Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15





Change Logs

* Wed May 02 2018
- Switch to github tarball
- Update url
- Update to version 3.6.0:
  * Most notably support for python3 and various tweaks
- Add patch to work with new pip:
  * tweepy-pip2.10.patch
* Thu Feb 18 2016
- update to version 3.5.0:
  New features:
  * Allow 'full_text' param when getting direct messages.
  * Explicitly return api code when parsing error.
  * Remove deprecated function and clean up codes.
  Bug Fixes
  * update_status: first positional argument should be 'status'.
  * Fix "TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly".
  * Fix duplicate raise in
  Additional changes from version 3.4.0:
  New features:
  * Add API for account/settings.
  * Added RateLimitError for easily working with the rate limit.
  * Allow include_email param for verify_credentials API.
  * Added support for the "filter_level" parameter for the streaming API.
  Bug Fixes:
  * Streaming: don't decode stream bytes until json.decode.
  * Typo fix on _add_list_members, _remove_list_members properties.
  * Change raise in to raise exception.
* Thu May 14 2015
- update to version 3.3.0:
  * Loosen our dependency requirements for Requests (>= 2.4.3)
  * Fix issue with streams freezing up on Python 3 (Issue #556)
  * Add keep_alive() callback to StreamListener when keep alive
    messages arrive
  * Fix issue with stream session headers not being used when
    restarting connection
  * Fix issue with streams getting stuck in a loop when connection
    dies. (PR #561)
- additional changes from version 3.2.0
  * Remove deprecated trends methods.
  * Fix tweepy.debug() to work in Python 3.
  * Fixed issue #529 - StreamListener language filter stopped
  * Add Documentation Page for streaming.
  * Add media/upload endpoint.
  * Add media_ids parameter to update_status().
- additional changes from version 3.1.0
  * Allow specifying your own ssl certificates for streaming client.
  * Distribute Python Wheels instead of dumb binaries.
  * Fix cursor invocation, passing args to underlying method.
  * Upgrade to Request 2.4.3
- additional changes from version 3.0
  * Added multiple list members operation api methods
    (add_list_members, remove_list_members).
  * Added sitestream endpoint.
  * Switch to using Requests instead of httplib.
  * Fully removed support for non-secure HTTP.
  * Proxy support.
  * Add API method for /statuses/lookup.json
  * Add missing 'count' parameter to followers_ids
  * Added allowed_param to update_profile_image
  * Comparison between Status objects
  * Extend on_data method by including a conditional to process
    warning messages and add the definition of the method to manage
    those warning messages
  * Better Python 3 support.
- additional changes from version 2.2
  * Added update_profile_banner endpoint.
  * Don't treat HTTP status codes in 200 range as errors.
  * Tests no longer packaged into egg releases.
  * Improve test stability and enable CI testing on pull requests.
  * Removed Basic Auth.
  * Use built-in timeout feature of httplib to fix appengine.
  * Added retweeters() endpoint.
  * Removed deprecated retweeted_by and retweeted_by_ids.
  * Improved datetime parsing. Should be more thread safe.
  * Enable coverage reporting. Upload reports to Coveralls.
  * Removed deprecated test() endpoint.
  * New stream listeners callback on_disconnect(). Called whenever
    "disconnect" messages arrive from Twitter before connection is
  * Compare View
  * Use HTTPS by default.
  * Support setting the starting cursor postion (ex: Ex:
    Cursor(api.friends_ids, cursor=123456))
  * Added API.cached_result instance flag that is "True" when
    cached result is returned.
  * New Streaming client callbacks
  * Improvements to streaming client re-connection behavior /
- add new build dependency python-pip
- remove python-simplejson from dependencies
- add new dependencies python-requests, python-requests-oauthlib
  and python-six to match requirements.txt
- remove the examples directory from site package root
* Fri Nov 15 2013
- Update to version 2.1
  + No changelog available
* Thu Oct 24 2013
- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
* Mon Feb 11 2013
- Update to version 2.0:
  * No changelog available
* Mon Jan 14 2013
- Update to 1.12 version:
  * No changelog available
* Mon Jun 25 2012
- Update to version 1.9:
  + Upstream provides no changelog
* Tue May 31 2011
- Re-generated with py2pack
* Wed Sep 15 2010
- initial version 1.7.1