Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP1





Change Logs

* Sun Sep 24 2017
- update to version 2.5.1:
  * Fixed xdist breakage (regression in 2.5.0). Fixes #157.
  * Allow setting custom data_file name in .coveragerc. Fixes
    [#145]. Contributed by Jannis Leidel & Ionel Cristian M?rie? in
- changes from version 2.5.0:
  * Always show a summary when --cov-fail-under is used. Contributed
    by Francis Niu in PR#141.
  * Added --cov-branch option. Fixes #85.
  * Improve exception handling in subprocess setup. Fixes #144.
  * Fixed handling when --cov is used multiple times. Fixes #151.
* Wed Mar 01 2017
- Update to version 2.4.0:
  * Added a "disarm" option: --no-cov. It will disable coverage
    measurements. Contributed by Zoltan Kozma in PR#135.
    WARNING: Do not put this in your configuration files, it's meant
    to be an one-off for situations where you want to disable coverage
    from command line.
  * Fixed broken exception handling on .pth file. See #136.
- Converted to single-spec
- Switched source URL to
* Thu Oct 22 2015
- Update to version 2.2.0
  * Added support for changing working directory in tests.
    Previously changing working directory would disable coverage
    measurements in suprocesses.
  * Fixed broken handling for --cov-report=annotate.
- Update to version 2.1.0
  * Added support for coverage 4.0b2.
  * Added the --cov-append command line options.
    Contributed by Christian Ledermann in PR#80.
- Update to version 2.0.0
  * Added --cov-fail-under, akin to the new fail_under option in
    coverage-4.0 (automatically activated if there?s a
    [report] fail_under = ... in .coveragerc).
  * Changed --cov-report=term to automatically upgrade to
  - -cov-report=term-missing if there?s
    [run] show_missing = True in .coveragerc.
  * Changed --cov so it can be used with no path argument
    (in wich case the source settings from .coveragerc will
    be used instead).
  * Fixed .pth installation to work in all cases
    (install, easy_install, wheels, develop etc).
  * Fixed .pth uninstallation to work for wheel installs.
  * Support for coverage 4.0.
  * Data file suffixing changed to use coverage?s
    data_suffix=True option (instead of the custom suffixing).
  * Avoid warning about missing coverage data
    (just like coverage.control.process_startup).
  * Fixed a race condition when running with xdist
    (all the workers tried to combine the files).
    It?s possible that this issue is not present in
    pytest-cov 1.8.X.
* Tue May 12 2015
- update to version 1.8.1:
  * no changelog available
- update project URL
- increase minimum version of python-cov-core and python-pytest
- set a minimum version for python-py
* Wed Jul 30 2014
- Update to 1.7.0
  * No upstream changelog
* Mon Aug 12 2013
- Initial version