Change the placement for query type explanation (#31784) (#31819)
  * Variables: Improves inspection performance and unknown filtering (#31811) (#31813)
  * Change piechart plugin state to beta (#31797) (#31798)
  * ReduceTransform: Include series with numeric string  names (#31763) (#31794)
  * Annotations: Make the annotation clean up batch size configurable (#31487) (#31769)
  * Fix escaping in ANSI and dynamic button removal (#31731) (#31767)
  * DataLinks: Bring back single click links for Stat, Gauge and BarGauge panel (#31692) (#31718)
  * log skipped, performed and duration for migrations (#31722) (#31754)
  * Search: Make items more compact (#31734) (#31750)
  * loki_datasource: add documentation to label_format and line_format (#31710) (#31746)
  * Tempo: Convert tempo to backend data source2 (#31733)
  * Elasticsearch: Fix script fields in query editor (#31681) (#31727)
  * Elasticsearch: revert to isoWeek when resolving weekly indices (#31709) (#31717)
  * Admin: Keeps expired api keys visible in table after delete (#31636) (#31675)
  * Tempo: set authentication header properly (#31699) (#31701)
  * Tempo: convert to backend data source (#31618) (#31695)
  * Update package.json (#31672)
  * Release: Bump version to 7.5.0-beta.1 (#31664)
  * Fix whatsNewUrl version to 7.5 (#31666)
  * Chore: add alias for what's new 7.5 (#31669)
  * Docs: Update doc for PostgreSQL authentication (#31434)
  * Docs: document report template variables (#31637)
  * AzureMonitor: Add deprecation message for App Insights/Insights Analytics (#30633)
  * Color: Fixes issue where colors where reset to gray when switch panels (#31611)
  * Live: Use pure WebSocket transport (#31630)
  * Docs: Fix broken image link (#31661)
  * Docs: Add Whats new in 7.5 (#31659)
  * Docs: Fix links for 7.5 (#31658)
  * Update (#31656)
  * Explore/Logs: Escaping of incorrectly escaped log lines (#31352)
  * Tracing: Small improvements to trace types (#31646)
  * Update (#31645)
  * AlertingNG: code refactoring (#30787)
  * Remove pkill gpg-agent (#31169)
  * Remove format for plugin routes (#31633)
  * Library Panels: Change unsaved change detection logic (#31477)
  * CloudWatch: Added AWS Timestream Metrics and Dimensions (#31624)
  * add new metrics and dimensions (#31595)
  * fix devenv dashboard content typo (#31583)
  * DashList: Sort starred and searched dashboard alphabetically (#31605)
  * Docs: Update (#31612)
  * SSE: Add "Classic Condition" on backend (#31511)
  * InfluxDB: Improve maxDataPoints error-message in Flux-mode, raise limits (#31259)
  * Alerting: PagerDuty: adding current state to the payload (#29270)
  * devenv: Fix typo (#31589)
  * Loki: Label browser (#30351)
  * LibraryPanels: No save modal when user is on same dashboard (#31606)
  * Bug: adding resolution for `react-use-measure` to prevent plugin tests from failing. (#31603)
  * Update (#31571)
  * test: pass Cypress options objects into selector wrappers (#31567)
  * Loki: Add support for alerting (#31424)
  * Tracing: Specify type of the data frame that is expected for TraceView (#31465)
  * LibraryPanels: Adds version column (#31590)
  * PieChart: Add color changing options to pie chart (#31588)
  * Explore: keep enabled/disabled state in angular based QueryEditors correctly (#31558)
  * Bring back correct legend sizing afer PlotLegend refactor (#31582)
  * Alerting: Fix bug in Discord for when name for metric value is absent (#31257)
  * LibraryPanels: Deletes library panels during folder deletion (#31572)
  * chore: bump lodash to 4.17.21 (#31549)
  * Elasticsearch: Fix impossibility to perform non-logs queries after importing queries from loki or prometheus in explore (#31518)
  * TestData: Fixes never ending annotations scenario (#31573)
  * CloudWatch: Added AWS Network Firewall metrics and dimensions (#31498)
  * propagate plugin unavailable message to UI (#31560)
  * ConfirmButton: updates story from knobs to controls (#31476)
  * Loki: Refactor line limit to use grafana/ui component (#31509)
  * LibraryPanels: Adds folder checks and permissions (#31473)
  * Add guide on custom option editors (#31254)
  * PieChart: Update text color and minor changes (#31546)
  * Grafana-data: bump markedjs to v2.x to resolve vulnerability (#31036)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 0.39.0 to 0.40.0 (#31210)
  * PieChart: Improve piechart legend and options (#31446)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.35.0 to 1.36.0 (#31541)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.37.7 to 1.37.20 (#31538)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 (#31539)
  * Add multiselect options ui (#31501)
  * Profile: Fixes profile preferences being accessible when anonymous access was enabled (#31516)
  * Variables: Fixes error with: cannot read property length of undefined (#31458)
  * Explore: Show ANSI colored logs in logs context (#31510)
  * LogsPanel: Show all received logs  (#31505)
  * AddPanel: Design polish  (#31484)
  * TimeSeriesPanel: Remove unnecessary margin from legend  (#31467)
  * influxdb: flux: handle is-hidden (#31324)
  * Graph: Fix tooltip not showing when close to the edge of viewport  (#31493)
  * FolderPicker: Remove useNewForms from FolderPicker (#31485)
  * Add reportVariables feature toggle (#31469)
  * Grafana datasource: support multiple targets (#31495)
  * Update (#31488)
  * Docs: Derived fields links in logs detail view (#31482)
  * Docs: Add new data source links to Enterprise page (#31480)
  * Convert annotations to dataframes (#31400)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for v7.4.2 (#31475)
  * GrafanaUI: Fixes typescript error for missing css prop (#31479)
  * Login: handle custom token creation error messages (#31283)
  * Library Panels: Don't list current panel in available panels list (#31472)
  * DashboardSettings: Migrate Link Settings to React (#31150)
  * Frontend changes for library panels feature (#30653)
  * Alerting notifier SensuGo: improvements in default message (#31428)
  * AppPlugins: Options to disable showing config page in nav (#31354)
  * add aws config (#31464)
  * Heatmap: Fix missing/wrong value in heatmap legend (#31430)
  * Chore: Fixes small typos (#31461)
  * Graphite/SSE: update graphite to work with server side expressions (#31455)
  * update the lastest version to 7.4.3 (#31457)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.4.3 (#31454)
  * AWS: Add aws plugin configuration (#31312)
  * Revert ""Release: Updated versions in package to 7.4.3" (#31444)" (#31452)
  * Remove UserSyncInfo.tsx (#31450)
  * Elasticsearch: Add word highlighting to search results (#30293)
  * Chore: Fix eslint react hook warnings in grafana-ui (#31092)
  * CloudWatch: Make it possible to specify custom api endpoint (#31402)
  * Chore: fixed incorrect naming for disable settings (#31448)
  * TraceViewer: Fix show log marker in spanbar (#30742)
  * LibraryPanels: Adds permissions to getAllHandler (#31416)
  * NamedColorsPalette: updates story from knobs to controls (#31443)
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.4.3" (#31444)
  * ColorPicker: updates story from knobs to controls (#31429)
  * Streaming: Fixes an issue with time series panel and streaming data source when scrolling back from being out of view (#31431)
  * ClipboardButton: updates story from knobs to controls (#31422)
  * we should never log unhashed tokens (#31432)
  * CI: Upgrade Dockerfiles wrt. Go, Node, Debian (#31407)
  * Elasticsearch: Fix query initialization logic & query transformation from Promethous/Loki (#31322)
  * Postgres: allow providing TLS/SSL certificates as text in addition to file paths (#30353)
  * CloudWatch: Added AWS Ground Station metrics and dimensions (#31362)
  * TraceViewer: Fix trace to logs icon to show in right pane (#31414)
  * add hg team as migrations code owners (#31420)
  * Remove tidy-check script (#31423)
  * InfluxDB: handle columns named "table" (#30985)
  * Prometheus: Use configured HTTP method for /series and /labels endpoints (#31401)
  * Devenv: Add gdev-influxdb2 data source (#31250)
  * Update grabpl from 0.5.38 to 0.5.42 version (#31419)
  * Move NOOP_CONTROL to storybook utils and change to a standalone file (#31421)
  * remove squadcast details from docs (#31413)
  * Add new Cloudwatch AWS/DDoSProtection metrics and dimensions (#31297)
  * Logging: add frontend logging helpers to @grafana/runtime package (#30482)
  * CallToActionCard: updates story from knobs to controls (#31393)
  * Add eu-south-1 cloudwatch region, closes #31197 (#31198)
  * Chore: Upgrade eslint packages (#31408)
  * Cascader: updates story from knobs to controls (#31399)
  * addressed issues 28763 and 30314. (#31404)
  * Added section Query a time series database by id (#31337)
  * Prometheus: Change default httpMethod for new instances to POST (#31292)
  * Data source list: Use Card component (#31326)
  * Chore: Remove dependency (#31391)
  * Revert "StoryBook: Introduces Grafana Controls (#31351)" (#31388)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 0.15.0 to 0.17.0 (#31387)
  * AdHocVariables: Fixes crash when values are stored as numbers (#31382)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.4.4 to 1.5.0 (#31379)
  * Chore: Fix strict errors, down to 416 (#31365)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0 (#31378)
  * StoryBook: Introduces Grafana Controls (#31351)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.4.2 (#31313)
  * Theming: Support for runtime theme switching and hooks for custom themes (#31301)
  * Devenv: Remove old-versioned loki blocks and update prometheus2 block  (#31282)
  * Zipkin: Show success on test data source (#30829)
  * Update grot template (needs more info) (#31350)
  * DatasourceSrv: Fix instance retrieval when datasource variable value set to "default" (#31347)
  * TimeSeriesPanel: Fixes overlapping time axis ticks (#31332)
  * Grafana/UI: Add basic legend to the PieChart (#31278)
  * SAML: single logout only enabled in enterprise (#31325)
  * QueryEditor: handle query.hide changes in angular based query-editors (#31336)
  * DashboardLinks: Fixes another issue where dashboard links cause full page reload (#31334)
  * LibraryPanels: Syncs panel title with name (#31311)
  * Chore: Upgrade golangci-lint (#31330)
  * Add info to docs about concurrent session limits (#31333)
  * Table: Fixes issue with fixed min and auto max with bar gauge cell (#31316)
  * BarGuage: updates story from knobs to controls (#31223)
  * Docs: Clarifies how to add Key/Value pairs (#31303)
  * Usagestats: Exclude folders from total dashboard count (#31320)
  * ButtonCascader: updates story from knobs to controls (#31288)
  * test: allow check for Table as well as Graph for Explore e2e flow (#31290)
  * Grafana-UI: Update tooltip type (#31310)
  * fix 7.4.2 release note (#31299)
  * Add `--tries 3` arg when triggering e2e-tests upon releasing (#31285)
  * Chore: reduce strict errors for variables (#31241)
  * update latest release version (#31296)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.4.2 (#31291)
  * Correct name of Discord notifier tests (#31277)
  * Docs: Clarifies custom date formats for variables (#31271)
  * BigValue: updates story from knobs to controls (#31240)
  * Docs: Annotations update (#31194)
  * Introduce functions for interacting with library panels API (#30993)
  * Search: display sort metadata (#31167)
  * Folders: Editors should be able to edit name and delete folders (#31242)
  * Make Datetime local (No date if today) working (#31274)
  * UsageStats: Purpose named variables (#31264)
  * Snapshots: Disallow anonymous user to create snapshots (#31263)
  * only update usagestats every 30min (#31131)
  * Chore: grafana-toolkit uses grafana-ui and grafana-data workspaces (#30701)
  * Grafana-UI: Add id to Select to make it easier to test (#31230)
