Update Info


Recommended update for telegraf

Type: recommended
Severity: moderate
Issued: 2023-06-27
This update for telegraf fixes the following issues:

telegraf was updated to version 1.26.3:

* fix(inputs.socket_listener): Fix race in tests (#13300)
* chore: Enable deferInLoop, exitAfterDefer and unnecessaryDefer checkers for gocritic (#13280)
* fix(inputs.vsphere): specify the correct option for disconnected_servers_behavior (#13286)
* docs: Clarify watch config behavior (#13285)
* fix(inputs.socket_listener): Fix loss of connection tracking (#13056)
* fix(outputs.stackdriver): Allow for custom metric type prefix (#13168)
* fix(outputs.graphite): Fix logic to reconnect with servers that were not up on agent startup (#13228) (#13239)
* docs(common.kafka): Remove experimental notes (#13232)
* fix(outputs.stackdriver): Group batches by timestamp (#12994)
* deps(outputs.wavefront): Bump wavefront sdk from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0 (#13213)
* fix(outputs.prometheus_client): Fix export_timestamp for v1 metric type (#13169)
* docs(inputs.vsphere): Resolve copy/paste typo with resource pools (#13162)
* fix(processors.starlark): Ddo not reject tracking metrics twice (#13156)
* fix(inputs.gnmi): Create selfstat to track connection state (#13149)
* fix(inputs.intel_pmu): Fix handling of the json perfmon format (#13139)
* fix: update release workflow (#13141)
* docs(inputs.knx_listener): Add link to config generation project (#13128)
* fix(outputs.warp10): Support Infinity/-Infinity/NaN values (#13126)

Update to version 1.26.2:

* docs(inputs.mysql): remove duplicate settings from config (#13131)
* docs: use single quotes for multi-line literal TOML (#13124)
* fix(processors.lookup): Fix tracking metrics (#13092)
* test: Check correct build tags for each plugin registered (#13019)
* fix(parsers.grok): Fix nil metric for multiline inputs (#13078)
* fix(inputs.prometheus): Add namespace option in k8s informer factory (#13063)
* fix: Correct spelling of "fingerprints" in circleci config (#13074)
* fix(inputs.socket_listener): Fix tracking of unix sockets (#13059)
* feat: implement remote artifact signing (#13066)
* fix(agent): pass quiet flag earlier (#13020)

Update to version 1.26.1:

* fix(inputs.procstat): Return tags of pids if lookup_error (#13015)
* fix(inputs.netflow): Use correct name in the build tag (#13006)
* fix(secrets): Minimize secret holding time (#13002)
* fix(secretstores): Handle array of secrets correctly (#12919)
* fix(secret): Add function to set a secret (#13012)
* fix(secrets): Warn if OS limit for locked memory is too low (#12993)
* docs(outputs.http): add service to aws creds (#13003)
* fix(systemd): Increase lock memory for service to 8192kb (#12990)
* fix(inputs.upsd): Include ups.real_power (#12961)
* fix(inputs.execd): Read from stdout using ReadLine instead of scanner.Scan to overcome 64kb buffer limit (#12935)
* fix(govulncheck): Downgrade govulncheck to fix github action (#12973)
* docs(inputs.upsd): Add comment about ipv6 addresses (#12962)
* docs: Explain and note service inputs (#12870)
* docs: Remove broken link to default config (#12925)
* feat(inputs.kubernetes): Apply timeout for the whole HTTP request (#12918)
* fix(outputs.graphite): Add custom regex to outputs (#12908)
* fix(inputs.ethtool): Check for nil (#12867)
* fix(inputs.prometheus): Use set over add for custom headers (#12907)
* fix(config): Return error on order set as string (#12880)
* docs: Fix various typos in comments (#12888)
* docs: Add homekit plugin as external plugin (#12874)
* docs(agent): resolve typo (#12884)
* docs(typo): update wording (#12885)
* fix(inputs.prometheus): Correctly set timeout param (#12864)
* docs: Update minimum documented go version (#12869)
* fix(inputs.internet_speed): Rename host tag to source (#12877)
* docs(typo): output.go (#12873)
* docs: update change log format (#12872)
* fix(serializers.graphite): Allow for specifying regex to sanitize (#12835)

