* Tue Apr 10 2018 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.66
* Added `soap_close_connection()` to close a connection from
another thread.
* Fixed C++ proxy and server class `copy()` and `operator=()`
methods to prevent a possible memory leak which may occur in
certain usage scenarios.
* Fixed an issue in wsdl2h, generating an incorrect simpleType
element name that leads to a soapcpp2 error. The element has
a local simpleType restriction of a simpleType with the same
name as the element type, where this simpleType in turn is a
* Sat Mar 10 2018 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.65
* Corrected an issue in soapcpp2 to parse negative floating range
bounds declared in typedefs.
- Remove linker.patch (merged upstream)
* Mon Mar 05 2018 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.64
* Upgraded TLS/SSL engine to support GNUTLS 3.3.0 and greater.
* Improved Test Messenger with new options `-d num` and `-u`,
where `-dnum` specifies the number of iterations to hit a
server with test messages, and `-u` includes Unicode
characters in randomized content. Other usability
improvements and a bug fix.
* Improved WSSE WS-Security plugin and added documentation
section with clarifications on how the plugin defends against
signature wrapping attacks when you perform signature
verification function calls.
- Remove xlocale.diff
- Add gsconfig.patch, linker.patch
* Mon Feb 26 2018 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.63
* Improved Test Messenger: randomized testing of Web Services;
added `__PERMUTE` indicator and automatic handling of SOAP
1.1/1.2 array dimension adjustments (`arrayType` and
`arraySize` attributes).
* Wed Feb 14 2018 jengelh@inai.de
- Add xlocale.diff
* Mon Feb 12 2018 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.62
* Added wsdl2h options `-O3` and `-O4` to aggressively optimize
WSDLs internally by "schema slicing": `-O3` applies `-O2` and
also removes unused root attributes, `-O4` applies `-O3` and
also removes unused root elements. It only makes sense to use
`-O4` with one or more WSDLs (and XSDs that are imported by
the WSDL), because all schema components will be removed from
XSDs that are not used by WSDLs.
* Updated HTTP digest plugin.
* Improved soapcpp2 options `-g` and `-y`, may be used together
to generate sample XML messages.
* Mon Jan 29 2018 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.61
* Added `WITH_DEFAULT_VIRTUAL` to generate default methods that
return `SOAP_NO_METHOD` for C++ services generated with
soapcpp2 option `-j` or `-i`. A derived class can then
selectively implement service methods as needed. This
addition required the use of a new macro
`SOAP_PURE_VIRTUAL_COPY` for virtual `::copy()` methods,
replacing `SOAP_PURE_VIRTUAL` for `::copy()`.
* Added the `SOAP_H_FILE` macro to improve the use of plugins
and custom serializers in project builds with soapcpp2
options `-p` and `-q` that rename the generated files such as
`soapH.h`, the macro changes the `#include "soapH.h"` to
`#include "nameH.h"` by invoking the C/C++ compiler with
option `-DSOAP_H_FILE=nameH.h`.
* Fixed a glitch in soapcpp2 to generate `soap_write_T`
functions for `typedef ... T` types that represent XML
* Tue Jan 16 2018 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.60
* Added wsdl2h options `-O1` and `-O2` to optimize schemas
internally after reading WSDL and XSD files: `-O1` removes
duplicate members from nested choice/sequence and `-O2` also
removes unused schema types that are unreachable from WSDL
and XSD root definitions.
* Added ability to specify `$SIZE = TYPE` in `typemap.dat` for
setting `size_t` or `int` type for array sizes, see
* Changed wsdl2h C++ source code generated for *`xs:choice
maxOccurs>0`* with simpler `std::vector` instead of a dynamic
array with size and pointer members, use wsdl2h option `-z7`
to revert to the old wsdl2h behavior for backward
* Improved soapcpp2-generated sample XML messages and fixed a
special case where base class namespace prefixes may be
rendered incorrectly in an XML sample or test message.
* Improved handling of nested *`xs:sequence`* in *`xs:choice`*
by removing duplicate name warnings, the duplicate member is
still generated by wsdl2h however as a reminder, but should
be ignored in your code. Use the new wsdl2h option `-O1` to
remove the duplicate member altogether.
* Fixed a soapcpp2 problem with bitmask enumerations of
QName values.
* Thu Jan 04 2018 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.59
* Removed `#include soapH.h` from generated `.nsmap` file to
promote transparency and to prevent accidental inclusions
that may cause definition clashes when soapcpp2 option -q is
* Fixed UDP message transport compression, compile flag
`-DWITH_ZLIB` and runtime flag `SOAP_ENC_ZLIB`.
