This update for java-11-openjdk fixes the following issues:
- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.8+10 (July 2020 CPU, bsc#1174157)
* Security fixes:
+ JDK-8230613: Better ASCII conversions
+ JDK-8231800: Better listing of arrays
+ JDK-8232014: Expand DTD support
+ JDK-8233234: Better Zip Naming
+ JDK-8233239, CVE-2020-14562: Enhance TIFF support
+ JDK-8233255: Better Swing Buttons
+ JDK-8234032: Improve basic calendar services
+ JDK-8234042: Better factory production of certificates
+ JDK-8234418: Better parsing with CertificateFactory
+ JDK-8234836: Improve serialization handling
+ JDK-8236191: Enhance OID processing
+ JDK-8236867, CVE-2020-14573: Enhance Graal interface handling
+ JDK-8237117, CVE-2020-14556: Better ForkJoinPool behavior
+ JDK-8237592, CVE-2020-14577: Enhance certificate verification
+ JDK-8238002, CVE-2020-14581: Better matrix operations
+ JDK-8238013: Enhance String writing
+ JDK-8238804: Enhance key handling process
+ JDK-8238842: AIOOBE in GIFImageReader.initializeStringTable
+ JDK-8238843: Enhanced font handing
+ JDK-8238920, CVE-2020-14583: Better Buffer support
+ JDK-8238925: Enhance WAV file playback
+ JDK-8240119, CVE-2020-14593: Less Affine Transformations
+ JDK-8240482: Improved WAV file playback
+ JDK-8241379: Update JCEKS support
+ JDK-8241522: Manifest improved jar headers redux
+ JDK-8242136, CVE-2020-14621: Better XML namespace handling
* Other changes:
+ JDK-6933331: (d3d/ogl) java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Buffers have not been created
+ JDK-7124307: JSpinner and changing value by mouse
+ JDK-8022574: remove HaltNode code after uncommon trap calls
+ JDK-8039082: [TEST_BUG] Test
+ JDK-8040630: Popup menus and tooltips flicker with previous
popup contents when first shown
+ JDK-8044365: (dc) failing with
ENOMEM when joining group (OS X 10.9)
+ JDK-8048215: [TESTBUG]
Expected non-null LockInfo
+ JDK-8051349: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/sampling/SP06/sp06t003 fails
in nightly
+ JDK-8080353: JShell: Better error message on attempting to
add default method
+ JDK-8139876: Exclude hanging nsk/stress/stack from execution
with deoptimization enabled
+ JDK-8146090: java/lang/ref/ fails
with -XX:+DeoptimizeALot
+ JDK-8153430: jdk regression test MletParserLocaleTest,
ParserInfiniteLoopTest reduce default timeout
+ JDK-8156207: Resource allocated BitMaps are often cleared
+ JDK-8159740: JShell: corralled declarations do not have
correct source to wrapper mapping
+ JDK-8175984: ICC_Profile has un-needed, not-empty finalize
+ JDK-8176359: Frame#setMaximizedbounds not working properly in
multi screen environments
+ JDK-8183369: RFC unconformity of HttpURLConnection with proxy
+ JDK-8187078: -XX:+VerifyOops finds numerous problems when
running JPRT
+ JDK-8189861: Refactor CacheFind
+ JDK-8191169: java/net/Authenticator/ failed
+ JDK-8191930: [Graal] emits unparseable XML into compile log
+ JDK-8193879: Java debugger hangs on method invocation
+ JDK-8196019: java/awt/Window/Grab/ fails on
+ JDK-8196181: sun/java2d/GdiRendering/ fails
+ JDK-8198000:
debug assert on Windows
+ JDK-8198001: java/awt/Menu/WrongParentAfterRemoveMenu/
/ debug assert on Windows
+ JDK-8198339: Test javax/swing/border/ is
+ JDK-8200701: jdk/jshell/ fails on Windows,
after JDK-8198801
+ JDK-8203264: JNI exception pending in
+ JDK-8203672: JNI exception pending in PlainSocketImpl.c
+ JDK-8203673: JNI exception pending in
+ JDK-8204834: Fix confusing "allocate" naming in OopStorage
+ JDK-8205399: Set node color on pinned HashMap.TreeNode
+ JDK-8205653: test/jdk/sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/
/ and fail with
+ JDK-8206179: com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean/
/ fails with Committed
virtual memory size illegal value
+ JDK-8207334: VM times out in VM_HandshakeAllThreads::doit()
with RunThese30M
+ JDK-8208277: Code cache heap (-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize)
doesn't work with 1GB LargePages