  * Prometheus: Fix enabling of disabled queries when editing in dashboard (#31055)
  * UI/Card: Fix handling of 'onClick' callback (#31225)
  * Loki: Add line limit for annotations (#31183)
  * Remove deprecated and breaking loki config field (#31227)
  * SqlDataSources: Fixes the Show Generated SQL button in query editors (#31236)
  * LibraryPanels: Disconnect before connect during dashboard save (#31235)
  * Disable Change Password for OAuth users (#27886)
  * TagsInput: Design update and component refactor (#31163)
  * Variables: Adds back default option for data source variable (#31208)
  * IPv6: Support host address configured with enclosing square brackets (#31226)
  * Postgres: Fix timeGroup macro converts long intervals to invalid numbers when TimescaleDB is enabled (#31179)
  * GraphNG: refactor core to class component (#30941)
  * Remove last synchronisation field from LDAP debug view (#30984)
  * Chore: Upgrade grafana-plugin-sdk-go to v0.88.0 (#30975)
  * Graph: Make axes unit option work even when field option unit is set (#31205)
  * AlertingNG:  Test definition  (#30886)
  * Docs: Update Influx config options (#31146)
  * WIP: Skip this call when we skip migrations (#31216)
  * use 0.1.0 (#31215)
  * DataSourceSrv: Filter out non queryable data sources by default (#31144)
  * QueryEditors: Fixes issue that happens after moving queries then editing would update other queries (#31193)
  * Chore: report eslint no-explicit-any errors to metrics (#31182)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 (#31211)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 (#30773)
  * Alerting: Fix modal text for deleting obsolete notifier (#31171)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 2.9.7 to 2.10.0 (#31204)
  * Variables: Fixes missing empty elements from regex filters (#31156)
  * StatPanels: Fixes to palette color scheme is not cleared when loading panel (#31126)
  * Fixed the typo. (#31189)
  * Docs: Rewrite preferences docs (#31154)
  * Explore/Refactor: Simplify URL handling (#29173)
  * DashboardLinks: Fixes links always cause full page reload (#31178)
  * Replace PR with Commit truncated hash when build fails (#31177)
  * Alert: update story to use controls (#31145)
  * Permissions: Fix team and role permissions on folders/dashboards not displayed for non Grafana Admin users (#31132)
  * CloudWatch: Ensure empty query row errors are not passed to the panel (#31172)
  * Update (#31173)
  * Variables: Extend option pickers to accept custom onChange callback (#30913)
  * Prometheus: Multiply exemplars timestamp to follow api change (#31143)
  * DashboardListPanel: Fixes issue with folder picker always showing All and using old form styles (#31160)
  * Add author name and pr number in drone pipeline notifications (#31124)
  * Prometheus: Add documentation for ad-hoc filters (#31122)
  * DataSourceSettings: Fixes add header button, it should not trigger a save & test action (#31135)
  * Alerting: Fix so that sending an alert with the Alertmanager notifier doesn't fail when one of multiple configured URL's are down (#31079)
  * Chore: Update latest.json (#31139)
  * Docs: add 7.4.1 relese notes link (#31137)
  * PieChart: Progress on new core pie chart  (#28020)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.4.1 (#31133)
  * Eslint: no-duplicate-imports rule (bump grafana-eslint-config) (#30989)
  * Transforms: Fixes Outer join issue with duplicate field names not getting the same unique field names as before  (#31121)
  * MuxWriter: Handle error for already closed file (#31119)
  * Logging: sourcemap transform asset urls from CDN in logged stacktraces (#31115)
  * Search: add sort information in dashboard results (#30609)
  * area/grafana/e2e: ginstall should pull version specified (#31056)
  * Exemplars: Change CTA style (#30880)
  * Influx: Make max series limit configurable and show the limiting message if applied (#31025)
  * Docs: request security (#30937)
  * update configurePanel for 7.4.0 changes (#31093)
  * Elasticsearch: fix log row context erroring out (#31088)
  * Prometheus: Fix issues with ad-hoc filters (#30931)
  * LogsPanel: Add deduplication option for logs (#31019)
  * Drone: Make sure CDN upload is ok before pushing docker images (#31075)
  * PluginManager: Remove some global state (#31081)
  * test: update addDashboard flow for v7.4.0 changes (#31059)
  * Transformations: Fixed typo in FilterByValue transformer description. (#31078)
  * Docs: Group id should be 0 instead of 1 in Docker upgrade notes (#31074)
  * Usage stats: Adds source/distributor setting (#31039)
  * CDN: Add CDN upload step to enterprise and release pipelines (#31058)
  * Chore: Replace native select with grafana ui select  (#31030)
  * Docs: Update (#31066)
  * Docs: Update (#31069)
  * Added hyperlinks to Graphite documentation (#31064)
  * DashboardSettings: Update to new form styles (#31022)
  * CDN: Fixing drone CI config (#31052)
  * convert path to posix by default (#31045)
  * DashboardLinks: Fixes crash when link has no title (#31008)
  * Alerting: Fixes so notification channels are properly deleted (#31040)
  * Explore: Remove emotion error when displaying logs (#31026)
  * Elasticsearch: Fix alias field value not being shown in query editor (#30992)
  * CDN: Adds uppload to CDN step to drone CI (#30879)
  * Improved glossary (#31004)
  * BarGauge: Improvements to value sizing and table inner width calculations  (#30990)
  * Drone: Fix deployment image (#31027)
  * ColorPicker: migrated styles from sass to emotion (#30909)
  * Dashboard: Migrate general settings to react (#30914)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.10.1 to 1.16.2 (#30586)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.36.31 to 1.37.7 (#31018)
  * Prometheus: Min step defaults to seconds when no unit is set to prevent errors when running alerts. (#30966)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0 (#31017)
  * Chore(deps): Bump (#31013)
  * Graph: Fixes so graph is shown for non numeric time values (#30972)
  * CloudMonitoring: Prevent resource type variable function from crashing (#30901)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 0.33.0 to 0.39.0 (#30971)
  * Build: Releases e2e and e2e-selectors too (#31006)
  * TextPanel: Fixes so panel title is updated when variables change (#30884)
  * Docs: Update (login_maximum_inactive_lifetime_duration, login_maximum_lifetime_duration) (#31000)
  * instrumentation: make the first database histogram bucket smaller (#30995)
  * Grafana/UI: Remove DismissableFeatureInfoBox and replace with LocalSt… (#30988)
  * StatPanel: Fixes issue formatting date values using unit option (#30979)
  * Chore(deps): Bump actions/cache from v2 to v2.1.4 (#30973)
  * Units: Fixes formatting of duration units (#30982)
  * Elasticsearch: Show Size setting for raw_data metric (#30980)
  * Alerts: Dedupe alerts so that we do not fill the screen with the same alert messsage (#30935)
  * make sure service and slo display name is passed to segment comp (#30900)
  * assign changes in cloud datasources to the new cloud datasources team (#30645)
  * Table: Updates devenv test dashboard after change to TestData Randrom Table response (#30927)
  * Theme: Use higher order theme color variables rather then is light/dark logic (#30939)
  * Docs: Add alias for what's new in 7.4 (#30945)
  * e2e: extends selector factory to plugins (#30932)
  * Chore: Upgrade docker build image (#30820)
  * Docs: updated developer guide (#29978)
  * Alerts: Update Alert storybook to show more states (#30908)
  * Variables: Adds queryparam formatting option (#30858)
  * Chore: pad unknown values with undefined (#30808)
  * Transformers: add search to transform selection (#30854)
  * Exemplars: change api to reflect latest changes (#30910)
  * docs: use selinux relabelling on docker containers (#27685)
  * Docs: Fix bad image path for alert notification template (#30911)
  * Make value mappings correctly interpret numeric-like strings (#30893)
  * Chore: Update latest.json (#30905)
  * Docs: Update (#30882)
  * Dashboard: Ignore changes to dashboard when the user session expires (#30897)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.4.0 (#30902)
  * test: add support for timeout to be passed in for addDatasource (#30736)
  * increase page size and make sure the cache supports query params (#30892)
  * DataSourceSettings: Adds info box and link to Grafana Cloud (#30891)
  * OAuth: custom username docs (#28400)
  * Panels: Remove value mapping of values that have been formatted #26763 (#30868)
  * Alerting: Fixes alert panel header icon not showing (#30840)
  * AlertingNG: Edit Alert Definition (#30676)
  * Logging: sourcemap support for frontend stacktraces (#30590)
  * Added "Restart Grafana" topic. (#30844)
  * Docs: Org, Team, and User Admin (#30756)
  * bump grabpl version to 0.5.36 (#30874)
  * Plugins: Requests validator (#30445)
  * Docs: Update (#30876)
  * Docs: Add server view folder (#30849)
  * Fixed image name and path  (#30871)
  * Grafana-ui: fixes closing modals with escape key (#30745)
  * InfluxDB: Add http configuration when selecting InfluxDB v2 flavor  (#30827)
  * TestData: Fixes issue with for ever loading state when all queries are hidden (#30861)
  * Chart/Tooltip: refactored style declaration (#30824)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.4.0-beta1 (#30853)
  * Grafana-ui: fixes no data message in Table component (#30821)
  * grafana/ui: Update pagination component for large number of pages (#30151)
  * Alerting: Customise OK notification priorities for Pushover notifier (#30169)
  * DashboardLinks: Support variable expression in to tooltip - Issue #30409 (#30569)
  * Chore: Remove panelTime.html, closes #30097 (#30842)
  * Docs: Time series panel, bar alignment docs (#30780)
  * Chore: add more docs annotations (#30847)
  * Transforms: allow boolean in field calculations (#30802)
  * Prometheus: Add tooltip to explain possibility to use patterns in text and title fields in annotations (#30825)
  * Update with image link fix (#30833)
  * BarChart: inside-align strokes, upgrade uPlot to 1.6.4. (#30806)
  * Update (#30839)
  * Explore rewrite (#30804)
  * Prometheus: Set type of labels to string (#30831)
  * GrafanaUI: Add a way to persistently close InfoBox (#30716)
  * Fix typo in transformer registry (#30712)
  * Elasticsearch: Display errors with text responses (#30122)
  * CDN: Fixes cdn path when Grafana is under sub path (#30822)
  * TraceViewer: Fix lazy loading (#30700)
  * FormField: migrated sass styling to emotion (#30392)
  * AlertingNG: change API permissions (#30781)
  * Variables: Clears drop down state when leaving dashboard (#30810)
  * Grafana-UI: Add story/docs for ErrorBoundary (#30304)
  * Add missing callback dependency (#30797)
  * PanelLibrary: Adds library panel meta information to dashboard json (#30770)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 0.6.0 to 0.8.2 (#30343)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 (#30771)
  * GraphNG: improve behavior when switching between solid/dash/dots (#30796)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 0.14.1 to 0.15.0 (#30778)
  * Add width for Variable Editors (#30791)
  * Chore: Remove warning when calling resource (#30752)
  * Auth: Use SigV4 lib from grafana-aws-sdk  (#30713)
  * Panels: Fixes so panels are refreshed when scrolling past them fast (#30784)
  * GraphNG: add bar alignment option (#30499)
  * Expressions: Measure total transformation requests and elapsed time (#30514)
  * Menu: Mark menu components as internal (#30740)
  * TableInputCSV: migrated styles from sass to emotion (#30554)
  * CDN: Fix passing correct prefix to GetContentDeliveryURL (#30777)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.57.0 to 1.62.0 (#30772)
  * CDN: Adds support for serving assets over a CDN (#30691)
