Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Wed May 19 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 3.04
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Crypt-CBC/Changes
  3.04	 Mon 17 May 2021 10:58:37 AM EDT
  - Fixed bug involving manually-specified IV not being used in some circumstances.
* Fri Apr 23 2021 Tina Müller <>
- Add manual license
* Tue Apr 20 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 3.03
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Crypt-CBC/Changes
  3.03    Sun 18 Apr 2021 10:54:19 PM EDT
  - Fixed bug which caused an extraneous block of garbage data to be appended to encrypted
  string when "nopadding" specified and plaintext is even multiple of blocksize.
  - CTR mode now requires the Math::Int128 module, which gives a ~5x performance
  boost over Math::BigInt.
  - Warn when the deprecated opensslv1 PBKDF (key derivation function) is used
  for encryption. Turn off with -nodeprecate=>1 or by choosing a different
  PBKDF, such as -pbkdf=>'pbkdf2'.
  - Fix a regression when passing the legacy -salt=>1 argument.
  3.00    Sun Feb  7 10:28:08 EST 2021
  - Released version 3.00 in recognition of multiple new features
  and cleanups.
  2.37    Sun Feb  7 10:20:17 EST 2021
  - Added better argument checking.
  - Fixed long-standing standard padding bug: plaintext ending with
  bytes between 0x00 and 0x0A would be truncated in some conditions.
  - Fixed Rijndael_compat padding.
  2.36    Wed 03 Feb 2021 09:19:06 AM EST
  - Add support for OFB, CFB and CTR chain modes.
  - New dependency: Math::BigInt
  2.35    Sun Jan 31 22:02:42 EST 2021
  - Add support for PBKDF2 key derivation algorithm
  - New dependencies: Digest::SHA, Crypt::PBKDF2, Crypt::Cipher::AES
  2.34    Fri Jan 29 18:08:12 EST 2021
  - Support for openssl SHA-256 key derivation algorithm
Version: 2.33-bp150.2.4
* Tue Aug 06 2013
- updated to 2.33
  - Fix minor RT bugs 83175 and 86455.
* Mon Jun 03 2013
- updated to 2.32
  - Fixes "Taint checks are turned on and your key is tainted" error when autogenerating salt and IV.
  - Fixes to regular expressions to avoid rare failures to
    correctly strip padding in decoded messages.
  - Add padding type = "none".
  - Both fixes contributed by Bas van Sisseren.
* Fri Nov 18 2011
- use original .tar.gz
* Fri Aug 26 2011
- remove Author from desc
- added bcond_with opt
  o test optional pkgs via local build (osc build --with opt)
- fix deps for CentOS
- some spec cleanup
* Wed Dec 08 2010
- avoid even more requires to avoid even more cycles
* Tue Nov 30 2010
- remove extra requires to avoid cycle
* Wed Nov 24 2010
- recreated by cpanspec 1.78
  o fix deps
- noarch pkg
* Sun Jan 10 2010
- enable parallel build
* Fri Feb 27 2009
- update to 2.30
  * setting $cipher correctly
* Thu Jun 19 2008
- update to 2.29
  * Fixed errors that occurred when encrypting/decrypting utf8
  strings in Perl's more recent than 5.8.8.
* Wed Apr 02 2008
- update to 2.28
  - Fixed bug in onesandzeroes test that causes it to fail
  with Rijndael module is not installed.
  - When taint mode is turned on and user is using a tainted key,
  explicitly check tainting of key in order to avoid "cryptic"
  failure messages from some crypt modules.
  - Fixed onezeropadding test, which was not reporting
  its test count properly.
  - Fixed failure of oneandzeroes padding when plaintext size is
  an even multiple of blocksize.
  - Added new "rijndael_compat" padding method, which is compatible
  with the oneandzeroes padding method used by Crypt::Rijndael in
  CBC mode.
* Mon Oct 08 2007
- update to 2.24
  * Fixed failure to run under taint checks with Crypt::Rijndael
    or Crypt::OpenSSL::AES (and maybe other Crypt modules).
  * Added checks for other implementations of CBC which add no
    standard padding at all when cipher text is an even multiple
    of the block size.
* Tue Dec 12 2006
- update to 2.22
  * Fixed bug in which plaintext encrypted with the
  - literal_key option could not be decrypted using a new
  object created with the same -literal_key.
  * Added documentation confirming that -literal_key must be
  accompanied by a -header of 'none' and a manually specificied IV.
* Thu Oct 19 2006
- update to 2.21
  * Fixed bug in which new() failed to work when first option is
  - literal_key.
  * Added ability to pass a preinitialized Crypt::* block cipher
  object instead of the class name.
* Thu Sep 14 2006
- update to 2.19
  * Renamed Crypt::CBC-2.16-vulnerability.txt so that
    package installs correctly under Cygwin
* Fri Jul 14 2006
- update to 2.18
  * added lots of documentation
  * fixed using 8 byte IVs when generating the old-style RandomIV
    style header for the Rijndael algorithm.
  * versions 2.17 and higher will not decrypt messages
    encrypted with versions 2.16 and lower unless you pass
    an optional value 'randomiv' to the new() call
* Wed Apr 05 2006
- Bug 153627 - VUL-0: perl-Crypt-CBC: ciphertext weakness when using certain block algorithms
* Wed Jan 25 2006
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Mon Jul 11 2005
- update to 2.14
* Fri Apr 15 2005
- update to 2.12