Update Info


Recommended update for libxfce4ui, mousepad, ristretto, thunar, xfce4-battery-plugin, xfce4-calculator-plugin, xfce4-dict, xfce4-fsguard-plugin, xfce4-mailwatch-plugin, xfce4-mount-plugin, xfce4-mpc-plugin, xfce4-netload-plugin, xfce4-panel, xfce4-panel-profiles, xfce4-power-manager, xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin, xfce4-screensaver, xfce4-screenshooter, xfce4-session, xfce4-settings, xfce4-time-out-plugin, xfce4-timer-plugin, xfce4-weather-plugin, xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin, xfmpc

Type: recommended
Severity: moderate
Issued: 2023-07-12
This update for libxfce4ui, mousepad, ristretto, thunar, xfce4-battery-plugin, xfce4-calculator-plugin, xfce4-dict, xfce4-fsguard-plugin, xfce4-mailwatch-plugin, xfce4-mount-plugin, xfce4-mpc-plugin, xfce4-netload-plugin, xfce4-panel, xfce4-panel-profiles, xfce4-power-manager, xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin, xfce4-screensaver, xfce4-screenshooter, xfce4-session, xfce4-settings, xfce4-time-out-plugin, xfce4-timer-plugin, xfce4-weather-plugin, xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin, xfmpc fixes the following issues:

Changes in xfce4-settings:

- Update to version 4.18.3

  * Displays: Fix finding a valid mode by refresh rate
  * dialogs: Secure use of GSettings
  * xfsettingsd: Fix wrong test for property removal
  * xfsettingsd: Update also the type when updating a value
  * keyboard-settings: Fix critical when opening layout selection
  * appearance-install-theme: Fix error message
  * appearance-install-theme: Do not mention file size in error
  * appearance-install-theme: Check for theme package validity
  * appearance-install-theme: Update GTK icon cache after installing
  * appearance-install-theme: detect icon themes first (#271)
  * appearance-install-theme: make cleanup safer
  * appearance-install-theme: Use recommended way of command
  * appearance-install-theme: Convert to POSIX
  * Update bug report address
  * display: Check for XError on transform apply
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-panel-profiles:

- Update to version 1.0.14

  * Save and restore rc-files
  * Add keywords to .desktop file (Fixes #9)
  * Properly filter filenames on startup
  * Ensure unique profile name and consistent filename
  * Pass correct length to GLib.KeyFile.load_from_data() (Fixes #20)
  * Open panel prefs dialog also on delete-event (Fixes #42)
  * configure: Use shell builtins instead of sed
  * Add missing translatable flags
  * Fix translations when $prefix != /usr
  * Add Unity layout
  * Use get_user_config_dir instead of get_home_dir (Fixes #38)
  * Show errors before saving profile to file
  * Ignore corrupted desktop-files on store Ignore empty launchers on
  * Set correct desktop file name for translations
  * Makefile.in.in: Pass arguments to tar to make build reproducible
  regardless of user or umask
  * removed extra created link in makefile(#10)
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin:

- Update to version 0.4.7

  * Fix crash when D-Bus connection is lost before it's connected
  * Fix copyright info
  * MPRIS: Control recently open/used player using multimedia keys
  * Deduplicate key binding code
  * Bind all possible keys
  * Update about authors
  * MPRIS: Remove old settings when clearing known players
  * MPRIS: Ignore multimedia keys for blacklisted players
  * MPRIS: Add possibility to hide inactive players, improve config
  * MPRIS: Remove pulseaudio_mpris_player_can_launch function
  * MPRIS: Fix memory leak in player finalize
  * MPRIS: Remove unused pulseaudio_mpris_player_is_equal function
  * MPRIS: Refactor player connection lost and finalize
  * MPRIS: Deduplicate find_desktop_entry function
  * MPRIS: Make pulseaudio_mpris_get_available_players static
  * MPRIS: Check for filename before launching the player
  * Improve connection/disconnection with server
  * Menu: Don't clear structure, it's not needed
  * MPRIS: Reduce player_is_usable timeout to 5 sec
  * MPRIS: Memory management fixes
  * MPRIS: Don't initialize struct members, GLib is doing it
  * MPRIS: Micro-optimization
  * MPRIS: Check for is_playing in set_can_play function
  * Subscribe NameOwnerChanged to watch MPRIS changes instead of
  * Fix removing blacklisted MPRIS players from config
  * Improve run mixer button sensitivity
  * Display default device name in tooltip
  * Don't set has-tooltip property twice
  * Don't show recording indicator for non-default monitors
  * Make run mixer button sensitive for any path
  * Show unplugged devices as insensitive
  * Don't show rec icon if the source output doesn't belong to any
  * Don't show recording indicator when it's not connected to the
  * Fix mistake in comment
  * Don't reset recording value in callback
  * Allow maximum volume configuration in dialog
  * Improve volume step size text
  * Translation Updates
- Remove _service file

