Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Sun Dec 11 2022 Carsten Ziepke <>
- Update to version 3.6.0
  * implement xinerama-awareness
  * implement -outline
  * introduce usage of libxdo, make it g++ compliant, fix some
    non-fatal issues
  * fallensnow.c: fix bug that causes crash when snowing on a window
    less than 10 pixels width
  * birds.c: fix bug that caused a hang when using -doublebuffer 0
  * docs.c: update window manager/desktop issues
  * main.c: print info when snow window changes size
  * chack for availability of gsl_interp_steffen,
    gsl_interp_akima, gsl_interp_cspline and gsl_interp_linear
  * utils.c: somewhat nicer print-out of version
- Rebase xsnow-desktop_file.patch
* Wed Nov 09 2022 Carsten Ziepke <>
- Update to version 3.5.3
  * main.c: drawit(): do now draw the first second or so to hide
    unstable configurations of scenery, stars, etc.
    fallensnow.c, birds.c, aurora.c: make them C++ compliant by
    rewriting goto and typecast pointer assignment
    meteor.c: rewrite goto
    santa.c: continue Santa animation, irrespective of His speed
    fallensnow.c: paint fallensnow one pixel higher
    fallensnow.c: generate more snow when Santa is ploughing
  * loadmeasure.c: maximum 5 warnings about to busy system
  * doit.h: change defaults for aurora_width/height to 60/30
- Changes in 3.5.2
  * fallensnow.c: draw fallensnow only on regions where
    fallensnow is present, to prevent a continuously present line
    on regions where there is no fallensnow (yet)
  * main.c: when user changes offsety, call
    UpdateFallenSnowRegionsWithLock() in stead of
    fallensnow.c: on change of MaxScrSnowDepth, call
    SetMaxScreenSnowDepthWithLock() in stead of
    snow.c: set fallensnow lock when examining fallensnow regions
    thus preventing prevents random crashes
    fallensnow.h a.o: create and use macros for semaphores to
    facilitate debugging
- Changes in 3.5.1
  * reproducible build is now complete, it seems, also
    when building outside the xsnow-tree
  * aurora.c, spline_interpol.c: use steffen's method for splines
    aurora.c: small correction in determining the points to
    evaluate the splne at
  * spline_interpol.{h,c}, aurora.c: use macro SPLINE_INTERP to choose
    for spline type (steffen, cspline)
  * change some meteor code: other call-back logic, other
    names for variables (meteorite -> meteor)
  * change filenames meteo.c, meteo.h into meteor.c, meteor.h
    change flags -meteorites, -nometeorites into -meteors, -nometeors
    meteor.c: some minor changes, including different colors
  * snow.c: do_UpdateSnowFlake(): fix non-fatal bug in updating
    horizontal speed of flakes
  * xsnow.c, snow.c: change some parameters for a more dramatic
    dependency from wind on flakes
    flag 'auroraheight' is now height of aurora
    flag 'aurorabase' determines the vertical placement of the aurora
  * fallensnow.c, treesnow.c: use random flake for blowoff snow
    fallensnow.c: change initial velocity and position of blowoff snow
  * fallensnow.c: use spline for desh shape of bottom fallensnow
    main.c: correct non-fatal bug in using srand48() for 32 bit systems
    snow.c: correct not-fatal bug: compare acth[] with desh[] in stead
    of h
    xsnow.h: change time_change_bottom to 10 minutes
  * use splines to paint fallensnow
  * try pthreads for computing fallensnow
  * finish pthreads for fallensnow
  * aurora.c: do not use mutexes, use semaphores
    fix bug that caused creation of new threads after
    resizing of corona
  * fallensnow.c: use splines for fallensnow also on windows
  * birds.c: make birds multithreading
  * fallensnow.c, utils.{c,h}: check on availability of traceback()
    fallensnow.h: threads.h -> pthread.h
* Fri Apr 22 2022 Ferdinand Thiessen <>
- Update to version 3.5.0
  * add aurora
  * randomize starting theta and alpha of aurora
  * optimized determining of fuzz somewhat
  * main.c: initialize global.NewWind to 100.0
  * moon.c: randomize starting position from moon
  * ixpm.c: correct two non fatal errors
  * fallensnow.c: do not call XClearArea when double buffer is used.
- Update to version 3.4.4
  * birds.c: attraction point goes now from 0.1..0.9 of the horizontal
    dimension of the screen
  * main.c:  add some fflush(stdout)
  * birds.c: take care that AttrSpace is always honored from the
- Update to version 3.4.3
  * main.c, ui.c, flags,c, doit.h: solve bug concerning the flag -above
  * main.c: fix bug: Xsnow in TWM did start in non-existing window.