* Mon Dec 25 2017 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.58
* Improvements to prevent macro `USE_32BIT_TIME_T` to cause
misaligned `soap` contexts, due to inconsistent size of
* Improvements to support obsolete HTTP cookie formats.
* Wed Dec 13 2017 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.57
* `struct soap::bind_v6only` field had no effect; this was fixed.
* Fri Dec 08 2017 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.56
* Added new `soap::bind_v6only` context flag, replacing
compile-time flag `WITH_IPV6_V6ONLY` (`soap->bind_v6only=1`)
and `WITH_NO_IPV6_V6ONLY` (`soap->bind_v6only=0`).
* Fixed missing C++ custom serializer type object allocators
(e.g. `gsoap/custom/qstring.cpp`), when pointers to custom
serialized C++ types are used.
* Wed Nov 01 2017 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.55
- Improved Test Messenger to generate and consume XML test
messages with MTOM/MIME attachments.
- Fixed deserialization of pointers to Qt types with the custom
serializers `custom/qbytearray_base64.h`,
`custom/qbytearray_hex.h`, `custom/qdate.h`,
`custom/qstring.h`, and `custom/qtime.h`.
- Fixed `WITH_NOIO` compilation errors (`close()` and/or
`gettimeofday()` not found).
* Fri Sep 22 2017 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.54
* Added wsdl2h option `-S` to specify a name for the soap
context member variable of generated classes (C++ only), use
`-S ''` to remove the `soap` member variable.
* Improved handling of empty SOAP Body responses by client
applications using doc/lit style messaging, returns `SOAP_OK`
instead of HTTP 200 error code.
* Fri Sep 01 2017 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.52
* Fixed 2.8.51 issue in parsing HTTP empty lines
* Fixed WS-RM plugin blocking issue on fatal errors.
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.53
* Fixed DIME receiver looping on specific malformed DIME headers.
* Fri Jul 28 2017 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.51
* Additional checks added to source code for its own robustness.
* Thu Jul 27 2017 jengelh@inai.de
- gsoap-01-sharedlibs.diff: add missing libssl link to libgsoapssl
* Mon Jul 24 2017 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.50
* Added `soap->recv_maxlength` to change the limit on the
length of messages received. Default is 2GB max. Greater
lengths are possible.
* Removed client-side `SOAP_PURE_VIRTUAL` from `copy()` in the
code generated by soapcpp2 for options `-i` and `-j`.
* Updated memory deallocation of `soap_del_xsd__anyAttribute`.
* Updated the callback function signatures of `fpost` and
* Thu Jul 13 2017 olaf@aepfle.de
- Remove gnutls because openssl overrides it already
* Tue Jul 11 2017 jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.49
* union constructors are re-emitted correctly
* Improved JSON API to compile with XML data bindings, see
updated JSON API documentation on "Compiling XML-RPC/JSON
together with gSOAP XML data binding code".
Version: 2.8.124-bp155.1.6
* Tue Dec 13 2022 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.124
* Added C++17 `std::optional` member variable serialization.
* Updated wsdl2h to automatically generates `std::optional`
member variables for optional schemas when typedef.dat
defines `$OPTIONAL = std::optional`. Only primitive type
member variables are made `std::optional`, not classes,
because optional types must be defined before referenced when
in fact cyclic data structure relationships may exist among
* Added missing `std::vector<xsd__anyType>` deep copy of vector
of DOM trees generated with soapcpp2 option `-Ec`.
* Mon Oct 24 2022 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.123
* Update to make `std::string` typed element tags self-closing,
which is consistent with `char*` typed element tags.
* Improvement to HTTP header line processing to drop start-end
* Sun Aug 28 2022 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.122
* Fixed an issue with wsdl2h generating inconsistent primitive
type default values (schema default values extracted from
WSDLs and schemas).
* Sun Apr 10 2022 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.121
* Stricter strict mode flag `SOAP_XML_STRICT` to reject
attributes with an unquoted value and attributes without a
value, this update rejects legacy XML-like formats such as
* Improved wsdl2h tool to handle problematic SOAP header
definitions with doc/lit and rpc mixing with invalid or
missing message parts.
* Improved wsdl2h tool to handle ONVIF schemas better, notably
avoid the `final` C++ keyword clash.
