* Wed Nov 02 2022 Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@opensuse.org>
- Add smlnj-kernel-6.x.patch: Detect kernel 6.x.
* Tue Mar 02 2021 Wolfgang Frisch <wolfgang.frisch@suse.com>
- Download the source code via https:// for authenticity.
* Fri Jan 01 2021 Avindra Goolcharan <avindra@opensuse.org>
- Correct typo in eXene source module extension
* Sun Dec 27 2020 Avindra Goolcharan <avindra@opensuse.org>
- add SMLNJ_HOME env var profile
* fixes user-facing issue when importing code from std lib
- update pack_new_version.sh
* use source structure from readme
* configure curl/script for re-use and speed
* switch to xz for compression (from bzip2)
- explicitly list binaries in spec
- format MLRISC.diff to match build directory
- remove obsolete minmem file
- add smlnj-rpmlintrc
* Fri Dec 25 2020 Avindra Goolcharan <avindra@opensuse.org>
- Update to version 110.99
* support for 64-bit architectures added
* many changes since 2017, see upstream:
- update pack_new_version.sh
* add 64bit support tarball
* add asdl tarball
* remove non-linux platform docs
- ran spec-cleaner
* Thu Jul 06 2017 idonmez@suse.com
- Update to version 110.81
Successor ML:
* The 110.81 release adds additional support for Successor ML
syntactic extensions. It is now possible to use record-punning
syntax in expressions (as well as in patterns).
* And we have added support for do syntax in let bindings.
* We have also changed the way that Successor ML features are
enabled from the REPL. Instead of assigning true to the
Control.succML variable, one should use the function
Control.setSuccML is used to enable or disable Successor ML.
* This version eliminates dependencies on FLINT types in the
front end. In particular, uses of PlambdaType have been eliminated.
SML/NJ Library:
* Added the JSONUtil module to the JSON library.
* Added --debug command-line option to ml-antlr. This flag causes
ml-antlr to generate debug actions that print the left-hand-side
non-terminal of the production.
* Added %tokentype directive to ml-antlr, which allows user-defined
datatypes to be used to represent tokens.
* Changed the interface to AMD64Gen; the signBit and negateSignBit
callback functions now return an MLTree.rexp (instead of a label).
* 129 Symbolic identifiers are allowed as strids
* 149 Datatype replication exposes hidden constructors
* 153 Enabling Successor ML features is delayed
* 175 Executable stack on Linux
* 179 ml-ulex writing debug messages to stdOut
* Parser bugfix: we now allow `*` as a field label in record-punning patterns.
- Drop smlnj-linux-4.0.patch, upstream.
* Wed May 20 2015 dimstar@opensuse.org
- Add smlnj-linux-4.0.patch: Fix build with Linux kernel 4.x.
* Tue Mar 27 2012 idonmez@suse.com
- Update to version 110.74
* Added cuprit tracking
SML/NJ Library:
* Added hash-table-based implementation of sets to the utility
* Added new S-expression library for I/O of semi-structured data.
* Fixed bug in JSON scanner.
Fixed Bugs:
* Incorrect type inference with functor taking/producing
polymorphic type (bug #60)
* Errors in ml-lpt manual (bug #74)
* blastWrite crashes (bug #76)
* strange error message for syntax error (bug #77)
* Installation fails on Linux 3.0 (bug #80)
* sml/nj does not work with Linux 3.0 (bug #81)
* No support for Kernel 3.x (bug #83)
- Drop config.diff, runtime.diff
- Add pack_new_version.sh to pack new versions
* Mon Feb 16 2009 schwab@suse.de
- Update to version 110.69.
* Thu Oct 30 2008 schwab@suse.de
- Fix embedded paths.
* Wed Feb 13 2008 schwab@suse.de
- Update to version 110.67.
* Fri Aug 10 2007 schwab@suse.de
- Update to version 110.65.
* Thu Mar 01 2007 schwab@suse.de
- Hack to build as non-root.
* Tue Nov 21 2006 schwab@suse.de
- Update to version 110.60.
* Wed Jan 25 2006 mls@suse.de
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Fri Jul 01 2005 schwab@suse.de
- Update to version 110.54.
* Fri Feb 11 2005 schwab@suse.de
- Update to version 110.52.
* Tue Nov 16 2004 schwab@suse.de
- Update to version 110.50.
* Thu Aug 05 2004 schwab@suse.de
- Update to version 110.47.
* Mon May 17 2004 schwab@suse.de
- Update to version 110.45.
- Also build on ppc.