Package Release Info

Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15




Change Logs

* Mon Jan 23 2017
- fix source url
* Wed Nov 30 2016
- Updated to 0.38
  * Fixed failing tests in test/ when postgres is not installed. (tx Michael Diamond)
  * Fixed an error with Python 2.3 (tx Michael Diamond)
  * web.database now accepts a URL, $DATABASE_URL (fixes #171) (tx Aaron Swartz, we miss you)
  * support port use 'port' as keyword for postgres database with used eith pgdb (tx Sandesh Singh)
  * Fixes to FirebirdDB database (tx Ben Hanna)
  * Added a gaerun method to start application for google app engine (tx Matt Habel)
  * Better error message from `db.multiple_insert` when not all rows have the same keys (tx Ben Hoyt)
  * Allow custom messages for most errors (tx Shaun Sharples)
  * IPv6 support (tx Matthew of Boswell and zamabe)
  * Fixed sending email using Amazon SES (tx asldevi)
  * Fixed handling of long numbers in sqlify. closes #213. (tx cjrolo)
  * Escape HTML characters when emitting API docs. (tx Jeff Zellman)
  * Fixed an inconsistency in form.Dropdown when numbers are used for args and value. (tx Noprianto)
  * Fixed a potential remote exeution risk in `reparam` (tx Adrián Brav)
  * The where clause in db queries can be a dict now
  * Added `first` method to iterbetter
  * Fix to unexpected session when used with MySQL (tx suhashpatil)
  * Change dburl2dict to use urlparse and to support the simple case of just a database name. (tx Jeff Zellman)
  * Support '204 No Content' status code (tx Matteo Landi)
  * Support `451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons` status code(tx Yannik Robin Kettenbach)
  * Updates to documentation (tx goodrone, asldevi)
* Fri Jun 29 2012
- Updated to 0.37
  * Fixed datestr issue on Windows -- #155
  * Fixed Python 2.4 compatability issues (tx fredludlow)
  * Fixed error in utils.safewrite (tx shuge) -- #95
  * Allow use of with app.request() -- #105
  * Fixed an issue with session initializaton (tx beardedprojamz) -- #109
  * Allow custom message on 400 Bad Request (tx patryk) -- #121
  * Made djangoerror work on GAE. -- #80
  * Handle malformatted data in the urls. -- #117
  * Made it easier to stop the dev server -- #100, #122
  * Added support fot customizing cookie_path in session (tx larsga) -- #89
  * Added exception for "415 Unsupported Media" (tx JirkaChadima) -- #145
  * Added GroupedDropdown to support `<optgroup>` tag (tx jzellman) -- #152
  * Fixed failure in embedded interpreter - #87
  * Optimized web.cookies (tx benhoyt) - #148
* Tue Mar 20 2012
- license update: SUSE-Public-Domain and BSD-3-Clause
  See e.g. Colin Stewart copyright and license in web/ (lines
  22 to 25)
* Thu Mar 15 2012
- Initial version