* Added `fencoding` callback to inspect and accept or reject
special non-latin/UTF-8 XML encodings.
* Updated wsdl2h option -I to import schemas more
"authoritively" by checking lastly the -I path without the
importing WSDL/XSD location to import schemas (this also
restores the -I option behavior prior to 2.8.75).
- Drop gsoap-automake1_13.diff (merged)
Version: 2.8.117-bp154.1.21
* Thu Aug 19 2021 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.117
* Minor update to wsdl2h to support chameleon schema imports
when imported schema simple types are extended and inherit
the importing schema target namespace (previously, the
`__item` type would be left unqualified, resulting in a
* Wed Jul 07 2021 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.115
* Upgraded Apache module `mod_gsoap` with new features to
simplify support for HTTP PUT, GET, PATCH and DELETE using
the `httpget` and `httppost` plugins.
* Updated `wsaapi` plugin with new registry parameter
`SOAP_WSA_NEW_TRANSFER` to allow `wsaapi` to be used with the
`mod_gsoap` plugin.
* Mon Feb 08 2021 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- build scripts: sanitize_source.sh: use https [boo#1181923]
* Mon Feb 01 2021 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.111
* Updated WS-Addressing plugin to harden code robustness.
* Thu Jan 21 2021 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.110
* Updated wsdl2h to correct an XML parsing rejection problem
for the special case when XML schemas have no
targetNamespaces (i.e. empty namespace, no namespace
prefixes) for elements defined in a `<sequence>` schema
component, the wsdl2h-generated struct/class member names
require two underscores instead of one, such as
* Wed Nov 25 2020 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.109
* Faster `soap_http_get_body()` to extract a HTTP message body
to a string.
* Fixed wsdl2h output for a special case when schemas have
no namespaces.
* Improved streaming MIME/MTOM attachment output.
* Mon Aug 24 2020 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.106
* Improved WSSE plugin to correct a digest verification issue
when the signed XML parts use default `xmlns` bindings in
elements that are not qualified.
* Minor update for struct/class `char *` and `wchar_t *`
members declared with explicit default/fixed values: if the
corresponding XML element value is absent in the XML payload
then their deserialized value will be NULL (instead of the
default value as in prior versions). Note that empty XML
element values in the XML payload always produce default
* New soapcpp2 option `-z4` to revert to the old behavior
concerning char/wchar.
* Sun May 24 2020 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.103
* Minor changes for enhanced platform portability.
Version: 2.8.102-bp151.4.3.1
* Fri May 15 2020 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.102
* Improved HTTP digest authentication plugin to cover
additional HTTP methods.
* Thu Apr 09 2020 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.101
* Fix read beyond end-of-buffer in soap_accept
* Other unspecified improvements
- Drop gs99-overrun.diff
* Wed Apr 08 2020 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.100
* Improved proxy connectivity on the client side to handle bearer
* Improved soapcpp2 handling of the `#module` directive.
* Fixed an MTOM flag clearing issue hampering MTOM usability.
- Add gs99-overrun.diff
* Wed Mar 18 2020 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.99
* Improved performance of the soapcpp2 tool.
* Improved proxy connectivity on the client side with
`soap::proxy_host`, `soap::proxy_port`, and NTLM, to maintain
HTTP headers, e.g. `soap::http_content` and
* Fixed a bug in HTTP cookie handling when the optional
`-DWITH_COOKIES` flag is used. Note that cookie support is
disabled by default or has no effect when deploying robust
services with the gSOAP Apache modules and ISAPI extensions
that handle cookies differently.
* Sun Feb 23 2020 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.98
* Updated the WS-Security and WS-Trust APIs that use SAML with
higher precision timestamps in microseconds, using the
`custom/struct_timeval.h` serializer for `xsd__dateTime`. The
WS-Security and WS-Trust updates require compiling and
linking with `custom/struct_timeval.c`.
* Fixed an issue with soapcpp2 code generation of `wchar_t*`
serializers when combined with a custom serializer with base
type `wchar_t*`, i.e. when `extern typedef wchar_t* name` is
* Fixed an issue with soapcpp2 code generation when an element
tag names starts with an underscore and the element is
namespace qualified.
* Sun Jan 12 2020 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Temporarily work around -fno-common build failure [boo#1160267].
* Wed Jan 08 2020 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.97
* Fixed wsdl2h processing of schemas with a cyclic schema
`<xs:include>` that may cause wsdl2h to hang when schemas
have no `targetNamespace` attribute.