Update to version 1.26.0:

* fix(makefile): Re-add build tags flag to go build (#12847)
* feat(inputs.vsphere): Flag for more lenient behavior when connect fails on startup (#12828)
* feat(inputs.modbus): Allow to convert coil and discrete registers to boolean (#12825)
* feat(common.oauth): Add audience parameter (#12821)
* feat(parsers.xpath): Add timezone handling (#12820)
* feat(agent): Print loaded configs (#12827)
* docs(outputs.postgresql): Improve TimescaleDB config examples (#12829)
* feat(processors.converter): Convert tag or field as metric timestamp (#12767)
* feat(inputs.radius): Add plugin for simple radius auth response time monitoring (#12736)
* docs(inputs.vsphere): Update inventory docs & removed unnecessary if-statement (#12819)
* fix(inputs.amqp_consumer): Avoid deprecations when handling defaults (#12818)
* fix(inputs.amqp_consumer): Fix panic on Stop() if not connected successfully (#12817)
* fix(inputs.ethtool): Close namespace (#12815)
* feat(inputs.ethtool): Add support for link speed, duplex, autoneg and… (#12814)
* feat(agent): Add command-line option to specify password (#12812)
* feat(processors): Add lookup processor (#12809)
* feat(inputs.win_eventlog): Add state-persistence capabilities (#12790)
* feat(inputs.modbus): Add RS485 specific config options (#12786)
* docs: Use already existing link to fix markdownlint issue. (#12810)
* feat(inputs.cgroup): Added support for cpu.stat (#12798)
* docs: Clean up make docs on windows (#12796)
* feat(inputs.prometheus): Use namespace annotations to filter pods to be scraped (#12777)
* feat(inputs.docker_log): Add state-persistence capabilities (#12775)
* docs: Add optional tls parameters to the documentation (#12788)
* docs: Update the FAQ (#12793)
* fix(inputs.statsd): On close, verify listener is not nil (#12778)
* feat(parsers.avro): Add Apache Avro parser (#11816)
* fix(agent): Allow gracefull shutdown on interrupt (e.g. Ctrl-C) (#12781)
* feat: Plugin state-persistence (#12166)
* fix(agent): Only rotate log on SIGHUP if needed (#12740)
* docs(aggregators.derivative): Add explanation of calculations (#12758)
* feat(outputs.mqtt): Add option to specify topic layouts (#12697)
* docs: rename playfabtotelegraf external plugin (#12759)
* feat(common.tls): add enable flag (#12727)
* feat(inputs.jti_openconfig_telemetry): Set timestamp from data (#12730)
* fix(serializers.json): allow stateful transformations (#12735)
* fix(inputs.lvm): add options to specify path to binaries (#12725)
* feat(inputs.wireguard): Add allowed_peer_cidr field (#12729)
* fix(parsers.xpath): Fix panic for JSON name expansion (#12724)
* feat(inputs.internet_speed): Add the best server selection via latency and jitter field (#12707)
* feat(inputs.win_wmi): add Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) input plugin (#11250)
* fix(agent): Reload config on config update (#12721)
* feat(inputs.disk): Add label as tag (#12696)
* test(inputs.x509_cert): fix missing tag (#12720)
* feat(inputs.x509_cert): Add tag for certificate type-classification (#12656)
* docs(readme): add PlayFab Insights external plugin (#12708)
* docs(parsers.json_v2): fix spelling typo (#12711)
* feat(inputs.statsd): add pending messages stat and allow to configure number of threads (#12318)
* feat(inputs.haproxy): Add support for tcp endpoints in haproxy plugin (#12680)
* feat(inputs.x509_cert): Add OCSP stapling information for leaf certificates (#10550) (#12444)
* docs(outputs.postgresql): Update URL for sql template (#12691)
* feat(config): Accept durations given in days (e.g. "7d") (#12579)
* feat(outputs.mqtt): add support for MQTT 5 publish properties (#12678)
* fix(inputs.bond): Reset slave stats for each interface (#12462)
* fix(inputs.cloudwatch): Verify endpoint is not nil (#12677)
* feat(processors.unpivot): Add mode to create new metrics (#12659)
* Update changelog for v1.25.2
* docs: Tracking metrics (#12663)
* fix(inputs.x509_cert): Fix Windows path handling (#12629)
* fix(inputs.cloudwatch): enable custom endpoint support (#12657)
* test: Use `t.Setenv` to set env vars (#12621)
* fix: Rename the Prometheus Input Plugin Timeout variable (#12626)
* docs: remove trailing whitespace (#12660)
* docs: fix remaining markdownlinter issues (#12658)
* docs: remove whitespace (#12655)
* docs: Update all readme to pass linter (#12615)
* feat(inputs.http_listener_v2): Add custom server http headers (#12645)
* fix(inputs.gnmi): Handle both new-style `tag_subscription` and old-style `tag_only` (#12512)
* fix(inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt): check subfield sizes to avoid panics (#12637)
* fix(inputs.tail): fix typo in the README (#12648)
* docs(inputs.syslog): add BSD syslog to readme intro (#12647)
* fix(secretstores): check store id format and presence (#12644)
* feat(inputs.internet_speed): server ID include and exclude filter (#12617)
* docs(inputs.procstat): add ppid field (#12641)
* docs(inputs.snmp): Explain different snmp backends (#12627)
* feat(agent): Add /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d to default config locations (#12608)
