Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP2





Change Logs

Version: 44.1.1-bp150.1.3
* Fri Mar 23 2018
- Update to version 44.1.1:
  * Fix the desktop file and icon stuff.
  * Add an ability to build tea without QML using the new option:
    qmake "CONFIG+=noqml"
    That slightly reduces the memory footprint and is useful for
    some purposes.
- AppStream file standard updates.
- Rename the .desktop file to org.semiletov.tea.desktop to comply
  with standards.
* Sat Nov 18 2017
- Update to version 44.1.0:
  * User loaded external fonts, causes a segfault on Qt 5.6.
- Restore usage of /usr/share/metainfo/, zypper checks there now.
* Tue Sep 26 2017
- Drop aspell-devel dependency as the package can decide between
  hunspell and aspell and we try to reduce aspell exposage wrt
* Fri May 26 2017
- Update description.
* Mon May 22 2017
- Update to version 44.0.0:
  * Remove the trailing "bin" from the installation PREFIX format.
    I.e., the default PREFIX was: "/usr/local/bin", now it is
    "/usr/local", and the qmake-project file adds "bin" internally.
  * Install a tea.desktop file to $$PREFIX/share/applications.
    tea.desktop allows file managers to show TEA on the "Open with"
    context menu.
  * Add a block selection mode (see the Edit section at the Manual).
    Due to TEA architecture vertical selections are almost obsolete
    and can be used just for Cut/Copy/Paste, you cannot use the
    text processing functions with them.
  * cliptpl.txt file can be used to format clipboard pieces
    captured at the storage file (See the Manual about the storage
  * Add a "Fm - Multi-rename" menu with several functions for
    flexibly renaming the selected files.
    There are: "Zero pad file names", "Delete N first chars at file
    names", "Replace in file names", "Apply template".
  * The "Functions - Math" menu has two new items,
    "deg min sec > dec degrees" and "dec degrees > deg min sec" to
    convert geographical coordinates between formats.
  * Big changes to the single-application mode, i.e. when TEA is
    being ran from the command line, it opens all files at tabs,
    not in the multiple instances (TEA windows).
    Previously this mode worked well with KDE only.
- A tiny improvement for tea.desktop.
- Install the metainfo file to /usr/share/appdata/ unconditionally
  as de-facto that's the only place openSUSE tools check.
- Build with Qt5 unconditionally.
* Tue Sep 20 2016
- Update to version 43.1.0:
  * Fixes for the manuals.
  * Fix a segfault (43.0.0 affected) on exit.
  * Add some new options.
  * Update a Russian translation.
* Sat Sep 10 2016
- Update to version 43.0.0:
  * Files format support.
    + With the optional use of libpoppler-qt5 and libdjvulibre, TEA
    now can open PDF and DJVU, as the text (if file contains it).
    By default such functionality is disabled. To enable it, use
    qmake parameters: qmake "CONFIG+=usepoppler CONFIG+=usedjvu".
    + The build-in image viewer now supports GIF animation.
  * GUI changes.
    + The "Tune" preferences pages have been placed into the
    scrollable area, so TEA becomes more usable with a smaller
    display resolution or window size.
    + The text cursor is now bold and static, without blinking.
    Tune it at "Tune - Interface".
    + Some options are moved from one page to the other.
    + "Instr" menu - renamed to "Tools" and moved to "Functions".
    + Some new built-in GUI themes and palettes have been added.
    The GUI themes engine now can load icon sets, but there are
    no new icons currently.
    + Hardcoded hotkeys Alt-S, Alt-E have been removed.
    + "Tune - Common - Use Left Alt + WASD as additional cursor keys"
    enables the additional cursor keys. E, C - PageUp/Down. The
    same keys with Left Super - to select the text.
  * New functions and options.
    + "Functions - Repeat last" - calls the last used menu item.
    + "Functions - Tools - Scale image" - scales the image (which
    filename is under cursor or selected at the text) with
    parameters. You can quickly resize the image and save it with
    the different name without all those many windows and
    confirmations, just by one command.
    + "Tune - Images" now has the EXIF-orientation related options.
    In a few words - TEA can handle EXIF-orientation and apply
    the orientation when converting.
    + "Functions - Text - Compress" - removes all whitespaces from
    the selection.
    + "Functions - Sort - Flip a list with separator",
    "Sort case sensitively, with separator" - sorts the separated
    words within the string, i.e. you can sort something like
    that: "carrot|apple|grass" with "|" as the word delimeter.
    + "Search - Mark all found/unmark" - search and mark all found
    + "File - Do not add to recent" - temporary do not update the
    recent list.
  * Inner changes.