* Improved wsdl2h code generation of unqualified types and
names defined in imported schemas (with `<xs:import>`) when
these schemas have no `targetNamespace`. Use wsdl2h option
`-z10` or lesser to revert to the code generation behavior of
versions prior to 2.8.97.
* Thu Dec 12 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.96
* Improved `soap_check_mime_attachments()` and
`soap_recv_mime_attachment()` functions and documentation,
ensure proper close when MIME/MTOM errors occur.
* Tue Nov 19 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.95
* Upgraded smdevp.c to replace deprecated OpenSSL API function.
* Updated WS-Security WSSE plugin, documentation, and demo.
* Improved soapcpp2 execution speed to generate WSDL and
XSD files.
* Fri Oct 18 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.94
* Fixed a wsdl2h issue that caused it to omit names for local
simpleType restrictions in the generated `enum` types of
struct/class members; improved soapcpp2 to avoid `enum`
symbol numbering clashes in the generated source code.
* Removed unnecessary namespace prefixes from some class/struct
members in the source code generated by wsdl2h in a specific
case, to prevent XML validation issues.
* Added wsdl2h option `-z9` for backward compatibility of
2.8.94 and greater to versions 2.8.93 and lesser, which
reverts the namespace change.
* Thu Sep 26 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.93
* Fixed a wsdl2h schema import/include issue when a `./` occurs
in schemaLocation` and schema import/include dependencies are
cyclic, causing wsdl2h to not be able to locate and read
schema files.
* Removed empty substitutionGroup and duplicate
substitutionGroup elements in wsdl2h-generated
* Tue Sep 17 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 2.8.92
* Fixed soapcpp2-generated call to `soap_DELETE` for REST
DELETE operations.
* Thu Aug 15 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.91
* Correction to fix soapcpp2 2.8.90 `-z#` flag enforcement
- Removed revert-z.diff (solved upstream)
* Wed Aug 14 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.90
* Internal changes related to gsoap's own build only.
- Add revert-z.diff to counter a regression in handling the
soapcpp2 "-z" option introduced in 2.8.89.
* Sun Aug 11 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.89
* Added wsdl2h option `-X` to do not qualify part names in
order to disambiguate document/literal wrapped patterns (as
the other choice to disambiguate instead of the default
qualification with schema namespaces).
* Added wsdl2h option `-z8` for backward compatibility with
2.8.74 and earlier: don't qualify part names to disambiguate
doc/lit wrapped patterns and revert to the old wrapper
class/struct naming used for `xs:anyType` inheritance.
* Wed Jun 26 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.87
* Added `soap::connect_retry` to specify a number of retries at
the client side when connecting to a server fails, with
exponential backoff of 2^n seconds between retries.
Zero by default, meaning no retries.
* Added `soap::client_addr_ipv6` to optionally specify a IPv6 or
host address to bind to at the client side, when the
destination is a IPv6 server. Otherwise uses
`soap::client_addr` to bind.
* Wed Jun 26 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.86
* Added `soap::client_addr` string to specify a IPv4 or IPv6 or
a host address to bind to before connecting. This can be used
at the client side to bind to an address before connecting to
a server endpoint, similar to `soap::client_port`.
* Fixed wsdl2h compilation issue with C++17.
* Fixed a problem with the `SOAP_SSL_DEFAULT` settings
parameter used with `soap_ssl_client_context` and
`soap_ssl_server_context` that may lead to a weaker setting
than specified.
* Thu May 16 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.84
* Unspecific minor fixes.
* Tue Apr 23 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.83
* Added wsdl2h optimization options `-Ow2`, `-Ow3`, and `-Ow4`
to optimize the generated source code by schema slicing,
while retaining all derived extensions of base types.
* Added wsdl2h option `-Q` to make `xsd__anySimpleType` equal
to `xsd__anyType` to use as the base type for derived types,
so that elements of type `xsd:anySimpleType` can be
serialized with a derived type, using inheritance in C++ and
by using simulated inheritance in C using wsdl2h option `-F`.
* Updated wsdl2h options `-p` and `-F` to generate additional
wrappers for primitive types that aren't XSD primitive types,
such as `SOAP-ENC:base64`.
* Improved wsdl2h output for the infrequently-used
`SOAP-ENC:Array` type.
* Fixed an issue with soapcpp2 option `-A` that resulted in
error 13 `SOAP_NO_METHOD`.
* Fri Mar 15 2019 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to new upstream release 2.8.82
* Minor fixes and improvements not specified further in detail.