Update Info


Recommended update for nano

Type: recommended
Severity: moderate
Issued: 2022-08-05
This update for nano fixes the following issues:

- Support syntax highlighting for _channel and _patchinfo files used by OBS

nano was updated to version 6.3:

* For multiline regexes, text is now colored as soon a start
  match is found, also when there is no end match at all.
* The colorizing of any line is stopped after two thousand bytes
  to avoid frustrating delays.
* When environment variable NO_COLOR is set, the two default
  colors (yellow for the spotlight, red for error messages) are
  suppressed when no interface colors are specified in a nanorc
* Full justification and piping the whole buffer through a
  command now keep the cursor at the same line number.
* Utility 'xsel' can be used to copy a marked region to the
  system's clipboard.  See doc/sample.nanorc for an example.

GNU nano 6.2

* The file browser clears the prompt bar also when using --minibar
* Linting now works also with a newer 'pyflakes'

GNU nano 6.1:

* The behavior of ^K at a prompt has been enhanced: when there
  is text after the cursor, just this text is erased
* At a prompt, M-6 copies the current answer into the cutbuffer
* Large external pastes into nano are handled more quickly

GNU nano 6.0:

* Option --zero hides the interface and uses the whole terminal
  for editing
* Colors can be given also in #rgb hexadecimal, to select the
  nearest color from the 6x6x6 color-cube palette available on
  256-color terminals
* Fourteen new color names are available, from rosy to crimson



No references


  • nano-6.3-bp154.2.3.1