Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

Version: 2.3.0-bp152.3.16
* Sat Apr 21 2018
- specfile:
  * changed from zip to tar.gz on pypi
  * added binaries: imagio_{download,remove}_bin
- update to version 2.3.0:
  * Console entry points for binary downloads (by Paul Mueller).
  * Dropped support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3.
  * Reading images from a url can now also have "suffixes" like
  * The "mimwrite()" and "mvolwrite()" functions also work with
  * Fix rounding of float data.
  * New Lytro plugin (by Maximilian Schambach).
  * New plugin based on BSDF format (for images/volumes and series
  * including support for random access and streaming).
  * TIFFFILE update to latest "" implementation.
  * DICOM fix that could fail in the presence of a directory.
  * PILLOW improvements to API to provide same functionality as
    Scipy's "imread()".
  * PILLOW fix for Gamma correction (#302).
  * PILLOW now allows JPEG images to be read from a url.
  * PILLOW fix determining of grayscale in 1 bit paletted images.
  * FFMPEG improved device name parsing (by Dennis van Gerwen).
  * FFMPEG now allows more control of position of extra parameters.
  * FFMPEG improved parsing of fps from ffmpeg info.
  * FFMPEG reader allows has "fps" argument to force reading at a
    specific FPS.
- changes from version 2.2.0:
  * New format for grabbing screenshots (for Windows and OS X).
  * New format for grabbing image data from clipboard (Window only).
  * Multipage Tiff files can now be read using "volread()" to obtain
    the image data as one array.
  * Updated the ffmpeg executables that imageio provides.
  * The ffmpeg format can now also use the ffmpeg exe provided by the
    ffmpeg conda package ("conda install ffmpeg -c conda-forge").
  * Fixes to ffmpeg format in general.
  * Improve docs and rounding in animated GIF duration.
  * Fix for setting number of loops in animated GIF.
  * Fixes for transparent images in Pillow.
  * Fixes for float indexing that is disallowed in new Numpy
    (Freeimage plugin).
  * Fix for using missing "close()" on Pillow images.
  * Updated version of tiffile plugin.
* Sat Mar 03 2018
- Update descriptions.
* Wed May 17 2017
- Implement single-spec version
- Fix source URL
- Update to version 2.1.2
  Large number of changes, see:
* Tue Dec 09 2014
- Initial version