  * PanelEdit: Trigger refresh when changing data source (#30744)
  * Chore: remove __debug_bin (#30725)
  * BarChart: add alpha bar chart panel (#30323)
  * Docs: Time series panel (#30690)
  * Backend Plugins: Convert test data source to use SDK contracts (#29916)
  * Docs: Update (#30747)
  * Add link to Elasticsearch docs. (#30748)
  * Mobile: Fixes issue scrolling on mobile in chrome (#30746)
  * TagsInput: Make placeholder configurable (#30718)
  * Docs: Add config settings for fonts in reporting (#30421)
  * Add menu.yaml to .gitignore (#30743)
  * bump cypress to 6.3.0 (#30644)
  * Datasource: Use json-iterator configuration compatible with standard library (#30732)
  * AlertingNG: Update UX to use new PageToolbar component (#30680)
  * Docs: Add usage insights export feature (#30376)
  * skip symlinks to directories when generating plugin manifest (#30721)
  * PluginCiE2E: Upgrade base images (#30696)
  * Variables: Fixes so text format will show All instead of custom all (#30730)
  * PanelLibrary: better handling of deleted panels (#30709)
  * Added section "Curated dashboards for Google Cloud Monitoring" for 7.4 What's New (#30724)
  * Added "curated dashboards" information and broke down, rearranged topics. (#30659)
  * Transform: improve the "outer join" performance/behavior (#30407)
  * Add alt text to plugin logos (#30710)
  * Deleted menu.yaml file (#30717)
  * Dashboard: Top Share URL icon should share panel URL when on viewPanel page (#30000)
  * Added entry for web server. (#30715)
  * DashboardPicker: switch to promise-based debounce, return dashboard UID (#30706)
  * Use connected GraphNG in Explore (#30707)
  * Fix documentation for streaming data sources (#30704)
  * PanelLibrary: changes casing of responses and adds meta property (#30668)
  * Influx: Show all datapoints for dynamically windowed flux query (#30688)
  * Trace: trace to logs design update (#30637)
  * DeployImage: Switch base images to Debian (#30684)
  * Chore: remove CSP debug logging line (#30689)
  * Docs: 7.4 documentation for expressions (#30524)
  * PanelEdit: Get rid of last remaining usage of navbar-button (#30682)
  * Grafana-UI: Fix setting default value for MultiSelect (#30671)
  * CustomScrollbar: migrated styles from sass to emotion (#30506)
  * DashboardSettings & PanelEdit: Use new PageToolbar (#30675)
  * Explore: Fix jumpy live tailing (#30650)
  * ci(npm-publish): add missing github package token to env vars (#30665)
  * PageToolbar: Extracting navbar styles & layout into a modern emotion based component (#30588)
  * AlertingNG: pause/unpause definitions via the API (#30627)
  * Docs: Refer to product docs in whats new for alerting templating feature (#30652)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.4.0-beta1 (#30666)
  * Variables: Fixes display value when using capture groups in regex (#30636)
  * Docs: Update (#30655)
  * Docs: Auditing updates (#30433)
  * Docs: add hidden_users configuration field (#30435)
  * Docs: Define TLS/SSL terminology (#30533)
  * Docs: Fix expressions enabled description (#30589)
  * Docs: Update ES screenshots (#30598)
  * Licensing Docs: Adding license restrictions docs (#30216)
  * Update (#30611)
  * Docs: Update (#30616)
  * chore(grafana-ui): bump storybook to 6.1.15 (#30642)
  * DashboardSettings: fixes vertical scrolling (#30640)
  * Usage Stats: Remove unused method for getting user stats (#30074)
  * Grafana/UI: Unit picker should not set a category as unit (#30638)
  * Graph: Fixes auto decimals issue in legend and tooltip (#30628)
  * AlertingNG: List saved Alert definitions in Alert Rule list (#30603)
  * chore: bump redux toolkit to 1.5.0 for immer 8.0.1 vulnerability fix (#30605)
  * Grafana/UI: Add disable prop to Segment (#30539)
  * Variables: Fixes so queries work for numbers values too (#30602)
  * Admin: Fixes so form values are filled in from backend (#30544)
  * Docs: Add new override info and add whats new 7.4 links (#30615)
  * TestData: Improve what's new in v7.4 (#30612)
  * Docs: Update 7.4 What's New to use more correct description of alerting notification template feature (#30502)
  * NodeGraph: Add docs (#30504)
  * Loki: Improve live tailing errors and fix Explore's logs container type errors (#30517)
  * TimeRangePicker: Updates components to use new ToolbarButton & ButtonGroup (#30570)
  * Update guide (#30594)
  * TestData: Adding what's new in v7.4 to the devenv dashboards (#30568)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.35.5 to 1.36.31 (#30583)
  * Chore(deps): Bump (#30585)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.3.9 to 1.4.0 (#30587)
  * Chore(deps): Bump from 1.1.5 to 1.2.0 (#30584)
  * Explore: Fix logs hover state so that it is visible and in dark mode & simply hover code (#30572)
  * RefreshPicker: Fixes so valid intervals in url are visible in RefreshPicker (#30474)
  * Add documentation for Exemplars (#30317)
  * OldGraph: Fix height issue in Firefox (#30565)
  * XY Chart: fix editor error with empty frame (no fields) (#30573)
  * ButtonSelect & RefreshPicker: Rewrite of components to use new emotion based ToolbarButton & Menu (#30510)
  * XY Chart: share legend config with timeseries (#30559)
  * Document Content Security Policy options (#30413)
  * DataFrame: cache frame/field index in field state (#30529)
  * List + before -; rm old Git ref; reformat. (#30543)
  * Expressions: Add option to disable feature (#30541)
  * Explore: Fix loading visualisation on the top of the new time series panel (#30553)
  * Prometheus: Fix show query instead of Value if no __name__ and metric (#30511)
  * Decimals: Big Improvements to auto decimals and fixes to auto decimals bug found in 7.4-beta1  (#30519)
  * Postgres: Convert tests to stdlib (#30536)
  * Storybook: Migrate card story to use controls  (#30535)
  * AlertingNG: Enable UI to Save Alert Definitions (#30394)
  * Postgres: Be consistent about TLS/SSL terminology (#30532)
  * Loki: Append refId to logs uid (#30418)
  * Postgres: Fix indentation (#30531)
  * GraphNG: uPlot 1.6.3 (fix bands not filling below 0). close #30523. (#30527)
  * updates for e2e docker image (#30465)
  * GraphNG: uPlot 1.6.2 (#30521)
  * Docs: Update (#30520)
  * Prettier: ignore build and devenv dirs (#30501)
  * Chore: Upgrade grabpl version (#30486)
  * Explore: Update styling of buttons (#30493)
  * Cloud Monitoring: Fix legend naming with display name override (#30440)
  * GraphNG: Disable Plot logging by default (#30390)
  * Admin: Fixes so whole org drop down is visible when adding users to org (#30481)
  * Docs: include Makefile option for local assets (#30455)
  * Footer: Fixes layout issue in footer  (#30443)
  * TimeSeriesPanel: Fixed default value for gradientMode (#30484)
  * Docs: fix typo in what's new doc (#30489)
  * Chore: adds wait to e2e test (#30488)
  * chore: update packages dependent on dot-prop to fix security vulnerability (#30432)
  * Dashboard: Remove Icon and change copy -> Copy to clipboard in the share embedded panel modal (#30480)
  * Chore: fix spelling mistake (#30473)
  * Chore: Restrict internal imports from other packages (#30453)
  * Docs: What's new fixes and improvements (#30469)
  * Timeseries: only migrage point size when configured (#30461)
  * Alerting: Hides threshold handle for percentual thresholds (#30431)
  * Graph: Fixes so only users with correct permissions can add annotations (#30419)
  * Chore: update latest version to 7.4.0-beta1 (#30452)
  * Docs: Add whats new 7.4 links (#30463)
  * Update (#30460)
  * docs: 7.4 what's new (Add expressions note) (#30446)
  * Chore: Upgrade build pipeline tool (#30456)
  * PanelModel: Make sure the angular options are passed to react panel type changed handler (#30441)
  * Expressions: Fix button icon (#30444)
  * ReleaseNotes: Updated changelog and release notes for 7.4.0-beta1 (#30449)
  * Docs: Fix img link for alert notification template (#30436)
  * grafana/ui: Fix internal import from grafana/data (#30439)
  * prevent field config from being overwritten (#30437)
  * PanelOptions: Refactoring applying panel and field options out of PanelModel and add property clean up for properties not in field config registry  (#30389)
  * Dashboard: Remove template variables option from ShareModal (#30395)
  * Added doc content for variables inspector code change by Hugo (#30408)
  * Docs: update license expiration behavior for reporting (#30420)
  * Chore: use old version format in package.json (#30430)
  * Chore: upgrade NPM security vulnerabilities (#30397)
  * "Release: Updated versions in package to 7.5.0-pre.0" (#30428)
  * contribute: Add backend and configuration guidelines for PRs (#30426)
  * Chore: Update what's new URL (#30424)
- Update to version 7.4.5
  * Security: Fix API permissions issues related to team-sync CVE-2021-28146, CVE-2021-28147. (Enterprise)
  * Security: Usage insights requires signed in users CVE-2021-28148. (Enterprise)
  * Security: Do not allow editors to incorrectly bypass permissions on the default data source. CVE-2021-27962. (Enterprise)
- Drop patch add-gotest-module.patch
- Add patch drop-grafana-aws-sdk-0.3.0-module.patch
Version: 8.3.10-150200.3.26.1
* Thu Aug 11 2022
- Update to version 8.3.10
  + Security:
  * Fixes XSS vulnerability in the Unified Alerting
    (bsc#1201535, CVE-2022-31097)
  * Fixes OAuth account takeover vulnerability
    (bsc#1201539, CVE-2022-31107)
- Update to version 8.3.9
  + Bug fixes:
  * Geomap: Display legend
  * Prometheus: Fix timestamp truncation
- Update to version 8.3.7
  + Bug fix:
  * Provisioning: Ensure that the default value for orgID is set
    when provisioning datasources to be deleted.
- Update to version 8.3.6
  + Features and enhancements:
  * Cloud Monitoring: Reduce request size when listing labels.
  * Explore: Show scalar data result in a table instead of graph.
  * Snapshots: Updates the default external snapshot server URL.
  * Table: Makes footer not overlap table content.
  * Tempo: Add request histogram to service graph datalink.
  * Tempo: Add time range to tempo search query behind a feature flag.
  * Tempo: Auto-clear results when changing query type.
  * Tempo: Display start time in search results as relative time.
  + Bug fixes:
  * CloudMonitoring: Fix resource labels in query editor.
  * Cursor sync: Apply the settings without saving the dashboard.
  * LibraryPanels: Fix for Error while cleaning library panels.
  * Logs Panel: Fix timestamp parsing for string dates without timezone.
  * Prometheus: Fix some of the alerting queries that use reduce/math operation.
  * TablePanel: Fix ad-hoc variables not working on default datasources.
  * Text Panel: Fix alignment of elements.
  * Variables: Fix for constant variables in self referencing links.
* Thu Apr 07 2022
- Update _constraints to require at least 5GB, because with less we
  can't build it.
Version: 7.3.1-bp153.1.47
* Mon Nov 09 2020 Stefano Torresi <>
- Update packaging
  * avoid systemd and shadow hard requirements
  * Require the user from a new dedicated 'system-user-grafana' sibling package
  * avoid pinning to a specific Go version in the spec file
* Thu Nov 05 2020
- Update to version 7.3.1:
  * Breaking changes
  - CloudWatch: The AWS CloudWatch data source's authentication scheme has changed. See the upgrade notes for details and how this may affect you.
  - Units: The date time units `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss` and `MM/DD/YYYY h:mm:ss a` have been renamed to `Datetime ISO` and `Datetime US` respectively.
  * Features / Enhancements
  - AzureMonitor: Support decimal (as float64) type in analytics/logs.
  - Add monitoring mixing for Grafana.
  - CloudWatch: Missing Namespace AWS/EC2CapacityReservations.
  - CloudWatch: Add support for AWS DirectConnect virtual interface metrics and add missing dimensions.
