Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4





Change Logs

* Tue Apr 26 2022 Dan ?ermák <>
- Add patch to disable failing ftp tests
  Added patches:
  * disable-failing-ftp-tests.patch
Version: 2.2.18-bp153.2.1
* Tue Aug 03 2021 Dan ?ermák <>
- Switch to Ruby 3.0 on Tumbleweed
- New upstream release 2.2.18
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  Removed patch:
  * 0010-Bump-listen-version-to-3.5.patch
  * 0011-Mock-the-PowerShell.executable-method-in-more-tests.patch
  * 0012-Use-systemctl-poweroff-in-the-background-instead-of-.patch
  * 0013-Include-rexml-dependency.patch
  * 0014-Bump-constraints-on-childprocess-and-net-scp.patch
  * 0015-Remove-no-longer-required-gem-webmock.patch
  Added patch:
  * 0010-Bump-listen-version-to-3.6.patch
  [#]# 2.2.18 (July 27, 2021)
- core: Fix of plugin manager kwargs [GH-12452]
- providers/docker: Pass in docker command opts as a map [GH-12449]
- providers/hyperv: Fix network address detection [GH-12472]
  [#]# 2.2.17 (July 7, 2021)
- guest/rocky: Add guest support for Rocky Linux [GH-12440]
- command/package: Add --info flag to package command [GH-12304]
- guest/debian: Retry network setup on debain [GH-12421]
- guest/suse: Use systemctl poweroff in the background instead of shutdown [GH-12439]
- guest/windows: Get powershell path in %WINDIR%/System32 [GH-12436]
- host/windows: Check Domain and Application Directory contexts for credentials when validating SMB creds [GH-12428]
- providers/hyper-v: Fix IP detection when multiple devices are attached [GH-12232]
- provisioner/ansible: Detects new versions of ansible-4.0.0+ [GH-12391]
- provisioner/ansible: Strip whitespace from ansible version [GH-12420]
- provisioner/salt: Always use upstream Salt bootstrap script on Windows [GH-12127]
- provisioner/salt: Use more conservative TLS settings to work on older .NET versions [GH-12413]
- provisioner/shell: Buffer output to display full lines [GH-12437]
- vagrant: Updates to support Ruby 3.0 [GH-12427]
- command/cloud: Fix authentication middleware to prevent breaking local paths [GH-12419]
- communicator/ssh: Fix net-ssh patches for RSA signatures [GH-12415]
- core: Add box directly with authed urls [GH-12278]
* Tue Jul 06 2021 Dan ?ermák <>
- Remove no longer required gem webmock
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  * 0010-Bump-listen-version-to-3.5.patch
  * 0011-Mock-the-PowerShell.executable-method-in-more-tests.patch
  * 0012-Use-systemctl-poweroff-in-the-background-instead-of-.patch
  * 0013-Include-rexml-dependency.patch
  * 0014-Bump-constraints-on-childprocess-and-net-scp.patch
  Added patch:
  * 0015-Remove-no-longer-required-gem-webmock.patch
* Tue Jul 06 2021 Dan ?ermák <>
- Bump childprocess version
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  * 0010-Bump-listen-version-to-3.5.patch
  * 0011-Mock-the-PowerShell.executable-method-in-more-tests.patch
  * 0012-Use-systemctl-poweroff-in-the-background-instead-of-.patch
  Added patches:
  * 0013-Include-rexml-dependency.patch
  * 0014-Bump-constraints-on-childprocess-and-net-scp.patch
* Thu Jul 01 2021 Dan ?ermák <>
- Add patch to fix occasional shutdown failures with virtualbox
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  * 0010-Bump-listen-version-to-3.5.patch
  * 0011-Mock-the-PowerShell.executable-method-in-more-tests.patch
  Added patches:
  * 0012-Use-systemctl-poweroff-in-the-background-instead-of-.patch
* Fri Apr 30 2021 Dan ?ermák <>
- New upstream release 2.2.16
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  * 0010-Bump-listen-version-to-3.5.patch
  Added patches:
  * 0011-Mock-the-PowerShell.executable-method-in-more-tests.patch
  [#]# 2.2.16 (April 29, 2021)
- guest/linux: Detect in process shutdown in reboot capability [GH-12302]
- util/powershell: Support `pwsh` executable in new versions of powershell [GH-12335]
- core: Add box directly with authed urls [GH-12278]
- communicator/ssh: Properly handle authentication with RSA keys [GH-12298]
- guest/fedora: Import guest detection module [GH-12275]
- guest/linux: Fix SMB folder mount name capability call [GH-12281]
- provider/docker: Properly handle updated buildkit build output [GH-12300]
* Tue Apr 27 2021 Dan ?ermák <>
- Bump rubygem-listen version to 3.5
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  Add patch:
  * 0010-Bump-listen-version-to-3.5.patch
* Thu Apr 01 2021 Dan ?ermák <>
- New upstream release 2.2.15
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  Remove patches (merged upstream):
  * 0010-Update-rake-to-13.0.patch