* fix(inputs.conntrack): Resolve segfault when setting collect field (#12603)
* feat(inputs.p4runtime): Implementation of P4Runtime input plugin (#12473)
* docs: Show TOML inline table syntax for tags/tagpass/tagdrop (#12636)
* feat(inputs.processes): Add `use_sudo` option for BSD (#12628)
* docs(inputs.prometheus): fix incorrect headers option (#12625)
* fix(agent): Only read the config once (#12607)
* fix(inputs.mongodb): SIGSEGV when restarting MongoDB node (#12604)
* feat: Always disable cgo support (static builds) (#12600)
* fix(inputs.mongodb): Improve error logging (#12599)
* docs: indicate secret-store support in plugin READMEs (#12592)
* feat(inputs.opensearch_query): add opensearch_query input plugin (#12393)
* docs(inputs.postgresql): Provide socket connection details (#12584)
* feat(inputs.example): Add secret-store sample code (#12550)
* feat(inputs.mysql): add secret-store support (#12591)
* fix(docs): fix link to license for Google flatbuffers (#12586)
* fix(inputs.mysql): avoid side-effects for TLS between plugin instances (#12576)
* fix(inputs.upsd): Add additional fields (#12543)
* fix(outputs.prometheus_client): Expire with ticker, not add/collect (#12560)
* fix(inputs.opcua): fix opcua and opcua-listener for servers using password-based auth (#12529)
* fix(inputs.prometheus): Set the timeout for slow running API endpoints correctly (#12559)
* feat(inputs.win_perf_counters): add remote system support (#12556)
* feat(inputs.gnmi): Set max gRPC message size (#12495)
* fix(inputs.exec): restore pre-v1.21 behavior for CSV data_format (#12533)
* fix(inputs.sqlserver): Suppress error on secondary replicas (#12528)
* feat(inputs.icinga2): Support collecting hosts,services and endpoint metrics (#12506)
* fix(inputs.upsd): Always convert to float (#12516)
* docs(outputs.elasticsearch): detail overriding timezone (#12551)
* docs(outputs.mqtt): update readme to match sample config (#12552)
* feat(secretstores): convert many output plugins (#12497)
* feat(inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt): include delete field (#12345)
* docs(outputs.mqtt): fix incorrect use of brackets (#12539)
* fix(agent): catch non-existing commands and error out (#12549)
* fix(inputs.logstash): Collect opensearch specific stats (#12536)
* fix(inputs.prometheus): correctly track deleted pods (#12522)
* feat(inputs.dns_query): Add IP field(s) (#12519)
* feat(intel_powerstat): Add CPU base frequency metric and add support for new platforms (#12452)
* fix(common.cookie): Allow any 2xx status code (#12515)
* feat(inputs.redfish): Add power control metric (#12496)
* feat(inputs.openweathermap): Add snow parameter (#12466)
* feat(outputs.mqtt): enhance routing capabilities (#12224)
* test(inputs.snmp): Use random port (#12464)
* feat(tools/readme_linter): Check for global configuration section (#12426)
* fix(inputs.upsd): Ensure firmware is always a string (#12486)
* docs(inputs.influxdb): Collect v2 with prometheus plugin (#12492)
* feat(inputs.influxdb): Collect uptime statistics (#12493)
* fix(inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt): add operation-metric and class-policy prefix (#12240)
* fix(json_v2): In case of invalid json, log messsage to debug log (#12440)
* docs(secretstores): document systemd-nspawn requirement (#12494)
* fix(secretstores): fix handling of TOML strings (#12490)
* fix(agent): handle float time with fractions of seconds correctly (#12491)
* fix(agent): Only set default snmp after reading all configs (#12457)
* docs(inputs.example): correctly set syntax highlighting and section name (#12471)
* docs(inputs.socketstat): fix wrong TOML option name. (#12482)
* fix(inputs.win_eventlog): Handle remote events more robustly. (#12375)
* fix(inputs.sqlserver): add more precise version check (#12384)
* feat(inputs.modbus): add workaround to enforce reads from zero for coil registers (#12408)
* fix(inputs.gnmi): update configuration documentation (#12415)
* feat(secretstores): add support for additional input plugins (#12067)
* feat(inputs.sqlserver): get database pages performance counter  (#12400)
* fix(secretstores): Fix handling of 'id' and print failing secret-store (#12468)
* feat(kafka): Add keep-alive period setting for input and output. (#12459)
* fix(agent): Correctly reload configuration files (#12453)
* docs: add tado input (#12411)
* docs(inputs.postgresql): update readme and samples to note timeout behavior (#12446)
* fix(inputs.mysql): Revert slice declarations with non-zero initial length (#12409)
* fix: Added own SPID filter to sqlserverqueries.go (#12387)
* fix(inputs.sqlserver): SqlRequests include sleeping sessions with open transactions (#12386)
* fix(outputs.loki): return response body on error (#12399)
* fix(inputs.x509_cert): fix off-by-one when adding intermediate certificates (#12404)
* test: Always create test config for package testing (#12390)
* fix(secretstores): cleanup duplicate printing (#12401)
* docs: add bacnet to external plugins list (#12394)
* test(parsers.json): add fuzz test (#12368)
* feat(inputs.stackdriver): Allow filtering by resource metadata labels (#12377)