  - CloudWatch: Adding support for Amazon ElastiCache Redis metrics.
  - CloudWatch: Adding support for additional Amazon CloudFront metrics.
  - CloudWatch: Re-implement authentication.
  - Elasticsearch: Support multiple pipeline aggregations for a query.
  - Prometheus: Add time range parameters to labels API.
  - Loki: Visually distinguish error logs for LogQL2.
  - Api: Add /healthz endpoint for health checks.
  - API: Enrich add user to org endpoints with user ID in the response.
  - API: Enrich responses and improve error handling for alerting API endpoints.
  - Elasticsearch: Add support for date_nanos type.
  - Elasticsearch: Allow fields starting with underscore.
  - Elasticsearch: Increase maximum geohash aggregation precision to 12.
  - Postgres: Support request cancellation properly (Uses new backendSrv.fetch Observable request API).
  - Provisioning: Remove provisioned dashboards without parental reader.
  - API: Return ID of the deleted resource for dashboard, datasource and folder DELETE endpoints.
  - API: Support paging in the admin orgs list API.
  - API: return resource ID for auth key creation, folder permissions update and user invite complete endpoints.
  - BackendSrv: Uses credentials, deprecates withCredentials & defaults to same-origin.
  - CloudWatch: Update list of AmazonMQ metrics and dimensions.
  - Cloudwatch: Add Support for external ID in assume role.
  - Cloudwatch: Add af-south-1 region.
  - DateFormats: Default ISO & US formats never omit date part even if date is today (breaking change).
  - Explore: Transform prometheus query to elasticsearch query.
  - InfluxDB/Flux: Increase series limit for Flux datasource.
  - InfluxDB: exclude result and table column from Flux table results.
  - InfluxDB: return a table rather than an error when timeseries is missing time.
  - Loki: Add scopedVars support in legend formatting for repeated variables.
  - Loki: Re-introduce running of instant queries.
  - Loki: Support request cancellation properly (Uses new backendSrv.fetch Observable request API).
  - MixedDatasource: Shows retrieved data even if a data source fails.
  - Postgres: Support Unix socket for host.
  - Prometheus: Add scopedVars support in legend formatting for repeated variables.
  - Prometheus: Support request cancellation properly (Uses new backendSrv.fetch Observable request API).
  - Prometheus: add $__rate_interval variable.
  - Table: Adds column filtering.
  - grafana-cli: Add ability to read password from stdin to reset admin password.
Version: 7.1.5-bp151.2.1
* Fri Sep 18 2020
- Update to version 7.1.5:
  * Features / Enhancements
  - Stats: Stop counting the same user multiple times.
  - Field overrides: Filter by field name using regex.
  - AzureMonitor: map more units.
  - Explore: Don't run queries on datasource change.
  - Graph: Support setting field unit & override data source (automatic) unit.
  - Explore: Unification of logs/metrics/traces user interface
  - Table: JSON Cell should try to convert strings to JSON
  - Variables: enables cancel for slow query variables queries.
  - TimeZone: unify the time zone pickers to one that can rule them all.
  - Search: support URL query params.
  - Grafana-UI: Add FileUpload.
  - TablePanel: Sort numbers correctly.
  * Bug fixes
  - Alerting: remove LongToWide call in alerting.
  - AzureMonitor: fix panic introduced in 7.1.4 when unit was unspecified and alias was used.
  - Variables: Fixes issue with All variable not being resolved.
  - Templating: Fixes so texts show in picker not the values.
  - Templating: Templating: Fix undefined result when using raw interpolation format
  - TextPanel: Fix content overflowing panel boundaries.
  - StatPanel: Fix stat panel display name not showing when explicitly set.
  - Query history: Fix search filtering if null value.
  - Flux: Ensure connections to InfluxDB are closed.
  - Dashboard: Fix for viewer can enter panel edit mode by modifying url (but cannot not save anything).
  - Prometheus: Fix prom links in mixed mode.
  - Sign In Use correct url for the Sign In button.
  - StatPanel: Fixes issue with name showing for single series / field results
  - BarGauge: Fix space bug in single series mode.
  - Auth: Fix POST request failures with anonymous access
  - Templating: Fix recursive loop of template variable queries when changing ad-hoc-variable
  - Templating: Fixed recursive queries triggered when switching dashboard settings view
  - GraphPanel: Fix annotations overflowing panels.
  - Prometheus: Fix performance issue in processing of histogram labels.
  - Datasources: Handle URL parsing error.
  - Security: Use Header.Set and Header.Del for X-Grafana-User header.
  * Changes in spec file
  - Fix golang version = 1.14 to avoid dependency conflicts on some OBS projects
* Fri Jun 05 2020
- Update to version 7.0.3
  * Features / Enhancements
  - Stats: include all fields. #24829, @ryantxu
  - Variables: change VariableEditorList row action Icon to IconButton. #25217, @hshoff
  * Bug fixes
  - Cloudwatch: Fix dimensions of DDoSProtection. #25317, @papagian
  - Configuration: Fix env var override of sections containing hyphen. #25178, @marefr
  - Dashboard: Get panels in collapsed rows. #25079, @peterholmberg
  - Do not show alerts tab when alerting is disabled. #25285, @dprokop
  - Jaeger: fixes cascader option label duration value. #25129, @Estrax
  - Transformations: Fixed Transform tab crash & no update after adding first transform. #25152, @torkelo
- Update to version 7.0.2
  * Bug fixes
  - Security: Urgent security patch release to fix CVE-2020-13379
* Mon Jun 01 2020
- Update to version 7.0.1
  * Features / Enhancements
  - Datasource/CloudWatch: Makes CloudWatch Logs query history more readable. #24795, @kaydelaney
  - Download CSV: Add date and time formatting. #24992, @ryantxu
  - Table: Make last cell value visible when right aligned. #24921, @peterholmberg
  - TablePanel: Adding sort order persistance. #24705, @torkelo
  - Transformations: Display correct field name when using reduce transformation. #25068, @peterholmberg
  - Transformations: Allow custom number input for binary operations. #24752, @ryantxu
  * Bug fixes
  - Dashboard/Links: Fixes dashboard links by tags not working. #24773, @KamalGalrani
  - Dashboard/Links: Fixes open in new window for dashboard link. #24772, @KamalGalrani
  - Dashboard/Links: Variables are resolved and limits to 100. #25076, @hugohaggmark
  - DataLinks: Bring back variables interpolation in title. #24970, @dprokop
  - Datasource/CloudWatch: Field suggestions no longer limited to prefix-only. #24855, @kaydelaney
  - Explore/Table: Keep existing field types if possible. #24944, @kaydelaney
  - Explore: Fix wrap lines toggle for results of queries with filter expression. #24915, @ivanahuckova
  - Explore: fix undo in query editor. #24797, @zoltanbedi
  - Explore: fix word break in type head info. #25014, @zoltanbedi
  - Graph: Legend decimals now work as expected. #24931, @torkelo
  - LoginPage: Fix hover color for service buttons. #25009, @tskarhed
  - LogsPanel: Fix scrollbar. #24850, @ivanahuckova
  - MoveDashboard: Fix for moving dashboard caused all variables to be lost. #25005, @torkelo
  - Organize transformer: Use display name in field order comparer. #24984, @dprokop
  - Panel: shows correct panel menu items in view mode. #24912, @hugohaggmark
  - PanelEditor Fix missing labels and description if there is only single option in category. #24905, @dprokop
  - PanelEditor: Overrides name matcher still show all original field names even after Field default display name is specified. #24933, @torkelo
  - PanelInspector: Makes sure Data display options are visible. #24902, @hugohaggmark
  - PanelInspector: Hides unsupported data display options for Panel type. #24918, @hugohaggmark
  - PanelMenu: Make menu disappear on button press. #25015, @tskarhed
  - Postgres: Fix add button. #25087, @phemmer
  - Prometheus: Fix recording rules expansion. #24977, @ivanahuckova
  - Stackdriver: Fix creating Service Level Objectives (SLO) datasource query variable. #25023, @papagian
* Sun May 24 2020 Joao Cavalheiro <>
- Update to version 7.0.0
  * Breaking changes
  - Removed PhantomJS: PhantomJS was deprecated in Grafana v6.4 and starting from Grafana v7.0.0, all PhantomJS support has been removed. This means that Grafana no longer ships with a built-in image renderer, and we advise you to install the Grafana Image Renderer plugin.
  - Dashboard: A global minimum dashboard refresh interval is now enforced and defaults to 5 seconds.
  - Interval calculation: There is now a new option Max data points that controls the auto interval $__interval calculation. Interval was previously calculated by dividing the panel width by the time range. With the new max data points option it is now easy to set $__interval to a dynamic value that is time range agnostic. For example if you set Max data points to 10 Grafana will dynamically set $__interval by dividing the current time range by 10.
  - Datasource/Loki: Support for deprecated Loki endpoints has been removed.
  - Backend plugins: Grafana now requires backend plugins to be signed, otherwise Grafana will not load/start them. This is an additional security measure to make sure backend plugin binaries and files haven't been tampered with. Refer to Upgrade Grafana for more information.
  - @grafana/ui: Forms migration notice, see @grafana/ui changelog
  - @grafana/ui: Select API change for creating custom values, see @grafana/ui changelog
    + Deprecation warnings
  - Scripted dashboards is now deprecated. The feature is not removed but will be in a future release. We hope to address the underlying requirement of dynamic dashboards in a different way. #24059
  - The unofficial first version of backend plugins together with usage of grafana/grafana-plugin-model is now deprecated and support for that will be removed in a future release. Please refer to backend plugins documentation for information about the new officially supported backend plugins.
  * Features / Enhancements
  - Backend plugins: Log deprecation warning when using the unofficial first version of backend plugins. #24675, @marefr
  - Editor: New line on Enter, run query on Shift+Enter. #24654, @davkal
  - Loki: Allow multiple derived fields with the same name. #24437, @aocenas
  - Orgs: Add future deprecation notice. #24502, @torkelo
  * Bug Fixes
  - @grafana/toolkit: Use process.cwd() instead of PWD to get directory. #24677, @zoltanbedi
  - Admin: Makes long settings values line break in settings page. #24559, @hugohaggmark
  - Dashboard: Allow editing provisioned dashboard JSON and add confirmation when JSON is copied to dashboard. #24680, @dprokop
  - Dashboard: Fix for strange "dashboard not found" errors when opening links in dashboard settings. #24416, @torkelo
  - Dashboard: Fix so default data source is selected when data source can't be found in panel editor. #24526, @mckn
  - Dashboard: Fixed issue changing a panel from transparent back to normal in panel editor. #24483, @torkelo
  - Dashboard: Make header names reflect the field name when exporting to CSV file from the the panel inspector. #24624, @peterholmberg
  - Dashboard: Make sure side pane is displayed with tabs by default in panel editor. #24636, @dprokop
  - Data source: Fix query/annotation help content formatting. #24687, @AgnesToulet
  - Data source: Fixes async mount errors. #24579, @Estrax
  - Data source: Fixes saving a data source without failure when URL doesn't specify a protocol. #24497, @aknuds1
  - Explore/Prometheus: Show results of instant queries only in table. #24508, @ivanahuckova
  - Explore: Fix rendering of react query editors. #24593, @ivanahuckova
  - Explore: Fixes loading more logs in logs context view. #24135, @Estrax
  - Graphite: Fix schema and dedupe strategy in rollup indicators for Metrictank queries. #24685, @torkelo
  - Graphite: Makes query annotations work again. #24556, @hugohaggmark
  - Logs: Clicking "Load more" from context overlay doesn't expand log row. #24299, @kaydelaney
  - Logs: Fix total bytes process calculation. #24691, @davkal
  - Org/user/team preferences: Fixes so UI Theme can be set back to Default. #24628, @AgnesToulet
  - Plugins: Fix manifest validation. #24573, @aknuds1
  - Provisioning: Use proxy as default access mode in provisioning. #24669, @bergquist
  - Search: Fix select item when pressing enter and Grafana is served using a sub path. #24634, @tskarhed
  - Search: Save folder expanded state. #24496, @Clarity-89
  - Security: Tag value sanitization fix in OpenTSDB data source. #24539, @rotemreiss
  - Table: Do not include angular options in options when switching from angular panel. #24684, @torkelo
  - Table: Fixed persisting column resize for time series fields. #24505, @torkelo
  - Table: Fixes Cannot read property subRows of null. #24578, @hugohaggmark
  - Time picker: Fixed so you can enter a relative range in the time picker without being converted to absolute range. #24534, @mckn
  - Transformations: Make transform dropdowns not cropped. #24615, @dprokop
  - Transformations: Sort order should be preserved as entered by user when using the reduce transformation. #24494, @hugohaggmark
  - Units: Adds scale symbol for currencies with suffixed symbol. #24678, @hugohaggmark
  - Variables: Fixes filtering options with more than 1000 entries. #24614, @hugohaggmark
  - Variables: Fixes so Textbox variables read value from url. #24623, @hugohaggmark
  - Zipkin: Fix error when span contains remoteEndpoint. #24524, @aocenas
  - SAML: Switch from email to login for user login attribute mapping (Enterprise)
- Update Makefile and spec file
  * Remove phantomJS patch from Makefile
  * Fix multiline strings in Makefile
  * Exclude s390 from SLE12 builds, golang 1.14 is not built for s390
* Thu May 14 2020 Enno Gotthold <>
- Add instructions for patching the Grafana javascript frontend.