  * 0011-Bump-listen-gem-version-and-remove-ruby_dep.patch
  * 0012-Bump-bcrypt_pbkdf-version.patch
  [#]# 2.2.15 (March 30, 2021)
- command/cloud: Remove access token URL parameter by default [GH-12234]
- command/cloud: Add VAGRANT_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN_BY_URL to revert access token behavior [GH-12252]
- core: Bump vagrant_cloud dependency to 3.0.3 [GH-12200]
- core: Bump listen gem version and remove ruby_dep [GH-12148]
- core: Bump vagrant_cloud dependency to 3.0.4 [GH-12242]
- core/bundler: Update resolution handling when outside of installer and bundler [GH-12225]
- core/plugin: Provide friendlier error messages on install fail when possible [GH-12225]
- guest/openwrt: Add support for OpenWrt guests [GH-11791]
- guest/freebsd: FreeBSD updated ansible to py37-ansible [GH-12201]
- provider/virtualbox: Get default dhcp ip from a matching host ip [GH-12211]
- util/downloader: Prevent redirect notification for default store [GH-12235]
- command/cloud: Automatically disable direct uploads when file is too large [GH-12250]
- core: Make shell script for loop shell agnostic [GH-12205]
- core: Raise error if downloading box metadata fails [GH-12189]
- core: Apply download options to metadata requests [GH-12177]
- core: Don't try to find "" by prefix in the machine index [GH-12188]
- core: Don't count not created machines as declined when destroying [GH-12186]
- core: Bump bcrypt_pbkdf version [GH-12216]
- core: Remove all space from checksums [GH-12168]
- core/bundler: Do not include default gems as pinned constraints [GH-12253]
- core/synced_folders: Extract os friendly mount name for vbox shared folders [GH-12184]
- guest/alpine: Check if interface exists before shutting it down [GH-12181]
- guest/nixos: Fix network config for recent NixOS releases [GH-12152]
- guest/fedora: Detect fedora using os-releases id [GH-12230]
* Mon Mar 01 2021 Dan ?ermák <>
- Fix removed dependency on bcrypt_pbkdf
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  * 0010-Update-rake-to-13.0.patch
  * 0011-Bump-listen-gem-version-and-remove-ruby_dep.patch (was
  Added patch:
  * 0012-Bump-bcrypt_pbkdf-version.patch
  Removed patch:
  * 0011-Remove-not-required-bcrypt_pbkdf-gem.patch
* Fri Jan 29 2021 Dan ?ermák <>
- Remove pointless ruby_dep dependency and bump listen version
  Add patch:
  * 0012-Bump-listen-gem-version-and-remove-ruby_dep.patch
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  * 0010-Update-rake-to-13.0.patch
  * 0011-Remove-not-required-bcrypt_pbkdf-gem.patch
* Fri Jan 22 2021 Dan ?ermák <>
- Remove not required bcrypt_pbkdf gem
  Add patch:
  * 0011-Remove-not-required-bcrypt_pbkdf-gem.patch
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  * 0010-Update-rake-to-13.0.patch
* Fri Dec 11 2020 Dan ?ermák <>
- Patch rake version to ~> 13.0
  Add patch:
  * 0010-Update-rake-to-13.0.patch
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
* Thu Dec 03 2020 Dan ?ermák <>
- New upstream release 2.2.14
  remove rsync build dependency
  remove patch (fixed upstream):
  * 0010-Add-check-for-etc-fstab.patch
  rebased patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  [#]# 2.2.14 (November 20, 2020)
- host/windows: Update filesystem type matching on WSL2 [GH-12056]
- core: Track raw actions as they are applied to prevent multiple insertions [GH-12037]
- core/bundler: Update solution file resolution to support prerelease matching [GH-12054]
- guest/darwin: Mount vmware synced folders for big sur guests [GH-12053]
  [#]# 2.2.13 (November 06, 2020)
- core/bundler: Adjust request sets properly with non-development prerelease [GH-12025]
  [#]# 2.2.12 (November 06, 2020)
- core/bundler: Automatically enable prerelease dependency resolution [GH-12023]
  NOTE: This is a fix release to resolve an immediate issue with Vagrant
    plugin functionality
  [#]# 2.2.11 (November 05, 2020)
- command/cap: Add ability to specify target [GH-11965]
- command/cloud: Add --force flag to `version release` command [GH-11912]
- command/cloud: Updates to utilize the 3.0 version of vagrant_cloud [GH-11916]
- core: Switch from unmaintained gem erubis to erubi [GH-11893]
- core: Download Vagrant boxes using auth headers [GH-11835]
- core: Remove dependency on mime gem [GH-11857]
- core: Handle Errno::EALREADY exceptions on port check [GH-12008]
- core: Fix missing hook/trigger insertion into action stack [GH-12014]
- guest/linux: Make max reboot wait duration configurable [GH-12011]
- guest/windows: Make max reboot wait duration configurable [GH-12011]
