Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15





Change Logs

* Mon May 07 2018
- Update to version 2.0.4
  * Improve external program behaviour in Simulator
  * Improve simulator useability
  * Improve transcript for external programs
  * make endianness selectable in order column
  * UI improvements
  * add support for soundcards as new SDR device
  * Multi device support
  * add support for 24bit wav
* Mon Apr 23 2018
- Update to version 2.0.2
  * Improve external program behaviour in Simulator
  * Improve simulator useability
  * Improve transcript for external programs
  * Make endianness selectable in order column
  * UI improvements
* Fri Mar 23 2018
- Update to version 2.0.1
  * Bugfix release
* Wed Feb 28 2018
- Update to version 2.0.0
  * Add Simulator mode
  * Performance and stability improvements:
  - improve accuracy when sending messages with short pauses
  - improve accuracy of protocol sniffer
  - allow setting lower frequencies for HackRF (#396)
  - consider latest changes of LimeSuite API (#397)
  - add timestamp to protocol sniffer output (#392)
  - improve performance of modulations
  - improve performance of filtering in analysis
  - improve performance when starting sending
  - improve send accuracy of HackRF
  - improve performance when filtering messages in Analysis
* Fri Jan 19 2018
- Update to version 1.9.2
  * Add BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) as new display format
  * Make bit order configurable in analysis view table
  * Improved loading of protocol files
- Package svg version of the app-icon
* Tue Dec 19 2017
- Add more required runtime deps:
  * python3-pyzmq
  * python3-qt5
* Mon Dec 18 2017
- Update to version 1.9.1
  * hotfix release that fixes an error with HackRF receiving
* Sun Dec 17 2017
- Update to version 1.9.0
  * added native support for SDRplay
  * improved performance for continuous send mode
  * added collapsable comboboxes to device dialog
* Mon Dec 04 2017
- Update to version 1.8.17
  * show warning at bottom if no project loaded
  * if no project is opened an new project is created, add
    currently opnened files to new project
  * add --version flag to command line script
* Thu Nov 30 2017
- Update to version 1.8.16
  * This release fixes an issue on Windows where processes ended
    with an error.
  * The NetworkSDR can now be used in continuous send mode
* Mon Nov 27 2017
- Update to version 1.8.15
  * This release fixes a problem mentioned in #366 and #368
    with GNU Radio backend on Windows.
* Sun Nov 26 2017
- Update to version 1.8.14
  * This release fixes an overflow error (#364) when modulating
    very long messages in Generator.
  * The highlight of this release is an enhanced spectrum analyzer
    (#365) with increased performance and a waterfall plot to have
    a different, time based perspective on the spectrum.
* Sat Nov 18 2017
- Update to version 1.8.13
* Thu Nov 16 2017
- Update to version 1.8.12
  * added a CSV import wizard for generic support of USB oscilloscopes
* Mon Nov 13 2017
- Update to version 1.8.11
  The following issues were fixed in this release:
  * crash when entering bits on empty position in Analysis/Generation
  * bandpass filter can now also work with negative frequencies
  * bandpass filter operations now run in a separate process and
    can be canceled with the ESC button
  * added a csv import to work with USB oscilloscopes
  * added a advanced modulation menu in Interpretation where a
    minimum message length for ASK can be configured
* Thu Nov 09 2017
- Remove macros %desktop_database_post and %icon_theme_cache_post
  from %post and %postun section. These macros are not longer
* Sun Nov 05 2017
- Update summary.
* Sun Oct 22 2017
- Update to version 1.8.10
* Sun Oct 22 2017
- Initial package, version 1.8.8