Update to version 1.25.3:

* fix(serializers.json): allow stateful transformations (#12735)
* fix(inputs.lvm): add options to specify path to binaries (#12725)
* fix(parsers.xpath): Fix panic for JSON name expansion (#12724)
* fix(agent): Reload config on config update (#12721)
* docs(readme): add PlayFab Insights external plugin (#12708)
* docs(parsers.json_v2): fix spelling typo (#12711)
* docs(outputs.postgresql): Update URL for sql template (#12691)
* fix(inputs.bond): Reset slave stats for each interface (#12462)
* fix(inputs.cloudwatch): Verify endpoint is not nil (#12677)

Update to version 1.25.2:

* docs: Tracking metrics (#12663)
* fix(inputs.x509_cert): Fix Windows path handling (#12629)
* fix(inputs.cloudwatch): enable custom endpoint support (#12657)
* test: Use `t.Setenv` to set env vars (#12621)
* fix: Rename the Prometheus Input Plugin Timeout variable (#12626)
* docs(inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt): remove new feature
* docs: remove trailing whitespace (#12660)
* docs: fix remaining markdownlinter issues (#12658)
* docs: remove whitespace (#12655)
* docs: Update all readme to pass linter (#12615)
* fix(inputs.gnmi): Handle both new-style `tag_subscription` and old-style `tag_only` (#12512)
* fix(inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt): check subfield sizes to avoid panics (#12637)
* fix(inputs.tail): fix typo in the README (#12648)
* docs(inputs.syslog): add BSD syslog to readme intro (#12647)
* fix(secretstores): check store id format and presence (#12644)
* docs(inputs.procstat): add ppid field (#12641)
* docs(inputs.snmp): Explain different snmp backends (#12627)
* fix(inputs.conntrack): Resolve segfault when setting collect field (#12603)
* docs: Show TOML inline table syntax for tags/tagpass/tagdrop (#12636)
* docs(inputs.prometheus): fix incorrect headers option (#12625)
* fix(agent): Only read the config once (#12607)
* fix(inputs.mongodb): SIGSEGV when restarting MongoDB node (#12604)
* fix(inputs.mongodb): Improve error logging (#12599)
* docs(inputs.postgresql): Provide socket connection details (#12584)
* fix(docs): fix link to license for Google flatbuffers (#12586)
* fix(inputs.mysql): avoid side-effects for TLS between plugin instances (#12576)
* fix(inputs.upsd): Add additional fields (#12543)
* fix(outputs.prometheus_client): Expire with ticker, not add/collect (#12560)

