* Tue Jan 12 2021 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Update to 1.6.4
- fix exclusion creation in csg_boltzmann ([gh#votca/csg#624],
* Wed Dec 09 2020 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Update to 1.6.3
- fix test dependencies for parallel ctest ([gh#votca/csg#585])
- fix trigger for gmx-2020 warning in run_gromacs.sh
- switch to ghcr.io for CI ([gh#votca/csg#595])
- format code with clang-11 ([gh#votca/csg#605])
- add gmx2021 builds to CI ([gh#votca/csg#607])
- remove set-env call from CI ([gh#votca/csg#608])
- use master .clang-format in format action ([gh#votca/csg#610])
- strip windows line endings in readers ([gh#votca/csg#614])
* Sat Aug 22 2020 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Update to 1.6.2
- move CI to GitHub Actions ([gh#votca/csg#563],
[gh#votca/csg#567], [gh#votca/csg#569])
- add max scaling parameter to pressure correction
- fix test dependencies for parallel ctest ([gh#votca/csg#573])
- fix multicomponent imc ([gh#votca/csg#579],
* Thu Aug 20 2020 Martin Li?ka <mliska@suse.cz>
- Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.
* Wed Aug 19 2020 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Increase a little bit REGRESSIONTEST_TOLERANCE to make it pass
on aarch64
* Mon Jun 22 2020 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Update to 1.6.1
- add support for cma-3 ([gh#votca/csg#158])
- allow special characters in build directory
- fix CI on Ubuntu-20.04 ([gh#votca/csg#526])
- drop support for gmx 2016 ([gh#votca/csg#529],
- fix csg_reupdate and add tests ([gh#votca/csg#525])
- fix detection of lmp and gmx in cmake ([gh#votca/csg#540])
- add test for lammpsdata reader ([gh#votca/csg#544])
* Thu Jun 11 2020 Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@opensuse.org>
- Move the miscellaneous manpages from the library package to the
main package. SLPP disallows non-versioned files in the
shared-library package as it makes them non-parallel installable
to newer versions. Additionally, the man page does not provide
information of pure library users (it's a list of what tools form
the csg tools).
- have the main package conflict with the old library package
(libvotca_csg5) that contained the man page.
* Sat Apr 18 2020 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Update to 1.6
- enforce periodic boundaries for dihedrals ([gh#votca/csg#500])
- add warning about dihedrals ([gh#votca/csg#500])
- fix typo in option in potential_extrapolate
- update gmx tab. potential warning ([gh#votca/csg#504])
- fix exit code with clean for potential_to_lammps.sh
- remove obsolete link to MKL from cmake ([gh#votca/csg#508])
- fix build with Gromacs 2021 ([gh#votca/csg#510],
- warn about too long interaction in csg_stat
- fix testing in postadd_plot.sh ([gh#votca/csg#515])
* Mon Feb 10 2020 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Update to 1.6_rc2
- fix inheritance bug in cmake files ([gh#votca/csg#466])
- fix build on 32-bit archs ([gh#votca/csg#473])
- fixed alignment problem in potential class
- fix h5md reader ([gh#votca/csg#478], [gh#votca/csg#481])
- added more tests for gmx ([gh#votca/csg#489]) and gmx-2020
support ([gh#votca/csg#488])
- add support for txt2tags-3.4 ([gh#votca/csg#491])
- fix cma seed for testing ([gh#votca/csg#494])
- remove old doxygen target ([gh#votca/csg#498])
* Thu Dec 05 2019 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Update to 1.6_rc1
* Major CMake refactor
* Improved file readers
* Added more tests
* Added csg_imc_solve, removing octave and python solvers
* Thu Nov 21 2019 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Upgrade to 1.5.1
* bug fixes for gcc-5
* some bugfixes for the lammps reader
* support dynamics box size in h5md
* fix build on CentOs7
* Thu Oct 03 2019 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Disabled some test on i585 (comparison fixed in upstream master)
* Thu Sep 12 2019 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Disable some more test on i585
* Tue Apr 02 2019 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- fix build with boost-1.69
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Christoph Junghans <junghans@votca.org>
- Upgrade to 1.5
* cmake: only run csg_dump test if bash was found
* added bug fix for memory leak in bead class
* added topology unit test
* added support for 3 body distribution
* allow usage of _ in gmx options
* support espresso-4.0
* added LAMMPS data topology reader
* added LAMMPS dump writer
* added support for gmx-2019
* move from gsl to Eigen3
* added support for running gmx in multidir mode
* extended pdb reader to read CONECT section
* reworked perl interface to fix #179
* make most install locations configureable
* allow to change pot extrapolation fct for LAMMPS
* dropped support for gmx-5.1
* added unit and regression tests
* details: https://github.com/votca/csg/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
Version: 1.4-2.1
* Thu Feb 02 2017 adam.majer@suse.de
- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel
* Mon Oct 31 2016 jengelh@inai.de
- Update descriptions.