* Tue May 05 2020 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- BuildRequires golang(API) instead of go metapackage version range
  * BuildRequires:  golang(API) >= 1.14   from
    BuildRequires:  ( go >= 1.14 with go < 1.15 )
* Tue Apr 28 2020 Enno Gotthold <>
- Update to version 6.7.3
  - This version fixes bsc#1170557 and its corresponding CVE-2020-12245
  - Admin: Fix Synced via LDAP message for non-LDAP external users. #23477, @alexanderzobnin
  - Alerting: Fixes notifications for alerts with empty message in Google Hangouts notifier. #23559, @hugohaggmark
  - AuthProxy: Fixes bug where long username could not be cached.. #22926, @jcmcken
  - Dashboard: Fix saving dashboard when editing raw dashboard JSON model. #23314, @peterholmberg
  - Dashboard: Try to parse 8 and 15 digit numbers as timestamps if parsing of time range as date fails. #21694, @jessetan
  - DashboardListPanel: Fixed problem with empty panel after going into edit mode (General folder filter being automatically added) . #23426, @torkelo
  - Data source: Handle datasource withCredentials option properly. #23380, @hvtuananh
  - Security: Fix annotation popup XSS vulnerability. #23813, @torkelo
  - Server: Exit Grafana with status code 0 if no error. #23312, @aknuds1
  - TablePanel: Fix XSS issue in header column rename (backport). #23814, @torkelo
  - Variables: Fixes error when setting adhoc variable values. #23580, @hugohaggmark
* Mon Apr 06 2020
- Update to version 6.7.2:
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
  - BackendSrv: Adds config to response to fix issue for external plugins that used this property . #23032, @torkelo
  - Dashboard: Fixed issue with saving new dashboard after changing title . #23104, @dprokop
  - DataLinks: make sure we use the correct datapoint when dataset contains null value.. #22981, @mckn
  - Plugins: Fixed issue for plugins that imported dateMath util . #23069, @mckn
  - Security: Fix for dashboard snapshot original dashboard link could contain XSS vulnerability in url. #23254, @torkelo
  - Variables: Fixes issue with too many queries being issued for nested template variables after value change. #23220, @torkelo
  - Plugins: Expose promiseToDigest. #23249, @torkelo
  - Reporting (Enterprise): Fixes issue updating a report created by someone else
* Fri Mar 20 2020 Johannes Kastl <>
- update to 6.7.1:
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
  Bug Fixes
  - Azure: Fixed dropdowns not showing current value. #22914, @torkelo
  - BackendSrv: only add content-type on POST, PUT requests. #22910, @hugohaggmark
  - Panels: Fixed size issue with panel internal size when exiting panel edit mode. #22912, @torkelo
  - Reporting: fixes migrations compatibility with mysql (Enterprise)
  - Reporting: Reduce default concurrency limit to 4 (Enterprise)
* Fri Mar 20 2020 Johannes Kastl <>
- update to 6.7.0:
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
  Bug Fixes
  - AngularPanels: Fixed inner height calculation for angular panels . #22796, @torkelo
  - BackendSrv: makes sure provided headers are correctly recognized and set. #22778, @hugohaggmark
  - Forms: Fix input suffix position (caret-down in Select) . #22780, @torkelo
  - Graphite: Fixed issue with query editor and next select metric now showing after selecting metric node . #22856, @torkelo
  - Rich History: UX adjustments and fixes. #22729, @ivanahuckova
- update to 6.7.0-beta1:
  Breaking changes
  - Slack: Removed Mention setting and instead introduce Mention Users, Mention Groups, and Mention Channel. The first two settings require user and group IDs, respectively. This change was necessary because the way of mentioning via the Slack API changed and mentions in Slack notifications no longer worked.
  - Alerting: Reverts the behavior of diff and percent_diff to not always be absolute. Something we introduced by mistake in 6.1.0. Alerting now support diff(), diff_abs(), percent_diff() and percent_diff_abs(). #21338
  - Notice about changes in backendSrv for plugin authors
    In our mission to migrate away from AngularJS to React we have removed all AngularJS dependencies in the core data retrieval service backendSrv.
    Removing the AngularJS dependencies in backendSrv has the unfortunate side effect of AngularJS digest no longer being triggered for any request made with backendSrv. Because of this, external plugins using backendSrv directly may suffer from strange behaviour in the UI.
    To remedy this issue, as a plugin author you need to trigger the digest after a direct call to backendSrv.
  Bug Fixes
    API: Fix redirect issues. #22285, @papagian
    Alerting: Don't include image_url field with Slack message if empty. #22372, @aknuds1
    Alerting: Fixed bad background color for default notifications in alert tab . #22660, @krvajal
    Annotations: In table panel when setting transform to annotation, they will now show up right away without a manual refresh. #22323, @krvajal
    Azure Monitor: Fix app insights source to allow for new __timeFrom and __timeTo. #21879, @ChadNedzlek
    BackendSrv: Fixes POST body for form data. #21714, @hugohaggmark
    CloudWatch: Credentials cache invalidation fix. #22473, @sunker
    CloudWatch: Expand alias variables when query yields no result. #22695, @sunker
    Dashboard: Fix bug with NaN in alerting. #22053, @a-melnyk
    Explore: Fix display of multiline logs in log panel and explore. #22057, @thomasdraebing
    Heatmap: Legend color range is incorrect when using custom min/max. #21748, @sv5d
    Security: Fixed XSS issue in dashboard history diff . #22680, @torkelo
    StatPanel: Fixes base color is being used for null values .
    [#22646], @torkelo
* Fri Mar 06 2020
- Update to version 6.6.2:
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
* Fri Mar 06 2020
- Update to version 6.6.1:
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
* Thu Mar 05 2020
- Update to version 6.6.0:
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
* Thu Mar 05 2020
- Update to version 6.6.0:
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
* Thu Mar 05 2020
- Update to version 6.5.3:
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
* Thu Mar 05 2020
- Update to version 6.5.2:
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
* Thu Mar 05 2020
- Update to version 6.5.1:
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
* Thu Mar 05 2020
- Update to version 6.5.0
  (see installed changelog for the full list of changes)
* Thu Mar 05 2020
- Update to version 6.4.5:
  * Create version 6.4.5
  * CloudWatch: Fix high CPU load (#20579)
* Tue Dec 03 2019
- Revert the spec file and make script
- Remove PhantomJS dependency
Version: 6.3.5-bp152.2.31
* Thu Sep 05 2019
- Version 6.3.5
  * Upgrades
    + Build: Upgrade to go 1.12.9.
  * Bug Fixes
    + Dashboard: Fixes dashboards init failed loading error for dashboards with panel links that had missing properties.
    + Editor: Fixes issue where only entire lines were being copied.
    + Explore: Fixes query field layout in splitted view for Safari browsers.
    + LDAP: multildap + ldap integration.
    + Profile/UserAdmin: Fix for user agent parser crashes grafana-server on 32-bit builds.
    + Prometheus: Prevents panel editor crash when switching to Prometheus datasource.
    + Prometheus: Changes brace-insertion behavior to be less annoying.
- Version 6.3.4
  * Security: CVE-2019-15043 - Parts of the HTTP API allow unauthenticated use.
