Update Info


Recommended update for Java

Type: recommended
Severity: moderate
Issued: 2024-07-30
This update for Java fixes the following issues:

antinject was updated to version 1.0.5:

- Don't distribute as jakarta.inject:jakarta-inject-api artifact
  to prevent conflicts with the version 2.x that actually has
  classes in jakarta.inject namespace and thus is incompatible

- Switched to sources in https://github.com/jakartaee/inject/
- Changes in version 1.0.5:
  * This switches the module name back to the java.inject that was used by the 1.0.3 release with automatic module.
    This is a multi-release jar

- Changes in version 1.0.4:
  * This is a 1.0.4 service release with a multi-release jar that adds the module-info class to
    META-INF/versions/9/module-info.class using the https://github.com/moditect/moditect plugin for the
    javax.inject module.

- Changes in version 1.0.3:

  * This release corrects the 1.0.2 release which was incorrectly done from the master branch with the jakarta.*
  * It adds the Automatic-Module-Name=java.inject to the api jar manifest.

- Changes in version 1.0.2:

  * Set Automatic-Module-Name to java.inject
  * Added OSGi bundle headers

- Changes in version 1.0.1:

  * Added Automatic-Module-Name of jakarta.inject

- Changes in version 1.0:

  * First Injection API release for Jakarta EE


- Use the javax.inject artifact

google-guice was updated to version 6.0.0:

- Changes in version 6.0.0:

  * JEE Jakarta Transition:

    + Guice 6.0 adds support for jakarta.inject, the new namespace for the JSR330 spec 
      (after the javax -> jakarta JEE transition).
      Guice 6.0 is intended to help users migrate their code to the jakarta namespace. It continues to fully support
      the javax.inject namespace while also mostly supporting the jakarta.inject namespace. The only part of Guice 6.0
      that doesn't support jakarta.inject are the bind(..).toProvider methods. Those methods still require javax.inject
      or com.google.inject Providers.
    + The Guice 6.0 servlet & persist extensions only support the javax.servlet and javax.persistence namespaces
    + Guice 6.0 can help with incremental migrations to the jakarta.inject namespace, by incrementally replacing
      javax.inject references to jakarta.inject. This works everywhere, except for code where a jakarta Provider is
      passed to bind(..).toProvider.
  * Guice Core:

    + Adds jakarta.inject support.
    + Support Java 21 (via updating ASM to 9.5 and other changes).
    + Improve AOP support on JVMs such as Azul.
    + Fix a deadlock or crash associated with recursively loading just-in-time bindings.
    + Make PrivateModule.binder() non-private, to allow subclass customization, such as calling skipSources.
    + Fix an endloop loop (that can OOM) in singleton lock cycle detection.
    + Fix tests to pass on Windows, despite the different line separator.
    + Improvements to OSGi metadata.
    + Mark the JSR305 dependency as optional (since it's not required at runtime).
    + Fix Binder.requestInjection(TypeLiteral<T>, T) to use the TypeLiteral.
    + Honor scoping annotations on concrete types when provisioned by their @ProvidedBy annotation
    + Add a way to tell if a class is "enhanced" by Guice, and retrieve the original class.
    + Ensure the order of bind(...) statements does not matter when referring to JIT bindings.
    + Implement Matcher.and and Matcher.or as default methods directly in Matcher, so that the AbstractMatcher subclass
      isn't required.
    + Mark the error_prone_annotations dependency as optional.

  * Servlet:

    + Fix an NPE if contextPath is null

  * Persist:
    + Persist had a number of changes, some of which are backwards incompatible.
      Notably: injection of EntityManager no longer implicitly starts a unit of work (because this led to leaks).
      Users can opt-in to the legacy behavior by constructing the JpaPersistModule with a JpaPersistOptions that sets
      setAutoBeginWorkOnEntityManagerCreation to true.
    + EntityManager provisioning no longer automatically starts an unit of work.
    + Ignore multiple start/stop calls, rather than throwing an exception.
    + Support manually initiated rollbacks.
    + Don't wrap Object-defined methods (e.g: toString, finalize, equals, hashCode) in transactions.


