Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP2





Change Logs

* Tue Oct 08 2019 Tomá? Chvátal <>
- Update to 0.8.1:
  * A new connector for Econdb
  * Migrated IEX readers to IEX Cloud
  * Removal of Google finance and Morningstar
  * Immediate deprecation of Robinhood for quotes and historical data
* Sat Aug 03 2019 Arun Persaud <>
- specfile:
  * update copyright year
- update to version 0.7.4:
  * This release restores Python 2.7 compatibility for the 0.7 branch.
- changes from version 0.7.3:
  * This is a patch release that fixes a break due to changes in
    pandas 0.25. It is otherwise identical to v0.7.0. It fixes issues
    missed in v0.7.2.
- changes from version 0.7.2:
  * This is a patch release that fixes a break due to changes in
    pandas 0.25. It is otherwise identical to v0.7.0. It fixes issues
    missed in v0.7.1.
- changes from version 0.7.1:
  * This is a patch release that fixes a break due to changes in
    pandas 0.25. It is otherwise identical to v0.7.0.
* Sun Sep 16 2018 Arun Persaud <>
- specfile:
  * remove devel from noarch
  * be more specific in %files section
- update to version 0.7.0:
  * Highlights include:
    + Immediate deprecation of Google finance and Morningstar for
    historical price data, as these API endpoints are no longer
    supported by their respective providers. Alternate methods are
    welcome via pull requests, as PDR would like to restore these
    + Removal of EDGAR, which was deprecated in v0.6.0.
  * Enhancements
    + A new data connector for data provided by `Alpha Vantage
    <>`__ was introduced to
    obtain Foreign Exchange (FX) data.  (:issue:`389`)
    + A new data connector for data provided by `Alpha Vantage
    <>`__ was introduced to
    obtain historical time series data.  (:issue:`389`)
    + A new data connector for data provided by `Alpha Vantage
    <>`__ was introduced to
    obtain sector performance data, accessed through the top-level
    function "get_sector_performance_av".  (:issue:`389`)
    + A new data connector for data provided by `Alpha Vantage
    <>`__ was introduced to
    obtain real-time Batch Stock Quotes through the top-level
    function "get_quote_av".  (:issue:`389`)
    + MOEX data connector now supports multiple symbols in
    constructor.  (:issue:`562`)
  * Backwards incompatible API changes
    + Deprecation of Google finance daily reader.  Google retired the
    remaining financial data end point in June 2018.  It is not
    possible to reliably retrieve historical price data without this
    endpoint. The Google daily reader will raise an
    `ImmediateDeprecationError` when called.
    + Deprecation of Morningstar daily reader. Morningstar ended
    support for the historical price data endpoint in July 2018. It
    is not possible to retrieve historical price data without this
    endpoint. The Morningstar daily reader will raise an
    `ImmediateDeprecationError` when called.
    + When requesting multiple symbols from a DailyReader (ex: google,
    yahoo, IEX) a MultiIndex DataFrame is now returned.  Previously
    Panel or dict of DataFrames were returned. (:issue:`297`).
  * Bug Fixes
    + Added support for passing the API KEY to QuandlReader either
    directly or by setting the environmental variable QUANDL_API_KEY
    + Added support for optionally passing a custom base_url to the
    EnigmaReader (:issue:`499`).
    + Fix Yahoo! price data (:issue:`498`).
    + Added back support for Yahoo! price, dividends, and splits data
    for stocks and currency pairs (:issue:`487`).
    + Add `is_list_like` to compatibility layer to avoid failure on
    pandas >= 0.23 (:issue:`520`).
    + Fixed Yahoo! time offset (:issue:`487`).
    + Fix Yahoo! quote reader (:issue: `540`).
    + Remove import of deprecated `tm.get_data_path` (:issue: `566`)
    + Allow full usage of stooq url parameters.
    + Removed unused requests-file and requests-ftp dependencies.
    + Fix Yahoo! actions issue where the default reporting adjusts
    dividends. The unadjusted dividends may lack precision due to
    accumulated numerical error when converting adjustedto the
    original dividend amount. (:issue: `495`)
* Thu Jun 07 2018
- Repeal time-sensitive wording from description.
* Thu May 03 2018
- Use %license tag
* Mon Feb 19 2018
- specfile:
  * update copyright year
  * update required version for panda
  * require warpt (from
  * require versioneer
- update to version 0.6.0:
  * warning
    + Yahoo!, Google Options, Google Quotes and EDGAR have been
    immediately deprecated.
  * note
    + Google finance is still functioning for historical price data,
    although there are frequent reports of failures.  Failure is
    frequently encountered when bulk downloading historical price
  * Highlights include:
    + Immediate deprecation of Yahoo!, Google Options and Quotes and
    EDGAR. The end points behind these APIs have radically changed
    and the existing readers require complete rewrites. In the case
    of most Yahoo! data the endpoints have been removed.  PDR would
    like to restore these features, and pull requests are welcome.
