AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- Update to version 1.6.4: * Fix spin boxes breaking the UI on Windows (gl#solarus-games/solarus-quest-editor#486).
- Update to version 1.6.3: * Add Ocean Set tilesets to the initial quest (gl#solarus-games/solarus-quest-editor#478). * Map editor: fix contours generated tileset specific (gl#solarus-games/solarus-quest-editor#485). * Map editor: fix a crash when undoing changing the layer of entities (gl#solarus-games/solarus-quest-editor#471). * Tileset editor: save the update maps option when renaming patterns (gl#solarus-games/solarus-quest-editor#483). * Tileset editor: fix moving patterns to an overlapping position (gl#solarus-games/solarus-quest-editor#477). * Tileset editor: fix crash when a tileset file changes while dragging (gl#solarus-games/solarus-quest-editor#476). * Fix possible crash when closing the window. * Fix tiles getting unwanted enabled_at_start field in map data files. - Remove merged 0001-Use-pkg-config-to-get-more-search-paths.patch. - Set minimal CMake version to 3.1 as indicated in CMakeLists.txt.
- Add patch to find moonjit: * 0001-Use-pkg-config-to-get-more-search-paths.patch
- Update to version 1.6.2: * Fix crash when closing tileset views (#467). * Fix broken enemies in the initial quest (#466). * Automatically install translation files. * Update French translation. - Remove solarus-quest-editor-v1.6.1-install-translations.patch: Merged upstream.
- Install translations: * Add solarus-quest-editor-v1.6.1-install-translations.patch which allows installation of translation files with CMake. * Add lang subpackage. - Split assets into a noarch subpackage. - Drop obsolete build dependency on update-desktop-files.
- Update to version 1.6.1: * Allow to build a quest package (#431). * Map editor: allow teletransporters to have any size multiple of 8 pixels. * Map editor: improve performance of deleting multiple entities. * Map editor: fix performance of changing entities layer (#454). * Map editor: fix wrong selections after undoing changing layers. * Tileset editor: fix performance of removing multiple patterns (#456). * Sprite editor: fix persisting error message about missing source image (#451). * Dialogs editor: fix line wrapping. * Initial quest: remove proprietary file added by mistake. * Add Force Software Rendering option to 'Running' section.
- Update to version 1.6.0: * Allow to import files from other quests. * Quest tree: + Show all .png and .dat files. + Show all language files, map files and tileset files. + Allow to set the author and license information of files. + Automatically select the currently open file. + Allow to update sprites when renaming a .png file. + Allow to open folders with the system explorer. + Allow to select multiple files. + Allow to delete multiple files and directories. * Allow to view PNG files. * Map/tileset editor: allow to generate borders automatically (autotiles). * Map editor: + Add support of custom properties for entities by Maxs. + Allow to use multiple tilesets in the same map. + Allow to change the pattern of existing tiles. + Allow to change the pattern of all similar tiles at once. + Allow to change the origin of custom entities. + Allow to initially enable or disable any entity. + Allow to export the view as a PNG file. + Allow to lock layers. + Show the layer under the cursor in the status bar. + Add shortcuts to show/hide negative layers too. + Keep the selection after adding entities with ctrl or shift. + Add a shortcut to open the tileset by Akadream. + Don't reload the tileset if it is already open elsewhere. + Automatically reload the tileset when it has changed. * Tileset editor: + Allow to change the frame number and delay of patterns. + Allow to duplicate tile patterns. + Allow to move several patterns at once. * Sprite editor: + Allow to reorder directions by Maxs. + Allow to change the frame number graphically by Maxs. + The default origin is now 8,13 as usual in Solarus. + Fix precision issues when creating or moving directions. + Fix scrollbars reset when adding directions by Maxs. + Show the line and column number. + Allow a replace option to the find dialog by Akadream. * Allow to select map/tileset/sprite/etc. ids to copy-paste them. * Lua console: provide variables game, map, entities and function tp. * Clear the console when a quest is started. * Fix resource declaration not updated when renaming a directory. * Fix crash when opening quest in non-UTF8 filesystems. * Fix error message when opening a read-only quest. * Fix memory not released when closing an editor. * Initial quest: add some shaders. * Text editor: allow to set an external editor to be used instead of the built-in one. - Update build dependencies: * Add glm-devel: Was previously embedded in upstream tarball. * Add pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent): New dependency. - Remove solarus-quest-editor-1.5.3-fix-compilation.patch: Fixed upstream.
- Add solarus-quest-editor-1.5.3-fix-compilation.patch: Fix build on Tumbleweed (boo#1115055). - Update source URL: Project has migrated to GitLab. - Minor spec file cleanup.
- Update to version 1.5.3: * Initial quest: add enemy killed animation from Diarandor. * Initial quest: fix the source image of the bomb sprite. * Initial quest: make musics loop without separate file for their intro. * Initial quest: add sounds from the Solarus Free Resource Pack. * Initial quest: play a sound with the Solarus logo. * Fix error message when converting from older formats to 1.5.2. - Remove upstreamed patch: * desktop-icons.patch. * luajit-5_1-2.1.patch. - Use %license instead of %doc for license files (boo#1082318).
- Trim filler words
- initial packaging of version 1.5.2 - Added luajit-5_1-2.1.patch - Added desktop-icons.patch