AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- version update to 20.1.0 - Carriage returns (``\r``) are now stripped before hashing ``pem`` objects to provide consistent hashes across platforms. `#40 <https://github.com/hynek/pem/issues/40>`_ - Python 3.4 is not supported anymore. It has been unsupported by the Python core team for a while now and its PyPI downloads are negligible. - Added support for ``pem.OpenSSHPrivateKey`` (``OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY``). OpenSSH added a new ``BEGIN`` label when it switched to a proprietary key encoding. `#39 <https://github.com/hynek/pem/pull/39>`_
- Update to 19.2.0: * Added support for pem.ECPrivateKey (EC PRIVATE KEY).
- update to version 19.1.0 * You can now load encrypted PKCS#8 PEM key as ``pem.Key``. * Added support for ``pem.PublicKey`` (``PUBLIC KEY``). * Added support for ``pem.RSAPublicKey`` (``RSA PUBLIC KEY``).
- Trim replicated metadata from description.
- Mark as noarch since the package does not compile anything
- initial version 18.2.0