Update Info


Recommended update for azure-cli tools, python-adal, python-applicationinsights, python-azure modules, python-msrest, python-msrestazure, python-pydocumentdb, python-uamqp, python-vsts-cd-manager

Type: recommended
Severity: moderate
Issued: 2020-07-31
This update for azure-cli tools, python-adal, python-applicationinsights, python-azure modules, python-msrest, python-msrestazure, python-pydocumentdb, python-uamqp, python-vsts-cd-manager fixes the following issues:

The Azure python modules and client tool stack was updated to the 2020 state.

Various other python modules were added and updated.

- python-PyYAML was updated to 5.1.2.
- python-humanfriendly was updated 4.16.1.



  • python-websocket-client-0.44.0-3.5.1