Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4





Change Logs

* Sat Dec 19 2020 Dirk Müller <>
- update to 1.3.16:
  * Re-add braces for if-else that have only statement [Samir Hussain]
  * xl2tpd-control refactoring [Alexander Naumov]
  * fix travis 'script' syntax [Alexander Naumov]
  * adding xl2tpd-control tests to travis [Alexander Naumov]
  * Re-adding text giving more inofrmation about using ipsec with xl2tpd [Samir Hussain]
  * Update README: typo, links to RFC, link to travis [Alexander Naumov]
  * Travis will test different compiler on linux distro [Samir Hussain]
  * Update travis for proper matrix [Samir Hussain]
  * Add Focal to travis testing [Samir Hussain]
  * yet another man-page update [Alexander Naumov]
  * update man-pages, fix typo [Alexander Naumov]
  * set_flow: result of operation is garbage or undefined [Alexander Naumov]
  * Update README [Alexander Naumov]
  * adding xl2tpd.init.patch [Alexander Naumov]
  * adding Makefile.patch [Alexander Naumov]
  * moving changes to separate file [Alexander Naumov]
  * sync/update spec file with official SUSE version [Alexander Naumov]
  * Set IP_PKTINFO even if setting of IPPROTO_IP fails (as it was in 1.3.9) [shadyhh]
  * Update .gitignore vim swap file [Samir Hussain]
  * Travis will test supported Ubuntu LTS distros [Samir Hussain]
  * Updating COMPATABILITY_ISSUES with info on Miktrotik servers [Samir Hussain]
  * Add work around for Android 10 maxium retries in COMPATIBILITY_ISSUES [Samir Hussain]
  * Add compatability issues with Ciso ASA [Samir Hussain]
* Sun Oct 13 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.3.15
  * Specify missing log arguments
  * Sockopt bug fix for multiple IP's
* Wed Apr 17 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.3.14
  * Bugfix release, mostly code cleanup
* Wed Mar 20 2019 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Drop ||true from %tmpfiles_create, this is already
  included in the macro.
- Reduce hard dependency on systemd during build.
* Fri Mar 08 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Run spec-cleaner
- Remove support for non-systemd distros
- Remove -doc subpackage (contained only some KB text-files and
  and manpages)
- Fix handling of tmpfilesdir
- Update to version 1.3.13
  * Fix compile warning with USE_KERNEL in xl2tpd.c
  * Applying patch that reduces compile warnings and fixes warnings
    from gcc and clang.
  * Fix compiler warnings in network.c
  * Add a preproc for Watchguard firewall (Github issue #136)
  * Convert from ISO-8859 to UTF-8 [Simon Deziel]
    Update README to provide latest info on xl2tpd + Linux kernel 4.15+
- Update to version 1.3.12
  * TOS value to copy to the tunnel header
  * Fix for ENODEV (No such device) error with Linux kernel 4.15
  * Update xl2tpd.init
  * fix version number and upload
- Update to version 1.3.11
  * only changes related to debian packaging
Version: 1.3.10-bp150.2.2
* Thu Oct 26 2017
- Update to version 1.3.10
  * Update STRLEN in file.h to 100 (from 80).
  * xl2tpd-control: fix xl2tpd hanged up in "fopen".
  * Update version in spec and opewnrt Makefile.
- Update source URL in specfile.
* Thu Jun 29 2017
- Own /etc/ppp (mode 750, like other packages too).
* Tue May 16 2017
- Update to version 1.3.9
  * Add xl2tpd-control man pages (Samir Hussain)
  * Update spec file with newest Soure0 and version (Samir Hussain)
  * Update License file (Samir Hussain)
  * Display PID for call in the logs (Samir Hussain)
  * Use left shift rather than pow() function. (Samir Hussain)
  * Enable Travis integration (Samir Hussain)
  * Remove unnecessary casting of malloc() results (Andrew Clayton)
  * Remove an unused line of code in init_config() (Andrew Clayton)
  * Fix some undefined behaviour in read_result() (Andrew Clayton)
  * Fix feature test macro deprecation warnings (Andrew Clayton)