Update to version 1.25.1:

* fix(inputs.opcua): fix opcua and opcua-listener for servers using password-based auth (#12529)
* fix(inputs.prometheus): Set the timeout for slow running API endpoints correctly (#12559)
* fix(inputs.exec): restore pre-v1.21 behavior for CSV data_format (#12533)
* fix(inputs.sqlserver): Suppress error on secondary replicas (#12528)
* fix(inputs.upsd): Always convert to float (#12516)
* docs(outputs.elasticsearch): detail overriding timezone (#12551)
* docs(outputs.mqtt): update readme to match sample config (#12552)
* docs(outputs.mqtt): fix incorrect use of brackets (#12539)
* fix(agent): catch non-existing commands and error out (#12549)
* fix(inputs.logstash): Collect opensearch specific stats (#12536)
* fix(inputs.prometheus): correctly track deleted pods (#12522)
* fix(common.cookie): Allow any 2xx status code (#12515)
* test(inputs.snmp): Use random port (#12464)
* fix(inputs.upsd): Ensure firmware is always a string (#12486)
* docs(inputs.influxdb): Collect v2 with prometheus plugin (#12492)
* fix(inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt): add operation-metric and class-policy prefix (#12240)
* fix(json_v2): In case of invalid json, log messsage to debug log (#12440)
* docs(secretstores): document systemd-nspawn requirement (#12494)
* fix(secretstores): fix handling of TOML strings (#12490)
* fix(agent): handle float time with fractions of seconds correctly (#12491)
* fix(agent): Only set default snmp after reading all configs (#12457)
* docs(inputs.example): correctly set syntax highlighting and section name (#12471)
* docs(inputs.socketstat): fix wrong TOML option name. (#12482)
* fix(inputs.win_eventlog): Handle remote events more robustly. (#12375)
* fix(inputs.sqlserver): add more precise version check (#12384)
* fix(inputs.gnmi): update configuration documentation (#12415)
* fix(secretstores): Fix handling of 'id' and print failing secret-store (#12468)
* feat(kafka): Add keep-alive period setting for input and output. (#12459)
* fix(agent): Correctly reload configuration files (#12453)
* docs(inputs.postgresql): update readme and samples to note timeout behavior (#12446)
* fix(inputs.mysql): Revert slice declarations with non-zero initial length (#12409)
* fix: Added own SPID filter to sqlserverqueries.go (#12387)
* fix(inputs.sqlserver): SqlRequests include sleeping sessions with open transactions (#12386)
* fix(outputs.loki): return response body on error (#12399)
* fix(inputs.x509_cert): fix off-by-one when adding intermediate certificates (#12404)
* test: Always create test config for package testing (#12390)
* fix(secretstores): cleanup duplicate printing (#12401)

Update to version 1.25.0:

* feat(inputs.powerdns_recursor): Support for new PowerDNS recursor control protocol (#9633)
* feat(parsers.csv): suport null delimiters (#12247)
* fix(common.opcua): parse full range of status codes with uint32 (#12376)
* test(inputs.statsd): increase sleep + expiration on test (#12354)
* feat(inputs.netflow): add netflow plugin (#12108)
* feat(inputs.sqlserver): add @@SERVICENAME and SERVERPROPERTY(''IsClustered'') in measurement sqlserver_server_properties  (#12351)
* fix(inputs.modbus): fix default value of transmission mode (#12367)
* fix(inputs.kube_inventory): Change default token path, use in-cluster config by default (#12284)
* feat(inputs.kubernetes): Allow fetching kublet metrics remotely (#12301)
* feat(inputs.smart): Add additional SMART metrics that indicate/predict device failure (#12329)
* fix(inputs.mongodb): Fix connection leak triggered by config reload (#12330)
* fix(inputs.filecount): Revert library version (#12295)
* feat: secret-store implementation (#11232)
* fix(inputs.sql): cast measurement_column to string (#12323)
* fix(processors.parser): handle empty metric names correctly (#12357)
* feat(agent): Deprecate active usage of netsnmp translator (#12358)
* feat(parsers.grok): add option to allow multiline messages (#12320)
* docs: add document on debugging with delve (#12346)
* fix(inputs.vsphere): Eliminated duplicate samples (#12259)
* feat(inputs.cgroups): do not abort on first error, print message once (#12342)
* feat(inputs.modbus): add support for half-precision float (float16) (#12340)
* feat(tls): allow setting renegotiation method (#12302)
* fix(inputs.modbus): Fix Windows COM-port path (#12339)
* feat(inputs.sqlserver): introduce timeout for query execution (#12319)
*  fix(inputs.zfs): Unbreak datasets stats gathering in case listsnaps is enabled on a zfs pool (#12307)
* feat(inputs.kafka_consumer): Add sarama debug logs (#12304)
* feat(inputs.http_response): Add User-Agent header (#12324)
* feat(inputs.sqlserver): add metric available_physical_memory_kb in sqlserver_server_properties (#12292)
* docs: specify the time for nightly builds (#12312)
* feat(inputs.modbus): optimize grouped requests (#11106)
* fix(readme): update bigbluebutton-telegraf-plugin url (#12310)
* feat(parsers.csv): add option for overwrite tags (#12008)
* fix(inputs.directory_monitor): Close input file before removal (#12294)
* fix(inputs.gnmi): Do not provide empty prefix for subscription request. (#12275)
* fix(outputs.azure_data_explorer): update test call to NewSerializer (#12291)
* fix(inputs.prometheus): correctly default to 9102 port (#12282)
* feat(inputs.tail): add option to preserve newlines for multiline data (#12281)
* docs(inputs.kube_inventory): update k3s integration guide (#12285)
* feat: add method to inform of deprecated plugin option values (#11987)
* refactor(outputs.azure_data_explorer): removed deprecated code (#11951)
* fix(inputs.promethes): respect selectors when scraping pods (#12278)
* fix(inputs.socket_listener): ensure closed connection (#12280)
* feat(inputs.snmp): convert enum values (#11872)
* feat(inputs.prometheus): Allow explicit scrape configuration without annotations (#11962)
* feat(inputs.prometheus): Add support for custom header (#12050)
* fix(output.datadog): log response in case of non 2XX response from API (#12201)
* fix(inputs.gnmi): Fix empty name for Sonic device (#12258)
* feat(parsers.xpath): Allow to specify byte-array fields to encode in HEX (#11999)
* test(outputs.sql): print out what we get, bump time required (#12262)
* feat(inputs.modbus): Add 8-bit integer types (#12255)
* test(outputs.sql): do not write to file during testing (#12203)
* fix(input.modbus): Add workaround to read field in separate requests (#12235)
* feat(serializers.json): Support serializing JSON nested in string fields (#12260)
* feat(outputs.graylog): implement optional connection retries (#11950)
* feat(inputs.socket_ listener): Allow to specify message separator for streams (#12187)
* feat: Add Azure Monitor input plugin (#10103)
* fix(input.redis_sentinel): fix sentinel and replica stats gathering (#12229)
* feat(parsers.binary): handle hex-encoded inputs (#12232)
* feat(inputs.sqlserver): add data and log used space metrics for Azure SQL DB (#12126)
* docs(inputs.x509_cert): Add documentation for 'exclude_root_certs' option. (#12249)
* feat(inputs.tail): Allow handling of quoted strings spanning multiple lines (#11762)