    + The syntax highlighting engine has been partially rewritten,
    so TEA use the new syntax hl file format. The compatibility
    with the old format is preserved.
    + %fext, %ffilename, %fdir, %fbasename macros are %ext,
    %filename, %dir, %basename now.
- Install the appstream file to /usr/share/metainfo/ instead of
  /usr/share/appdata/ on openSUSE Leap 42.2 and newer.
* Mon Aug 08 2016
- Update to version 42.0.0:
  * Command lines at Run menu now can use the separated file path
    parts (macros %fbasename, %ffilename, %fext, %fdir).
  * The markup mode has the basic Markdown support.
  * English manual fixes.
  * Many code fixes.
* Mon Apr 25 2016
- Update to version 41.1.1:
  * Add: Math > Sum by last column - sum values of each last column
    at the selection.
- Add a basic tea.appdata.xml file.
* Mon Sep 21 2015
- Update to 41.1.0 (changes since 31.0.0):
  * Qt 5 support.
  * Clang support.
  * FB2 charset support.
  * Built-in calculator: unner resolution has been changed from
    float to double.
  * Editor widget redraw optimisations.
  * Replacement tables now works also with select files //from the
    file manager.
  * Replace all: works with selected files in file manager mode.
  * Fix ODT reader.
  * Calendar: go to current date.
  * Almost all menus are tearable now.
  * Tune - Common - Documents tabs align.
  * Tune - Common - UI tabs align.
  * Edit - Set as storage file.
  * Edit - Copy to storage file.
  * Edit - Start/stop capture clipboard to storage file.
  * Python hl //very ugly.
  * Moon calendar.
  * Fix UI styles switching.
  * Undo fix after "replace all".
  * Built-in calculator now supports braces.
  * --p command lin option for portable mode ON.
  * Fix image converter/scaler.
  * File - Save timestamped version now has a different file name
    format: "filename + date + time + ext" instead of the old one:
    "date + time + filename + ext".
  * New FB2 and ABW parsers.
  * All spellchecker stuff is fixed.
  * @@snippetname as parameter to Functions - Text - Apply to each
  * "Wikitext" markup mode is changed to MediaWiki and DokuWiki
    modes. For the automatical mode switch use files with
    extensions "mediawiki" and "dokuwiki".
  * More natural line ending handling.
  * File manager multiple selection via INS.
  * New syntax hl engine.
  * "Open at cursor" is now compatible with local id-labels.
  * Grey background of the tab widget to indicate that there is no
    any new files by default.
  * Functions - Text - Double quotes to TeX quotes //work with "".
  * LaTeX support fixes.
  * Hardcoded keyboard shortcuts can be redefined.
  * ZIP unpacker can work with multiply selected files.
  * Functions - Statistics - Words lengths.
  * Programs from Run menu can be opened with "file at cursor".
    Use %i macro, e.g. gimp %i. Set cursor to filename at the text,
    then use Run - gimp.
  * File - Notes.
  * QML plugins support.
  * items from Programs menu can be used with TEA's file manager
    (for the current file at the File manager).
  * Code and docs cleanup.
  * Tune - Common - Charset for file open from command line.
  * Single instance application mode.
  * New TEA icons.
  * Search - From cursor (option, ON by default).
  * Tune - Common - Use Alt key to access main menu (option,
    default is OFF).
  * Sorting modes at File Manager.
  * Functions - Cells - Sort table by column ABC.
  * Functions - Cells Swap cells.
  * Functions - Cells - Delete by column.
  * Functions - Cells - Copy by column[s].
  * Partial Eclipse themes support from (put them into tea Palettes
  * Source configuration options via qmake has been changed.
  * Themes engine.
  * Fix qmake prefix option.
  * Built-in calc fixes.
  * Fix goto line function.
  * Documentation fixes.
  * Multiple fixes and cleanups.
- Switch to Qt5.
- Enable Hunspell support.
- Change icon in tea.desktop.
- Put icon in recommended location.
- Spec cleanup.
* Sat Oct 08 2011
- new upstream version <31.0.0>
* Sat Aug 20 2011
- new upstream version <30.1.0>
* Sat Jul 02 2011
- new upstream version <30.0.0>
* Sun May 22 2011
- new upstream version <29.0.3>
* Mon Apr 11 2011
- new upstream version <29.0.2>
* Fri Apr 08 2011
- new upstream version <29.0.1>
* Sat Apr 02 2011
- new upstream version <29.0.0>
* Wed Dec 15 2010
- new upstream version <28.1.4>
* Sat Oct 16 2010
- new upstream version <28.1.3>
* Wed Sep 22 2010
- new upstream version <28.1.2>