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- Update UnifrakturMaguntia font to version 0.20170319 + Fixed a problem with TTF Autohint that cauſed glyphs to be ſlightly distorted. + Several minor bugfixes.
- Update UnifrakturMaguntia font to version 0.20160221 - Changes by G. Ansmann: + Added preconfigured variants emulating hiſtoric typeſetting or providing modern variants. + The roman numerals were completely redone. + The lowercaſe 1 was replaced by a more frakturesque number. + New Glyphs: ẏ, ij́, IJ́ + Improved horizontal metrics of capital letters. + Tons of tiny fixes.
- Update UnifrakturMaguntia font to version 0.20140706 - Changes by G. Ansmann: + Several ſpecial characters have been redeſigned or added: ſuper- and ſubſcript numbers and from 0 to 4 and fractions containing thoſe; percent ſign; ©, ® and ™; ª and º; $ and ¥. + Modern variants of S, V and Y and derived characters have been deſigned (cv08–cv10, ss01). + New feature for replacing ſ with s (cv00, cv41) + New feature for replacing s with a ſwaſhleſs variant, except at the end of the word (cv20, ss20) + For old Czech and Slovak texts, Ǧ and ǧ with háček (caron) have been added.
- Update UnifrakturMaguntia font to version 0.20130821 - Update UnifrakturCook font to version 0.20130825
- Initial package (version 0.20121019) for build.opensuse.org