Changes in xfce4-screensaver:

- Update to version 4.18.2

  * screensaver-configure: Ensure consistent dialog positioning
  * screensaver-configure: Remove dead code
  * screensaver-configure: Improve some strings
  * screensaver-configure: Print errors on stderr without translating
  * screensaver-configure: Replace single quotes with double quotes in _()
  * screensaver-configure: Get translated strings from desktop files
  * screensaver-configure: Fix broken translations
  * screensaver-configure: Set dialogs modal
  * Revert "prefs-dialog: Grey out prefs button for popsquares (no prefs)"
  * screensaver-configure: Fix broken prefs
  * screensaver-configure: Fix critical when closing dialog
  * prefs-dialog: Grey out prefs button for popsquares (no prefs)
  * Bump GTK version and remove dead code
  * Keep "lock-on-sleep" in sync with other components via XfceScreensaver
  * *.desktop: Distinguishing our screensaver from others (Fixes #17)
  * Use GLib wrappers for memory allocation
  * Fix unix.Malloc warnings from scan-build 15.0.7
  * Fix core.uninitialized.Assign warnings from scan-build 15.0.7
  * Fix deadcode.DeadStores warnings from scan-build 15.0.7
  * Avoid duplicated code
  * manager: Do not discard monitors without model and manufacturer
  * Translation Updates

- Fix hang up with efifb / nomodeset (boo#1210562).

Changes in xfce4-power-manager:

- Update to version 4.18.2

  * Fix typos in previous backported commit
  * Keep "lock-on-sleep" in sync with other components via XfceScreensaver
  * power: Fix old typo
  * Do not check repeatedly for logind running
  * Write on stderr when appropriate
  * build: Require gio-unix-2.0
  * settings: Keep a ref on device to avoid use-after-free (Fixes #56)
  * dpms: Add missing sanity checks (Fixes #163)
  * Fix Xfconf memory management
  * Update bug report address
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-session:

- Update to version 4.18.3

  * shutdown: Do not set an error when returning TRUE
  * logout-dialog: Fix use-after-free
  * Use glib wrappers for memory allocation
  * build: Fix build when there is no suspend/hibernate support
  * build: Add suspend support for Solaris
  * startxfce4: Fix xinit arguments order
  * manager: Always use xfsm_manager_save_yourself_dbus() (Fixes #106)
  * settings: Remove useless tooltip
  * xflock4: Update fallback list
  * logout-dialog: Lower warning level
  * shutdown: Keep error NULL when unused
  * cleanup: Remove dead polkit code
  * Revert "Fallback to old method for shutdown (bug #8630)."
  * Use g_critical() instead of g_error()
  * Use GLib logging functions or g_printerr() instead of g_print()
  * Use GLib logging functions instead of g_printerr()
  * build: Fix untranslated policykit file
  * Escape/unescape string list delimiter when saving/restoring session
  * Replace XfceRc with GKeyFile for session file parsing
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-panel:

- Update to version 4.18.4

  * icons: Scale at size 16x16 to 128x128 (Fixes #385)
  * icons: Fix centering of org.xfce.panel
  * icons: Rename org.xfce.panel.statustray to org.xfce.panel.systray
  * Fix memory leaks around gtk_get_current_event()
  * tasklist: Fix use-after-free on tasklist child
  * systray: Update icon also on status change
  * Translation Updates

Changes in libxfce4ui:

- Update to version 4.18.4

  * Prevent recursive calling of lock command
  * Add lock-on-sleep property
  * Update fallback list
  * Prioritize user lock command
  * Rewrite D-Bus proxies management
  * Use reasonable timeout for methods that may not reply
  * Remove support for gnome-screensaver (Fixes #62)
  * Do not take into account empty commands
  * Simplify Xfconf management
  * Fix memory leak
  * Fix typos
  * Run lock command synchronously (Fixes #70)
  * Add missing include guard

