Update Info


Recommended update for python-responses

Type: recommended
Severity: moderate
Issued: 2021-11-25
This update for python-responses fixes the following issues:

update to 0.15.0:

* Added `responses.PassthroughResponse` and
  `reponses.BaseResponse.passthrough`. These features make building passthrough
  responses more compatible with dynamcially generated response objects.
* Removed the unused ``_is_redirect()`` function from responses internals.
* Added `responses.matchers.request_kwargs_matcher`. This matcher allows you
  to match additional request arguments like `stream`.
* Added `responses.matchers.multipart_matcher`. This matcher allows you
  to match request body and headers for ``multipart/form-data`` data
* Added `responses.matchers.query_string_matcher`. This matcher allows you
  to match request query string, similar to `responses.matchers.query_param_matcher`.
* Added `responses.matchers.header_matcher()`. This matcher allows you to match
  request headers. By default only headers supplied to `header_matcher()` are checked.
  You can make header matching exhaustive by passing `strict_match=True` to `header_matcher()`.
* Changed all matchers output message in case of mismatch. Now message is aligned
  between Python2 and Python3 versions
* Deprecate ``stream`` argument in ``Response`` and ``CallbackResponse``
* Added Python 3.10 support

update to 0.14.0:

* Added `responses.matchers`.
* Moved `responses.json_params_matcher` to `responses.matchers.json_param_matcher`
* Moved `responses.urlencoded_params_matcher` to
* Added `responses.query_params_matcher`. This matcher allows you to match
  query strings with a dictionary.
* Added `auto_calculate_content_length` option to `responses.add()`. When
  enabled, this option will generate a `Content-Length` header
  based on the number of bytes in the response body.
* Improve typing support
* Use URLs with normalized hostnames when comparing URLs.

update to 0.13.3:

* Switch from Travis to GHA for deployment.
* Fixed incorrect type stubs for `add_callback`
* Fixed packages not containing type stubs.
* `responses.upsert()` was added. This method will `add()` a response if one
  has not already been registered for a URL, or `replace()` an existing
* `responses.registered()` was added. The method allows you to get a list of
  the currently registered responses. This formalizes the previously private
  `responses.mock._matches` method.
* A more useful `__repr__` has been added to `Response`.
* Error messages have been improved.

update to 0.12.1:

* `responses.urlencoded_params_matcher` and `responses.json_params_matcher` now
  accept None to match empty requests.
* Fixed imports to work with new `urllib3` versions.
* `request.params` now allows parameters to have multiple values for the same key.
* Improved ConnectionError messages.
- Remove support for Python 3.4.
- Added the `match` parameter to `add()`.
- Added `responses.urlencoded_params_matcher()` and `responses.json_params_matcher()`.
- Add a requirements pin to urllib3. This helps prevent broken install states where
  cookie usage fails.
- Added `assert_call_count` to improve ergonomics around ensuring a mock was called.
- Fix incorrect handling of paths with query strings.
- Add Python 3.9 support to CI matrix.

update to 0.10.14

* Improved handling of unicode bodies
* Streamlined querysting matching code

- Set encodings to UTF-8 to avoid UnicodeDecodeError



No references


  • python-responses-0.15.0-bp153.2.3.1