Package Release Info


Update Info: SUSE-SLE-Module-Packagehub-Subpackages-15-SP5-2023-2783
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5 Subpackages Updates





Change Logs

* Thu Jul 21 2022
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
* Thu Nov 18 2021
- Update to 10.0
  * *Noteworthy changes:**
  * Merged pull request `#45`_ to resolve the issue caused by the conditional
    :pypi:`pyreadline` requirement on Windows not supporting Python 3.9+.
  * Updated the readme to use Python 3 in the example (reported in issue `#56`_).
    Also added a mention of the ``humanfriendly --demo`` command.
  * Removed the ``humanfriendly.compat.unittest`` alias that presumably no-one is
    using at this point; it had been rendered useless quite a long time ago
    (requested in issue `#53`_).
  * *Internal changes:**
  * Merged pull request `#54`_ which migrates the :pypi:`humanfriendly` project
    from Travis CI to GitHub Actions and from to Codecov.
  * Fixed a deprecation warning concerning ``setup.cfg`` and some Sphinx
    documentation errors.
* Tue Aug 17 2021
- Update to 9.2
  Maintenance release:
  * Merged pull request `#46`_ which fixes several :pypi:`flake8` warnings.
  * Merged pull request `#49`_ which marks Python 3.9 support final.
  * Merged pull request `#51`_ which helps to stabilize the test suite.
  * Merged pull request `#52`_ which updates the :mod:`humanfriendly.sphinx`
    module to include Sphinx extension metadata that has become mandatory in a
    recent Sphinx release. After merging the pull request I added additional
    metadata including the version.
- from version 9.1
  * Added :func:`~humanfriendly.compat.on_macos()` function to detect Apple MacOS
    (I need this in an upcoming :pypi:`coloredlogs` release and don't want to have
    to think about how to detect MacOS again in the future 😇).
- from version 9.0
  The major version number was bumped because the bug fix for
  :func:`~humanfriendly.text.pluralize()` is backwards incompatible
  and (even though this seems like very "cosmetic" functionality)
  version numbers are cheap, so who cares 😉.
  * *Bug fixes:**
  * Changed :func:`~humanfriendly.format_number()` to properly support negative
    numbers (as suggested in `issue #40`_).
  * Changed :func:`~humanfriendly.text.pluralize()` to generate "1.5 seconds"
    instead of "1.5 second" (as suggested in `issue #43`_).
  * *Enhancements:**
  * Enhanced :func:`~humanfriendly.text.concatenate()` to support ``conjunction``
    and ``serial_comma`` keyword arguments (as suggested in `issue #30`_).
  * Added :func:`~humanfriendly.text.pluralize_raw()` to select singular or
    plural form without prefixing the count to the text that is returned.
- from version 8.2
  * Added a simple case insensitive dictionary implementation, for details refer to
    the new :mod:`` module.
* Thu Apr 23 2020
- Fix build without python2
* Mon Mar 30 2020
- Update to 8.1
  * Make it possible to opt out of the output capturing that
    :func:`humanfriendly.testing.run_cli()` sets up by default.
  * Improve feature parity between :class:`humanfriendly.testing.CaptureOutput`
    and my :pypi:`capturer` package to the point where most of the
    :pypi:`humanfriendly` test suite can now run without :pypi:`capturer`.
  * Refactored the test suite to import all names separately instead of referring
    to identifiers via their modules (my preferences have changed since this code
    was written a long time ago).
  * Adopt :func:`functools.wraps()` to make decorator functions more robust.
  * Make the :class:`~humanfriendly.terminal.spinners.Spinner` class more
    customizable. The interval at which spinners are updated and the characters
    used to draw the animation of spinners can now be customized by callers.
    This was triggered by `executor issue #2`_.
  * Improve test skipping based on exception types.
  * The "deprecated imports" feature provided by :mod:`humanfriendly.deprecation`
    has been adopted to clean up the maze of (almost but not quite) cyclic import
    dependencies between modules.
  * HTML to ANSI functionality has been extracted to a new
    :mod:`humanfriendly.terminal.html` module.
  * Support for spinners has been extracted to a new
    :mod:`humanfriendly.terminal.spinners` module.
  * The use of positional arguments to initialize
    :class:`~humanfriendly.terminal.spinners.Spinner` objects has been deprecated
    using the new :func:`humanfriendly.deprecation.deprecated_args()` decorator
  * Added the :func:`humanfriendly.deprecation.deprecated_args()` decorator function
    which makes it easy to switch from positional arguments to keyword arguments
    without dropping backwards compatibility.
