Update Info


Security update for icinga2

Type: security
Severity: moderate
Issued: 2020-11-03
This update for icinga2 fixes the following issues:

- Info that since version 2.12.0 following security issue is fixed:
  prepare-dirs script allows for symlink attack in the icinga user
  context. boo#1172171 (CVE-2020-14004)

Update to 2.12.1:

  * Bugfixes
    + Core
      - Fix crashes during config update #8348 #8345
      - Fix crash while removing a downtime #8228
      - Ensure the daemon doesn't get killed by logrotate #8170
      - Fix hangup during shutdown #8211
      - Fix a deadlock in Icinga DB #8168
      - Clean up zombie processes during reload #8376
      - Reduce check latency #8276
    + IDO
      - Prevent unnecessary IDO updates #8327 #8320
      - Commit IDO MySQL transactions earlier #8349
      - Make sure to insert IDO program status #8330
      - Improve IDO queue stats logging #8271 #8328 #8379
    + Misc
      - Ensure API connections are closed properly #8293
      - Prevent unnecessary notifications #8299
      - Don't skip null values of command arguments #8174
      - Fix Windows .exe version #8234
      - Reset Icinga check warning after successful config update #8189

Update to 2.12.0:

  * Breaking changes
    - Deprecate Windows plugins in favor of our
    - PowerShell plugins #8071
    - Deprecate Livestatus #8051
    - Refuse acknowledging an already acknowledged checkable #7695
    - Config lexer: complain on EOF in heredocs, i.e. {{{abc<EOF> #7541
  * Enhancements
    + Core
      - Implement new database backend: Icinga DB #7571
      - Re-send notifications previously suppressed by their time periods #7816
    + API
      - Host/Service: Add acknowledgement_last_change and next_update attributes #7881 #7534
      - Improve error message for POST queries #7681
      - /v1/actions/remove-comment: let users specify themselves #7646
      - /v1/actions/remove-downtime: let users specify themselves #7645
      - /v1/config/stages: Add 'activate' parameter #7535
    + CLI
      - Add pki verify command for better TLS certificate troubleshooting #7843
      - Add OpenSSL version to 'Build' section in --version #7833
      - Improve experience with 'Node Setup for Agents/Satellite' #7835
    + DSL
      - Add get_template() and get_templates() #7632
      - MacroProcessor::ResolveArguments(): skip null argument values #7567
      - Fix crash due to dependency apply rule with ignore_on_error and non-existing parent #7538
      - Introduce ternary operator (x ? y : z) #7442
      - LegacyTimePeriod: support specifying seconds #7439
      - Add support for Lambda Closures (() use(x) => x and () use(x) => { return x }) #7417
    + ITL
      - Add notemp parameter to oracle health #7748
      - Add extended checks options to snmp-interface command template #7602
      - Add file age check for Windows command definition #7540
    + Docs
      - Development: Update debugging instructions #7867
      - Add new API clients #7859
      - Clarify CRITICAL vs. UNKNOWN #7665
      - Explicitly explain how to disable freshness checks #7664
      - Update installation for RHEL/CentOS 8 and SLES 15 #7640
      - Add Powershell example to validate the certificate #7603
    + Misc
      - Don't send event::Heartbeat to unauthenticated peers #7747
      - OpenTsdbWriter: Add custom tag support #7357
  * Bugfixes
    + Core
      - Fix JSON-RPC crashes #7532 #7737
      - Fix zone definitions in zones #7546
      - Fix deadlock during start on OpenBSD #7739
      - Consider PENDING not a problem #7685
      - Fix zombie processes after reload #7606
      - Don't wait for checks to finish during reload #7894
    + Cluster
      - Fix segfault during heartbeat timeout with clients not yet signed #7970
      - Make the config update process mutually exclusive (Prevents file system race conditions) #7936
      - Fix check_timeout not being forwarded to agent command endpoints #7861
      - Config sync: Use a more friendly message when configs are equal and don't need a reload #7811
      - Fix open connections when agent waits for CA approval #7686
      - Consider a JsonRpcConnection alive on a single byte of TLS payload, not only on a whole message #7836
      - Send JsonRpcConnection heartbeat every 20s instead of 10s #8102
      - Use JsonRpcConnection heartbeat only to update connection liveness (m_Seen) #8142
      - Fix TLS context not being updated on signed certificate messages on agents #7654
    + API
      - Close connections w/o successful TLS handshakes after 10s #7809
      - Handle permission exceptions soon enough, returning 404 #7528
    + SELinux
      - Fix safe-reload #7858
      - Allow direct SMTP notifications #7749
    + Windows
      - Terminate check processes with UNKNOWN state on timeout #7788
      - Ensure that log replay files are properly renamed #7767
    + Metrics
      - Graphite/OpenTSDB: Ensure that reconnect failure is detected #7765
      - Always send 0 as value for thresholds #7696
    + Scripts
      - Fix notification scripts to stay compatible with Dash #7706
      - Fix bash line continuation in mail-host-notification.sh #7701
      - Fix notification scripts string comparison #7647
      - Service and host mail-notifications: Add line-breaks to very long output #6822
      - Set correct UTF-8 email subject header (RFC1342) #6369
    + Misc
      - DSL: Fix segfault due to passing null as custom function to Array#{sort,map,reduce,filter,any,all}() #8053
      - CLI: pki save-cert: allow to specify --key and --cert for backwards compatibility #7995
      - Catch exception when trusted cert is not readable during node setup on agent/satellite #7838
      - CheckCommand ssl: Fix wrong parameter -N #7741
      - Code quality fixes
      - Small documentation fixes