* Fri Aug 16 2019
- Version 6.3.3
  * Bug Fixes
    + Annotations: Fix failing annotation query when time series query is cancelled. #18532 1, @dprokop 1
    + Auth: Do not set SameSite cookie attribute if cookie_samesite is none. #18462 1, @papagian 3
    + DataLinks: Apply scoped variables to data links correctly. #18454 1, @dprokop 1
    + DataLinks: Respect timezone when displaying datapoint?s timestamp in graph context menu. #18461 2, @dprokop 1
    + DataLinks: Use datapoint timestamp correctly when interpolating variables. #18459 1, @dprokop 1
    + Explore: Fix loading error for empty queries. #18488 1, @davkal
    + Graph: Fixes legend issue clicking on series line icon and issue with horizontal scrollbar being visible on windows. #18563 1, @torkelo 2
    + Graphite: Avoid glob of single-value array variables . #18420, @gotjosh
    + Prometheus: Fix queries with label_replace remove the $1 match when loading query editor. #18480 5, @hugohaggmark 3
    + Prometheus: More consistently allows for multi-line queries in editor. #18362 2, @kaydelaney 2
    + TimeSeries: Assume values are all numbers. #18540 4, @ryantxu
- Version 6.3.2
  * Bug Fixes
    + Gauge/BarGauge: Fixes issue with losts thresholds and issue loading Gauge with avg stat. #18375 12
- Version 6.3.1
  * Bug Fixes
    + PanelLinks: Fix crash issue Gauge & Bar Gauge for panels with panel links (drill down links). #18430 2
- Version 6.3.0
  * Features / Enhancements
    + OAuth: Do not set SameSite OAuth cookie if cookie_samesite is None. #18392 4, @papagian 3
    + Auth Proxy: Include additional headers as part of the cache key. #18298 6, @gotjosh
    + Build grafana images consistently. #18224 12, @hassanfarid
    + Docs: SAML. #18069 11, @gotjosh
    + Permissions: Show plugins in nav for non admin users but hide plugin configuration. #18234 1, @aocenas
    + TimePicker: Increase max height of quick range dropdown. #18247 2, @torkelo 2
    + Alerting: Add tags to alert rules. #10989 13, @Thib17 1
    + Alerting: Attempt to send email notifications to all given email addresses. #16881 1, @zhulongcheng
    + Alerting: Improve alert rule testing. #16286 2, @marefr
    + Alerting: Support for configuring content field for Discord alert notifier. #17017 2, @jan25
    + Alertmanager: Replace illegal chars with underscore in label names. #17002 5, @bergquist 1
    + Auth: Allow expiration of API keys. #17678, @papagian 3
    + Auth: Return device, os and browser when listing user auth tokens in HTTP API. #17504, @shavonn 1
    + Auth: Support list and revoke of user auth tokens in UI. #17434 2, @shavonn 1
    + AzureMonitor: change clashing built-in Grafana variables/macro names for Azure Logs. #17140, @shavonn 1
    + CloudWatch: Made region visible for AWS Cloudwatch Expressions. #17243 2, @utkarshcmu
    + Cloudwatch: Add AWS DocDB metrics. #17241, @utkarshcmu
    + Dashboard: Use timezone dashboard setting when exporting to CSV. #18002 1, @dehrax
    + Data links. #17267 11, @torkelo 2
    + Docker: Switch base image to ubuntu:latest from debian:stretch to avoid security issues? #17066 5, @bergquist 1
    + Elasticsearch: Support for visualizing logs in Explore . #17605 7, @marefr
    + Explore: Adds Live option for supported datasources. #17062 1, @hugohaggmark 3
    + Explore: Adds orgId to URL for sharing purposes. #17895 1, @kaydelaney 2
    + Explore: Adds support for new loki ?start? and ?end? params for labels endpoint. #17512, @kaydelaney 2
    + Explore: Adds support for toggling raw query mode in explore. #17870, @kaydelaney 2
    + Explore: Allow switching between metrics and logs . #16959 2, @marefr
    + Explore: Combines the timestamp and local time columns into one. #17775, @hugohaggmark 3
    + Explore: Display log lines context . #17097, @dprokop 1
    + Explore: Don?t parse log levels if provided by field or label. #17180 1, @marefr
    + Explore: Improves performance of Logs element by limiting re-rendering. #17685, @kaydelaney 2
    + Explore: Support for new LogQL filtering syntax. #16674 4, @davkal
    + Explore: Use new TimePicker from Grafana/UI. #17793, @hugohaggmark 3
    + Explore: handle newlines in LogRow Highlighter. #17425, @rrfeng 1
    + Graph: Added new fill gradient option. #17528 3, @torkelo 2
    + GraphPanel: Don?t sort series when legend table & sort column is not visible . #17095, @shavonn 1
    + InfluxDB: Support for visualizing logs in Explore. #17450 9, @hugohaggmark 3
    + Logging: Login and Logout actions (#17760). #17883 1, @ATTron
    + Logging: Move log package to pkg/infra. #17023, @zhulongcheng
    + Metrics: Expose stats about roles as metrics. #17469 2, @bergquist 1
    + MySQL/Postgres/MSSQL: Add parsing for day, weeks and year intervals in macros. #13086 6, @bernardd
    + MySQL: Add support for periodically reloading client certs. #14892, @tpetr
    + Plugins: replace dataFormats list with skipDataQuery flag in plugin.json. #16984, @ryantxu
    + Prometheus: Take timezone into account for step alignment. #17477, @fxmiii
    + Prometheus: Use overridden panel range for $__range instead of dashboard range. #17352, @patrick246
    + Prometheus: added time range filter to series labels query. #16851 3, @FUSAKLA
    + Provisioning: Support folder that doesn?t exist yet in dashboard provisioning. #17407 1, @Nexucis
    + Refresh picker: Handle empty intervals. #17585 1, @dehrax
    + Singlestat: Add y min/max config to singlestat sparklines. #17527 4, @pitr
    + Snapshot: use given key and deleteKey. #16876, @zhulongcheng
    + Templating: Correctly display __text in multi-value variable after page reload. #17840 1, @EduardSergeev
    + Templating: Support selecting all filtered values of a multi-value variable. #16873 2, @r66ad
    + Tracing: allow propagation with Zipkin headers. #17009 4, @jrockway
    + Users: Disable users removed from LDAP. #16820 2, @alexanderzobnin
  * Bug Fixes
    + PanelLinks: Fix render issue when there is no panel description. #18408 3, @dehrax
    + OAuth: Fix ?missing saved state? OAuth login failure due to SameSite cookie policy. #18332 1, @papagian 3
    + cli: fix for recognizing when in dev mode? #18334, @xlson
    + DataLinks: Fixes incorrect interpolation of ${__series_name} . #18251 1, @torkelo 2
    + Loki: Display live tailed logs in correct order in Explore. #18031 3, @kaydelaney 2
    + PhantomJS: Fixes rendering on Debian Buster. #18162 2, @xlson
    + TimePicker: Fixed style issue for custom range popover. #18244, @torkelo 2
    + Timerange: Fixes a bug where custom time ranges didn?t respect UTC. #18248 1, @kaydelaney 2
    + remote_cache: Fix redis connstr parsing. #18204 1, @mblaschke
    + AddPanel: Fix issue when removing moved add panel widget . #17659 2, @dehrax
    + CLI: Fix encrypt-datasource-passwords fails with sql error. #18014, @marefr
    + Elasticsearch: Fix default max concurrent shard requests. #17770 4, @marefr
    + Explore: Fix browsing back to dashboard panel. #17061, @jschill
    + Explore: Fix filter by series level in logs graph. #17798, @marefr
    + Explore: Fix issues when loading and both graph/table are collapsed. #17113, @marefr
    + Explore: Fix selection/copy of log lines. #17121, @marefr
    + Fix: Wrap value of multi variable in array when coming from URL. #16992 1, @aocenas
    + Frontend: Fix for Json tree component not working. #17608, @srid12
    + Graphite: Fix for issue with alias function being moved last. #17791, @torkelo 2
    + Graphite: Fixes issue with seriesByTag & function with variable param. #17795, @torkelo 2
    + Graphite: use POST for /metrics/find requests. #17814 2, @papagian 3
    + HTTP Server: Serve Grafana with a custom URL path prefix. #17048 6, @jan25
    + InfluxDB: Fixes single quotes are not escaped in label value filters. #17398 1, @Panzki
    + Prometheus: Correctly escape ?|? literals in interpolated PromQL variables. #16932, @Limess
    + Prometheus: Fix when adding label for metrics which contains colons in Explore. #16760, @tolwi
    + SinglestatPanel: Remove background color when value turns null. #17552 1, @druggieri
* Tue Jul 30 2019
- make phantomjs dependency configurable
* Thu Jul 11 2019 Jan Fajerski <>
- spec file change:
  * alter permissions of /etc/grafana and /var/lib/grafana to 755
  * alter owner of /etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards tree to root:root
  * this allows installing dashboards via rpms without these rpms depending on this rpm
* Tue Jun 25 2019
- Update to version 6.2.5:
  * release 6.2.5
  * Panel: Fully escape html in drilldown links (was only sanitized before)  (#17731)
  * Grafana-CLI: Wrapper for `grafana-cli` within RPM/DEB packages and config/homepath are now global flags (#17695)
  * config: fix connstr for remote_cache (#17675)
  * TablePanel: fix annotations display (#17646)
  * middleware: fix Strict-Transport-Security header (#17644)
  * Elasticsearch: Fix empty query request to send properly (#17488)
  * release 6.2.4
  * grafana-cli: Fix receiving flags via command line (#17617)
  * HTTPServer: Fix X-XSS-Protection header formatting (#17620)
  * release 6.2.3
  * cli: grafana-cli should receive flags from the command line (#17606)
  * AuthProxy: Optimistic lock pattern for remote cache Set (#17485)
  * OAuth: Fix for wrong user token updated on OAuth refresh in DS proxy (#17541)
  * middleware: add security related HTTP(S) response headers (#17522)
  * remote_cache: Fix redis (#17483)
  * auth_proxy: non-negative cache TTL (#17495)
* Sat Jun 15 2019
- Update to version 6.2.2:
  * Security Fix: Prevent csv formula injection attack
  * PluginConfig: Fixed plugin config page navigation when using subpath
  * Explore: Update time range before running queries
  * Perf: Fix slow dashboards ACL query
  * Database: Initialize xorm with an empty schema for postgres
  * CloudWatch: Avoid exception while accessing results
* Tue May 28 2019
- Remove phantomjs dependency
  * Modified: Makefile
- Update to version 6.2.1
  * Bug Fixes
    + Auth Proxy: Resolve database is locked errors.
    + Database: Retry transaction if sqlite returns database is locked error.
    + Explore: Fixes so clicking in a Prometheus Table the query is filtered by clicked value.
    + Singlestat: Fixes issue with value placement and line wraps.
    + Tech: Update jQuery to 3.4.1 to fix issue on iOS 10 based browers as well as Chrome 53.x.
  * Features / Enhancements
    + CLI: Add command to migrate all datasources to use encrypted password fields.
    + Gauge/BarGauge: Improvements to auto value font size.
  * Modified: README
- Update to version 6.2.0
  * Bug Fixes
    + BarGauge: Fix for negative min values.
    + Gauge/BarGauge: Fix for issues editing min & max options.
    + Search: Make only folder name only open search with current folder filter.
    + AzureMonitor: Revert to clearing chained dropdowns.
    + Dashboard: Fixes blank dashboard after window resize with panel without title.
    + Dashboard: Fixes lazy loading & expanding collapsed rows on mobile.
    + Dashboard: Fixes scrolling issues for Edge browser.
    + Dashboard: Show refresh button in first kiosk(tv) mode.
    + Explore: Fix empty result from datasource should render logs container.
    + Explore: Fixes so clicking in a Prometheus Table the query is filtered by clicked value.
    + Explore: Makes it possible to zoom in Explore/Loki/Graph without exception.
    + Gauge: Fixes orientation issue after switching from BarGauge to Gauge.
    + GettingStarted: Fixes layout issues in getting started panel.
    + InfluxDB: Fix HTTP method should default to GET.
    + Panels: Fixed alert icon position in panel header.
    + Panels: Fixes panel error tooltip not showing.
    + Plugins: Fix how datemath utils are exposed to plugins.
    + Singlestat: fixed centering issue for very small panels.
    + Search: Scroll issue in dashboard search in latest Chrome.
    + Docker: Prevent a permission denied error when writing files to the default provisioning directory.
    + Gauge: Adds background shade to gauge track and improves height usage.
    + RemoteCache: Avoid race condition in Set causing error on insert. .
    + Build: Fix bug where grafana didn't start after mysql on rpm packages.
    + CloudWatch: Fixes query order not affecting series ordering & color.
    + CloudWatch: Use default alias if there is no alias for metrics.
    + Config: Fixes bug where timeouts for alerting was not parsed correctly.
    + Elasticsearch: Fix view percentiles metric in table without date histogram.
    + Explore: Prevents histogram loading from killing Prometheus instance.
    + Graph: Allow override decimals to fully override.
    + Mixed Datasource: Fix error when one query is disabled.
    + Search: Fixes search limits and adds a page parameter.
    + Security: Responses from backend should not be cached.
  * Breaking Changes
    + Plugins: Data source plugins that process hidden queries need to add a "hiddenQueries: true" attribute in plugin.json.
    + Gauge Panel: The suffix / prefix options have been removed from the new Gauge Panel (introduced in v6.0). #16870.
  * Features / Enhancements
    + Plugins: Support templated urls in plugin routes.
    + Packaging: New MSI windows installer package**.
    + Admin: Add more stats about roles.
    + Alert list panel: Support variables in filters.
    + Alerting: Adjust label for send on all alerts to default .
    + Alerting: Makes timeouts and retries configurable.
    + Alerting: No notification when going from no data to pending.
    + Alerting: Pushover alert, support for different sound for OK.
    + Auth: Enable retries and transaction for some db calls for auth tokens .
    + AzureMonitor: Adds support for multiple subscriptions per datasource.
    + Bar Gauge: New multi series enabled gauge like panel with horizontal and vertical layouts and 3 display modes.
    + Build: Upgrades to golang 1.12.4.
    + CloudWatch: Update AWS/IoT metric and dimensions.
    + Config: Show user-friendly error message instead of stack trace.
    + Dashboard: Enable filtering dashboards in search by current folder.
    + Dashboard: Lazy load out of view panels .
    + DataProxy: Restore Set-Cookie header after proxy request.
    + Datasources: Add pattern validation for time input on datasource config pages.
    + Elasticsearch: Add 7.x version support.
    + Explore: Adds reconnect for failing datasource.
    + Explore: Support user timezone.
    + InfluxDB: Add support for POST HTTP verb.
    + Loki: Search is now case insensitive.
    + OAuth: Update jwt regexp to include =.
