Version: 2.6.1.post1-bp152.1.1
* Tue May 19 2020 Libor Pechacek <>
- Update to 2.6.1.post1
* WHL: Wheels contain PROJ version is 7.0.1
* BUG: Allow *_name to be added in
(issue #585)
* BUG: Fix building prime meridian in
(pull #588)
* BUG: Fix check for numpy bool True kwarg (pull #590)
* DOC: Update pyproj.Proj docstrings for clarity (issue #584)
* Added pyproj.__proj_version__
* BUG: Fix pyproj.proj.Proj.get_factors() (issue #600)
* BUG: fix unequal (!=) with non-CRS type (pull #596)
* Thu Apr 23 2020 Martin Pluskal <>
- Simplify spec file
* Wed Mar 18 2020 Libor Pechacek <>
- Update to 2.6.0
* ENH: Added pyproj.proj.Proj.get_factors (issue #503)
* ENH: Added type hints (issue #369)
* BUG: Don't use CRS classes for defaults in CRS child class init
signatures (issue #554)
* ENH: Updated to pull all relevant axis
information from CRS (issue #557)
* ENH: Added pyproj.transformer.Transform.__eq__ (issue #559)
* ENH: Added (issue #561)
* BUG: Modify CRS dict test to accomodate numpy bool types.
(issue #564)
* BUG: Fix pipeline transformations to match cct (issue #565)
* BUG: Don't silently ignore kwargs when projparams are
specified (Proj & CRS) (issue #565)
* Mon Feb 24 2020 Libor Pechacek <>
- Update to 2.5.0
* Wheels contain PROJ version is 6.3.1
* Remove deprecated PyObject_AsWriteBuffer (issue #495)
* ENH: Added with ignore_axis_order kwarg
(issue #493)
* ENH: Added,, and (pull #501)
* ENH: Added to
namespace (pull #501)
* ENH: Added,,,, (pull #502)
* ENH: Added,,,, (pull #505)
* BUG: Fix getting
when not computed (issue #457)
* ENH: Added support for custom CRS (issue #389)
* ENH: Added enumeration for WKT2_2019 (issue #526)
* ENH: Update from_cf/to_cf to use WKT instead of PROJ strings
for internal management (issue #515)
* Mon Dec 02 2019 Libor Pechacek <>
- Update to 2.4.2.post1
* Elevate +init= warning to FutureWarning (pull #486)
* Add UserWarning to to_proj4() (pull #486)
* BUG: Fix for 32-bit i686 plaforms (issue #481)
* Return ‘inf’ in Proj instead of 1.e30 (pull #491)
* Wed Nov 06 2019 Libor Pechacek <>
- Update to 2.4.1
* Wheels contain PROJ version is 6.2.1 (issue #456)
* Wheels for Linux x86_64 use manylinux2010
* BUG: Fix setting lat_ts for mercator projection in
CRS.from_cf() and CRS.to_cf() (issue #461)
* BUG: latlon -> longlat in CRS.from_cf() for o_proj so
behavior consistent in PROJ 6.2.0 and 6.2.1 (pull #472)
* ENH: Add repr for and for
pyproj.transformer.TransformerGroup (pull #464)
* Mon Nov 04 2019 Libor Pechacek <>
- Packaging: build only for Python 3 (requirement since v2.2.3), update package
description and upstream URL, require Shapely, require PROJ >= 6.2.0
- Update to 2.4.0
* Minimum PROJ version is 6.2.0 (issue #411)
* Removed global pyproj context (issue #418)
* Added support for PROJ JSON in objects and pyproj.Transformer
(pull #432)
* Moved doctests code out of pyproj.__init__ (issue #417)
* Added version information to python -m pyproj (pull #429)
* Added scope & remarks to objects and pyproj.Transformer
(issue #441)
* Added operations to objects and
pyproj.Transformer (issue #441)
* Added pyproj.get_authorities() and pyproj.get_codes() (issue #440)
* Release gil in core cython/PROJ code (issue #386)
* BUG: Added checks for unititialized objects to prevent core
dumping (issue #433)
* BUG: Added fix for get_transform_crs when checking type (pull #439)
* DOC: Build docs with python3 (pull #428)
- Update to 2.3.1
* Added cleanup for internal PROJ errors (issue #184)
* Delay checking for pyproj data directory until importing pyproj (issue #415)
* Address issue where PROJ core dumps on proj_create with +init= when global
context does not have data directory set (issue #415 & issue #368)
- Update to 2.2.3
* Minimum supported Python version 3.5 (issue #331)
+ New pyproj.geod.Geod additions:
* Added support for calculating geodesic area
* and added interface to calculate total length of a line
* (Geod.line_length() & Geod.line_lengths()) (issue #210).