- providers/virtualbox: Fix availability check of provider [GH-11936]
- tests: Add integration tests for Docker provider [GH-11907]
- core/synced_folders: Don't persist synced folders to fstab if guest is not reachable [GH-11900]
- core: Don't try to recover machine without a uuid [GH-11863]
- config/disks: Transform provider specific config to common form [GH-11939]
- config/vm: Override synced-folder `:nfs` option [GH-11988]
- contrib/zsh: Remove newline from beginning of completion script [GH-11963]
- guests/arch: Install smbclient when setting up arch smb [GH-11923]
- guest/linux: Check for /etc/fstab before trying to modify [GH-11897]
- guest/linux: Create an /etc/fstab if does not exist [GH-11909]
- guest/linux: Persist SMB mounts [GH-11846]
- guest/debian: Set hostname in /etc/hosts as first step to changing hostname [GH-11885]
- guest/rhel: Check for existence of network files before trying to update them [GH-11877]
- guest/suse: Don't use hostnamectl to set hostname if not available on system [GH-11996]
- tests: Remove rsync dependency from tests [GH-11889]
* Wed Sep 09 2020 Dan ?ermák <>
- Switch back to using transfiletriggerin/un
- Increase required version of the addressable gem
- Allow to skip tests during development via bcond_without
- Add fix for boxes that don't have a /etc/fstab
  Added patch:
  * 0010-Add-check-for-etc-fstab.patch
  rebased patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
* Wed Aug 26 2020 Dan ?ermák <>
- New upstream release 2.2.10
  * add rsync to BuildRequires
  * run fdupes after installation
  Remove patches (merged upstream):
  * 0010-Bump-version-of-net-ssh-to-6.0-and-net-sftp-to-3.0.patch
  * 0011-Fixes-11606-Mock-out-guest-capabilities-instead-of-r.patch
  Rebased patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  - hyperv/disks: Add ability to manage virtual disks for guests [GH-11541]
  - core: Allow provisioners to be run when a communicator is not available [GH-11579]
  - core: Add `autocomplete` command that allows for install of bash or zsh autocomplete scripts [GH-11523]
  - core: Update to childprocess gem to 4.0.0 [GH-11717]
  - core: Add action to wait for cloud-init to finish running [GH-11773]
  - core: Update to net-ssh to 6.0 and net-sftp to 3.0 [GH-11621]
  - core: Optimize port in use check for faster validation [GH-11810]
  - core: Support for Ruby 2.7 [GH-11814]
  - core: Add synced folder capabilities for mount options and default fstab modification behavior [GH-11797]
  - guest/arch: Use systemd-networkd to configure networking for guests [GH-11400]
  - guest/haiku: Rsync install for rsync synced folders [GH-11614]
  - guest/solaris11: Add guest capability shell_expand_guest_path [GH-11759]
  - host/darwin: Add ability to build ISO [GH-11694]
  - hosts/linux: Add ability to build ISO [GH-11750]
  - hosts/windows: Add ability to build ISO [GH-11750]
  - providers/hyperv: Add support for SecureBootTemplate setting on import [GH-11756]
  - providers/hyperv: Add support for EnhancedSessionTransportType [GH-11014]
  - virtualbox/disks: Add ability to manage virtual dvds for guests [GH-11613]
  - core: Ensure MapCommandOptions class is required [GH-11629]
  - core: Fix `:all` special value on triggers [GH-11688]
  - core: Ensure network addresses have a valid netmask [GH-11679]
  - core: Recover local machine metadata in global index [GH-11656]
  - core: Print CLI help message is ambiguous option provided [GH-11746]
  - core: Update how `/etc/hosts` gets updated for darwin, freebsd and openbsd [GH-11719]
  - core: Capture `[3J` escape sequence [GH-11807]
  - core: Treat empty box value as invalid [GH-11618]
  - core: Allow forwarding ports to unknown addresses [GH-11810]
  - core: Scrub credentials as whole words [GH-11837]
  - commands/destroy: Add gracefull option to switch beween gracefully or forcefully shutting down a vm [GH-11628]
  - communicator/ssh: Raise an error for a nil exit status [GH-11721]
  - communicator/winrm: Check for nil return from querying for forwarded ports [GH-11831]
  - config/vm: Add option `allow_hosts_modification` to allow/disable Vagrant editing the guests `/etc/hosts` file [GH-11565]
  - config/vm: Add config option `hostname` to `` [GH-11566]
  - config/vm: Don't ignore NFS synced folders on Windows hosts [GH-11631]
  - host: Use regular port check for loopback addresses [GH-11654]
  - host: Allow windows and linux hosts to detach from rdp process [GH-11732]
  - host/windows: Properly register SMB password validation capability [GH-11795]
