AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- update to 3.1.7 with following minor fixes: * fix optimization for policy runs per OST * fix pool_usage trigger * fix pool parsing
- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): * harden_robinhood.service.patch * harden_robinhood@.service.patch
- fixed license files
- update to version 3.1.6 with following changes: * fix build on Lustre 2.12.4 * check the filesystem returns consistent statfs values * chglog_reader: reopen changelog in case of unexpected error * chglog_reader: de-duplicate HSM STATE events (keep the latest) * policy run time stat now includes initial DB request time * fix the use of archive_id parameter in lhsm - fixed build on newer autoconf versions * added file make-test_confparam-depend-on-lustre.patch
- added zlib-devel as BuildRequires, as openSUSE Leap 15.2 does not have them per default in the build environment.
- removed i586 builds
- New version 3.1.5, please read ChangeLog for changes. - Update Source0 to use GitHub insterad of sourceforge. - New BuildRequires on jemalloc-devel - New binary rbh-rebind - Use %license - Patches removed, merged upstream: * xattr-location.patch * removed-check-ENOATTR.patch
- moved packages tools webgui and tests from Applications/System to System/Monitoring
- removed dependency on libattr-devel as xattr.h is now part of glibc-devel - added patch xattr-location.patch which chnages the include from attr/xattr.h to sys/xattr.h - added patch removed-check-ENOATTR.patch which removes check for error ENOATTR which is a cpoy of allreay checked error
- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)
- Changed robinhood-webgui path and fixed php version
- Update package descriptions.
- updated to robinhood-3.1 - fixed devel-file-in-non-devel-package via patch avoid-version.patch - moved binary used for tests to _libdir and pointed a softlink to it at its original position
- Replaced some hard coded directories.
- rbh-config.patch: removed rbh_config call, as it is only needed for sql version - static-link.patch: made tests static linked as they wont complie otherwise - web-gui.patch: removed virtual apache server - initial commit for 323855 and made tests static linked