* Added support for calculating geodesic area and line lemgths with
shapely geometries (Geod.geometry_area_perimeter() &
Geod.geometry_length()) (pull #366)
+ New pyproj.transformer additions:
* Added pyproj.transformer.TransformerGroup to make all transformations
available (issue #381)
* Added option for area_of_interest for Transformer.from_crs(),
* Transformer.from_proj() and pyproj.transformer.TransformerGroup
* Added Transformer.area_of_use (issue #385)
* Added (issue #385)
* Updated to only have one PJ_CONTEXT per pyproj session (issue #374)
* Always return latlon with Proj (issue #356)
* Remove aenum dependency (issue #339)
* Removed deprecated functions/properties Proj.proj_version, CRS.is_valid,
and CRS.to_geodetic() (pull #371)
* Search on sys.prefix for the PROJ data directory (issue #387)
- Update to 2.2.2
* Update wheels to PROJ 6.1.1
* Add deprecation warning when using +init= syntax (pull #358)
* Added (pull #359)
* Fixed case in CRS.to_dict() with CRS.to_proj4() returning None (pull #359)
* Keep no_defs in input PROJ string as it does not hurt/help anything in
current code (pull #359)
* Made public properties on C classes readonly (pull #359)
* Update data dir exception handling to prevent ignoring errors (pull #361)
* CRS.to_cf() export transverse mercator parameters for UTM zones (pull #362)
- Update to 2.2.1
* Added pyproj.show_versions() (issue #334)
* Added fix for whitepace around ‘=’ in PROJ strings (issue #345)
* Update version check in (issue #323)
* Add “stable” doc site pointing to latest release (issue #347, pull #348)
* Depreate Proj.proj_version (pull #337)
* Test fixes (pull #333, pull #335)
* Wed Jun 12 2019 Todd R <>
- Update to 2.2.0
* Minimum PROJ version is now 6.1.0
+ `` updates:
* Updated CRS repr (issue #264)
* Add Datum, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateOperation clases (issue #262)
* Added :meth:`` and :meth:`` for
converting to/from Climate and Forcast (CF) 1.8 grid mappings (pull #244)
* Added :meth:`` (issue #226)
* Added :meth:`` (pull #294)
* Added :attr:`` and :attr:`` (issue #316)
* Added :attr:`` (pull #328)
* Provide option to "pretty print" WKT in :attr:`` (issue #258)
* Add support for Bound and Compound CRS for :attr:``, :attr:`` (issue #274)
* Add support for Bound CRS for :attr:`` (issue #374)
* Add support for comparison with CRS a non-crs type supported by :meth:`` (issue #312)
* Added support for ITRF, compound EPSG, and urn projection strings in CRS (pull #289)
* Better handle Compound CRS (issue #265)
* Disallow creation of non-CRS object (eg pipeline) in CRS class (issue #267)
* Added check in :meth:`` for when `proj_list` is null (issue #257)
* Fix comparing classes of non-instance types (issue #310)
+ `pyroj.transformer` updates:
* Added `always_xy` option to Transformer so the transform method will
always accept as input and return as output coordinates using the
traditional GIS order, that is longitude, latitudecfor geographic
CRS and easting, northing for most projected CRS (issue #225)
* Provide `direction` option in :meth:`~pyproj.transformer.Transformer.transform` (issue #266)
* Add check for valid initialization of Transformer and ensure it is a transformer (issue #321)
* Added :meth:`~pyproj.transformer.Transformer.to_wkt` as well as attributes related to `PJ_PROJ_INFO` (pull #322)
* Undo deprecation of :meth:`~pyproj.transformer.Transformer.from_crs` (issue #275)
* Fix false positive errors raised in transformer (issue #249)
* Fix :class:`~pyproj.proj.Proj` initialization from DerivedGeographicCRS (issue #270)
* Add interface to get the projection/ellps/prime_meridian/units lists (issue #251)
* Docs/Build/Test fixes (pull #278, pull #245, pull #248, pull #247, issue #253, pull #252)
- Update to 2.1.3
* Added support for time transformations (issue #208)
* Fixed projection equivalence testing for transformations (pull #231).