  - guests: Allow setting of hostname according to `hostname` option for multiple guests [GH-11704]
  - guest/alpine: Allow setting of hostname according to `hostname` option [GH-11718]
  - guest/esxi: Be more permissive with permissions of ssh directory [GH-11587]
  - guest/linux: Add virtual box shared folders to guest fstab [GH-11570]
  - guest/suse: Allow setting of hostname according to `hostname` option [GH-11567]
  - providers/docker: Ensure new containers don't grab existing bound ports [GH-11602]
  - providers/hyperv: Fix check for secure boot [GH-11809]
  - providers/virtualbox: Fix inability to create disk with same name across multiple guests [GH-11767]
  - provisioners/docker: Allow to specify docker image version using the `run` option [GH-11806]
  - provisioners/file: Allow creating empty folders [GH-11805]
  - provisioners/shell: Ensure Windows shell provisioner gets the correct file extension [GH-11644]
  - util/powershell: Use correct powershell executable for privileged commands [GH-11787]
* Tue Aug 18 2020 Dan ?ermák <>
- Use %%filetriggerin/-un until boo#1041742 gets resolved
* Mon May 18 2020 Dan ?ermák <>
- Use the correct ruby in the vagrant binstub as well
* Mon May 11 2020 Dan ?ermák <>
- New upstream release 2.2.9
  - core/bundler: Properly handle plugin install with available specification
  - provisioners/docker: Fix CentOS docker install and start service
    capabilities [GH-11581]
  - provisioners/podman: Seperate RHEL install from CentOS install [GH-11584]
  Rebase patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  Add patch:
  * 0010-Bump-version-of-net-ssh-to-6.0-and-net-sftp-to-3.0.patch
  * 0011-Fixes-11606-Mock-out-guest-capabilities-instead-of-r.patch
  - Fix various issues when building vagrant with a non-default ruby version
    (e.g. gem implicitly defaulting to the default one)
  - update README.SUSE
* Thu May 07 2020 Dan ?ermák <>
- New upstream release 2.2.8
  - virtualbox/disks: Add ability to manage virtual disks for guests [GH-11349]
  - bin/vagrant: Automatically include global options within commands [GH-11473]
  - bin/vagrant: Suppress Ruby warnings when not running pre-release version
  - communicator/ssh: Add support for configuring SSH connect timeout [GH-11533]
  - core: Update childprocess gem [GH-11487]
  - core: Add cli option `--no-tty` [GH-11414]
  - core: Overhaul call stack modifications implementation for hooks and
    triggers [GH-11455]
  - core/bundler: Cache plugin solution sets to speed up startup times
  - config/vm: Add`box_download_options` config to specify extra download
    options for a box [GH-11560]
  - guest/alpine: Add ansible provisioner guest support [GH-11411]
  - guest/linux: Update systemd? check to use sudo [GH-11398]
  - guest/linux: Use systemd if available to halt and reboot system [GH-11407]
  - guests/linux: Mount smb folders with `mfsymlinks` option by default [GH-11503]
  - guest/redhat: Add support for SMB [GH-11463]
  - guest/windows: Rescue all regular exceptions during reboot wait [GH-11428]
  - providers/docker: Support catching container name when using podman [GH-11356]
  - provisioners/docker: Support Centos8 [GH-11462]
  - provisioners/podman: Add Podman as a provisioner [GH-11472]
  - provisioners/salt: Allow specifying python_version [GH-11436]
  - communicators/winssh: Fix issues with Windows SSH communicator [GH-11430]
  - core/bundler: Activate vagrant specification when not active [GH-11445]
  - core/bundler: Properly resolve sets when Vagrant is in prerelease [GH-11571]
  - core/downloader: Always set `-q` flag as first option [GH-11366]
  - core/hooks: Update dynamic action hook implementation to prevent looping
  - core/synced_folders: Validate type option if set [GH-11359]
  - guests/debian: Choose netplan renderer based on network configuration and
    installed tools [GH-11498]
  - host/darwin: Quote directories in /etc/exports [GH-11441]
  - host/linux: Ensure `/etc/exports` does not contain duplicate records [GH-10591]
  - host/windows: Check all interfaces for port conflict when host_ip: ""
  - providers/docker: Fix issue where Vagrant fails to remove image if it is in
    use [GH-11355]
  - providers/docker: Fix issue with getting correct docker image id from build
    output [GH-11461]
  - providers/hyperv: Prevent error when identity reference cannot be translated
  - provider/hyperv: Use service id for manipulating vm integration services
  - providers/virtualbox: Parse `list dhcpservers` output on VirtualBox 6.1
