AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- Add nsl.patch to remove unused libnsl to fix building on Factory.
- Update to v007: - smugbatch: Add missing prototype. - smugbatch: Avoid buffer overflow - smug_login: fix a memory leak - Remove merged patch.
- Fix buffer overflow during login (bnc#753945).
- Update to v006: * includes smugbatch-api1.2.2.patch to support smugmug 1.2.2 api * bugfixes
- cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner.
- Support new smugmug API 1.2.2
- fixed build - added manpages
- Update to version 005: Ability to create the album to upload to if it is not already present - many thanks to troy for this feature
- Update to version 004: lots of minor fixes
- Update to version 003: added ability to have a config file for password and user id added smugdown, seems to work for public albums, not for private yet - -quiet option to all apps. smugls actually works properly now.
- Initial build version.