Changes in xfce4-screenshooter:

- Update to 1.10.4

  * Fix warning about checking file permissions
  * Refactor supported image formats handling (!49)
  * Add support to AVIF (#109)
  * Add support to JPEG XL (#108)
  * Check if the pixbuf-loader supports writing
  * Restrict file permission if not saved in a user-owned directory (#2)
  * Save preferences when plugin finalizes screenshot (#96)
  * Fix screenshot finalize behavior for plugin
  * Translation Updates

Changes in mousepad:

- Update to version 0.6.1

  * I18n: Update po/LINGUAS list
  * build: Optionally require polkit
  * build: Use m4_defined min versions and cleanup
  * build: Use XDT_VERSION_INIT and get rid of configure.ac.in
  * build: Switch from intltool to gettext
  * menubar: Improve some strings
  * search: Use consistent naming
  * history: Properly restore multi-window session
  * Restore opening mode only when it was overridden from the command
  * Add "X of Y matches" to search bar and replace dialog (Closes #174)
  * Add application/x-zerosize to supported mime types (Fixes #194)
  * Apply opening mode also to the open dialog (Fixes #181)
  * Properly reconnect signal handler when auto-reload is enabled
  * Translation Updates

Changes in ristretto:

- Update to version 0.13.1

  * I18n: Update po/LINGUAS list
  * Force g_file_query_info if magic_file returns
  * build: Use m4_defined min versions and cleanup
  * Replace XDT_CHECK_LIBX11 and guard x11 code paths
  * build: Use XDT_VERSION_INIT and get rid of configure.ac.in
  * build: Switch from intltool to gettext
  * viewer: Paint background icon at window scale
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin:

- Update to version 2.7.3

  * Fix broken linking with AccountsService.
  * Translation updates

Changes in thunar:

- Update to 4.18.6:

  * Revert ce43203b to prevent high CPU usage in list-view (#1089)

- Update to 4.18.5:

  * Prevent overflow via g_ascii methods (#1084)
  * ThunarFile: Use recursive mutex for cache (#1060)
  * Use new window for history signal handler (#1073)
  * Prevent using CSD in properties dialog (#1056)
  * Keep alpha when cutting read-only files (#1060)
  * Dont reload the current folder on copy/cut (#1060)
  * Update selected notebook on tab press (#1067)
  * Make sure that accel_group is set before using it (#1067)
  * Add job to list of jobs, not a view (#1029)
  * Undo/Redo: Improve error handling
  * Make spinner always visible
  * Optionally show prop-dialog hightlight tab (#1056)
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-mpc-plugin:

- Update to version 0.5.3

  * Fix typos
  * Translate more strings (Fixes #8)
  * Fix translated strings (Fixes #5)
  * Remove deprecated project files
  * build: Fix compiler warnings
  * Fix translated string (Fixes #4)
  * Revert "Remove deprecated project files"
  * Update copyright year
  * Remove deprecated project files
  * Update Makefile.am
  * Fix strings if song data is not available (#9)
  * build: Add GLib requirement
  * build: Fix autotools warnings
  * Use "logo-icon-name" instead of "logo" in about dialog
  * build: Fix intltool lock file problem during make distcheck
  * stream can be toggled from right-click menu
  * hide contextual menu 'stream' entry if streaming_appl isnt 
  * add a new 'stream' checkbox to contextual menu
  * add mpc_stream_toggled callback
  * add mpc_stop_streaming method
  * use g_spawn_async instead of xfce_spawn_on_screen_with_child_watch
    to spawn the streaming appl
  * make sure error isnt NULL before dereferencing it
  * launch the streaming client when clicking on play
  * add mpc_launch_streaming() method
  * Allow to configure a 'streaming command'
  * use xfce_spawn_command_line() instead of deprecated 
  * Bump copyright year
  * Fix compilation warnings
  * autoconf: Some updates
  * Add basic GitLab pipeline
  * Update URLs from goodies.x.o to docs.x.o
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-netload-plugin:

- Update to version 1.4.1

  * Fix wrong description in about dialog
  * Fix wrong units in bytes (Fixes #22)
  * Update copyright year
  * Add option to set number of decimal points (Closes #21)
  * build: Fix intltool lock file problem during make distcheck
  * build: Add GLib requirement
  * build: Fix autotools warnings
  * Update COPYING
  * Check if ip_address string is non-empty
  * Free memory only after last reference
  * Reset source id to prevent double free
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-mailwatch-plugin:

