Package Release Info


Update Info: SUSE-SLE-Module-Packagehub-Subpackages-15-SP6-2024-3492
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP6 Subpackages Updates





Change Logs

* Thu Aug 08 2024
- fix double free inside the g_static_resource_fini() atexit handler
  + add 0001-udiskslinuxmountoptions-Do-not-free-static-daemon-re.patch
* Mon May 09 2022
- CVE-2021-3802: fix insecure defaults in user-accessible mount helpers
  + add 0001-mount-options-Always-use-errors-remount-ro-for-ext-f.patch
* Fri Feb 12 2021
- update to 2.9.2:
  * udiskslinuxblock: Survive a missing /etc/crypttab
  * lvm2: Fix leaking BDLVMVDOPooldata
  * tests: Test modules that are actually enabled during build
  * build: Exclude VDO module from distcheck build
  * udisksfstabentry: Add udisks_fstab_entry_has_opt()
  * udiskslinuxblock: Reflect fstab "noauto" mount option in HintAuto
  * udiskslinuxblock: Update hints after fstab change
  * tests: Add tests for Block hints
  * udiskslinuxfilesystemhelpers: Make TakeOwnership() race free
  * tests: Extend filesystem test_take_ownership tests with symlinks
  * mount options: Allow 'nosymfollow' mount option for unprivileged mounts
  * udisksstate: Silence the block device busy messages on cleanup lock
  * udev: Distinguish mmcblk-class device types
  * udev: Propagate mmcblk disk attributes to mmcblk_boot devices
  * udiskslinuxdrive: Tweak the 'removable'/'ejectable' hints for mmcblk-class devices
  * udiskslinuxblock: Tweak the hints for mmcblk-class devices
  * udisksdaemonutil: Refactor udisks_daemon_util_trigger_uevent() out of UDisksLinuxBlockObject
  * udiskslinuxmanager: Trigger uevent after loop device setup
  * tests: Remove scsi_debug serial number checks
  * tests: Skip zram tests if zram module is already loaded
  * treewide: Fix typos
  * AUTHORS: Add tbzatek as the maintainer
  * tests: Do not use nilfs2 as an example of non-resizable FS
  * Memory leak fixes
  * doc: Update config file path
- drop udisks2-Fix-memory-leaks.patch, udisks2-lvm2-Fix-leaking-BDLVMVDOPooldata.patch (upstream)
* Sat Dec 19 2020
- Add upstream bugfix patches:
  + udisks2-Fix-memory-leaks.patch
  + udisks2-lvm2-Fix-leaking-BDLVMVDOPooldata.patch
* Sun Sep 06 2020
- Update to version 2.9.1:
  + This is mostly a bugfix release, notable changes include:
  - active modules are now tracked in a daemon state file and
    are automatically reloaded on next startup in case of
    previous unclean daemon shutdown
  - further improvements in object property updates while
    handling method calls
  - zram module fixes:
    + compatibility improvements with existing zram generators
    and toolkits
    + the zram-setup@.service systemd unit has been renamed to
    + related udev rules have been separated into
    + the zram.conf.d path is now configurable and defaults to
- Update to version 2.9.0:
  + This 2.9.0 release brings many changes to the daemon core,
    internal modularity and the libudisks2 library.
    No public API has been removed, there is a couple of
    deprecations however.
  + There's a major change in how and when D-Bus object properties
    are updated. As a general rule when a method call returns
    affected objects should now have their properties updated by
    that moment. This is an ongoing task and while majority of the
    daemon API has been covered, there are pending issues in some
    of the modules.
  + Configurable mount options is a new big feature for this
    release, allowing sysadmins to re-define default mount options
    for each filesystem type. Extensive documentation is available
  + Internal module API has been reworked, modules should now be
    enabled separately via the new EnableModule() call that also
    reports initialization failures.
    The old org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Manager.EnableModules() call
    has been deprecated.
  + Additional feature highlights:
  - building the daemon can now be disabled via configure switch,
    only libudisks2 will be built
  - removed the systemd mount cleanup service, mount state is now
    tracked separately for persistent and non-persistent mount
    points and cleanup of lingering persistent mount points is
    performed on daemon startup (e.g. on system boot)
  - new LVM-VDO integration, deprecated the standalone VDO module
  - added support for (un)locking BitLocker devices
  - libudisks2 now includes generated GDBus code for compiled-in
    modules, separate pkg-config files are provided as well
* Thu Nov 14 2019
- Update to version 2.8.4:
  + This udisks-2.8.4 release brings couple of bugfixes, docs and
    test fixes and translation updates. With ongoing focus on
    development towards udisks-2.9.0, this is just a small
    maintenance release.
* Thu Sep 19 2019
- Do not recommend lang package. The lang package already has a
* Tue Jul 09 2019
- don't call systemd uninstall macro for clean-mount-point@.service
  template (boo#1139996)
* Thu Jun 13 2019
- Update to version 2.8.3:
  + This release brings many memory leak fixes with similar work
    done in libblockdev-2.22. While libblockdev version requirement
    remains unchanged, it's strongly recommended to use both
    releases together to get full coverage of the fixes.
  + Other notable changes include:
  - Default and supported encryption types are now exposed on the
    org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Manager interface.
  - Minor org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem improvements related
    to updating properties upon method call return.
  - Various test fixes and improvements.
  - Updated translations.
* Wed Mar 20 2019
- update to 2.8.2
  + migration from intltool to gettext, udisks no longer depends
    on gnome-common
  + added 'windows_names' as a default mount option for ntfs-3g
  + fixed an issue potentially leading to open filedescriptors
- drop buildreq for intltool
* Wed Feb 13 2019
- Generalize VDO description.
- Fix faulty grammar.
* Tue Feb 12 2019
- Add more info to description of vdo.
* Wed Jan 30 2019
- Add libblockdev-vdo-devel BuildRequires: Build the new vdo
  module. Following this, add new vdo sub-package.
* Thu Jan 24 2019
- Update to version 2.8.1:
  + Mostly bugfixes.
- Changes from version 2.8.0:
  + Introduce a new VDO module that is built on top of
  + General bugfixes.
  + Support creating LUKS 2 encrypted devices and other
    LUKS-related enhancements.
* Thu Jan 24 2019
- Add explicit libblockdev-lvm-dbus-devel BuildRequires: Previously
  pulled in implicitly.
* Fri Jan 11 2019
- Update to version 2.7.8:
  + Fix string format vulnerability (CVE-2018-17336)
* Wed Apr 25 2018
- Add missing libblockdev-loop Requires tag: it is needed by
* Wed Mar 28 2018
- Require specific libblockdev plugins in due udisks2's modules,
  following libblockdev's plugins split (bsc#1086447).
- Drop redundant libblockdev-devel BuildRequires: it is not needed
  once its pkgconfig module is already a requirement.
* Tue Mar 06 2018
- Fix BuildRequires/Requires tags related to libblockdev and
  libatasmart dependencies.
- Drop storaged Provides tags since there is no need for them.
- Switch libconfig-devel and libstoragemgmt-devel BuildRequires by
  their pkgconfig modules counterparts.
- Add a Recommends tag for the btrfs module to offer support for
  the openSUSE's file system of choice by default.
* Thu Mar 01 2018
- Rectify grammar issues in summaries