  * utils.c: add some randomness to add_to_mainloop
  * implement -attrspace, including button and man page
    if Santa is not shown, let Him run anyway, so 'Follow Santa' has effect
- Drop upstream fixed reproducible.patch
- Rebased xsnow-bindir.patch
* Wed Feb 02 2022 Bernhard Wiedemann <>
- Add reproducible.patch to override build date (boo#1047218)
- disable selfrep to avoid embedding a non-deterministic tarball
* Mon Dec 20 2021 Carsten Ziepke <>
- Updated to version 3.4.2
  * fallensnow.c: other algorithm for drawing fallen snow
  * Santa.c: Santa is now moon-seeking, also when birds are not
    showing but only half of the time
  * fallensnow.c: fallen snow at the bottom changes shape every
    few minutes
  * no spikes anymore on top of fallensnow
  * define minimum height of bottom fallensnow
  * ui.c: set_default_tab(): remove memory leak
  * fallensnow.c: CreateSurfaceFromFallen(): some minor details
  * fix issue that 'make install' always remakes selfrep.o
  * selfrep.c: if sizeof(tarfile) < 1000 characters, assume that
    this can be safely send to a tty
- Update to 3.4.1
  * ui.c: more checks on ui_running
  *,, data: some small adaptions for
- Update to 3.4.0
  * first try to add background to the xscreensaver mode:
    use ~/xsnowbackground.jpg
  * remove .deps/* from CLEANFILES
  * move execution of 'make dist' to the very end
  * replace imagemagick for background with gtk/gdk
  * implement choose-background button
  * xsnow.desktop: change version to 1.5, include xsnow-version
    in comment
  * implement flag -bg
  * xsnow.h: set time_snowflakes to 0.02 * global.cpufactor
  * improve file selector for xscreensaver
  * flags.c: add -treeoverlap and -notreeoverlap
    add -birdsscale
    add -transparency
  * ui.xml: add corresponding command line flag to tooltips
  * remove all from libmagickwand
  * minor changes in xscreensaver menu
  * prevent calling gtk_label_set_text() when there is no menu
  * ui.c: ui(): move setting of ui_running to start of ui(), in order
    to see version number in 'settings' tab
- Rebase xsnow-desktop_file.patch.
- Rebase xsnow-bindir.patch.
* Sat Dec 04 2021 Carsten Ziepke <>
- Updated to version 3.3.6:
  * selfrep.c, utils.c: better implementation of writing the tar
  * windows.c: do_wupdate(): force update windows every 6th call
    implement -ignoretop -ignorebottom, inclusive buttons in 'snow'
  * some minor adjustments in the ui
  * snow.c: genxpmflake(): place first dot indeed in the
    middle (0,0) and not in a corner
  * correct call to
  * windows.c: do_wupdate(): force update windows every 10th call
  * xsnow.h: re-evaluated timings
  * scenery.c: add ClearScreen() in do_initbaum()
- Updated to version 3.3.5:
  * docs.c: document XFCE compositing requirement
  * implemented -selfrep
  * adapted
- Updated to version 3.3.4:
  * flags.c: remove dependency from libxml2, .xsnowrc has now different
  * main.c: add check for existing colors for TreeColor, BirdsColor and
  * doit.h: change colors "snow" and "chartreuse" into hex
  * scenery.c: scenery_init(): sanitize Flags.TreeType
- Rebase xsnow-desktop_file.patch.
- Rebase xsnow-bindir.patch.
* Thu Dec 02 2021
- Updated to version 3.3.3:
  * Add metainfo: data/xsnow.appdata.xml, mv src/xsnow.desktop to
    data/xsnow.desktop, add flag '-b' to awk in
  * Implement flag -changelog, add some old ChangeLogs, found in
    the README of version 1.42, remove flag '-b'
    from awk ('-b' only valid for gawk), return exit code of awk
  * docs.c: document xcompmgr problem, scenery.c: explicit convert
    (myScale*w+2) and (myScale*h+2) to int, to keep g++ happy.
  * Dependencies: made up-to-date.
  * moon.c: add #include <stdlib.h>.
- Rebase xsnow-desktop_file.patch.
- Rebase xsnow-bindir.patch.
* Sat Nov 13 2021 Carsten Ziepke <>
- Update to 3.3.2
  - Remove redundand files maketar, makectags
- Update to 3.3.1
  - Fix issues with LXDE desktop and xscreensaver
- Update to 3.3.0
  - Replace transparent.{c,h} with maketrans.{c,h}
  - Add overall scale factor
  - All drawings using cairo
  - Use xdbe (double buffer) when not using cairo
  - Moon and birds also when painting on root window
  - doit.h:default followsanta = 0
  - windows.c: do not snow on window with exactly
    width=SnowWinWidth, x=0, y<100
  - Sanitize scenery.c with respect to color of the vintage tree
- Update to 3.2.3
  - Minor adaption in
  - Make use of VERSION in config.h
  - Adapt
  - ixpm.c: correct stupid bug in xpm_set_color()
  - Remove UNUSED
  - Extended range of XSelectInput somewhat
  - Change timing of do_wupdate to look more frequently if
    something has changed
- Update to 3.2.2
  - Change 'changes' into Flags.Changes
  - Change gdkwindow -> NULL, several files
  - ui.c: better behaviour of 'below windows' - 'confirm to click'
  - flags.c flags.h: separate FLAGS for default and vintage
  - docs.c: some minor additions
  - buttons.h: change togglecode into scalecode
  - flags.h uitils.h: transport some macro's
  - ui.c: add documention about flags and buttons
  - main.c: optionally move windows to 0,0 (movewindow())
    Flags.MoveWindow --movewindow
  - some tweaks MoveWindow
  - more tweaks for MoveWindow
  - Use also XConfigureWindow to set below or above. Now behaviour
    is OK when running in FVWM + xcompmgr or compton
  - transparent.c: fixed 'show desktop' issue by re-adding:
  - wmctrl.c: add check for _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP for visibility of
- windows.c: keep SnowWin below if Flags.BelowAll. Needed when
  SnowWin is not click-through.