* fix: Cleanup and add sample.conf embedding (#12244)
* feat(inputs.ethtool): Gather statistics from namespaces (#11895)
* test(inputs.mongodb): update integration test logic (#12241)
* feat(inputs.modbus): Optimize requests (#11273)
* docs:  add telegraf Homebrew formula link (#12233)
* docs(inputs.modbus): delete sample.conf (#12223)
* docs: add Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct (#12215)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#12205)
* docs(outputs.postgresql): fix example template queries that manage a view (#12190)
* docs(outputs.kafka): specify broker behavior (#12161)
* fix: Run processors in config order (#12113)
* feat: add arm64 Windows builds (#12130)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#12194)
* fix(inputs.ping): Avoid -x/-X on FreeBSD 13 and newer with ping6 (#12171)
* test(inputs.opcua_listener): harden tests (#12193)
* fix(agent): watch for changes in configuration files in config directories (#12127)
* fix: Add support for opcua datetime values (#12101)
* fix(outputs.prometheus): expire during add (#12160)
* feat!: Disable [[outputs.influxdb]] in sample config (#12158)
* test(outputs.sql): simplify clickhouse test (#12189)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#12188)
* fix(inputs.cloudwatch): Fix multiple namespaces issue (#12177)
* fix(outputs.yandex_cloud_monitoring): catch int64 values (#12156)
* feat(inputs.tomcat): add source tag (#12170)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#12157)
* docs(inputs.syslog): mention usage of tcp4/6 (#12168)
* docs: update commands and flags page (#12162)
* feat: Add exponential backoff when connecting or reconnecting and allow plugin to start without making initial connection (#12111)
* fix: inputs.gnmi add support for decimal_val as per gnmi v0.8.0  (#12140)
* test(outputs.sql): wait for db dump file to exist (#12149)
* feat(inputs.system): collect unique user count logged in (#12147)
* Update changelog for v1.24.3
* fix(inputs.directory_monitor): allow cross filesystem directories (#12124)
* fix(serializers.splunkmetric): provide option to remove event metric tag (#12024)
* feat(parsers): Add binary parser (#11552)
* docs: ran make docs (#12120)
* docs(aggregators.derivative): Remove incorrect comment (#12026)
* docs(serializers.json): specify version of jsonata used (#12117)
* fix(processors.parser): Keep name of original metric if parser doesn't return one (#12116)
* docs: add global configuration header (#12107)
* fix(inputs.modbus): Handle field-measurement definitions correctly on duplicate field check (#12109)
* test(outputs.graylog): skip tcp/udp tests on windows & darwin (#12110)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#12059)
* feat(inputs.opcua_listener): OPC UA Event subscriptions (#11786)
* feat(ethtool): Possibility to skip gathering metrics for downed interfaces (#12087)
* feat(tools): Allow to markdown includes for sections (#12075)
* fix(config): set default parser (#12076)
* fix(processors): Correctly setup processors (#12081)
* fix: update systemd unit description (#12093)
* feat(inputs.apcupsd): Added new fields to apcupsd (#12014)
* test(outputs.sql): further wait for clickhouse writes (#12086)
* test: update integration test occurrences (#12085)
* fix(agent): panic as tickers slice was off-by-one in size (#12077)
* test(inputs.mcrouter): add eventually to pause for metrics (#12074)
* fix: Restore warning on unused config option(s) (#12063)
* fix(inputs.kafka): switch to sarama's new consumer group rebalance strategy setting (#12064)
* docs(inputs.http): add use system proxy config option (#12069)
* fix(inputs.modbus): add slave id to failing connection (#12038)
* docs(aggregators.starlark): corrected typo mentioning wrong func name (#12066)
* fix(inputs.conntrack): Skip gather tests if conntrack kernel module is not loaded. (#12062)
* fix(inputs.zookeeper): add the ability to parse floats as floats (#12023)
* test: add additional checks, waits in integration tests (#12056)
* Revert "feat: run govulncheck nightly on master branch (#11977)" (#12054)
* docs(inputs.mongodb): update supported versions (#12048)
* fix(inputs.mongodb): ServerStatus int64 to float(#12049)
* feat(inputs.modbus): add config option to pause after connect (#11983)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#12032)
* feat: run govulncheck nightly on master branch (#11977)
