* Mon Sep 11 2017 enavarro@suse.com
- Update to version 5.1.4
* Wed Aug 09 2017 cbruckmayer@suse.com
- Update to version 5.1.3
* Sat Jun 24 2017 adrian@suse.de
- update to version 5.1.1
* Fri Aug 12 2016 coolo@suse.com
- updated to version
see installed CHANGELOG.md
* Mon Jul 04 2016 coolo@suse.com
- updated to rails 5.0 - see http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2016/6/30/Rails-5-0-final/
* Tue Mar 08 2016 coolo@suse.com
- updated to version 4.2.6
see installed CHANGELOG.md
[#]# Rails 4.2.6 (March 07, 2016) ##
* Fix stripping the digest from the automatically generated img tag alt
attribute when assets are handled by Sprockets >=3.0.
* Bart de Water*
* Create a new `ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer` instance when `content_for` is flushed.
Fixes #19890
* Yoong Kang Lim*
* Respect value of `:object` if `:object` is false when rendering.
Fixes #22260.
* Yuichiro Kaneko*
* Generate `week_field` input values using a 1-based index and not a 0-based index
as per the W3 spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/datatypes.html#form.data.week
* Christoph Geschwind*
* Tue Mar 01 2016 coolo@suse.com
- updated to version
see installed CHANGELOG.md
[#]# Rails (February 26, 2016) ##
* Do not allow render with unpermitted parameter.
Fixes CVE-2016-2098.
* Arthur Neves*
[#]# Rails (January 25, 2015) ##
* Adds boolean argument outside_app_allowed to `ActionView::Resolver#find_templates`
* Aaron Patterson*
* Tue Jan 26 2016 coolo@suse.com
- updated to version
see installed CHANGELOG.md
* Fri Nov 13 2015 coolo@suse.com
- updated to version 4.2.5
see installed CHANGELOG.md
[#]# Rails 4.2.5 (November 12, 2015) ##
* Fix `mail_to` when called with `nil` as argument.
* Rafael Mendonça França*
* `url_for` does not modify its arguments when generating polymorphic URLs.
* Bernerd Schaefer*
* Tue Aug 25 2015 coolo@suse.com
- updated to version 4.2.4
see installed CHANGELOG.md
[#]# Rails 4.2.4 (August 24, 2015) ##
* No Changes *
* Fri Jun 26 2015 coolo@suse.com
- updated to version 4.2.3
see installed CHANGELOG.md
[#]# Rails 4.2.3 (June 25, 2015) ##
* `translate` should handle `raise` flag correctly in case of both main and default
translation is missing.
Fixes #19967
* Bernard Potocki*
* `translate` allows `default: [[]]` again for a default value of `[]`.
Fixes #19640.
* Adam Prescott*
* `translate` should accept nils as members of the `:default`
parameter without raising a translation missing error. Fixes a
regression introduced 362557e.
Fixes #19419
* Justin Coyne*
* `number_to_percentage` does not crash with `Float::NAN` or `Float::INFINITY`
as input when `precision: 0` is used.
Fixes #19227.
* Yves Senn*
* Wed Jun 17 2015 coolo@suse.com
- updated to version 4.2.2
see installed CHANGELOG.md
[#]# Rails 4.2.2 (June 16, 2015) ##
* No Changes *
* Sun Mar 22 2015 coolo@suse.com
- updated to version 4.2.1
* Default translations that have a lower precidence than an html safe default,
but are not themselves safe, should not be marked as html_safe.
* Justin Coyne*
* Added an explicit error message, in `ActionView::PartialRenderer`
for partial `rendering`, when the value of option `as` has invalid characters.
* Angelo Capilleri*
* Mon Jan 19 2015 dmueller@suse.com
- update to 4.1.9:
* Added an explicit error message, in `ActionView::PartialRenderer`
for partial `rendering`, when the value of option `as` has invalid characters.
* Update `select_tag` to work correctly with `:include_blank` option passing a string.
* Mon Nov 10 2014 tboerger@suse.com
- To get rails 4 running on SLE 11 i have switched the
rb_build_versions definition to rub21 as it is activated within
devel:languages:ruby. That way we can get running rails 4 on
SLE 11 too.
* Sun Oct 12 2014 coolo@suse.com
- updated to version 4.1.6
* Fix that render layout: 'messages/layout' should also be added to the dependency tracker tree.
* Return an absolute instead of relative path from an asset url in the case
of the `asset_host` proc returning nil
* Fix `html_escape_once` to properly handle hex escape sequences (e.g. ᨫ)
* Bring `cache_digest` rake tasks up-to-date with the latest API changes
* Wed Jul 23 2014 mrueckert@suse.com
- - initial package