* Sun Feb 07 2021 Wang Jun <jgwang@suse.com>
- Update to version 8.10.5
* fix potential /0 in animated webp load [lovell]
* fix spng detection
* fix vips7 webp load [barryspearce]
* fix out of bounds exif read in heifload
* fix out of bounds read in tiffload
* fix tiffsave region shrink mode [imgifty]
* add missing flushes on write to target [harukizaemon]
* hide info messages you could get with some older glibs [kleisauke]
* fix --no-strip on dzsave with icc-profiles [altert]
* relax heic is_a rules [hisham]
* better GraphicsMagick image write [bfriesen]
* add missing read loops to spng, heif, giflib and ppm load [kleisauke]
* block zero width or height images from imagemagick load [Koen1999]
* check for overflow in gifload height [lovell]
* fix msb_first default in ppm load and save [ewelot]
* force binary mode on win for connection read / write [Alreiber]
* better testing for output to target [barryspearce]
* ppmload_source was missing is_a [ewelot]
* improve webpload rounding and blending behaviour [lovell]
* fix range clip in int32 -> unsigned casts [ewelot]
* fix precision error in clip of float -> int casts [ewelot]
* fix load of HEIC images with 0 length metadata [ddennedy-gpsw]
* revise rounding in reduce [kleisauke]
* Thu Dec 10 2020 Andreas Schneider <asn@cryptomilk.org>
- Update to vips 8.10.2
* update magicksave/load profile handling [kelilevi]
* better demand hint rules [kaas3000]
* fix tiff thumbnail from buffer and source [vansante]
* in jpegsave, don't set JFIF resolution if we set EXIF resolution
* bump minimum libheif version to 1.3 [lovell]
* dzsave in iiif mode could set info.json dimensions off by one [Linden6]
* pdfload allows dpi and scale to both be set [le0daniel]
* allow gaussblur sigma zero, meaning no blur
* better heif signature detection [lovell]
* fix vips_fractsurf() typo [kleisauke]
* better heif EOF detection [lovell]
* fix gir build with g-o-i 1.66+ [László]
* improve seek behaviour on pipes
* add "speed" param to heifsave [lovell]
* fix regression in C path for dilate / erode [kleisauke]
* fix build with libheif save but no load [estepnv]
* Tue Oct 13 2020 Andreas Schneider <asn@cryptomilk.org>
- Add AVIF support via libheif
* libheif is *only* built with AVIF support
* HEIF is not working as it isn't linked against x265
* Sat Aug 15 2020 Dirk Mueller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to vips 8.10.0:
- more conformat IIIF output from dzsave [regisrob]
- add @id to dzsave to set IIIF id property [regisrob]
- add max and min to region shrink [rgluskin]
- allow \ as an escape character in vips_break_token() [akemrir]
- tiffsave has a "depth" param to set max pyr depth
- libtiff LOGLUV images load and save as libvips XYZ
- add gifload_source, csvload_source, csvsave_target, matrixload_source,
matrixsave_source, pdfload_source, heifload_source, heifsave_target,
ppmload_source, ppmsave_target
- revise vipsthumbnail flags
- add VIPS_LEAK env var
- add vips_pipe_read_limit_set(), --vips-pipe-read-limit,
- revise gifload to fix BACKGROUND and PREVIOUS dispose [alon-ne]
- add subsample_mode, deprecate no_subsample in jpegsave [Elad-Laufer]
- add vips_isdirf()
- add PAGENUMBER support to tiff write [jclavoie-jive]
- add "all" mode to smartcrop
- flood fill could stop half-way for some very complex shapes
- better handling of unaligned reads in multipage tiffs [petoor]
- mark old --delete option to vipsthumbnail as deprecated [UweOhse]
- png save with a bad ICC profile just gives a warning
- add "premultipled" option to vips_affine(), clarified vips_resize()
behaviour with alpha channels
- improve bioformats support with read and write of tiff subifd pyramids
- thumbnail exploits subifd pyramids
- handle all EXIF orientation cases, deprecate
vips_autorot_get_angle() [Elad-Laufer]
- load PNGs with libspng, if possible
- deprecate heifload autorotate -- it's now always on
- revised resize improves accuracy [kleisauke]
- add --vips-config flag to show configuration info
- add "bitdepth" param to tiff save, deprecate "squash" [MathemanFlo]
- tiff load and save now supports 2 and 4 bit data [MathemanFlo]
- pngsave @bitdepth parameter lets you write 1, 2 and 4 bit PNGs
- ppmsave also uses "bitdepth" now, for consistency
- reduce operation cache max to 100
- rework the final bits of vips7 for vips8 [kleisauke]
- --disable-deprecated now works [kleisauke]
- vipsheader allows "stdin" as a filename
- gifload allows gifs with images outside the canvas
- wasm compatibility patches [kleisauke]
- webpsave has a @profile param
* Mon May 04 2020 Luigi Baldoni <aloisio@gmx.com>
- Update to version 8.9.2
* Too many changes to list, see ChangeLog
- Dropped python subpackage (bindings now supplied separately)
- Added vips-8.9.2-implicit-fortify-decl.patch
- Spec cleanup