Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15





Change Logs

Version: 0.15.37-bp150.2.4
* Wed Apr 04 2018
- update to 0.15.37
  * fix incompatibility of C extension with 3.7
* Tue Jan 09 2018
- update to 0.15.35
  * allow None as stream when specifying transform parameters to YAML.dump()
* Thu Oct 12 2017
- update to 0.15.34
  * fix for issue 157: CDumper not dumping floats
  * support for ?undefined? round-tripping tagged scalar objects
  * fix issue 148: replace cryptic error message when using !!timestamp with
  an incorrectly formatted or non- scalar.
  * allow setting yaml.default_flow_style = None (default: False) for for typ='rt'.
  * fix for issue 149: multiplications on ScalarFloat now return float
  * fix Comment dumping
  * fix for issue with ?compact JSON? not parsing: {"in":{},"out":{}}
  * fix issue #51: different indents for mappings and sequences
  * fix for flow sequence/mapping as element/value of block sequence
  with sequence-indent minus dash-offset not equal two.
  * fix issue #61: merge of merge cannot be __repr__-ed
  * fix issue 62, YAML 1.2 allows ? and : in plain scalars if non-ambigious
  * fix lists within lists which would make comments disappear
  * fix for disappearing comment after empty flow sequence
  * fix for problem with dumping (unloaded) floats
  * added ScalarFloat which supports roundtripping of 23.1, 23.100, 42.00E+56,
  0.0, -0.0 etc. while keeping the format. Underscores in mantissas
  are not preserved/supported
  * (finally) fixed longstanding issue 23, now handling comment between block
  mapping key and value correctly
  * warn on YAML 1.1 float input that is incorrect
  * allow setting of boolean representation (false, true)
  by using: yaml.boolean_representation = [u'False', u'True']
  * fix for round_tripping integers on 2.7.X > sys.maxint
  * fix for round_tripping singe excl. mark tags doubling
  * fix for writing unicode in new API,
  * added object constructor for rt, decorator yaml_object to replace YAMLObject.
  * fix for problem using load_all with Path() instance
  * fix for load_all in combination with zero indent block style literal
  (pure=True only!)
  * missing pure attribute on YAML useful for implementing !include tag
  constructor for including YAML files in a YAML file
  * some documentation improvements
  * trigger of doc build on new revision
  * support for Unicode supplementary Plane output
  * fix for issue 135, typ=?safe? not dumping in Python 2.7
  * fix for issue 133, in change ModuleNotFoundError to ImportError
  * suppress duplicate key warning on mappings with merge keys
  * remove fatal dependency of on wheel package
  * fix for issue 130, regression in nested merge keys
  * top level PreservedScalarString not indented if not explicitly asked to
  * some mypy additions
  * fix for issue 127: tagged scalars were always quoted and seperated by
  a newline when in a block sequence
  * allow plug-in install via install ruamel.yaml[jinja2]
  * add plug-in mechanism for load/dump pre resp. post-processing
  * a set() with duplicate elements now throws error in rt loading
  * support for toplevel column zero literal/folded scalar in explicit documents
  * repeat load() on a single YAML() instance would fail.
  * transform parameter on dump that expects a function taking a string
  and returning a string. This allows transformation of the output before
  it is written to stream. This forces creation of the complete output in memory!
  * some updates to the docs
  * update to conform to mypy 0.511: mypy ?strict
  * duplicate keys in mappings generate an error
  * dependecy on ruamel.ordereddict for 2.7 now via extras_require
  * it is now allowed to pass in a pathlib.Path as ?stream? parameter
  to all load/dump functions
  * passing in a non-supported object (e.g. a string) as ?stream? will result
  in a much more meaningful YAMLStreamError.
  * assigning a normal string value to an existing CommentedMap key
  or CommentedSeq element will result in a value cast to the previous
  value?s type if possible.
  * added YAML class for new API
  * fix for issue 119, deepcopy not returning subclasses
  * fix for issue 103 allowing implicit documents after document end marker
  line (...) in YAML 1.2
  * fix problem with emitting using cyaml
* Mon Apr 24 2017
- Update to 0.14.9 (see included CHANGES file)
- Converted to single-spec
- LICENSE file is now provided internally, so dropped Source1
- Dropped python-ruamel.ordereddict as build requirement
* Tue Oct 11 2016
- Initial build    (FATE#321630, bsc#1002895)
  + Include in SLES 12
  + Version 0.12.14