Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP1





Change Logs

Version: 0.7-bp150.2.3
* Tue Mar 27 2018
- Add Skip-QtWebKit-tests.patch to fix build on Tumbleweed and Leap
  15, the tests fail currently with the latest QtWebKit 5.212
  alpha2 but trojita works fine
* Fri Jul 15 2016
- Disable ragel to fix Tumbleweed compilation
- Enable qtkeychain-qt5-devel and gpgmepp5-devel BuildRequires
* Tue Jun 21 2016
- Version update to 0.7:
  * various bugfixes
  * Support for encryption
* Wed Jun 01 2016
- Version update to latest release 0.6, merged all patches:
  * fix-missing-includes.patch
  * fix-qt5_5-test-regression.patch
  * libqt5_6.patch
* Wed Jun 01 2016
- Add patch to build on qt 5.6:
  * libqt5_6.patch
* Thu Dec 03 2015
- Added fix-missing-includes.patch for fixing missing includes
  when using qt5.
- Added fix-qt5_5-test-regression.patch to circumvent a regression
  in qt5 5.5
* Mon Feb 23 2015
- Update to 0.5
  * Trojitá can now be invoked with a mailto: URL (RFC 6068) on the
    command line for composing a new email.
  * Messages can be forwarded as attachments (support for inline
    forwarding is planned).
  * Passwords can be remembered in a secure, encrypted storage
    via QtKeychain.
  * E-mails with attachments are decorated with a paperclip
    icon in the overview.
  * Better rendering of e-mails with extraordinary MIME structure.
  * By default, only one instance is kept running, and can be
    controlled via D-Bus.
  * Trojitá now provides better error reporting, and can reconnect
    on network failures automatically.
  * The network state (Offline, Expensive Connection or Free Access)
    will be remembered across sessions.
  * When replying, it is now possible to retroactively change the
    reply type (Private Reply, Reply to All but Me, Reply to All,
    Reply to Mailing List, Handpicked).
  * When searching in a message, Trojitá will scroll to
    the current match.
  * Attachment preview for quick access to the enclosed files.
  * The mark-message-read-after-X-seconds setting is
    now configurable.
  * The IMAP refresh interval is now configurable.
  * Speed and memory consumption improvements.
  * Miscellaneous IMAP improvements.
  * Various fixes and improvements.
- Drop 0001-Explicitly-mark-libs-as-STATIC-to-not-allow-cmake-ru.patch,
  merged upstream
- Bump Qt BuildRequires to 5.2
* Fri Nov 28 2014
- Add libqt5-sql-sqlite to BuildRequires too
* Mon Apr 28 2014
- Swap libQt5Sql5-sqlite to libqt5-sql-sqlite, as the latter is
  available also in 13.1 release
* Thu Mar 20 2014
- Update to 0.4.1
  * Fix for CVE-2014-2567
* Fri Mar 14 2014
- Require sqlite backend for qtsql as we use just that one.
* Wed Mar 05 2014
- Sort out the shared libs with patch rather than overriding rules.
  * 0001-Explicitly-mark-libs-as-STATIC-to-not-allow-cmake-ru.patch
* Wed Mar 05 2014
- Enforce static libs as the switch in macro is wrong for us.
  Build system states them to be possible shared but in reality
  they are not.
- Fix license to BSD-3-Clause afaik it is the correct one here.
* Wed Mar 05 2014
- Initial tweaked commit from home:jkt-gentoo:trojita so we only
  have the opensuse version here for better readability.
- Version 0.4