    + A new connector for Tiingo was introduced.  Tiingo provides
    historical end-of-day data for a large set of equities, ETFs and
    mutual funds. Free registration is required to get an API key
    + A new connector for Robinhood was introduced.  This provides up
    to 1 year of historical end-of-day data. It also provides near
    real-time quotes.  (:issue:`477`).
    + A new connector for Morningstar Open, High, Low, Close and
    Volume was introduced (:issue:`467`)
    + A new connector for IEX daily price data was introduced
    + A new connector for IEX the majority of the IEX API was
    introduced (:issue:`446`).
    + A new data connector for stock index data provided by Stooq was
    introduced (:issue:`447`).
    + A new data connector for data provided by the Bank of Canada was
    introduced (:issue:`440`).
  * Enhancements
    + A new data connector for data provided by the `Bank of Canada
    <>`__ was introduced.
    + A new data connector for stock index data provided by `Stooq
    <>`__ was introduced. (:issue:`447`)
    + A new connector for IEX the majority of the `IEX API
    <>`__ was introduced
    + A new connector for `IEX daily price data
    <>`__ was introduced
    + A new data connector for stock pricing data provided by
    `Morningstar <>`__ was
    introduced. (:issue:`467`)
    + A new data connector for stock pricing data provided by
    `Robinhood <>`__ was
    introduced. (:issue:`477`)
    + A new data connector for stock pricing data provided by `Tiingo
    <>`__ was introduced. (:issue:`478`)
  * Backwards incompatible API changes
    + Deprecation of Yahoo readers.  Yahoo! retired the financial data
    end points in late 2017.  It is not possible to reliably
    retrieve data from Yahoo! without these endpoints. The Yahoo!
    readers have been immediately deprecated and will raise an
    `ImmediateDeprecationError` when called.
    + Deprecation of EDGAR readers. EDGAR substantially altered their
    API. The EDGAR readers have been immediately deprecated and will
    raise an `ImmediateDeprecationError` when called.
    + Google finance data will raise an `UnstableAPIWarning` when
    first called.  Google has also altered their API in a way that
    makes reading data unreliable.  It many call it works.  However
    it also regularly fails, especially when used for bulk
    downloading. Google may be removed in the future.
  * Bug Fixes
    + `freq` parameter was added to the WorldBank connector to address
    a limitation (:issue:`198`, :issue:`449`).
    + The Enigma data connector was updated to the latest API
    + The Google finance endpoint was updated to the latest value
    + Tne end point for FRED was updated to the latest values
    + Tne end point for WorldBank was updated to the latest values
  * Other Changes
    + The minimum tested pandas version was increased to 0.19.2
    + Added versioneer to simplifying release (:issue:`442`).
    + Added doctr to automatically build docs for gh-pages
* Fri Aug 18 2017
- Update to version 0.5.0
  + Enhancements
  * DataReader now supports Quandl, see here (GH361).
  + Backwards incompatible API changes
  * Removed Oanda as it became subscription only (GH296).
  + Bug Fixes
  * web sessions are closed properly at the end of use (GH355)
  * Handle commas in large price quotes (GH345)
  * Test suite fixes for test_get_options_data (GH352)
  * Test suite fixes for test_wdi_download (GH350)
  * avoid monkey patching requests.Session (GH301)
  * get_data_yahoo() now treats 'null' strings as missing values (GH342)
* Thu May 18 2017
- Implement single-spec version
- Fix source URL
- Update to version 0.4.0
  + Enhancements
  * Compat with pandas 0.20.1 (:issue:`304`, :issue:`320`)
  * Switched test framework to use ``pytest`` (:issue:`310`, :issue:`312`)
  + Backwards incompatible API changes
  * Support has been dropped for Python 2.6 and 3.4 (:issue:`313`)
  * Support has been dropped for `pandas` versions before 0.17.0 (:issue:`313`)
- Update to version 0.3.0
  + New features
  * ``DataReader`` now supports dividend only pulls from Yahoo! Finance, see :ref:`here<>` (:issue:`138`).
  * ``DataReader`` now supports downloading mutual fund prices from the Thrift Savings Plan, see :ref:`here<remote_data.tsp>` (:issue:`157`).
  * ``DataReader`` now supports Google options data source, see :ref:`here<remote_data.google_options>` (:issue:`148`).
  * ``DataReader`` now supports Google quotes, see :ref:`here<remote_data.google_quotes>` (:issue:`188`).
  * ``DataReader`` now supports Enigma dataset.  see :ref:`here<remote_data.enigma>` (:issue:`245`).
  * ``DataReader`` now supports downloading a full list of NASDAQ listed symbols.  see :ref:`here<remote_data.nasdaq_symbols>` (:issue:`254`).
  + Other enhancements
  * Eurostat reader now supports larger data returned from API via zip format. (:issue:`205`)
  * Added support for Python 3.6.
  * Added support for pandas 19.2
  + Bug Fixes
  * Fixed bug that caused ``DataReader`` to fail if company name has a comma. (:issue:`85`).
  * Fixed bug in ``YahooOptions`` caused as a result of change in yahoo website format. (:issue:`244`).
* Tue Feb 02 2016
- Initial version