This update for gegl and its dependencies fixes the following issues:
- Allow building against a newer libraw (0.21) (jsc#PED-6351)
celt, fdk-aac-free, ffmpeg-4, ilmbase, ldacBT, lensfun, libass, libbluray, libbs2b,
libcdio-paranoia, libcdio, libdc1394, libgsm, libmfx, libopenmpt, libraw1394, libraw,
libspiro, libva, libvdpau, lilv, metis, openexr, pipewire, pulseaudio, rtkit, SDL2,
serd, sord, sratom, suitesparse, webrtc-audio-processing, wireplumber:
- Deliver missing direct and indirect dependencies of gegl
to SUSE Package Hub 15 SP{4,5} for aarch64, ppc64le, s390x and x86_64
- There are NO code changes