Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15





Change Logs

* Mon Feb 26 2018
- Explicitly require pango and cairo, both are direct
  build deps.
* Tue Oct 03 2017
- Remove redundant %clean section.
* Tue Oct 03 2017
- update to version 0.8.1
  * Add caps lock indicator for "system" layout style
  * Translation updates
- Fix the build with libxklavier 5.3:
* Wed Jul 19 2017
- update to version 0.8.0
  * New plugin is not compatible with previous versions
    you will have to add and configure it again!
  * Port to GTK+3
  * Add xfconf support
  * Add new "system" layout style
  * Allow adjusting widget size
  * Allow displaying language name instead of country name
  * Allow hiding tooltip icon
  * Load flags from XDG_DATA_HOME if present
  * Fix Indian flag filename
  * Fix charset for layout names
  * Translation updates
* Sun Dec 25 2016
- update to version 0.7.1
  - fix crash in xkb_util_normalize_group_name
- 0.7.0
  - this is a fairly major rework - keyboard layouts are now
    configured through xfce4-keyboard-settings and managed by
    xfsettingsd; xkb-plugin only manages per window/application
    layout prefs and just acts as a layout indicator otherwise
  - many crashes/leaks fixed
  - more descriptive layout/variant names in tooltips/popup menus
  - xfce 4.10 panel compatibility
  - text labels are scaled to the size of text area
  - more flags added
  - layout configs should no longer be lost (this is really handled
    by the code moved to xfce4-settings though)
  - XKB settings not managed by XFCE should no longer be overwritten
    (again, this is really handled by xfce4-settings now)
  - now depends on garcon (used to launch xfce4-keyboard-settings)
- package NEWS instead of ChangeLog file
* Thu Jun 20 2013
- update to version 0.5.6
  - don't reset xkb settings on panel's save signal
  - check that current group number is sensible
  - fix crash in xkb_util_normalize_group_name
  - window title reflects if layout is added/edited
  - don't overwrite XKB options we don't control
  - disable Edit layout button if no layout is selected
  - fix compiler warning
  - use nicer looking flag dimensions in tooltips
* Tue May 14 2013
- update to version 0.5.5
  - several crashes fixed
  - text labels are scaled to the size of text area
  - kazakh flag added
  - panel 4.10 compatibility
  - reset xkb config when new keyboard is detected (configs should
    no longer be lost, or at least not as often as before)
* Fri Apr 20 2012
- added documentation files
* Tue Apr 17 2012
- corrected source URL
* Wed Apr 04 2012
- specfile cleanup
- correct dependencies
- split off -lang subpackage
* Sat Jan 07 2012
- update to version
  - fix error with incorrect handling variants
  - text size on icon is now adjustable
  - new flag: Cambodia
* Mon Dec 05 2011
- update to version
  - text size on icon is now adjustable
  - new flag: Cambodia
  - Bosnian flag renamed from bs to ba
  - code cleanup
  - fixing memory leaks (bnc#734851)
  - scrolling the plugin button cycle through layouts
  - remove unnedeed g_strdup as g_strconcat already allocates memory
  - switch to libxfce4ui, updated dependencies
  - compilation with libxklavier 5.0 API
  - prevent crashing when removing from panel
  - new flag of Georgia
  - new flag of Serbia, removed flag of Yugoslavia as obsoleted
- dropped all patches, all fixes have been integrated upstream
* Wed Mar 09 2011
- new package (split off from xfce4-panel-plugins)