AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- Update to 0.7.2: * minor bugfixes
- Update to vetison 0.7: * Drop support for Python <= 2.7 * Fix: Make sure the builder objects can be used to parse box files even if Tesseract is not installed. * PyOCR version is now automatically set in the module by setuptools_scm instead of PyOCR's Makefile (except on Windows) * Tesseract: optim: keep the get_version() in memory instead of calling Tesseract everytime (get_version() by psm_parameter() which is called each time a box file is parsed ...) - Update project url and source to gitlab
- Update to version 0.5: * Tesseract/Libtesseract + LineBoxBuilder: Add confidence scores to every word boxes and to hOCR files (thanks to Adriano Pagano) * Tesseract 4 (shell): Add '--oem 0' to specify legacy model when doing orientation detection as orientation detection does not work yet with Tesseract 4 (thanks to Adriano Pagano) * Libtesseract: Fix multi-language support * Tesseract (shell) + Windows: Never let the cmd window appear * Libtesseract: Implements image_to_pdf() (thanks to Marian Skrip) * Libtesseract: Hide debug messages (thanks to Ashish Kulkarni) - Update project url and use github sources
- Use python singlespec
- update to version 0.4.1
- v0.2.3 initial pull from pypi