Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP2





Change Logs

* Thu May 09 2019
- version update to 3.5
  * Fix DM endpoint handling
- added patches
  fix test for PostDirectMessage endpoint with new data
  + python-python-twitter-fix-test.patch
- run tests
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Matej Cepl <>
- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Sun Jun 10 2018
- update to version 3.4.2:
  * Bugfixes:
  * Allow upload of GIFs with size up to 15mb. See #538
- update to version 3.4.1:
  * Bugfixes:
  * Fix an issue where :py:func:`twitter.twitter_utils.calc_expected_status_length` was failing for python 2 due to a failure to convert a bytes string to unicode. Github issue #546.
  * Documentation fix for :py:func:`twitter.api.Api.UsersLookup`. UsersLookup can take a string or a list and properly parses both of them now. Github issues #535 and #549.
  * Properly decode response content for :py:func:`twitter.twitter_utils.http_to_file`. Github issue #521.
  * Fix an issue with loading extended_tweet entities from Streaming API where tweets would be truncated when converting to a :py:class:`twitter.models.Status`. Github issues #491 and #506.
Version: 3.4-bp150.1.3
* Tue Feb 27 2018
- Update to version 3.4. See changelog for all changes.
- convert to singlespec
- rename to python-python-twitter
* Fri Nov 15 2013
- Update to version 1.1.0
  + Remove from ParseTweet the Python 2.7 only dict comprehension item
  + Fix GetListTimeline condition to enable owner_screen_name based fetching
  + Many fixes for readability and PEP8
  + Cleaning up some of the package importing. Only importing the functions that are needed
  + Also added first build of the sphinx documentation. Copied some info from the readme to the index page
  + Added lines to to help the user troubleshoot install problems. #109
  + Removed the OAuth2 lines from the readme
  + Removed OAuth2 library requirements
  + Added GetListMembers()
- Changes from 1.0.1
  + added README bit about Python version requirement
- Changes from 1.0
  + removed doc directory until we can update docs for v1.1 API
  + added to package the testdata directory
- Changes from 1.0rc1
  + The library is now only for Twitter API v1.1
- Changes from 0.8.7
  + removed GetPublicTimeline from the docs so as to stop confusing
    new folks since it was the first example given
* Mon Feb 11 2013
- Update to 0.8.6
  * update requirements.txt to remove distribute reference
    github commit 3b9214a879e5fbd03036a7d4ae86babc03784846
  * Merge pull request #33 from iElectric/profile_image_url_https
    github commit 67cbb8390701c945a48094795474ca485f092049
  * Change User.NewFromJsonDict so that it will pull from either
    profile_image_url_https or profile_image_url to keep older code
    working properly if they have stored older json data
- Clean the specfile
* Wed May 25 2011
- Update to version 0.8.2
  * Fixed issues 193, 181, 182, 137, 93, 190, 166, 187, 184, 185, 183
- Corrected shebang line for *.py files to use the correct interpreter
* Fri Apr 15 2011
- Update to version 0.8.1
- Spec file cleanup:
  - Added documentation
  - Set to noarch
  - Set license to APLv2
* Mon Sep 21 2009
- Included require in the spec file.
* Tue Aug 18 2009
- Initial package (0.6) for openSUSE.