  - providers/virtualbox: Raise an error if guest IP ends in .1 [GH-11500]
  - provisioners/shell: Ensure windows shell provisioners always get an
    extension [GH-11517]
  - util/io: Fix encoding conversion errors [GH-11571]
  Removed patches:
  * 0003-linux-cap-halt-don-t-wait-for-shutdown-h-now-to-fini.patch
    (dropped as it is an old fix from Debian and Vagrant will now use systemd to
    shutdown, making this one obsolete)
  * 0004-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
    (rebased as 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch)
  * 0005-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
    (rebased as 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch)
  * 0006-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
    (rebased as 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch)
  * 0007-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
    (rebased as 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch)
  * 0008-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
    (rebased as 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch)
  * 0009-Fix-unit-tests-for-GuestLinux-Cap-Halt.patch
    (dropped as it is a test fix for Patch3)
  * 0010-Skip-failing-tests.patch
    (rebased as 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch)
  * 0011-Do-not-list-load-dependencies-if-vagrant-spec-is-not.patch
    (merged upstream)
  * 0012-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
    (rebased as 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch)
  * 0013-Update-some-outdated-gem-versions.patch
    (merged upstream)
  Added patches:
  * 0003-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0004-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0005-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0006-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0007-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0008-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0009-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
* Fri Feb 14 2020 Dan ?ermák <>
- Fix non-restrictive dependency on rubygem-listen
* Wed Feb 05 2020 Dan ?ermák <>
- Bump the version of i18n, rubyzip and net-ssh
  Rebased patches:
  * 0001-bin-vagrant-silence-warning-about-installer.patch
  * 0002-Use-a-private-temporary-dir.patch
  * 0003-linux-cap-halt-don-t-wait-for-shutdown-h-now-to-fini.patch
  * 0004-plugins-don-t-abuse-require_relative.patch.patch
  * 0005-fix-vbox-package-boo-1044087-added-by-robert.muntean.patch
  * 0006-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
  * 0007-do-not-abuse-relative-paths-in-docker-plugin-to-make.patch
  * 0008-Don-t-abuse-relative-paths-in-plugins.patch
  * 0009-Fix-unit-tests-for-GuestLinux-Cap-Halt.patch
  * 0010-Skip-failing-tests.patch
  * 0011-Do-not-list-load-dependencies-if-vagrant-spec-is-not.patch
  * 0012-Disable-Subprocess-unit-test.patch
  Added patch:
  * 0013-Update-some-outdated-gem-versions.patch
Version: 2.2.0-bp151.1.3
* Fri Nov 16 2018 Johannes Kastl <>
- update to 2.2.0
  - command/cloud: Introduce `vagrant cloud` subcommand to Vagrant [GH-10148]
  - command/upload: Add command for uploading files to guest [GH-10263]
  - command/winrm: Add command for executing guest commands via WinRM [GH-10263]
  - command/winrm-config: Add command for providing WinRM configuration [GH-10263]
  - core: Ensure file paths are identical when checking for cwd [GH-10220]
  - core: Add config option `ignore_box_vagrantfile` for ignoring vagrantfile inside box [GH-10242]
  - core/triggers: Add abort option to core triggers [GH-10232]
  - core/triggers: Introduce `ruby` option for trigger [GH-10267]
  - contrib/bash: Add completion for snapshot names for vagrant snapshot restore|delete [GH-9054]
  - providers/docker: Build docker from git repo [GH-10221]
  - providers/hyperv: Update Hyper-V admin check and allow override via ENV variable [GH-10275]
  - providers/virtualbox: Allow base_mac to be optional [GH-10255]
  - provisioners/salt: use -s with curl [GH-9432]
  - provisioners/salt: remove leading space with bootstrap_options [GH-9431]
  - core/environment: Provide rgloader for local plugin installations [GH-10279]
  - contrib/sudoers/osx: Fix missing comma and add remove export alias [GH-10235]
  - guest/redhat: Update restart logic in redhat change_host_name cap [GH-10223]
  - guest/windows: Allow special characters in SMB password field [GH-10219]
  - providers/hyperv: Only use AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled when available [GH-10264]
