Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP2





Change Logs

* Mon Jul 29 2019 Todd R <>
- Use python2 dependency names.
* Tue May 21 2019 Todd R <>
- Fix Provides
* Sun May 19 2019 Todd R <>
- Fix rpmlint warnings
* Sun May 19 2019 Todd R <>
- Create python 2 backwards-compatibility version since 1.3.0+
  doesn't support python 2
* Tue Mar 19 2019 Todd R <>
- Update to 1.2.1
  * SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character 'xe2' in file scipy/stats/ on line 3346, but no encoding declared
  * Version 1.2.0 introduces `too many indices for array` error in `optimize.newton()`
  * scipy.stats.gaussian_kde normalizes the weights keyword argument externally.
  * scipy.linalg.qr_update gives NaN result
  * CI: Is scipy.scipy Windows Python36-32bit-full working?
* Fri Mar 01 2019 Matej Cepl <>
- Use direct number in the Version tag
* Tue Feb 12 2019 Egbert Eich <>
bsc#1130564: Apply update from the openSUSE package
- Properly create and tear down default version links when the
  HPC master packages are installed/uninstalled.
- Make use of %hpc_modules_init to make modules also known to
- Module file:
  * remove PATH element. Package has no binary,
  * make cosmetic changes.
- Remove use of %%python_module in dependency.
* Mon Jan 21 2019 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Trim filler wording from description.
* Fri Jan 18 2019
- Some futher changes:
  * Remove the use of fftw. The code doesn't link against it
    anywhere. For HPC we would have to build things separately
    for different MPI flavors as fftw3 exists only with HPC
    support there.
  * restructure the build process: since the environment for
    the right python version of Numpy needs to be loaded, wrap
    entire build (and install) in %%{python_expand: ..}.
* Thu Jan 17 2019
- Add support for HPC builds:
  * Add _multibuild file
  * Add standard and gnu-hpc builds
  * Create initialization for both flavors to set the correct
    target directories in macros and replace install paths
    with these.
  * Restructure the build process.
  * Create 'master' packages for non-HPC builds.
  * Create environment module information,
* Sat Dec 22 2018 Todd R <>
- Update to version 1.2.0
  * Many changes. Please see changelog at:
* Fri May 11 2018
- Fix build on SLE
* Mon May 07 2018
- Update to version 1.1.0
  * Many changes. Please see changelog at:
* Sun Apr 01 2018
- update to version 1.0.1:
  * Issues closed for 1.0.1
    + #7493: ndimage.morphology functions are broken with numpy 1.13.0
    + #8118: minimize_cobyla broken if disp=True passed
    + #8142: scipy-v1.0.0 pdist with metric=`minkowski` raises
    + #8173: scipy.stats.ortho_group produces all negative
    + #8207: gaussian_filter seg faults on float16 numpy arrays
    + #8234: scipy.optimize.linprog interior-point presolve bug with
    + #8243: Make csgraph importable again via from scipy.sparse
    + #8320: scipy.root segfaults with optimizer 'lm'
  * Pull requests for 1.0.1
    + #8068: BUG: fix numpy deprecation test failures
    + #8082: BUG: fix solve_lyapunov import
    + #8144: MRG: Fix for cobyla
    + #8150: MAINT: resolve UPDATEIFCOPY deprecation errors
    + #8156: BUG: missing check on minkowski w kwarg
    + #8187: BUG: Sign of elements in random orthogonal 2D matrices in
    + #8197: CI: uninstall oclint
    + #8215: Fixes Numpy datatype compatibility issues
    + #8237: BUG: optimize: fix bug when variables fixed by bounds are
    + #8248: BUG: declare "gfk" variable before call of terminate() in
    + #8280: REV: reintroduce csgraph import in scipy.sparse
    + #8322: MAINT: prevent scipy.optimize.root segfault closes #8320
    + #8334: TST: stats: don't use exact equality check for hdmedian
    + #8477: BUG: signal/signaltools: fix wrong refcounting in
    + #8530: BUG: linalg: Fixed typo in flapack.pyf.src.
    + #8566: CI: Temporarily pin Cython version to 0.27.3
    + #8573: Backports for 1.0.1
    + #8581: Fix Cython 0.28 build break of qhull.pyx
* Tue Feb 13 2018
- Don't use openblas on m68k and riscv64
* Thu Oct 26 2017
- Update to version 1.0.0
  * Many changes. Please see changelog at:
- Rebase no_implicit_decl.patch
* Tue Jul 11 2017
- More rpmlint fixes.