    + Panels: No title will no longer make panel header take up space.
    + Prometheus: Adds tracing headers for Prometheus datasource.
    + Provisioning: Add API endpoint to reload provisioning configs.
    + Provisioning: Do not allow deletion of provisioned dashboards.
    + Provisioning: Interpolate env vars in provisioning files.
    + Security: Add new setting allow_embedding.
    + Security: Store datasource passwords encrypted in secureJsonData.
    + UX: Improve Grafana usage for smaller screens.
    + Units: Add angle units, Arc Minutes and Seconds.
* Sat May 18 2019
- Update to version 6.1.6
  * Security: Bump jQuery to 3.4.0
  * Playlist: Fix loading dashboards by tag.
- Update to version 6.0.2:
  * Fixed issue with alert links in alert list panel causing panel not found errors, fixes #15680
  * Improved error handling when rendering dashboard panels, fixes #15913
  * fix allow anonymous server bind for ldap search
  * add nil/length check when delete old login attempts
  * fix discord notifier so it doesn't crash when there are no image generated
  * fix only users that can edit a dashboard should be able to update panel json
  * move to new component to handle focus
  * added state to not set focus on search every render
  * Snapshots update
  * Use app config directly in ButtonRow instead of passing datasources page URL via prop
  * Update snapshots
  * Fixed url of back button in datasource edit page, when root_url configured
  * release: Bumped version
- Update to version 6.0.1:
  * Bug Fixes:
    + utils: show string errors
    + Viewers with viewers_can_edit should be able to access /explore
    +  log phantomjs output even if it timeout and include orgId when render alert
- Update to version 6.0.0:
  * Breaking Changes:
    + Text Panel: The text panel does no longer by default allow unsantizied
    HTML. This means that if you have text panels with scripts tags they will no
    longer work as before. To enable unsafe javascript execution in text panels
    enable the settings disable_sanitize_html under the section [panels] in your
    Grafana ini file, or set env variable GF_PANELS_DISABLE_SANITIZE_HTML=true.
    + Dashboard: Panel property minSpan replaced by maxPerRow. Dashboard
    migration will automatically migrate all dashboard panels using the minSpan
    property to the new maxPerRow property
    + Internal Metrics Edition has been added to the build_info metric. This will break any Graphite queries using this metric. Edition will be a new label for the Prometheus metric.
  * New Features:
    + Alerting: Adds support for Google Hangouts Chat notifications
    + Elasticsearch: Support bucket script pipeline aggregations
    + Influxdb: Add support for time zone (tz) clause
    + Snapshots: Enable deletion of public snapshot
    + Provisioning: Provisioning support for alert notifiers
    + Explore: A whole new way to do ad-hoc metric queries and exploration. Split view in half and compare metrics & logs and much much more. Read more here
    + Auth: Replace remember me cookie solution for Grafana's builtin, LDAP and OAuth authentication with a solution based on short-lived tokens
    + AzureMonitor: Enable alerting by converting Azure Monitor API to Go
    + Explore A new query focused workflow for ad-hoc data exploration and troubleshooting.
    + Grafana Loki Integration with the new open source log aggregation system from Grafana Labs.
    + Gauge Panel A new standalone panel for gauges.
    + New Panel Editor UX improves panel editing and enables easy switching between different visualizations.
    + Google Stackdriver Datasource is out of beta and is officially released.
    + React Plugin support enables an easier way to build plugins.
    + Named Colors in our new improved color picker.
    + Removal of user session storage makes Grafana easier to deploy & improves security.
  * Bug Fixes:
    + Metrics: Fixes broken usagestats metrics for /metrics
    + Dashboard: Fixes kiosk mode should have &kiosk appended to the url
    + Dashboard: Fixes kiosk=tv mode with autofitpanels should respect header
    + Image rendering: Fixed image rendering issue for dashboards with auto refresh,
    + Dashboard: Fix only users that can edit a dashboard should be able to update panel json.
    + LDAP: fix allow anonymous initial bind for ldap search.
    + UX: Fixed scrollbar not visible initially (only after manual scroll).
    + Datasource admin TestData
    + Dashboard: Fixed scrolling issue that caused scroll to be locked to bottom.
    + Explore: Viewers with viewers_can_edit should be able to access /explore.
    + Security fix: limit access to org admin and alerting pages.
    + Panel Edit minInterval changes did not persist
    + Teams: Fixed bug when getting teams for user.
    + Stackdriver: fix for float64 bounds for distribution metrics
    + Stackdriver: no reducers available for distribution type
    + Influxdb: Add support for alerting on InfluxDB queries that use the non_negative_difference function
    + Alerting: Fix percent_diff calculation when points are nulls
    + Alerting: Fixed handling of alert urls with true flags
    + Gauge: Fix issue with gauge requests being cancelled
    + Gauge: Accept decimal inputs for thresholds
    + UI: Fix error caused by named colors that are not part of named colors palette
    + Search: Bug pressing special regexp chars in input fields
    + Permissions: No need to have edit permissions to be able to "Save as"
    + Search: Fix for issue with scrolling the "tags filter" dropdown
    + Prometheus: Query for annotation always uses 60s step regardless of dashboard range
    + Annotations: Fix creating annotation when graph panel has no data points position the popup outside viewport
    + Piechart/Flot: Fixes multiple piechart instances with donut bug
    + plus many minor changes and fixes
- Update to version 5.4.3:
  * Fixes:
    + Alerting Invalid frequency causes division by zero in alert scheduler
    + Dashboard Dashboard links do not update when time range changes
    + Limits Support more than 1000 datasources per org
    + Backend fix signed in user for orgId=0 result should return active org id
    + Provisioning Adds orgId to user dto for provisioned dashboards
- Update to version 5.4.2:
  * Fixes:
    + Datasource admin: Fix for issue creating new data source when same name exists
    + OAuth: Fix for oauth auto login setting, can now be set using env variable
    + Dashboard search: Fix for searching tags in tags filter dropdown.
- Update to version 5.4.1:
  * Fixes:
    + Stackdriver: Fixes issue with data proxy and Authorization header
    + Units: fixedUnit for Flow:l/min and mL/min
    + Logging: Fix for issue where data proxy logged a secret when debug logging was enabled, now redacted.
    + InfluxDB: Add support for alerting on InfluxDB queries that use the cumulative_sum function.
    + Plugins: Panel plugins should no receive the panel-initialized event again as usual.
    + Embedded Graphs: Iframe graph panels should now work as usual.
    + Postgres: Improve PostgreSQL Query Editor if using different Schemas,
    + Quotas: Fixed for updating org & user quotas.
    + Cloudwatch: Add the AWS/SES Cloudwatch metrics of BounceRate and ComplaintRate to auto complete list.
    + Dashboard Search: Fixed filtering by tag issues.
    + Graph: Fixed time region issues,
    + Graph: Fixed issue with series color picker popover being placed outside window.
- Update to version 5.4.0:
  * Breaking Changes:
    + Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL datasources now per default uses max open connections = unlimited (earlier 10), max idle connections = 2 (earlier 10) and connection max lifetime = 4 hours (earlier unlimited).
  * Features:
    + Alerting: Introduce alert debouncing with the FOR setting.
    + Alerting: Option to disable OK alert notifications
    + Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Adds support for configuration of max open/idle connections and connection max lifetime. Also, panels with multiple SQL queries will now be executed concurrently
    + MySQL: Graphical query builder
    + MySQL: Support connecting thru Unix socket for MySQL datasource
    + MSSQL: Add encrypt setting to allow configuration of how data sent between client and server are encrypted
    + Stackdriver: Not possible to authenticate using GCE metadata server
    + Teams: Team preferences (theme, home dashboard, timezone) support
    + Graph: Time regions support enabling highlight of weekdays and/or certain timespans
    + OAuth: Automatic redirect to sign-in with OAuth
    + Stackdriver: Template query editor
  * Fixes:
    + Cloudwatch: Fix invalid time range causes segmentation fault
    + Cloudwatch: AWS/CodeBuild metrics and dimensions
    + MySQL: Fix $__timeFrom() and $__timeTo() should respect local time zone
    + Graph: Fix legend always visible even if configured to be hidden
    + Elasticsearch: Fix regression when using datasource version 6.0+ and alerting
- Update to version 5.3.4:
  * minor bug fixes
* Sat May 18 2019
- Update to version 5.3.3 (CVE-2018-19039, bsc#1115960) :
  * File Exfiltration vulnerability Security fix
* Tue Jan 08 2019
- Provide default dashboard provider from upstream
* Mon Oct 29 2018
- Update to version 5.3.2
  * InfluxDB/Graphite/Postgres: Prevent cross site scripting (XSS) in query editor
  * Postgres: Fix template variables error
  * Cloudwatch: Fix service panic because of race conditions
  * Cloudwatch: Fix check for invalid percentile statistics
  * Stackdriver/Cloudwatch: Allow user to change unit in graph panel if cloudwatch/stackdriver datasource response doesn't include unit
  * Stackdriver: stackdriver user-metrics duplicated response when multiple resource types
  * Variables: Fix text box template variable doesn't work properly without a default value
  * Variables: Fix variable dependency check when using ${var} format
  * Dashboard: Fix kiosk=1 url parameter should put dashboard in kiosk mode
  * LDAP: Fix super admins can also be admins of orgs
  * Provisioning: Fix deleting provisioned dashboard folder should cleanup provisioning meta data
  * Docker: adds curl back into the docker image for utility
- Update to version 5.3.1
  * Render: Fix PhantomJS render of graph panel when legend displayed as table to the right
  * Stackdriver: Filter option disappears after removing initial filter
  * Elasticsearch: Fix no limit size in terms aggregation for alerting queries
  * InfluxDB: Fix for annotation issue that caused text to be shown twice
  * Variables: Fix nesting variables leads to exception and missing refresh
  * Variables: Prometheus: Single letter labels are not supported
  * Graph: Fix graph time formatting for Last 24h ranges
  * Playlist: Fix cannot add dashboards with long names to playlist
  * HTTP API: Fix /api/org/users so that query and limit querystrings works
- Update to version 5.3.0
  * Stackdriver: Filter wildcards and regex matching are not yet supported
  * Stackdriver: Support the distribution metric type for heatmaps
  * Cloudwatch: Automatically set graph yaxis unit
- Update to version 5.3.0-beta3
  * Stackdriver: Fix for missing ngInject
  * Permissions: Fix for broken permissions selector
  * Alerting: Alert reminders deduping not working as expected when running multiple Grafana instances
- Update to version 5.3.0-beta2
  + New Features
  * Annotations: Enable template variables in tagged annotations queries
  * Stackdriver: Support for Google Stackdriver Datasource
  + Minor
  * Provisioning: Dashboard Provisioning now support symlinks that changes target
  * OAuth: Allow oauth email attribute name to be configurable
  * Tags: Default sort order for GetDashboardTags
  * Prometheus: Label completion queries respect dashboard time range
  * Prometheus: Allow to display annotations based on Prometheus series value
  * Prometheus: Adhoc-filtering for Prometheus dashboards
  * Singlestat: Fix gauge display accuracy for percents
  * Dashboard: Prevent auto refresh from starting when loading dashboard with absolute time range
  * Templating: New templating variable type Text box that allows free text input
  * Alerting: Link to view full size image in Microsoft Teams alert notifier
  * Alerting: Fixes a bug where all alerts would send reminders after upgrade & restart
  * Alerting: Concurrent render limit for graphs used in notifications
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Add support for replacing $__interval and  $__interval_ms in alert queries
- Update to version 5.3.0-beta1
  + New Major Features
  * Alerting: Notification reminders
  * Dashboard: TV & Kiosk mode changes, new cycle view mode button in dashboard toolbar
  * OAuth: Gitlab OAuth with support for filter by groups
  * Postgres: Graphical query builder
  + New Features
  * LDAP: Define Grafana Admin permission in ldap group mappings, PR
  * LDAP: Client certificates support
  * Profile: List teams that the user is member of in current/active organization
