Update Info


Recommended update for erlang

Type: recommended
Severity: low
Issued: 2017-06-18
This update provides erlang and fixes the following issues:

- crypto: Key exchange algorithms
  diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha- optimized, up to a factor of
  11 for the slowest ( = biggest and safest) one.
- erts: A bug has been fixed where if erlang was started +B on a
  unix platform it would be killed by a SIGUSR2 signal when
  creating a crash dump.
- erts: Calls to erl_drv_send_term() or erl_drv_output_term()
  from a non-scheduler thread while the corresponding port was
  invalid caused the emulator to enter an inconsistent state
  which eventually caused an emulator crash.
- erts: Driver and NIF operations accessing processes or ports
  could cause an emulator crash when used from non-scheduler
- erts: Fix bug in binary_to_term for binaries created by
  term_to_binary with option compressed. The bug can cause badarg
  exception for a valid binary when Erlang VM is linked against a
  zlib library of version 1.2.9 or newer. Bug exists since OTP
- inets: Shutdown gracefully on connection or TLS handshake
- ssh: The key exchange algorithm
  diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha- has a server-option
  {dh_gex_limits,{Min,Max}}. There was a hostkey signature
  validation error on the client side if the option was used and
  the Min or the Max differed fromthe corresponding values
  obtained from the client.
- ssh: Key exchange algorithms diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha-
  optimized, up to a factor of 11 for the slowest ( = biggest and
  safest) one.



  • erlang-