Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4





Change Logs

Version: 1.11.0-bp152.1.1
* Wed Mar 06 2019 Todd R <>
- Update to version 1.11.0
  + Improvements:
  * Improve reprojection performance and accuracy.
  * ArcGIS compact cache: Support for version 2.
  * ArcGIS compact cache: Improve performance for version 1.
  * ArcGIS compact cache: Add ``mapproxy-util defrag`` to reduce bundle size
    after tiles were removed/updated.
  * ArcGIS REST source: Support and seed_only.
  * Use systems CA certs by default and fix ssl_no_cert_checks
    for Python >=2.7.9 and >=3.4
  * WMS: Improve Bounding Boxes in Capabilities.
  * Mapserver: Find mapserv binary in PATH environment.
  + Fixes:
  * Seed: Always show last log line (100%).
  * Fix saving transparent PNGs for some versions of Pillow
    (workaround for Pillow bug #2633)
  * SQLite: Fix possible errors on first request after start.
  * Demo: Fix demo client with `use_grid_names`.
  * serve-develop: Fix header encoding for Python 3.
  * Seed: Fix --interactive for Python 3.
  * Support tagged layers for sources with colons in name.
  * Support # character in Basis Authentication password.
  * Fix import error with shapely>=1.6
  * Fix duplicate level caches when using WMTS KVP with MBtile/SQLite/CouchDB.
  + Other:
  * Remove support for Python 2.6
* Fri Jul 14 2017
- Ipmlement single-spec version
- Fix source URL.
- Rename to python-MapProxy to match openSUSE python naming
- Update to version 1.10.3
  * Support for S3 cache.
  * Support for the ArcGIS Compact Cache format version 1.
  * Support for GeoPackage files.
  * Support for Redis cache.
  * Support meta_tiles for tiles sources with bulk_meta_tiles option.
  * mbtiles/sqlite cache: Store multiple tiles in one transaction.
  * mbtiles/sqlite cache: Make timeout and WAL configurable.
  * ArcGIS REST source: Improve handling for ImageServer endpoints.
  * ArcGIS REST source: Support FeatureInfo requests.
  * ArcGIS REST source: Support min_res and max_res.
  * Support merging of RGB images with fixed transparency.
  * Coverages: Clip source requests at coverage boundaries.
  * Coverages: Build the difference, union or intersection of multiple coverages.
  * Coverages: Create coverages from webmercator tile coordinates like 05/182/123
    with expire tiles files.
  * Coverages: Add native support for GeoJSON (no OGR/GDAL required).
  * mapproxy-seed: Add --duration, -reseed-file and -reseed-interval options.
* Fri Jul 31 2015
- use default python-PyYAML
* Thu Jul 30 2015
- use default hdf-devel
* Wed Feb 04 2015
- Update dependencies
* Sun Nov 30 2014 Angelos Tzotsos <>
- upgrade to 1.7.1
* Thu Sep 12 2013 Angelos Tzotsos <>
- upgrade to 1.6.0
* Sun Nov 25 2012 Angelos Tzotsos <>
- initial build 1.4.0