- Package rebuilt to account for the new jakarta-inject dependency


- Fixed build with jakarta-inject, which was introduced as a new google-guice dependency

maven-artifact-transfer, maven-doxia-sitetools, maven-doxia, maven-plugin-testing, maven-surefire:

- Use plexus-metadata-generator executable directly to simplify build classpath


- Removed dependency on plexus-metadata-generator, plexus-component-metadata and on their dependencies, since there
  is no plexus @Component annotation any more


- Added dependency on jakarta-inject, needed by google-guice 6.0.0

plexus-component-metadata and plexus-containers were updated to version 2.2.0:

- Added dependency on plexus-xml where relevant

  * This will be needed for smooth upgrade to plexus-utils 4.0.0

- Changes in version 2.2.0:

  * Improved documentation to switch to Sisu
  * Cleaned up poms after parent upgrade
  * Improved plexus-component metadata - removed dependency to
  * Added deprecation information to Plexus components
  * Require Java 8
  * Dropped plexus-container-default artefact
  * Require Maven 3.6.3+
  * Switched to Junit5
  * Bumped org.eclipse.sisu.plexus from 0.3.0.M1 to 0.9.0.M2

- Changes in version 2.1.1:

  * Last version before deprecation
  * Requires Java 7 and Maven 3.2.5+
  * Upgraded ASM to 9.2
  * Security upgrade org.jdom:jdom2 from 2.0.6 to

plexus-utils was updated to version 4.0.0:

- Changes in version 4.0.0:

  * Starting with version 4, XML classes (in org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml and org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull) have
    been extracted to a separate plexus-xml: if you need them, just use this new artifact\

  * Other changes:

    + Fixed false difference detected with
      CachingOutputStream/CachingWriter when streams are flushed
    + Dependency updates
    + Switched to Junit 5
plexus-xml was update to version 3.0.1:

- Changes in version 3.0.1:

  * Bugs fixed:

    + Allow nulls for write elements in MXSerializer
    + Removed special chars from xml output

  * Dependency updates:

    + Bumped org.codehaus.plexus:plexus from 17 to 18
    + Bumped release-drafter/release-drafter from 5 to 6
    + Bumped parent to 17 and updates

  * Maintenance:

    + Switched to Junit 5
    + Switched to shared gh actions setup from master branch


- Require the new plexus-xml package to fix build

sisu was updated to version 0.9.0.M3:

- Provide plexus-containers-container-default for easier update
- Add dependency on plexus-xml where relevant
- Changes of sisu version 0.9.0.M3:

  * Annotated new method
  * Updated workflow to run on Java 21
  * Build with final Java 21 on GitHub
  * Switched to JUnit5
  * Disabled annotation processor by default
  * Do not silently fail in case of class scanning exceptions
  * Updated to ASM 9.7
  * Updated CONTRIBUTING.md
  * Aligned Plexus ASM version
  * Renamed release profile
  * Fixed Jacoco coverage repots in Sonar
  * Added a method to allow LifecycleManager to free keys
  * Licence change: From EPL1 to EPL2
  * Updated documentation for exposed core extensions, fix anchors
  * Trigger Sonarcloud analysis from GHA

- Changes of sisu version 0.9.0.M2:

  * Fixed SpaceScanner to use latest ASM API version
  * 3.7 is not an officially supported version therefore specify3.8 instead
  * Provide script to help upgrade embedded copy of ASM
  * ASM_9_4
  * Require Java 8
  * Sisu specific PreConstruct/PreDestroy annotations
  * Updated build plugins
  * ASM 9.5
  * Aligned to latest Maven plugins
  * Moved release elements from oss-parent to local project
  * Create a 'no_asm' jar at release time which doesn't embed ASM

- Changes of sisu.inject version 9.0.M1:

  * Fixed CDI related issues
  * Build with Eclipse/Tycho 2.5.0 and Java 11
  * Raise problem reporting logs to DEBUG, fixes #36
  * Upgraded internal copy of ASM to 9.2
  * Implemented PathTypeConverter
  * Added JUnit 5 annotations to InjectedTest setUp/tearDown
  * Fixed static parameters binding lookup
  * Run injection tests against multiple versions of Guice
  * Support using @priority on Providers
  * Use read lock when subscribing to publishers…
  * Cache binding lookups for single bean providers
  * Use AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater as it works better for large numbers of instances
  * Enabled Java CI workflow
  * Enabled CodeQL analysis
  * Replaced potentially-expensive regex with simple tokenizer
  * Allow Main to boot with extra bindings
  * Re-enabled various resource-related unit tests
  * Reworked globber pattern strategy to avoid use of regex
  * Use GlobberStrategy.PATTERN instead of regex for ServiceBindings filtering

- Changes of sisu.plexus version 0.9.0.M2:

  * Make build work with Java17
  * Aligned to latest Maven plugins
  * Moved release elements from oss-parent to local project

- Changes of sisu.plexus version  0.9.0.M1:

  * Aligned logback with sisu.inject
  * Build with Eclipse/Tycho 2.5.0 and Java 11
  * Support configuration of collections with complex generic types
  * Enabled Java CI workflow
  * Enabled CodeQL analysis


- Build sisu-mojos within sisu package, since the sources of sisu-mojos, sisu-inject and sisu-plexus were joined in the
  same upstream project



No references


  • sbt-0.13.18-150200.4.24.4
  • sbt-bootstrap-0.13.18-150200.4.24.4