Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP2





Change Logs

* Thu Oct 17 2019 Dirk Mueller <>
- switch to pytest4 actually not pytest3
* Thu Jul 18 2019 Tomá? Chvátal <>
- Hardcode pytest4 for testing as pytest5 fails for now
* Tue May 14 2019 Ond?ej Súkup <>
- update to 0.10.6
- drop tidy-py_modules.patch
- use %pytest macro
  * ConnectionError's raised by responses now indicate which request
    path/method failed to match a mock.
* Sun Feb 10 2019 John Vandenberg <>
- Activate tests
- Remove from package:
  * tidy-py_modules.patch
- Remove unnecessary build dependencies
- Remove inappropriate Suggests
- Add missing changelog entry for v0.10.5
* Tue Feb 05 2019 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>
- Update to 0.10.5
  + Fix callback exception mocking.
  + Improve test coverage
  + Improve build configuration.
- from version 0.10.4
  + Fixed generated wrapper when using `@responses.activate` in Python 3.6+
    when decorated functions use parameter and/or return annotations.
- from version 0.10.3
  + Fixed deprecation warnings in python 3.7 for inspect module usage.
- from version 0.10.2
  + Fixed build setup to use undeprecated `pytest` bin stub.
  + Updated `tox` configuration.
  + Added example of using responses with `pytest.fixture`.
  + Removed dependency on `biscuits` in py3. Instead `http.cookies` is being used.
- from version 0.10.1
  + Packaging fix to distribute wheel (#219).
- from version 0.10.0
  + Fix passing through extra settings (#207).
  + Fix warning on Python 3.7 (#215).
  + Use 'biscuits' library instead of 'cookies' on Python 3.4+ (#218).
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Matej Cepl <>
- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
Version: 0.10.12-1.25
* Thu Mar 19 2020
- version update to 0.10.12
  - Fixed incorrect content-type in `add_callback()` when headers are provided as a list of tuples.
  - Fixed invalid README formatted.
  - Fixed string formatting in error message.
  - Added Python 3.8 support
  - Remove Python 3.4 from test suite matrix.
  - The `response.request` object now has a `params` attribute that contains the query string parameters from the request that was captured.
  - `add_passthru` now supports `re` pattern objects to match URLs.
  - ConnectionErrors raised by responses now include more details on the request that was attempted and the mocks registered.
  - Fixed regression with `add_callback()` and content-type header.
  - Fixed implicit dependency on urllib3>1.23.0
  - Fixed cookie parsing and enabled multiple cookies to be set by using a list of
    tuple values.
  - Added pypi badges to README.
  - Fixed formatting issues in README.
  - Quoted cookie values are returned correctly now.
  - Improved compatibility for pytest 5
  - Module level method names are no longer generated dynamically improving IDE navigation.
* Thu Oct 17 2019
- switch to pytest4 actually not pytest3
* Thu Jul 18 2019
- Hardcode pytest4 for testing as pytest5 fails for now
* Tue May 14 2019
- update to 0.10.6
- drop tidy-py_modules.patch
- use %pytest macro
  * ConnectionError's raised by responses now indicate which request
    path/method failed to match a mock.
* Sun Feb 10 2019
- Activate tests
- Remove from package:
  * tidy-py_modules.patch
- Remove unnecessary build dependencies
- Remove inappropriate Suggests
- Add missing changelog entry for v0.10.5
* Tue Feb 05 2019
- Update to 0.10.5
  + Fix callback exception mocking.
  + Improve test coverage
  + Improve build configuration.
- from version 0.10.4
  + Fixed generated wrapper when using `@responses.activate` in Python 3.6+
    when decorated functions use parameter and/or return annotations.
- from version 0.10.3
  + Fixed deprecation warnings in python 3.7 for inspect module usage.
- from version 0.10.2
  + Fixed build setup to use undeprecated `pytest` bin stub.
  + Updated `tox` configuration.
  + Added example of using responses with `pytest.fixture`.
  + Removed dependency on `biscuits` in py3. Instead `http.cookies` is being used.
- from version 0.10.1
  + Packaging fix to distribute wheel (#219).
- from version 0.10.0
  + Fix passing through extra settings (#207).
  + Fix warning on Python 3.7 (#215).
  + Use 'biscuits' library instead of 'cookies' on Python 3.4+ (#218).
* Tue Dec 04 2018
- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Mon Jul 09 2018
- Update to 0.9.0
  + Support for Python 3.7
  + Support streaming responses for BaseResponse
  + Support custom patch targets for mock
  + Fix unicode support for passthru urls
  + Fix support for unicode in domain names and tlds