AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- Update to 2.5: - Fixed #35: Correctly restore ``sys.argv``. [maurits] - Added back the BusFactor test, the XMLRPC API supports it. - #26: Adding a test to check for a development status classifier. - #21: Accept the new project_urls distribution data. - Now verifies that classifiers are valid, and that the license field and license classifiers match. - The rating now again reflects if the long_description isn't valid ReST. - #38: Recommendations for the License field has changed.
- %python3_only -> %python_alternative
- Update to 2.6 * Ran flake8 and black on the code, better formatting for classifiers.py generation. * Support for PEP 517, setup.cfg-only packages. [Max Tyulin] * Adds support for Markdown long_descriptions, if you set long_description_content_type to 'text/markdown' * Installs Pygments to avoid an error message of you have syntax highlighted code in the long_description.
- Update to 2.5: - Fixed #35: Correctly restore ``sys.argv``. [maurits] - Added back the BusFactor test, the XMLRPC API supports it. - #26: Adding a test to check for a development status classifier. - #21: Accept the new project_urls distribution data. - Now verifies that classifiers are valid, and that the license field and license classifiers match. - The rating now again reflects if the long_description isn't valid ReST. - #38: Recommendations for the License field has changed.
- Trim rhetoric storytelling from descriptions.
- Update to v2.4 - Get rid of the tests that rely on HTML scraping, it's too brittle. - Added -n command line option to set the minimum rating needed for pyroma to return success, useful in scripts. - from 2.3.1 - Fixed installation fails with a non-UTF8 locale under Python 3. - Remove unnecessary build dependency on python-devel - Update URL from BitBucket to GitHub - Use %license - Fix %doc to use README.rst instead of empty README.txt
- Initial version for v2.3