AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- added %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
- update to 1.4.3: * Render common table expression in combining query * Add support for Python 3.12 * Restore usage of alias in returning expression * Do not use alias in returning expression
- version 1.4.0 * Use unittest discover * Use only column name for INSERT and UPDATE * Add escape to Like operators * Add default literal ‘*’ expression to Count * Add support for Python 3.10
- Version 1.3.0 * Add GROUPS frame to Window * Add exclude to Window * Add method for each type of join * Remove support for Python older than 3.5 * Support Select queries in conditionals and functions
- version update to 1.2.2 Version 1.2.2 - 2021-05-16 * Escape table and column names containing double quote * Use alias on the main table used in UPDATE and INSERT * Add support for Python 3.9 Version 1.2.1 - 2020-10-08 * Fix AttributeError in Select.params with windows
- Version 1.2.0 * Add explicit Windows to Select * Fix missing Windows definitions in nested expressions
- Version 1.1.0 - 2020-01-25 * Add ORDER BY clause to aggregate functions * Add support for Python 3.8 * Add distinct on Select
- Version 1.0.0 * Add Flavor filter_ to fallback to case expression * Allow to use expression in AtTimeZone * Add comparison predicates * Add COLLATE * various bugfixes
- Version 0.9 * Add distinct_on on Select * Allow to use Select as Column of Select query * Support Select without from clause
- singlespec source URL corrected
- corrected name/metaname
- correct naming to python-python-sql correct License
- Version 0.8 * Add DISTINCT qualifier to aggregate expressions * Allow to order on select queries * Add NULL ordering * Use UPPER to simulate missing ILIKE * Add CURRENT_DATE function * Fix DateTrunc function name * Add no_boolean Flavor * Add converter format2numeric * Add rownum limit style * Add no_as Flavor
- upgrade to version 0.7 * Fix WINDOW and HAVING params order in Select * Add window functions * Add filter and within group to aggregate * Add limitstyle with 'offset' and 'limit' * Add Lateral
- upgrade to version 0.6 * Fix Delete query under multithread * Add missing quote for with query name - Changes from version 0.5 * Add schema * Add Common Table Expression * Escape Mod operator '%' with format paramstyle * Deprecate Interesect in favor of Intersect * Add Values - remove build dependencies to python-Genshi, python-lxml
- upgrade to version 0.4
- update to version 0.3
- Initial Build on OBS