  - providers/hyperv: Only use CheckpointType when available [GH-10265]
  - provisioners/ansible: Fix remote directory creation [GH-10259, GH-10258]
  - provisioners/puppet: Properly set env variables for puppet provisioner on windows [GH-10218]
  - provisioners/salt: Properly set salt pillar variables for windows guests [GH-10215]
  - synced_folders/rsync: Ensure unique tmp dirs for ControlPath with rsync [GH-10291]
* Fri Nov 16 2018 Johannes Kastl <>
- update to 2.1.5
  - core: Add `Vagrant.version?` helper method [GH-10191]
  - core: Scrub sensitive values from logger output [GH-10200]
  - core: Prevent multiple evaluations of Vagrantfile [GH-10199]
  - command/init: Support VAGRANT_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE env var [GH-10171]
  - command/powershell: Improve doc help string and fix winrm locales error [GH-10189]
  - contrib/bash: autocomplete running VM names for destroy subcommand [GH-10168]
  - guest/debian: Use `sudo` to determine if systemd is in use for hardened systems [GH-10198]
  - guest/openbsd: Add IPv6 network template for OpenBSD machines [GH-8912]
  - provisioners/salt: Allow non-windows hosts to pass along version [GH-10194]
  - core: Fix Vagrant.has_plugin? behavior before plugins are initialized [GH-10165]
  - core: Check verify_host_key for falsey or :never values when generating ssh config [GH-10182]
  - guest/linux: Filter out empty strings and loopback interfaces when constructing list of network interfaces [GH-10092]
  - provider/hyper-v: Check for automatic checkpoint support before configuring [GH-10181]
* Fri Nov 16 2018 Johannes Kastl <>
- update to 2.1.4
  - core: Fix local plugin installation prompt answer parsing [GH-10154]
  - core: Reset internal environment after plugin loading [GH-10155]
  - host/windows: Fix SMB list parsing when extra fields are included [GH-10156]
* Fri Nov 16 2018 Johannes Kastl <>
- update to 2.1.3
  - core: Support for project specific plugins [GH-10037]
  - command\/reload: Add `--force` flag to reload command [GH-10123]
  - communicator/winrm: Display warning if vagrant-winrm plugin is detected [GH-10076]
  - contrib/bash: Replace -VAGRANTSLASH  - with literal slash in completion [GH-9987]
  - core: Show installed version of Vagrant when displaying version check [GH-9968]
  - core: Retain information of original box backing active guest [GH-10083]
  - core: Only write box info if provider supports box objects [GH-10126]
  - core: Update net-ssh dependency constraint to ~> 5.0.0 [GH-10066]
  - core/triggers: Catch and allow for non-standard exit codes with triggers `run` options [GH-10005]
  - core/triggers: Allow for spaces in `path` for trigger run option [GH-10118]
  - guest/debian: Isolate network interface configuration to individual files for systemd [GH-9889]
  - guest/redhat: Use libnfs-utils package if available [GH-9878]
  - provider/docker: Support Docker volume consistency for synced folders [GH-9811]
  - provider/hyperv: Disable synced folders on non-DrvFs file systems by default [GH-10001]
  - util/downloader: Support custom suffix on user agent string [GH-9966]
  - util/downloader: Prevent false positive matches on Location header [GH-10041]
  - util/subprocess: Force system library paths for executables external to AppImage [GH-10078]
  - core: Disable Vagrantfile loading with plugin commands [GH-10030]
  - core: Ensure the SecureRandom library is loaded for the trigger class [GH-10063]
  - core/triggers: Allow trigger run args option to be a single string [GH-10116]
  - util/powershell: Properly `join` commands from passed in array [GH-10115]
  - guest/solaris: Add back guest detection check for Solaris derived guests [GH-10081]
  - guest/windows: Be more explicit when invoking cmd.exe with mount_volume script [GH-9976]
  - host/linux: Fix sudo usage in NFS capability when modifying exports file [GH-10084]
  - host/windows: Remove localization dependency from SMB list generation [GH-10043]
  - provider/docker: Convert windows paths for volume mounts on docker driver [GH-10100]
  - provider/hyperv: Fix checkpoint configuration and properly disable automatic checkpoints by default [GH-9999]
  - provider/hyperv: Remove localization dependency from access check [GH-10000]
  - provider/hyperv: Enable ExposeVirtualizationExtensions only when available [GH-10079]
  - provider/virtualbox: Skip link-local when fixing IPv6 route [GH-9639, GH-10077]
  - push/ftp: Custom error when attempting to push too many files [GH-9952]