* feat: New Intel DLB input plugin (#11824)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#12005)
* docs(inputs.tomcat): clean up fields (#12018)
* fix(regression): Fixes problem with metrics not exposed by plugins. (#12016)
* refactor: Prevent import from going the wrong way (#12004)
* feat: New input plugin for libvirt (#11814)
* test: add dovecot integration test (#11996)
* test: add integration test for recovering after invalid data (#11994)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11998)
* fix(inputs.syslog): print error when no error or message given (#11997)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11992)
* feat(inputs.conntrack): Parse conntrack stats (#8958)
* fix(parsers.json_v2): Remove BOM before parsing (#11926)
* fix(inputs.opcua): Add metric tags to node (#11993)
* feat(outputs.event_hubs): Expose max message size batch option (#11991)
* feat(parsers.xpath): Add option to skip (header) bytes (#11933)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11965)
* fix: Setting `enable_tls` has incorrect default value (#11941)
* fix(inputs.modbus): Improve duplicate field checks (#11912)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11915)
* docs: add libvirt plugin to external input plugins list (#11828)
* build(rpm): Allow building RPMs cross-OS (#11904)
* Update changelog for 1.24.2 release
* feat(outputs.azure_data_explorer): Added support for streaming ingestion for ADX output plugin (#11874)
* fix(parser.xpath): Handle floating-point times correctly (#11875)
* fix(cli): Support old style of filtering sample configs (#11896)
* fix(inputs.influxdb_listener): error on invalid precision (#11866)
* docs: Ran `make docs` (#11914)
* docs(inputs.opcua): fix typo (#11897)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11900)
* feat(inputs.diskio): Allow selecting devices by ID (#11703)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11885)
* feat(inputs.amqp_consumer): Determine content encoding automatically (#11860)
* fix(common.kafka): Enable TLS in Kafka plugins without custom config (#11519)
* docs(inputs.cpu): explain macos cpu support requires cgo (#11883)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11884)
* feat(inputs.opcua): add use regular reads workaround (#11630)
* fix(inputs.mqtt_consumer): rework connection and message tracking (#10696)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11881)
* fix(inputs.internet_speed): rename enable_file_download to match upstream intent (#11877)
* build: github Workflows security hardening (#11843)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11859)
* fix: Update dependencies for OpenBSD support (#11861)
* fix(inputs.mongodb): actually start plugin correctly (#11849)
* fix: re-allow specifying the influx parser type (#11806)
* fix(internal.ethtool): avoid internal name conflict with aws (#11696)
* docs(inputs.nvidia_smi): Example of how to enable nvidia-smi via docker compose (#11833)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11842)
* feat(outputs.timestream): Support ingesting multi-measures (#11385)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11838)
* feat(inputs.gcs): Google Cloud Storage Input Plugin (#8413)
* Update changelog for v1.24.1
* fix(parsers.csv): Remove direct checks for the parser type (#11825)
* fix(inputs.ntpq): Handle pools with "-" when (#11827)
* docs: update customization docs (#11822)
* fix(parsers): Unwrap parser and remove some special handling (#11826)
* fix: Enable global confirmation for installing mingw (#11835)
* fix(parsers): Memory leak for plugins using ParserFunc. (#11815)
* fix(inputs.modbus): Do not fail if a single slave reports errors (#11785)
* fix(parsers.xpath): Add array index when expanding names. (#11781)
* fix(inputs.ceph): Modernize Ceph input plugin metrics (#10797)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11800)
* feat(inputs.knx_listener): support TCP as transport protocol (#11783)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11798)
* feat(inputs.prometheus): use system wide proxy settings (#11729)
* docs: Remove warning not to remove go:embed (#11797)
* fix: Clear error message when provided config is not a text file (#11787)
* docs: Update etc/telegraf.conf and etc/telegraf_windows.conf (#11792)
* feat(processors.parser): Add option to parse tags (#11228)



No references


  • telegraf-1.26.3-bp154.2.6.1