  * Configuration: Allow auto-assigning users to specific organization (other than Main. Org) and
  * Dataproxy: Pass configured/auth headers to a Datasource
  * CloudWatch: GetMetricData support
  * Postgres: TimescaleDB support, e.g. use time_bucket for grouping by time when option enabled
  * Cleanup: Make temp file time to live configurable
  + Minor
  * Alerting: Its now possible to configure the default value for how to handle errors and no data in alerting
  * Alerting: Fix diff and percent_diff reducers
  * Alerting: Fix rendering timeout which could cause notifications to not be sent due to rendering timing out
  * Docker: Make it possible to set a specific plugin url
  * GrafanaCli: Fixed issue with grafana-cli install plugin resulting in corrupt http response from source error
  * Provisioning: Should allow one default datasource per organisation
  * Github OAuth: Allow changes of user info at Github to be synched to Grafana when signing in
  * OAuth: Fix overriding tls_skip_verify_insecure using environment variable
  * Prometheus: Fix graph panel bar width issue in aligned prometheus queries
  * Prometheus: Heatmap - fix unhandled error when some points are missing
  * Prometheus: Add $__interval, $__interval_ms, $__range, $__range_s & $__range_ms support for dashboard and template queries
  * Elasticsearch: For alerting/backend, support having index name to the right of pattern in index pattern
  * Graphite: Fix for quoting of int function parameters (when using variables)
  * InfluxDB: Support timeFilter in query templating for InfluxDB
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: New $__unixEpochGroup and $__unixEpochGroupAlias macros
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Add previous fill mode to $__timeGroup macro which will fill in previously seen value when point is missing
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Use floor rounding in $__timeGroup macro function
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Use metric column as prefix when returning multiple value columns
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: New $__timeGroupAlias macro. Postgres $__timeGroup no longer automatically adds time column alias
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Escape single quotes in variables
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Min time interval support
  * MySQL/MSSQL: Use datetime format instead of epoch for $__timeFilter, $__timeFrom and $__timeTo macros
  * Postgres: Escape ssl mode parameter in connectionstring
  * Cloudwatch: Improved error handling
  * Cloudwatch: AppSync metrics and dimensions
  * Cloudwatch: Direct Connect metrics and dimensions
  * Cloudwatch: Added BurstBalance metric to list of AWS RDS metrics
  * Cloudwatch: Add new Redshift metrics and dimensions
  * Dashboard: Fix selecting current dashboard from search should not reload dashboard
  * Dashboard: Use uid when linking to dashboards internally in a dashboard
  * Graph: Option to hide series from tooltip
  * Singlestat: Make colorization of prefix and postfix optional in singlestat
  * Table: Adjust header contrast for the light theme
  * Table: Fix link color when using light theme and thresholds in use
  * Table: Fix for useless horizontal scrollbar for table panel
  * Table: Make table sorting stable when null values exist
  * Heatmap: Fix broken tooltip and crosshair on Firefox
  * Datasource: Fix UI issue with secret fields after updating datasource
  * Variables: Skip unneeded extra query request when de-selecting variable values used for repeated panels
  * Variables: Limit amount of queries executed when updating variable that other variable(s) are dependent on
  * Variables: Support query variable refresh when another variable referenced in Regex field change its value
  * Variables: Support variables in query variable Custom all value field
  * Units: Change units to include characters for power of 2 and 3
  * Units: Polish z?oty currency
  * Units: Adds bitcoin axes unit
  * Api: Delete nonexistent datasource should return 404
  * Logging: Reopen log files after receiving a SIGHUP signal
  * Login: Show loading animation while waiting for authentication response on login
  * UI: Fix iOS home screen "app" icon and Windows 10 app experience
  * Plugins: Convert URL-like text to links in plugins readme
    + Breaking changes
  * Postgres datasource no longer automatically adds time column alias when using the $__timeGroup alias. However, there's code in place which should make this change backward compatible and shouldn't create any issues
  * Kiosk mode now also hides submenu (variables)
  * ?inactive url parameter no longer supported, replaced with kiosk=tv url parameter
  + New experimental features
  * Dashboard: Auto fit dashboard panels to optimize space used for current TV / Monitor
  + Tech
  * Frontend: Convert all Frontend Karma tests to Jest tests
  * Backend: Upgrade to golang 1.11
- Update to version 5.2.4
  * GrafanaCli: Fixed issue with grafana-cli install plugin resulting in corrupt http response from source error
- Update to version 5.2.3
  * Important fix for LDAP & OAuth login vulnerability
- Update to version 5.2.2
  * Prometheus: Fix graph panel bar width issue in aligned prometheus queries
  * Dashboard: Dashboard links not updated when changing variables
  * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix connection leak
  * Plugins: Fix loading of external plugins
  * Dashboard: Remove unwanted scrollbars in embedded panels
  * Prometheus: Prevent error using $__interval_ms in query
- Update to version 5.2.1
  * Auth Proxy: Important security fix for whitelist of IP address feature
  * UI: Fix - Grafana footer overlapping page
  * Logging: Errors should be reported before crashing
- Update to version 5.2.0-stable
  * Plugins: Handle errors correctly when loading datasource plugin thx
  * Render: Enhance error message if phantomjs executable is not found
  * Dashboard: Set correct text in drop down when variable is present in url
  * LDAP: Handle "dn" ldap attribute more gracefully
- Update to version 5.2.0-beta3
  * Build: All rpm packages should be signed
- Update to version 5.2.0-beta2
  + New Features
  * Dashboard: Import dashboard to folder
  + Minor
  * Permissions: Important security fix for API keys with viewer role
  * Dashboard: Fix so panel titles doesn't wrap
  * Dashboard: Prevent double-click when saving dashboard
  * Dashboard: AutoFocus the add-panel search filter thx
  * Units: W/m2 (energy), l/h (flow) and kPa (pressure)
  * Units: Litre/min (flow) and milliLitre/min (flow)
  * Alerting: Fix mobile notifications for Microsoft Teams alert notifier
  * Influxdb: Add support for mode function
  * Cloudwatch: Fixes panic caused by bad timerange settings
  * Auth Proxy: Whitelist proxy IP address instead of client IP address
  * User Management: Make sure that a user always has a current org assigned
  * Snapshots: Fix: annotations not properly extracted leading to incorrect rendering of annotations
  * LDAP: Allow use of DN in group_search_filter_user_attribute and member_of
  * Graph: Fix legend decimals precision calculation
  * Dashboard: Make sure to process panels in collapsed rows when exporting dashboard
  * Dashboard: Dashboard link doesn't work when "As dropdown" option is checked
  * Dashboard: Fix regressions after save modal changes, including adhoc template issues
  * Docker: Config keys ending with _FILE are not respected
- Update to version 5.2.0-beta1
  + New Features
  * Elasticsearch: Alerting support
  * Build: Crosscompile and packages Grafana on arm, windows, linux and darwin
  * Login: Change admin password after first login
  * Alert list panel: Updated to support filtering alerts by name, dashboard title, folder, tags
  + Minor
  * Dashboard: Modified time range and variables are now not saved by default
  * Graph: Show invisible highest value bucket in histogram
  * Dashboard: Enable "Save As..." if user has edit permission
  * Prometheus: Query dates are now step-aligned
  * Prometheus: Table columns order now changes when rearrange queries
  * Variables: Fix variable interpolation when using multiple formatting types
  * Dashboard: Fix date selector styling for dark/light theme in time picker control
  * Discord: Alert notification channel type for Discord
  * InfluxDB: Support SELECT queries in templating query
  * InfluxDB: Support count distinct aggregation
  * Dashboard: JSON Model under dashboard settings can now be updated & changes saved
  * Security: Fix XSS vulnerabilities in dashboard links
  * Singlestat: Fix "time of last point" shows local time when dashboard timezone set to UTC
  * Prometheus: Add support for passing timeout parameter to Prometheus
  * Login: Add optional option sign out url for generic oauth
  * Login: Use proxy server from environment variable if available
  * Invite users: Friendlier error message when smtp is not configured
  * Graphite: Don't send distributed tracing headers when using direct/browser access mode
  * Sidenav: Show create dashboard link for viewers if at least editor in one folder
  * SQL: Second epochs are now correctly converted to ms
  * Singlestat: Fix singlestat threshold tooltip
  * Dashboard: Hide grid controls in fullscreen/low-activity views
  * Dashboard: Validate uid when importing dashboards
  * Docker: Support for env variables ending with _FILE
  * Alert list panel: Show alerts for user with viewer role
  * Provisioning: Verify checksum of dashboards before updating to reduce load on database
  * Provisioning: Support symlinked files in dashboard provisioning config files
  * Dashboard list panel: Search dashboards by folder
  * Sidenav: Always show server admin link in sidenav if grafana admin
- Update to version 5.1.5
  * Docker: Config keys ending with _FILE are not respected
- Update to version 5.1.4
  * Permissions: Important security fix for API keys with viewer role
* Sat Jun 16 2018
- Update to version 5.1.3:
  * Heatmap support for Prometheus
  * Align Zero-Line for Right and Left Y-axes
  * allow setting the database
  * MSSQL Data Source
  * support multiple histogram series
  * support cloudwatch high resolution query
  * Added radiation units
  * Modify Grafana Pagerduty notifier to use Pagerduty API V2
  * prometheus editor: variable autocomplete support
  * Use net.SplitHostPort to support IPv6
  * See /usr/share/doc/packages/grafana/ for more details
* Sat Jun 16 2018
- remove unknown build flag -s
* Sat May 05 2018
- fix build for older distributions
* Wed Mar 07 2018
- Remove marketing wording from description.
* Wed Mar 07 2018
- add user and group according to packaging guidelines
- add README and Makefile as Sources
* Thu Mar 01 2018
- Update to version 5.0.0:
  + Github OAuth Fixed fetching github orgs from private github org
  + Provisioning Now handles deletes when dashboard json files removed from disk
  + Reset password Fixed problem with reset password form
  + Save dashboard Fixed issue with time range & variable reset after saving
  + Folders Make it easier/explicit to access/modify folders using the API
  + many more bugfixes
  + See /usr/share/doc/packages/grafana/ for more details
* Thu Feb 08 2018
- Update to version 5.0.0beta1:
  + New Features:
  * Dashboard folders
  * Teams User groups (teams) implemented. Can be used in folder & dashboard permission list.
  * Dashboard grid: Panels are now layed out in a two dimensional grid (with x, y, w, h).
  * Templating: Vertical repeat direction for panel repeats.
  * UX: Major update to page header and navigation
  * Dashboard settings: Combine dashboard settings views into one with side menu
  * Alerting: Add support for internal image store
  * Data Source Proxy: Add support for whitelisting specified cookies that will be passed through to the data source when proxying data source requests
  * Text: Text panel are now edited in the ace editor
  * Teams: Add Microsoft Teams notifier
  * Datasources: Its now possible to configure datasources with config files
  * Graphite: Query editor updated to support new query by tag features
  * Dashboard history: New config file option versions_to_keep sets how many versions per dashboard to store
  * Dashboard as cfg: Load dashboards from file into Grafana on startup/change
  * Prometheus: Grafana can now send alerts to Prometheus Alertmanager while firing
  * Table: Support multiple table formated queries in table panel
  * Security: Protect against brute force (frequent) login attempts
  + Breaking Changes:
  * Persistent dashboard url's: New url's for dashboards that allows renaming dashboards without breaking links
  * GET /api/alerts property dashboardUri renamed to url and is now the full url (that is including app sub url).
  + Many Bugfixes
  + See /usr/share/doc/packages/grafana/ for more details
  - ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Mon Jan 29 2018
- Use %{_fillupdir} for sysconfig file
* Wed Jan 24 2018
- Remove non-standard-gid from rpmlintrc