  - util/downloader: Prevent errors when Location header contains relative path [GH-10017]
  - util/guest_inspection: Prevent nmcli check from hanging when pty is enabled [GH-9926]
  - util/platform: Always force string type conversion on path [GH-9998]
- removed patch 0007-Support-system-installed-plugins.patch that has been included upstream
- removed patch 0027-now-use-rubygem-net-ssh-5.0.x.patch that is no longer necessary
* Fri Nov 09 2018 Johannes Kastl <>
- link directories from /usr/share/vagrant/ to /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/x.y.z/, to avoid ruby errors due to patch 0007
* Fri Nov 09 2018 Johannes Kastl <>
- add Requires and BuildRequires for bash-completion to the vagrant-bash-completion subpackage
- move bash-completion file to %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/ to avoid warnings
* Fri Nov 09 2018 Johannes Kastl <>
- link directories from /usr/share/vagrant/ to /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/x.y.z/, to avoid ruby errors due to patch 0007
* Wed Jul 11 2018
- added directory /usr/share/vagrant-plugins/plugins.d to spec file
* Mon Jul 09 2018
- added patch 0007-Support-system-installed-plugins.patch, removed patch 0008-Read-data-from-usr-share-vagrant.patch
  patch has been ported from Debians package for 2.0.2
* Sun Jul 08 2018
- added Reqires for exact vagrant version to subpackages vagrant-vim, vagrant-emacs and vagrant-bash-completion
* Sun Jul 08 2018
- removed patch 0026-remove-dependency-on-win32-file.patch
* Sun Jul 08 2018
- update to 2.1.2
  - commands/suspend: Introduce flag for suspending all machines [GH-9829]
  - commands/global-status: Improve message about removing stale entries [GH-9856]
  - provider/hyperv: Attempt to determine import failure cause [GH-9936]
  - provider/hyperv: Update implementation. Include support for modifications on reload [GH-9872]
  - provider/hyperv: Validate maxmemory configuration setting [GH-9932]
  - provider/hyperv: Enable provider within WSL [GH-9943]
  - provider/hyperv: Add Hyper-V accessibility check on data directory path [GH-9944]
  - provisioners/ansible_local: Improve installation from PPA on Ubuntu guests. The compatibility is maintained only for active long-term support (LTS) versions, i.e. Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is no longer supported. [GH-9879]
  - communicator/ssh: Update ssh private key file permission handling on Windows [GH-9923, GH-9900]
  - core: Display plugin commands in help [GH-9808]
  - core: Ensure guestpath or name is set with synced_folder option and dont set guestpath if not provided [GH-9692]
  - guest/debian: Fix netplan generation when using DHCP [GH-9855]
  - guest/debain: Update priority of network configuration file when using networkd [GH-9867]
  - guest/ubuntu: Update netplan config generation to detect NetworkManager [GH-9824]
  - guest/ubuntu: Fix failing Ansible installation from PPA on Bionic Beaver (18.04 LTS) [GH-9796]
  - host/windows: Prevent processing of last SMB line when using net share [GH-9917]
  - provisioner/chef: Prevent node_name set on configuration with chef_apply [GH-9916]
  - provisioner/salt: Remove usage of masterless? config attribute [GH-9833]
* Sun Jul 01 2018
- added patch 0027-now-use-rubygem-net-ssh-5.0.x.patch to allow builds with latest version of net-ssh in Tumbleweed
* Mon Jun 04 2018
- replace shebang in /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/*/gems/vagrant-2.1.1/
- remove shebang in /etc/bash_completion.d/
* Mon Jun 04 2018
- added patch 0026-remove-dependency-on-win32-file.patch
* Mon Jun 04 2018
- update to 2.1.1
  - guest/linux: Support builtin vboxsf module for shared folders [GH-9800]
  - host/windows: Update SMB capability to work without Get-SmbShare cmdlet [GH-9785]
  - core/triggers: Initialize internal trigger object for machine before initializing provider [GH-9784]
  - core/triggers: Ensure internal trigger fire does not get called if plugin installed [GH-9799]
  - provider/hyperv: Call import script with switchid instead of switchname [GH-9781]
* Mon Jun 04 2018
- update to 2.1.0
  - core: Integrate vagrant-triggers plugin functionality into core Vagrant [GH-9713]
  - core: Improve messaging around not finding requested provider [GH-9735]
  - core: Disable exception reports by default [GH-9738]
  - core: Continue on if vagrant fails to parse metadata box for update [GH-9760]
  - hosts/linux: Support RDP capability within WSL [GH-9758]
  - hosts/windows: Add SMB default mount options capability and set default version to 2.0 [GH-9734]
