This update provides KDE Frameworks 5.26 for the SUSE Package Hub.
The following packages and versions are included:
AppStream 0.10.0
PackageKit-Qt 0.9.5
PackageKit-Qt5 unknown
attica-qt5 5.26.0
baloo5 5.26.0
bluedevil5 5.8.2
bluez-qt 5.26.0
breeze 5.8.3
breeze-gtk 5.8.2
breeze4-style 5.8.3
breeze5-icons 5.26.0
discover 5.8.3
extra-cmake-modules 5.26.0
frameworkintegration 5.26.0
hack-fonts 2.020
kactivities-stats 5.26.0
kactivities5 5.26.0
kactivitymanagerd 5.8.2
kapidox 5.25.0
karchive 5.26.0
kauth 5.26.0
kbookmarks 5.26.0
kcm_sddm 5.8.2
kcmutils 5.26.0
kcodecs 5.26.0
kcompletion 5.26.0
kconfig 5.26.0
kconfigwidgets 5.26.0
kcoreaddons 5.26.0
kcrash 5.26.0
kdbusaddons 5.26.0
kde-cli-tools5 5.8.2
kde-gtk-config5 5.8.2
kde-oxygen-fonts 0.4.0
kde-user-manager 5.8.3
kdeclarative 5.26.0
kded 5.26.0
kdelibs4 4.14.26
kdelibs4support 5.26.0
kdesignerplugin 5.26.0
kdesu 5.26.0
kdewebkit 5.26.0
kdnssd-framework 5.26.0
kdoctools 5.26.0
kemoticons 5.26.0
kf5-filesystem 20160807
kfilemetadata5 5.26.0
kgamma5 5.8.2
kglobalaccel 5.26.0
kguiaddons 5.26.0
khotkeys5 5.8.2
khtml 5.26.0
ki18n 5.26.0
kiconthemes 5.26.0
kidletime 5.26.0
kimageformats 5.26.0
kinfocenter5 5.8.2
kinit 5.26.0
kio 5.26.0
kirigami 1.1.0
kitemmodels 5.26.0
kitemviews 5.26.0
kjobwidgets 5.26.0
kjs 5.26.0
kjsembed 5.26.0
kmediaplayer 5.26.0
kmenuedit5 5.8.2
knewstuff 5.26.0
knotifications 5.26.0
knotifyconfig 5.26.0
kpackage 5.26.0
kparts 5.26.0
kpeople5 5.26.0
kplotting 5.26.0
kpty 5.26.0
kross 5.26.0
krunner 5.26.0
kscreen5 5.8.2
kscreenlocker 5.8.2
kservice 5.26.0
ksshaskpass5 5.8.2
ksysguard5 5.8.2
ktexteditor 5.26.0
ktextwidgets 5.26.0
kunitconversion 5.26.0
kwallet 5.26.0
kwayland 5.26.0
kwayland-integration 5.8.2
kwidgetsaddons 5.26.0
kwin5 5.8.3
kwindowsystem 5.26.0
kwrited5 5.8.2
kxmlgui 5.26.0
kxmlrpcclient5 5.26.0
libKF5ModemManagerQt 5.26.0
libKF5NetworkManagerQt 5.26.0
libkdecoration2 5.8.2
libkscreen2 5.8.2
libksysguard5 5.8.2
milou5 5.8.2
oxygen5 5.8.2
oxygen5-icon-theme 5.26.0
patterns-SLE-kde5 20150918
phonon4qt5 4.9.0
phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer 4.9.0
plasma-framework 5.27.0~20160928~b115ea1.git
plasma-nm5 5.8.2
plasma5-SLE 42.1.1
plasma5-addons 5.8.3
plasma5-desktop 5.8.3
plasma5-integration 5.8.2
plasma5-pa 5.8.3
plasma5-sdk 5.8.2
plasma5-session 5.8.3
plasma5-workspace 5.8.3
plasma5-workspace-wallpapers 5.7.3
polkit-kde-agent-5 5.8.2
powerdevil5 5.8.3
sddm 0.13.0
solid 5.26.0
sonnet 5.26.0
systemsettings5 5.8.2
threadweaver 5.26.0