* Sat Oct 29 2016 junghans@votca.org
- Upgrade to 1.4
* added cibi tutorial and manual section
* xmltopologyparser: tokenize on \n and \t as well (#195)
* details: https://github.com/votca/csg/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
* Tue Sep 27 2016 junghans@votca.org
- Upgrade to 1.4_rc1
* switch to c++-11
* dihedral support in csg_fmatch
* support for tabulated bond in >=gmx-5
* added full featured XMLTopologyReader
* added regularization for IMC
* changed neighborlist from std::list to std::vector
* added cibi method
* lots of reader bug fixes
* dropped support for gromacs-4 and clean up
* dropped multi_g_rdf script
* dropped thermforce iteration method
* moved h5md reader to hdf5 without c++ api
* details: https://github.com/votca/csg/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
* Sun Aug 21 2016 jengelh@inai.de
- RPM group update
* Fri Aug 19 2016 junghans@votca.org
- Upgrade to 1.3.1
* fixed build with >=cmake-3.4
* details: https://github.com/votca/csg/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
* Fri Jan 15 2016 junghans@votca.org
- Upgrade to 1.3
* re-implemented csg_boltzmann --excl
* added support for upcoming gromacs 2016
* details see 1.3 section of:
or included CHANGELOG.md file
* Thu Oct 08 2015 junghans@votca.org
- Upgrade to 1.3_rc1
* details: https://github.com/votca/csg/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
* Mon Sep 08 2014 junghans@votca.org
- depend on gromacs-devel instead for pkgconfig(libgmx) as
gromacs-5.0 comes with libgromacs instead of libgmx
* Fri Sep 05 2014 junghans@votca.org
- Update to 1.2.4
- support for Gromacs 5.0
* Fri Dec 06 2013 junghans@votca.org
- clean up for inclusion in OpenSuse:Factory
* Thu Oct 31 2013 junghans@votca.org
- Upgrade to 1.2.3
* Sun Aug 28 2011 kkaempf@suse.com
- Upgrade to 1.2.1
- fixed lib soname, adapt BuildRequires
- csg_inverse: improve initial guess of the potential
- csg_inverse: fixes for min!=0
- table_extrapolate.pl: fixed flags and first point
- fixed tf iteration for multiple components
- fixed round-off error in grid search and csg_calc
- csg_inverse: typo fixed and additional checks
- Version 1.2 (SuperDoris)
- changed buildsystem to cmake
- added thermforce iteration method
- added csg_density
- a lot of framework clean up
- added type selector name:*
- allow long and restart of simulations
- Version 1.1.2
- fixed head of votca-csg manpage
- csg_fmatch: added support for known forces (--trj-force option)
* Thu Mar 03 2011 kkaempf@novell.com
- Upgrade to 1.1.1
- parallel analysis using threads, some tools have a '--nt'
option (e.g. fast parallel rdf calculation using grid search)
- new spline types in csg_resample (akima, linear)
- csg_inverse has about 25 new xml options (post-processing,
run control, ...)
- the manual is included as pdf
- boundary treatment is done internally, no need to run trjconv
* Mon Dec 06 2010 kkaempf@novell.com
- Initial version 1.0.1
- Add tutorials as documentation to votca-csg
* Tue Nov 30 2010 junghans@votca.org
- Minor clean up
* Thu Nov 25 2010 jussilehtola@fedoraproject.org
- First release