- Update to 2.11.5
  Version 2.11.5 fixes file system race conditions
  in the config update process occurring in large HA environments
  and improves the cluster connection liveness mechanisms.
  * Bugfixes
    + Make the config update process mutually exclusive (Prevents file system race conditions) #8093
    + Consider a JsonRpcConnection alive on a single byte of TLS payload, not only on a whole message #8094
    + Send JsonRpcConnection heartbeat every 20s instead of 10s #8103
    + Use JsonRpcConnection heartbeat only to update connection liveness (m_Seen) #8097

- Update to 2.11.4
  Version 2.11.4 fixes a crash during a heartbeat timeout with
  clients not yet signed. It also resolves an issue with endpoints
  not reconnecting after a reload/deploy, which caused a lot of 
  UNKNOWN states.
  * Bugfixes
    + Cluster
      - Fix segfault during heartbeat timeout with clients not yet signed #7997
      - Fix endpoints not reconnecting after reload (UNKNOWN hosts/services after reload) #8043
    + Setup
      - Fix exception on trusted cert not readable during node setup #8044
      - prepare-dirs: Only set permissions during directory creation #8046
    + DSL
      - Fix segfault on missing compare function in Array functions (sort, map, reduce, filter, any, all) #8054

- Update to 2.11.3
  * Bugfixes
    - Cluster
      Fix JSON-RPC crashes (#7532) in large environments: #7846 #7848 #7849

- Set minimum require boost version to 1.66

- Fix boo#1159869
  Permission error when use the icinga cli wizard. 

- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel:
  Aloow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors.

- Update to 2.11.2
  This release fixes a problem where the newly introduced config sync "check-change-then-reload" functionality could cause endless reload loops with agents. The most visible parts are failing command endpoint checks with "not connected" UNKNOWN state. Only applies to HA enabled zones with 2 masters and/or 2 satellites.
  * Bugfixes
    - Cluster Config Sync
      - Config sync checksum change detection may not work within high load HA clusters #7565