  - provider/hyperv: Include neighbor check for MAC on guest IP detection [GH-9737]
  - provider/virtualbox: Do not require VirtualBox availability within WSL [GH-9759]
  - provisioner/chef_zero: Support arrays for data_bags_path [GH-9669]
  - util/downloader: Don't raise error if response is HTTP 416 [GH-9729]
  - util/platform: Update Hyper-V enabled check [GH-9746]
  - communicators/ssh: Log error and proceed on Windows private key permissions [GH-9769]
  - middleware/authentication: Prevent URL modification when no changes are required [GH-9730]
  - middleware/authentication: Ignore URLs which cannot be parsed [GH-9739]
  - provider/hyperv: Reference switches by ID instead of name [GH-9747]
  - provider/docker: Use Util::SafeExec if docker-exec is run with -t option [GH-9761]
  - provisioner/chef: Trim drive letter from path on Windows [GH-9766]
  - provisioner/puppet: Properly finalize structured_facts config option [GH-9720]
  - util/platform: Fix original WSL to Windows path for "root" directory [GH-9696]
* Mon Jun 04 2018
- update to 2.0.4
  - core: Vagrant aliases [GH-9504]
  - communicators/ssh: Update file permissions when generating new key pairs [GH-9676]
  - core: Make resolv-replace usage opt-in instead of opt-out [GH-9644]
  - core: Suppress error messages from checkpoint runs [GH-9645]
  - guests/coreos: Identify operating systems closely related to CoreOS [GH-9600]
  - guests/debian: Adjust network configuration file prefix to 50- [GH-9646]
  - guests/photon: Less specific string grep to fix PhotonOS 2.0 detection [GH-9528]
  - guests/windows: Fix slow timeout when updating windows hostname [GH-9578]
  - hosts/windows: Make powershell version detection timeout configurable [GH-9506]
  - providers/virtualbox: Improve network collision error message [GH-9685]
  - provisioner/chef_solo: Improve Windows drive letter removal hack for remote paths[GH-9490]
  - provisioner/chef_zero: File path expand all chef_zero config path options [GH-9690]
  - provisioner/puppet: Puppet structured facts toyaml on provisioner [GH-9670]
  - provisioner/salt: Add master_json_config & minion_json_config options [GH-9420]
  - util/platform: Warn on ArgumentError exceptions from encoding [GH-9506]
  - commands/package: Fix uninitialized constant error [GH-9654]
  - communicators/winrm: Fix command filter to properly parse commands [GH-9673]
  - hosts/windows: Properly respect the VAGRANT_PREFER_SYSTEM_BIN environment variable [GH-9503]
  - hosts/windows: Fix virtualbox shared folders path for windows guests [GH-8099]
  - guests/freebsd: Fix typo in command that manages configuring networks [GH-9705]
  - util/checkpoint_client: Respect VAGRANT_CHECKPOINT_DISABLE environment variable [GH-9659]
  - util/platform: Use --version instead of version for WSL validation [GH-9674]
- rebased patch 0024-do-not-depend-on-wdm.patch
* Mon Jun 04 2018
- update to version 2.0.3
  - > removed patch 0006-Relax-dependency-resolution.patch
  - guests/solaris: More explicit Solaris 11 and inherit SmartOS from Solaris [GH-9398]
  - hosts/windows: Add support for latest WSL release [GH-9525, GH-9300]
  - plugins/login: Update middleware to re-map hosts and warn on custom server [GH-9499]
  - providers/hyper-v: Exit if Hyper-V is enabled and VirtualBox provider is used [GH-9456]
  - provisioners/salt: Change to a temporary directory before downloading script files [GH-9351]
  - sycned_folders/nfs: Default udp to false when using version 4 [GH-8828]
  - util/downloader: Notify on host redirect [GH-9344]
  - core: Use provider override when specifying box_version [GH-9502]
  - guests/debian: Renew DHCP lease on hostname change [GH-9405]
  - guests/debian: Point hostname to in /etc/hosts [GH-9404]
  - guests/debian: Update systemd? check for guest inspection [GH-9459]
  - guests/debian: Use ip route in dhcp template [GH-8730]
  - guests/gentoo: Disable if/netplugd when setting up a static ip on a gentoo guest using openrc [GH-9261]
  - guests/openbsd: Atomically apply new hostname.if(5) [GH-9265]
  - hosts/windows: Fix halt problem when determining powershell version on old powershells [GH-9470]
  - hosts/windows: Convert to windows path if on WSL during vbox export [GH-9518]
  - providers/virtualbox: Fix hostonly matching not respecting :name argument [GH-9302]
  - util/credential_scrubber: Ignore empty strings [GH-9472, GH-9462]
* Mon Jun 04 2018
- do no longer use /usr/share/vim/current for vagrant-vim, rather use the approach used by
  package openSUSE:Leap:15.0/vim-plugins: %{_datadir}/vim/site/plugin/