AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- Fix boo#1093988 for Leap 15.0
- Update to version 20180517 (gcompris-qt 0.91)
- Modernize spec with spec-cleaner minimal - Update version 20180311 (gcompris-qt 0-90)
- Update version 20170930 (gcompris-qt 0.81)
- Update version to its real state 20170826 - Fix provide version to be equal to main package
- Refrech content for gcompris-qt release 0.80 * Updated LICENSE file with the upstream changes. Renamed, deleted, added files. - Packaging : change requires to gcomprit-qt
- Refresh content for gcompris-qt release 0.70 * czech.ogg got renamed and refreshed to czechia.ogg * word list for Slovakia by Jose Riha * word list for Belarusian by Antos Vaclauski * various updates on Romanian wordlists and voices by Horia Pelle * voices added for Portuguese Brazilian by Marcos D.
- Fix path to install to allow gcompris-qt to find the voices
- Updated contents to match gcompris-qt 0.61 release
- Split voice subpackage off gcompris-qt.spec