- Update to version 1.3.1

  * Update copyright year
  * Remove deprecated project files
  * Add remote-event functionality - fixes #51
  * build: Fix autotools warnings
  * Fix remaining blurry icons when UI scale > 1
  * Use "logo-icon-name" instead of "logo" in about dialog
  * Remove soon-to-be-deprecated exo-string functions
  * Fix intltool lock file problem during make distcheck
  * Update COPYING
  * Fix compilation warnings
  * autoconf: Some updates
  * Add "View Log..." menu item
  * Update log status on force mail update
  * Fix missing-prototypes
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-dict:

- Update to version 0.8.5

  * build: Fix -Wunused-result warning
  * Update copyright year
  * Use "logo-icon-name" instead of "logo" in about dialog
  * Remove ENABLE_NLS ifdefs
  * autoconf: Use AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
  * build: Fix intltool lock file problem during make distcheck
  * Update COPYING (Issue #7)
  * Remove unnecessary code
  * Use symbolic icons
  * Escape markup in server information
  * Replaces siginterrupt with sigaction
  * Do not close window with ctrl+c (#5)
  * Fix Text field size setting (#4)
  * Fix compilation warnings
  * autoconf: Some updates
  * Remove "." at the end of Comment string
  * Remove GSourceFunc casts
  * Include stdlib.h to get atoi prototype (!2)
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfmpc:

- update to 0.3.1

  * Improve icon and style of clear playlist button
  * build: Fix "unhandled error" vala warning
  * build: Fix "never used" vala warning
  * build: Fix "access to static member" vala warning
  * Fix previous commit
  * Update copyright year
  * build: Silence compiler warnings for generated C code
  * build: Add GLib requirement
  * Fix make distcheck and update urls
  * Fix missing-prototypes
  * Update COPYING
  * Fix compilation warnings
  * use Gtk MenuButton for context button
  * Call methods from GtkDialog instead of XfceTitleDialog (#8)
  * add parenthesis around expression
  * Adds new README.md and updates AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE macro with
    foreign option
  * Use 'multimedia-player' icon instead of 'stock_volume'
    (Bug #15636)
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-weather-plugin:

- Update to 0.11.1

  * Update copyright year
  * Remove deprecated project files
  * Prevent Celcius display of -0C (fixes #63)
  * Fix blurry logo when UI scale > 1
  * Fix blurry icons when UI scale > 1
  * Fix intltool lock file bug in make distcheck
  * Rename `timezone` to avoid shadowing global variable
  * Return from function to avoid using garbage values
  * Use correct variable
  * Add settings button to summary window (Fixes #41)
  * Drop strftime padding (Fixes #46)
  * Improve settings UI
  * Add new icons with rDNS naming
  * Fix forecast layout (Fixes #40)
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-time-out-plugin:

- Update to version 1.1.3

  * Fix previous commit
  * Update copyright year
  * Remove deprecated project files
  * build: Add GLib requirement
  * build: Fix autotools warnings
  * Fix blurry image when UI scale > 1
  * build: Fix intltool lock file problem during make distcheck
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-mount-plugin:

- Updated to 1.1.5

  * Remove unused old doc/ folder
  * Improve autotools configuration
  * Update copyright year
  * Remove deprecated project files
  * build: Add GLib requirement
  * build: Fix autotools warnings
  * Use xfce_panel_plugin_popup_menu() when possible
  * Replace deprecated XfcePanelImage with GtkImage
  * Use "logo-icon-name" instead of "logo" in about dialog
  * build: Fix intltool lock file problem during make distcheck
  * Update COPYING
  * autoconf: Remove AC_HEADER_STDC
  * Bump version to 1.1.5 after German translation update and
    compilation on FreeBSD 12.2
  * Partly merge in commit 498e6d23 of skunnyk with autotools
  * Removed auto-generatable developer documentation, but keep
    Doxyfile for anyone who wants to create the documentation
  * Removed commented-out AC_CHECK lines in configure.ac.in and
    their comments where reasonable as of now
  * Ran 'make update-po' after fixed typo and line removements in
    C file
  * Comment out step by step old AC_CHECKS, explaining the
    reasoning for future reference and discussion, esp. wrt. *NIX
    compilation problems.
  * Revert "remove checks for unused functions from configure.ac"
  * Updated and revised German translation for next release
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-fsguard-plugin:

- Update to version 1.1.3

  * Fix autotools warnings
  * Update copyright year
  * build: Add GLib requirement
  * Fix blurry icons when UI scale > 1
  * build: Fix intltool lock file problem during make distcheck
  * autoconf: Some updates
  * Update `.gitignore`
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-calculator-plugin:

- Update to 0.7.2

  * Add basic GitLab pipeline
  * Use same automake options as other projects
  * build: Fix intltool lock file problem during make distcheck
  * Update copyright year
  * Remove deprecated project files
  * build: Add missing includes
  * build: Fix autoconf warnings
  * build: Add GLib requirement
  * Use "logo-icon-name" instead of "logo" in about dialog
  * Fix license notices mentioning LGPL (#7)
  * tests: Parenthesize concatenations to avoid ambiguity
  * Fix the 64x64 icon
  * Fix compilation warnings
  * autoconf: Some updates
  * Update bug report URL
  * Make configure.ac.in more friendly to xfce-do-release helper
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-battery-plugin:

- Update to version 1.1.5

  * Update copyright year
  * build: Add GLib requirement
  * Replace deprecated XfcePanelImage with GtkImage
  * Update `.gitignore`
  * Use "logo-icon-name" instead of "logo" in about dialog
  * Fix make distcheck
  * Respect panel setting "Adjust size automatically"
  * Update COPYING
  * Translation Updates

Changes in xfce4-timer-plugin:

- Update to version 1.7.2

  * Update copyright year and bug report address
  * always keep the dialog window above
  * Allow to start any timer on timeout
  * Remove dead code generating a warning
  * Remove wrong function call
  * Do not quit the main loop on "free-data"
  * build: Add GLib requirement
  * build: Fix autotools warnings
  * Update configure.ac.in
  * Use "logo-icon-name" instead of "logo" in about dialog
  * build: Fix intltool lock file problem during make distcheck
  * Update COPYING
  * Delete "xfce4" from various strings
  * Replace GTimeVal with GDateTime
  * Context menu option to add new timer and pause/stop icons (!11)
  * Fix missing translation macro for Time's up dialog
  * Fix compilation warnings
  * autoconf: Some updates
  * Update `.gitignore`
  * Request automatic widget length
  * Properly save settings for many plugin instances
  * Create README.md. Update configure.ac.in
  * Translation Updates



  • exo-4.18.0-bp155.2.2.1
  • keybinder-3.0-0.3.2-bp155.3.2.1
  • keybinder-0.3.1-bp155.6.2.1
  • libgarcon-4.18.1-bp155.3.2.1
  • libmpd-11.8.17-bp155.3.2.1
  • libxfce4ui-4.18.4-bp155.2.3.1
  • libxfce4util-4.18.1-bp155.2.2.1
  • mousepad-0.6.1-bp155.2.3.1
  • ristretto-0.13.1-bp155.2.3.1
  • thunar-4.18.6-bp155.2.3.1
  • xfce4-battery-plugin-1.1.5-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-calculator-plugin-0.7.2-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-dev-tools-4.16.0-bp155.3.2.1
  • xfce4-dict-0.8.5-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-fsguard-plugin-1.1.3-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-mailwatch-plugin-1.3.1-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-mount-plugin-1.1.6-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-mpc-plugin-0.5.3-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-netload-plugin-1.4.1-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-panel-profiles-1.0.14-bp155.4.3.1
  • xfce4-panel-4.18.4-bp155.2.3.1
  • xfce4-power-manager-4.18.2-bp155.2.3.1
  • xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin-0.4.7-bp155.2.3.1
  • xfce4-screensaver-4.18.2-bp155.2.3.1
  • xfce4-screenshooter-1.10.4-bp155.2.3.1
  • xfce4-session-4.18.3-bp155.2.3.1
  • xfce4-settings-4.18.3-bp155.2.3.1
  • xfce4-time-out-plugin-1.1.3-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-timer-plugin-1.7.2-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-weather-plugin-0.11.1-bp155.3.3.1
  • xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-2.7.3-bp155.2.3.1
  • xfconf-4.18.0-bp155.2.2.1
  • xfmpc-0.3.1-bp155.3.3.1
  • xiccd-0.3.0-bp155.3.2.1