AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- license update: GPL-3.0+ No indication that this is GPL-3.0 (only)
- Add BuildRequires for hicolor-icon-theme - Add BuildRoot
- Change Source0 Web URL
- Install icon in %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/-x-/apps/ instead of %{_datadir}/pixmaps/
- Remove rescue-rpmlintrc - Change rescue.desktop
- Add rescue.desktop and rescue-rpmlintrc, forgotten in previous commit
- Use %{_libexecdir} instead of {_datadir} - Change Group - Use rescue.desktop instead of Desktop Entry in spec - Add rescue-rpmlintrc - Use check for openSUSE %if 0%{?suse_version} - Remove BuildRequires for desktop-file-utils - Remove not needed mkdir -p - Change %fdupes - Change rescue.sh
- Initial package creation