  * Accept pluralized disk size units (`#26`_). I'm not claiming this is a full
    solution to the problem, far from it. It does lessen the pain a bit (IMHO).
  * Make sure the selected pager is available before trying to run it. While
    testing :pypi:`humanfriendly` on Windows 10 I noticed that ``humanfriendly
  * -help`` resulted in nothing but a traceback, because :man:`less` wasn't
    available. That's not human friendly at all 😕 (even if it is Windows 😈).
  * Merge pull request `#24`_: Fix bug in :func:`~humanfriendly.parse_length()` that rounded floats.
  * Merge pull request `#32`_: Update hyperlinks in readme.
  * Merge pull request `#33`_: Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.0-3.4
  * Merge pull request `#35`_: SVG badge in readme.
  * Merge pull request `#36`_: Add support for nanoseconds and microseconds time units
  * Fixed :func:`~humanfriendly.tables.format_rst_table()` omission from
  * Start testing on Python 3.8 and 3.9-dev.
  * Emit an ANSI reset code when :func:`humanfriendly.terminal.html.HTMLConverter.close()`
  * Added the :func:`humanfriendly.terminal.html_to_ansi()` function which is a
  * Added ``humanfriendly.testing.TestCase.assertRaises()`` enhancements.
  * Define ``humanfriendly.text.__all__``.
* Sat Feb 15 2020
- Update to 6.1:
  - Added a :pypy:`...` role for easy linking to packages on the
    Python Package Index, for details refer to
  - Wasted quite a bit of time debugging a MacOS failure on
    Travis CI caused by a broken man`pip` installation, fixed by
    using to bootstrap an installation that actually
    works wink.
  - Enable :class:`~humanfriendly.testing.MockedProgram` to
    customize the shell script code of mocked programs. This was
    added to make it easy to mock a program that is expected to
    generate specific output (I'm planning to use this in the
    :pypi:`linux-utils` test suite).
  - Defined __all__ for all public modules that previously lacked
    "export control" and decided to bump the major version number
    as a precaution:
  - These changes should not have any impact on backwards
    compatibility, unless I forgot entries, in which case
    callers can get :exc:`~exceptions.ImportError`
  - Imports of public modules were previously exported
    (implicitly) and this pollutes code completion suggestions
    which in turn can encourage bad practices (not importing
    things using their "canonical" name).
  - I started developing the humanfriendly package years before
    I learned about the value of defining __all__ and so some
    modules lacked a definition until now. I decided that now
    was as good a time as any to add those definitions
  - Simplified the headings in docs/api.rst so that only the
    module names remain. This was done because Sphinx doesn't
    support nested links in HTML output and thus generated really
    weird "Table of Contents" listings.
  - Fixed the reStructuredText references in the documentation of
    :func:`~humanfriendly.prompts.prompt_for_choice()`. This
    function is imported from :mod:`humanfriendly.prompts` to
    :mod:`humanfriendly` (for backwards compatibility) where it
    can't use relative references to refer to the other functions
    in the :mod:`humanfriendly.prompts` module.
  - Embedded quite a few Python API references into recent
    changelog entries, just because I could (I heart what
    hyperlinks can do for the usability of technical
    documentation, it gives a lot more context).
  - Added custom :man:`...` role for easy linking to Linux manual
    pages to the :mod:`humanfriendly.sphinx` module.
  - Changed rendering of pretty tables to expand tab characters
    to spaces: Until now pretty tables did not take the variable
    width of tab characters into account which resulted in tables
    whose "line drawing characters" were visually misaligned.
    Tabs are now expanded to spaces using str.expandtabs().
  - Stop testing on Python 2.6 and drop official support. The
    world (including Travis CI) has moved on and preserving
    Python 2.6 compatibility was clearly starting to drag the
    project down...
  - I decided to bump the major version number because each of
    these changes can be considered backwards incompatible in one
    way or another and version numbers are cheap anyway so there
* Wed Dec 11 2019
- Require full python stack for sqlite module
* Fri Mar 29 2019
- Simplify the multibuild conditioning and name creation
* Tue Mar 12 2019
- Update to 4.18:
  * Added humanfriendly.text.generate_slug() function.
  * Fixed "invalid escape sequence" DeprecationWarning (pointed out by Python >= 3.6).
* Thu Jan 31 2019
- Update to 4.17:
  * compatibility with python 3.7