Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP6





Change Logs

Version: 0.11.2-bp154.1.19
* Mon Dec 28 2020 Benjamin Greiner <>
- Update to 0.11.2
  * Fix TypingError on with complex dtypes. (Issue #403,
    PR #404)
- Changelog for 0.11.1
  * Fix ValueError on with extremely small values.
    (Issue #398, PR #399)
- Changelog for 0.11.0
  * Improve the performance of (Issue #331, PR #389,
    thanks @daletovar)
  * Added the COO.swapaxes method. (PR #344, thanks @lueckem)
  * Added multi-axis 1-D indexing support. (PR #343, thanks
  * Fix outer for arrays that weren’t one-dimensional. (Issue #346,
    PR #347)
  * Add casting kwarg to COO.astype. (Issue #391, PR #392)
  * Fix for COO constructor accepting invalid inputs. (Issue #385,
    PR #386)
  - Changelog for 0.10.0
  * Fixed a bug where converting an empty DOK array to COO leads to
    an incorrect dtype. (Issue #314, PR #315)
  * Change code formatter to black. (PR #284)
  * Add COO.flatten and sparse.outer. (Issue #316, PR #317).
  * Remove broadcasting restriction between sparse arrays and dense
    arrays. (Issue #306, PR #318)
  * Implement deterministic dask tokenization. (Issue #300, PR
    [#320], thanks @danielballan)
  * Improve testing around densification (PR #321, thanks
  * Simplify Numba extension. (PR #324, thanks @eric-wieser).
  * Respect copy=False in astype (PR #328, thanks @eric-wieser).
  * Replace linear_loc with ravel_multi_index, which is 3x faster.
    (PR #330, thanks @eric-wieser).
  * Add error msg to tensordot operation when ndim==0 (Issue #332,
    PR #333, thanks @guilhermeleobas).
  * Maintainence fixes for Sphinx 3.0 and Numba 0.49, and dropping
    support for Python 3.5. (PR #337).
  * Fixed signature for numpy.clip.
- Changelog for 0.9.1
  * Fixed a bug where indexing with an empty list could lead to
    issues. (Issue #281, PR #282)
  * Change code formatter to black. (PR #284)
  * Add the diagonal and diagonalize functions. (Issue #288, PR
    [#289], thanks @pettni)
  * Add HTML repr for notebooks. (PR #283, thanks @daletovar)
  * Avoid making copy of coords when making a new COO array.
  * Add stack and concatenate for GCXS. (Issue #301, PR #303,
    thanks @daletovar).
  * Fix issue where functions dispatching to an attribute access
    wouldn’t work with __array_function__. (Issue #308, PR #309).
  * Add partial support for constructing and mirroring COO objects
    to Numba.
- add sparse-pr421-fix-cootype.patch
  * gh#pydata/sparse#420
  * gh#pydata/sparse#421
* Thu Sep 05 2019 Todd R <>
- Update to 0.8.0
  * Fixed a bug where an array with size == 1 and nnz == 0
    could not be broadcast.
  * Add ``std`` and ``var``.
  * Move to Azure Pipelines with CI for Windows, macOS and
  * Add ``resize``, and change ``reshape`` so it raises a
    ``ValueError`` on shapes that don't correspond to the
    same size.
  * Add ``isposinf`` and ``isneginf``.
  * Fix ``tensordot`` when nnz = 0.
  * Modifications to ``__array_function__`` to allow for sparse
  * Add not-yet-public support for GCXS.
  * Improvements to ``__array_function__``.
  * Convert all Numba lists to typed lists.
  * Why write code when it exists elsewhere?
  * Fix some element-wise operations with scalars.
  * Private modules should be private, and tests should be in the package.
* Tue Apr 09 2019
- version update to 0.7.0
  * python3-only package, for other changes see changelog.rst