- Update to 2.11.1
  This release fixes a hidden long lasting bug unveiled with 2.11 
  and distributed setups. If you are affected by agents/satellites
  not accepting configuration anymore, or not reloading, please upgrade.
  * Bugfixes
    - Cluster Config Sync
      - Never accept authoritative config markers from other instances #7552
      - This affects setups where agent/satellites are newer than the config master, e.g. satellite/agent=2.11.0, master=2.10.
    - Configuration
      - Error message for command_endpoint should hint that zone is not set #7514
      - Global variable 'ActiveStageOverride' has been set implicitly via 'ActiveStageOverride ... #7521
  * Documentation
    - Docs: Add upgrading/troubleshooting details for repos, config sync, agents #7526
      - Explain repository requirements for 2.11: 
      - command_endpoint objects require a zone: 
      - Zones declared in zones.d are not loaded anymore: 

- Update to 2.11.0
  * Core
    - Rewrite Network Stack (cluster, REST API) based on Boost Asio, Beast, Coroutines
      - Technical concept: #7041
      - Requires package updates: Boost >1.66 (either from packages.icinga.com, EPEL or backports). SLES11 & Ubuntu 14 are EOL.
      - Require TLS 1.2 and harden default cipher list
    - Improved Reload Handling (umbrella process, now 3 processes at runtime)
      - Support running Icinga 2 in (Docker) containers natively in foreground
    - Quality: Use Modern JSON for C++ library instead of YAJL (dead project)
    - Quality: Improve handling of invalid UTF8 strings
  * API
    - Fix crashes on Linux, Unix and Windows from Nessus scans #7431
    - Locks and stalled waits are fixed with the core rewrite in #7071
    - schedule-downtime action supports all_services for host downtimes
    - Improve storage handling for runtime created objects in the _api package
  * Cluster
    - HA aware features & improvements for failover handling #2941 #7062
    - Improve cluster config sync with staging #6716
    - Fixed that same downtime/comment objects would be synced again in a cluster loop #7198
  * Checks & Notifications
    - Ensure that notifications during a restart are sent
    - Immediately notify about a problem after leaving a downtime and still NOT-OK
    - Improve reload handling and wait for features/metrics
    - Store notification command results and sync them in HA enabled zones #6722
  * DSL/Configuration
    - Add getenv() function
    - Fix TimePeriod range support over midnight
    - concurrent_checks in the Checker feature has no effect, use the global MaxConcurrentChecks constant instead
  * CLI
    - Permissions: node wizard/setup, feature, api setup now run in the Icinga user context, not root
    - ca list shows pending CSRs by default, ca remove/restore allow to delete signing requests
  * ITL
    - Add new commands and missing attributes
  * Windows
    - Update bundled NSClient++ to
    - Refine agent setup wizard & update requirements to .NET 4.6
  * Documentation
    - Service Monitoring: How to create plugins by example, check commands and a modern version of the supported plugin API with best practices
    - Features: Better structure on metrics, and supported features
    - Technical Concepts: TLS Network IO, Cluster Feature HA, Cluster Config Sync
    - Development: Rewritten for better debugging and development experience for contributors including a style guide. Add nightly build setup instructions.
    - Packaging: INSTALL.md was integrated into the Development chapter, being available at https://icinga.com/docs too.

- Update to 2.10.6
  * Bugfixes
    - Fix el7 not loading ECDHE cipher suites #7247

- update to 2.10.5
  * Core
    - Fix crashes with logrotate signals #6737 (thanks Elias Ohm)
  * API
    - Fix crashes and problems with permission filters from recent 
      Namespace introduction #6785 (thanks Elias Ohm) #6874 (backported from 2.11)
    - Reduce log spam with locked connections (real fix is the network stack rewrite in 2.11) #6877
  * Cluster
    - Fix problems with replay log rotation and storage #6932 (thanks Peter Eckel)
  * IDO DB
    - Fix that reload shutdown deactivates hosts and hostgroups (introduced in 2.9) #7157
  * Documentation
    - Improve the REST API chapter: Unix timestamp handling, filters, unify POST requests with filters in the body
    - Better layout for the features chapter, specifically metrics and events
    - Split object types into monitoring, runtime, features
    - Add technical concepts for cluster messages



  • icinga2-2.12.1-bp152.4.3.1