* Switch to pytest for testing (pull #230)
* Various testing fixes (pull #223, #222, #221, #220)
* Convert PROJ error messages from bytes to strings (pull #219)
* Fix data dir path separator to be (;) for windows and (:) for linux (pull #234)
- Update to 2.1.2
* Updated to use the CRS definition for Proj instances in transforms (issue #207)
* Add option to skip tranformation operation if input and output projections are equivalent
and always skip if the input and output projections are exact (issue #128)
* Update method for checking PROJ version (pull #211)
* Add internal proj error log messages to exceptions (pull #215)
- Update to 2.1.1
* Restore behavior of 1.9.6 when illegal projection transformation requested
(return ``inf`` instead of raising an exception, issue #202). kwarg ``errcheck``
added to :func:`~pyproj.transformer.transform` and :func:`~pyproj.transformer.itransform`
(default ``False``). When ``errcheck=True`` an exception is raised.
- Update to 2.1.0
* Added :class:`~pyproj.transformer.Transformer` to make repetitive transformations more efficient (issue #187)
* Added fix for using local datumgrids with transform (issue #191)
* Added :meth:`~pyproj.transformer.Transformer.from_pipeline` to support pipeline transformations.
* Added fix for conversion between radians/degrees for transformations (issues #192 & #195)
- Update to 2.0.2
* add filter for boolean values in dict2string so "no_rot=True" works (issue #183).
* make sure .pxd files included in source tarball.
* add radians flag back in for transform/itransform (issue #185).
- Run unit tests
- Fix dependencies
* Mon Mar 11 2019 Martin Pluskal <>
- Update to version 2.0.1:
* Ensure data path set properly for TransProj (pull request #179,
addressed issue #176).
- Changes for version 2.0.0:
* Update to PROJ.4 version 6.0.0 & removed support for older
PROJ.4 versions.
* Added pyproj.CRS class.
* Updated pyproj.Proj & pyproj.transform to accept any input
from CRS.from_user_input.
* Removed internal PROJ.4 source code.
* Changed default for preserve_units to be True in pyproj.Proj
class initialization.
* Modified logic for searching for the PROJ.4 data directory to
not conflict with older versions of PROJ.4.
* Added pyproject.toml.
- Temporarily disable tests
* Tue Feb 05 2019 Bruno Friedmann <>
- update to 1.9.6 (python3.7 support)
- spec-cleaner minimal
* Tue May 15 2018
- Packaging :
+ move to python singlespec
+ use %check and run unit tests for version >= 1500
+ spec-cleaner (date/license)
- update upstream release
* fix for issue #42 compilation error with microsoft visual studio
+ 1.9.5
* update proj4 source to latest github master commit 953cc00f
* port of basemap fix for input arrays in fortran order
* restore inverse Hammer patch that was lost when proj4 source
code was updated.
* Fri Oct 23 2015
- Packaging : merged package to python-pyproj src in App:Geo
* Wed Oct 21 2015
- update upstream release 1.9.4
+ 1.9.4 (git tag v1.9.4rel)
* migrate to github from googlecode.
* update proj4 source code from svn r2595 (version 4.9.0RC2).
* include runtime_library_dirs in
* added to_latlong method (issue 51).
* fix back azimuth when lon1 and lon2 are identical.
+ 1.9.3 (svn revision 327)
* Geod now uses C code adapted from geographiclib now included
in proj4 source, instead of pure python code directly from
* make radians=True work with Geod.npts (issue 47).
* allow PROJ_DIR env var to control location of proj data
(issue 40).
+ 1.9.2 (svn revision 301)
* updated proj4 src to 4.8.0 - includes two new map
projections (natearth and isea).
+ 1.9.1 (svn revision 285)
* restore compatibility with python 2.4/2.5, which was broken
by the addition of the geographiclib geodesic
module (issue 36).
- packaging
+ create equivalent python3 package
+ cleanup spec format
* Sat Feb 11 2012
- first openSuse release 1.9.0