  - add -theme flag. No button: too complicated for me.
  - make theme chooseable with a button
  - ui.c: minor tweaks
- Update to 3.2.1
  - utils.h: add fflush(NULL) to UIDO and UIDOS
  - moon.c: create halo surface for painting.
  - fine tuning of ui graphics
  - start simplifying ui.c
  - doit.h flags.h: change DOIT macro's
  - docs.c:make it better
  - add option -hidemenu, add this to xsnow.desktop
  - better format noisy output
  - use #include "" to undef frquently used macros
  - simplify glade-id's
  - stratify ui.c code
- Update to 3.2.0
  - use 256x256 xpm for moon
  - start Santa, aware of moon position
  - adapt some trivial texts
  - add halo around moon
  - add show-stars button
  - add grey-out for moon buttons if not compositing manager
  - add notice about that in the celestials tab
  - fix bug in moon.c: show moon, independent of birds
  - some experiments with halo colours
  - moon.c: fix memory leak: halo_draw()
  - docs.c: adapt man page
  - ui.c: better way to grey out moon buttons
  - remove test for alloca, and tell kdtree.c
    not to use alloca
  - ui.c: remove malicious assert from report_tree_type()
  - utils.h: create macros UIDO and UIDOS to better deal with
    if(Flags.x != OldFlags.x) ....
  - many functions: replace construct above with UIDO or UIDOS
  - Ack in man page for picture of moon.
- Update to 3.1.10
  - add moon and show-noshow for moon
  - put wind, stars, moon, meteorites in celestials
  - add slider for moon speed
  - add button for moon size
  - let Santa like to hover the moon
- Update to 3.1.9
  - place 'Xsnow running' to a place wher this does not appear in
    xsnow -h or xsnow-H
  - wmctrl.c: a second check if window is hidden, based
    on WM_STATE
  - typos in docs.c
  - wmctrl.c: use XQueryTree to find windows to snow on if
    _NET and _GTK are not available.
  - Use also XGetWindowAttributes to determine if a window
    is visible.
  - change max number of scenery items to 60
  - wmctrl.c: use XGetWindowAttributes in stead of XGetGeometry
- Update to 3.1.8
  - use config.h to determine if alloca.h should be included, use pkg-config to locate
    X11, Xpm, xt, xproto
  - remove tests for libraries, relying on
    pkg-config now
  - remove uses of alloca, except ik kdtree.c
  - define USE_LIST_NODE_ALLOCATOR and  NO_ALLOCA in kdtree.c
  - snow.c: free local variables in genxpmflake()
- Rebase
  - xsnow-bindir.patch
  - xsnow-desktop_file.patch
* Thu Dec 03 2020 Carsten Ziepke <>
- Update to 3.1.7 (only changes from 3.1.6)
  - windows.c: take care of redfining Rootwindow if xscreensaver
    is detected
- Run spec-cleaner
- Rebase
  - xsnow-bindir.patch
  - xsnow-desktop_file.patch
* Tue Dec 24 2019 Santa <>
- Update to 2.0.15
  * Changed timing loop
  * Find Desktop in Gnome and KDE
  * Can run in user-pointed window (-xwininfo)
  * Added another kind of tree
  * Added starts
  * Added meteorite
  * Changed algorithm for fallen snow
  * nosnowarea
- add patches
  * xsnow-bindir.patch
  * xsnow-desktop_file.patch
* Wed Dec 27 2006
- fixed kroot path (Bug #230787)
* Sun Jul 23 2006
- fixed build for X.Org 7
* Wed Jan 25 2006
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Mon Jul 04 2005
* Wed Jan 19 2005
- xsnow-1.42.diff:
  * fixed "'variable' is used uninitialized" warning (gcc 4)
* Wed Dec 01 2004
- use wrapper to fix the KDE root window problem (Bug #48572)
* Sun Jan 11 2004
- add %defattr
* Wed Apr 23 2003
- use BuildRoot
* Tue Feb 04 2003
- update to version 1.42 for KDE compatibility
* Tue Sep 17 2002
- removed bogus self-provides