* Mon Jul 10 2017
- Update to version 0.19.1
  * #7214: Memory use in integrate.quad in scipy-0.19.0
  * #7258: linalg.matrix_balance gives wrong transformation matrix
  * #7262: Segfault in daily testing
  * #7273: scipy.interpolate._bspl.evaluate_spline gets wrong type
  * #7335: scipy.signal.dlti(A,B,C,D).freqresp() fails
  * #7211: BUG: convolve may yield inconsistent dtypes with method changed
  * #7216: BUG: integrate: fix refcounting bug in quad()
  * #7229: MAINT: special: Rewrite a test of wrightomega
  * #7261: FIX: Corrected the transformation matrix permutation
  * #7265: BUG: Fix broken axis handling in spectral functions
  * #7266: FIX 7262: ckdtree crashes in query_knn.
  * #7279: Upcast half- and single-precision floats to doubles in BSpline...
  * #7336: BUG: Fix signal.dfreqresp for StateSpace systems
  * #7419: Fix several issues in sparse.load_npz, save_npz
  * #7420: BUG: stats: allow integers as kappa4 shape parameters
- Add no_implicit_decl.patch
  Fixes implicit-pointer-decl warnings and implicit-fortify-decl error.
- Fix wrong-script-interpreter rpmlint error.
* Wed Apr 19 2017
- Update to version 0.19.0
  + Highlights
  * A unified foreign function interface layer, `scipy.LowLevelCallable`.
  * Cython API for scalar, typed versions of the universal functions from
    the `scipy.special` module, via `cimport scipy.special.cython_special`.
- Removed weave subpackage. It was removed upstream in this release.
* Fri Oct 21 2016
- Switch to single-spec version
- update to version 0.18.1:
  * #6357: scipy 0.17.1 piecewise cubic hermite interpolation does not
  * #6420: circmean() changed behaviour from 0.17 to 0.18
  * #6421: scipy.linalg.solve_banded overwrites input 'b' when the
  * #6425: cKDTree INF bug
  * #6435: scipy.stats.ks_2samp returns different values on different
  * #6458: Error in scipy.integrate.dblquad when using variable
  * #6405: BUG: sparse: fix elementwise divide for CSR/CSC
  * #6431: BUG: result for insufficient neighbours from cKDTree is
  * #6432: BUG Issue #6421: scipy.linalg.solve_banded overwrites input
  * #6455: DOC: add links to release notes
  * #6462: BUG: interpolate: fix .roots method of PchipInterpolator
  * #6492: BUG: Fix regression in dblquad: #6458
  * #6543: fix the regression in circmean
  * #6545: Revert gh-5938, restore ks_2samp
  * #6557: Backports for 0.18.1
- update to version 0.18.0:
  (see for full changelog)
  * Highlights of this release include:
    + A new ODE solver for two-point boundary value problems,
    + A new class, CubicSpline, for cubic spline interpolation of
    + N-dimensional tensor product polynomials,
    + Spherical Voronoi diagrams, scipy.spatial.SphericalVoronoi.
    + Support for discrete-time linear systems, scipy.signal.dlti.
- update to version 0.17.1:
  * #5817: BUG: skew, kurtosis return np.nan instead of "propagate"
  * #5850: Test failed with sgelsy
  * #5898: interpolate.interp1d crashes using float128
  * #5953: Massive performance regression in cKDTree.query with L_inf
  * #6062: mannwhitneyu breaks backward compatibility in 0.17.0
  * #6134: T test does not handle nans
  * #5902: BUG: interpolate: make interp1d handle np.float128 again
  * #5957: BUG: slow down with p=np.inf in 0.17 cKDTree.query
  * #5970: Actually propagate nans through stats functions with
  * #5971: BUG: linalg: fix lwork check in *gelsy
  * #6074: BUG: special: fixed violation of strict aliasing rules.
  * #6083: BUG: Fix dtype for sum of linear operators
  * #6100: BUG: Fix mannwhitneyu to be backward compatible
  * #6135: Don't pass null pointers to LAPACK, even during workspace
  * #6148: stats: fix handling of nan values in T tests and kendalltau
- specfile:
  * updated source url to
  * require setuptools
  * Add openBLAS support.
    This can improve performance in many situations.
  * Drop ATLAS support.